106 Adcock- 42 Agee- 3 Aiken- 5 Ainsworth- 30 Alabama-38

106 Adcock- 42 Agee- 3 Aiken- 5 Ainsworth- 30 Alabama-38

A Bagnall/Bagnell- 90 Birmingham, Ala.- 95 Bailey-17,29,91,106 Biscaro- 69 Aaron-68, 75 Bain- 82 Blackburn- 18 Aborigines of America, Baldwin-3,7,41,43 Blacksher- 23,50 96 Baldwin Co .. Assn.-23 Blake-19,35,57,60,82,84. Abbott,- 19 Baly- 52 Blakeley/Blakely (Ala.)-5,8, Abernathy- 66 Barchard Tract- 100 31;54,55,71,72,74,75~76, Adams- 106 Barlow- 4,18,68 78,88,89,90,104,105,106 Adcock- 42 Barnes- 30 Blakeley Hotel & Boarding Agee- 3 Barnett- 13 House- 89,106 Aiken- 5 Barney- 105, 106 Blanchard.,- 60 Ainsworth- 30 Barrow- 42 Bliss- 70 Alabama-38,39,53,61,64, Bartram- 107 Blue- 48,69 66,81,98,103 Bassett- 71,78 Bluff Springs,Fla.- 15 Alabama Cavalry, 2nd/ Bates- 45,47,52,7,29, Boden- 69 15th- 51 41,42;43 ~ 71 Boltz- 26 Alabama (gov't)- 106 Bartram- 5 Bon Secour,Ala.- 10,11,12, Alabama Inf., 23rd-SI Barton- 3 13,14 Alabama Hotel- 105 Battery Bowyer, 39 Booker- 67 Alabama Legislature- Battery Duportail- 39 Boon/Boone- 65,67 50, 95 Battery Dearborn- 39 Booth- 4,15,16,17,19,20, Alabama Point (& Pass)- Battery Schenk- 39 25,43,51,67,78,79 39, 101,102,103 Battery Thomas- 39 Boston,Mass.- 51,76,88 Alabama Territory- 71, Battle: of Horseshoe Bowles- 97 72,89,99,104 Bend-· 38 Bowman- 68 Albany, NY- 75 Battle of Mobile Bay-39 Bowyer- 37,38 Albers- 82,107 Battle of Chicamauga-107 Boyd- 74 Alexan-. 69 Battle of New Orleans- Boyles- 19,20,23,24 Alexander- 69 38 Boyett/Boyette- 107 Allegri- 1,35,57,84 Baxley- 70 Bracewell- 92 Allen- 68,82 Bay Circle- 101 Brannon- 86 Alston- 60 Bay La Launche- 100,101 Breazeale- 28,90,91 American Consul- 51 Bay Minette,Ala.-5,26,28, Briant- 45 Amos/Amoss- 55 40,64,76,90,95 Brewer- 3 Anderson- 46,60 Bay Minette Courthouse- Briars- 7,47,70 Andra- 7, c+3, 45 26,76 Brickyard Place- 87 Andrews- 44 Bayou Defango- 74 Bridges- 48 Arkansas Territory-106 Bayou Solima- 44 ~right- 71 Arlington,Ala.- 53 Bay St. John- 100,102 Brightwell- 41 Armistead-1,3,31,35,44, Beard- 7,47,68 British-(Army/Navy)-80,81, 54,55,57,76,84,104 Bear Point-100,101,102 ' 87, 88 Armstrong-3,10,26,27,43 Beasley- 107 Britt-- ·30 ,: Armstrong,Mallory & Co.- Beck- 20 Broadnax- 3 ,,. .. 55 Bedgood- 25 Brooks- 15 Aron- 7 Belt- 19~25,78,79 Brown-Browne-l,11,12,14,26, Arrington- 51 Bernard- 37 27,28,29,30,35,40,57,64, Atkinson- '18, 21, 24, 25, 51 Bertrand- 13 69,84,96,101,103 Atmore,Ala.-12,55,80 Bethlehem Assn.-17,18,21 Brownjohn- 69 Austin- 75,105 Betts- 82 Brown's Landing- 11 Avis- 68 Bibb- 72 Brown's Ferry- 8 Bienville Square- 15 Brumley- 67 B Bigland- 105 Bryant- 17,67 iBilbro- 30 Btyars/Bryers- 4,27,28;30, Bagby- 99 Bill- 71,89 42,68 Bagge- 1,35,57,84 Biloxi,Miss.- 14 Buchanan- 39 Bagley- 70 Binham- 69 Buford- 7,42,48 I08 Bull, 55 Chicago, Ill., 59 Cochran, 70 Bullard, 19 Childress, 100,103 Cofmon, 68 Burkhart, 101 Christian, 7,69 Coghlan, 28, 31 Burlington,Vt., 75 Churches: Coil, 17 Burns, 7,61 Byrneville, 15 Cole, 90 Burnt Corn Spring, 8 Cathedral Notre Dame de Coleman, 30 Butler" 74 Bon Secours,Montreal, Collins, 30/69 Burne/Byrne, 4,15,16,65, 10 Columbus, 10 68,80,81 Coon Hill Methodist,15 Comings, 82,107 Fellowship Tabernacle, Conaway, 42 C 93 Conecuh Co.,Ala. 55,82 1st Baptist of Foley, Confederacy, 51 Cabras, 69 102 Conf. States of America,38 Cadiz,Spain, 51 1st Baptist of Sp.Fort, Connecticut, 74 Cahaba Valley, 8 91) 92, 94 Connelly, 87 Callaway, 100,101,102,103 Friendship Baptist, 13 Constock, 102 Caller, 104 Flat Creek, 17 Conway, 67,68,69 Carleton Dry Goods Co.,78 Guy's Chapel, 28,31 Cook, 10,ll,13,14,22,30,31, Camden, Ala, 51 Holly Creek Union~ 17, 40,60,69,91 Camille (Hurricane), 14 29 Cooldrige, 49 Campbell, 97 Latham, 31 Cooledge/Coolidge, 70,71,72, Camp Montgomery, 4,5 Limestone, 17 89 Candler,· 30 Mamie's Chapel, 31,90 Cooper, 27,28,29,76 Cape Main, 105 Methodist Ch., 90 Cosper, 63 Captain Jack~ 96 Montgomery Baptist, 19 Corna, 69 Carmon, 42 Montgomery Hill 11 , 17 Cotton, 45 Carney, 7,49 Minneola, 29 Cotton Bayou, 101,102,103 Carpenter, 41,70 Montpelier, 31 Coweta, 8) 86 Carpenter's Station, 40,80, Mount Gilead, 17 Cowham, 101 82 Mt. Pe lier, 29 Cowpens Plantation, 87 Carson, 4,7,42,52 Mt. Pleasant, 29 Cox, 18,30,91 Carter, 7,43,49 Our Lady of Bon Secour, Crabtree, 45,52,70 Caruson, 30 13 Crawford, 3,46,48,63,67 Cass, 87 Our Lady of Good Health Creagh, 3 Casttoc, 69 13 Creek War, 17 Caswell,Ala., 101 Palmetto Baptist, 91 Crigler, 1,35,57,76,84 Caton, 70 Presbyterian, 102 Crosby, 28,30,69 Cahawba, 89 Red Hill, 29 Grassland, 51 Cemeteries: Montgomery Hill St. Anthony,St., 17 Crowell, 87 Baptist Church,23,51 St. Peter's Episcopal Crµzan, 92 Montrose, 61,63 Church By the Sea, Cuba, 105 Wilson, 94 13, 14 Cumens/Cummins,Cummings/ Census, Ala. returns, 7, Stockton, 31 Comyns, 82 41,45,66 Styx River Mission,93 Curtis, 30 Center, 69 Union, 27 Cushin, 68 Chambers Co., 87 United Methodist, 27 Cusseta, 86, 87 Chambliss, 73 Claiborne, 17,96,105,106 Cypress, 70 Chappel, 101 Clark, 25,69,70 Cypret, 69 Charles I, 81 Clark Co.,Ala. 13,53 Charlie, 40 Clay, 87 9 99 D Chase, 1,35,57,71,84,88 Clay/Clopton, 52 Chastang, 7,43,45,74 Clendinen, 29 Dailey, 52 Chattahoochee Co,Ga. 87 Cleveland, 3 Danerly, 52 Chaudron, 11,12 Cleverdon, 92 Daniel/Daniels, 24,67,91 Chavous, 30 Coady, 48 Dannelly, 43, 99 Chesterfield Dist.NC,16 Cob, 49 Danua, 69 109 Danville, Va., 50 Ellison, 30 Fort Montgomery, 4,5,8 Daphne,Ala., 26,27,76 El Paso,Texas, 50,51 Fort Morgan, 36,37,38,39, Dapremond, 73 English(England), 24,67, 95,100 Dauphin Island, 37 73s91,99 Fort Morgan Museum, 95 Davis, 18,25,42,48,52,67, Epworth League, 91 Fort Pierce, 5,99 70,102 Ercoit, 49 Fort Ross, 8 Davison, 91 Eric the Red, 10 Fort Scott, 5 Dean, 68 Ericson, 10 Fort Stoddart/Fort Stoddert, Decell, · 30 Ervin, 50 8,72,74 " Decilva, 69 Escambia Coo,Ala., 3,15 Fort Strother, 8 Dees, 18 Eslava, 69 Fort Toulouse, 97,98 Deeze, 68 Espejo~ 74 Fort Williams, 8 C Delinger, 60 Etteredge~ 7 Foster, 7,72 DeLusser, 74 Even, 10 Fowler, 70 Dennis, 29,69 Fowler's Tavern, 4 Denny) 30 F France, 37,99 Denton, 69 Frask, 60 de Onis, 106 Faggard, 45 Frazer, 28 DeSoto, 12,107 Fairhope, 94 Fraziers, 5 de Vauban, 37 Fairs, 7 Free, 7 DeWolf, 67 Falls of Black Warrior,8 Freman/Freeman, 49,70,71 Dickinson, 3 Farmer, 4,73,74 French, 80,81,73 Diehl, 101 Farmer 1 s Bluff, 74 French Settlement, 8 Dietz: 102 Farr, 43 French Treaty, 106 Dillard, 29 Farragut, 38 Friar, 42 Dinsmore, 4,69 Favrot, 73 Fryxell, 1,35,57,78,79, Ditch, 12 Feist, 25 80,84 Dobbs, 30 Ferdinand VII, 106 Fuller's earth, 89,90 Dolive (Holive?), 69,70,74 Ferguson, 27,28,31,90,91 Dominique, 105 Ferris, 60 G Donnelly, 52 Ferry, 88,106 Douglas, 82 Fisklin, 67 Gabel, 62 Dreisbach, 28,65,90,96 Flannagan, 16 Gaines, 5,42 Drue, 27 Flemming, 43 Gale, 42 DubrocarjDubroca, 45,73,74 Fletcher, 48,73 Galvez, 37 Dumas, S~,59,60 Flinn, 106 Ganey, 22,23 Dunham, 7 Florida, 82,98,103 Gantt, 90 Dunmaglass,Scotland, 86 Florida Cession, 106 Garner, 7,29,67 Dunn, 7,42,47,68,74 Foley,Ala, 12,59,60,95 nary, 82 Dupre/Dupree, 7,42,45,82 Foley Chamber of Co~erce, Gaskey/Gasque, 4,52 Durant, 67,73,98 103 Ga-ston, 17 Durette, 7,45 Folmar, 91,92 Gause,·· 80 Dyer, 41 Fort Bainbridge, 8 Gentrop,,, 67 Fort Benning,Ga., 86,87 Georgia, 81,82,98,99 E Fort Bowyer, 38 Gilbert, 67 Fort Charlotte, 37 Gilliam, 43 Eades, 7 ' Fort Claiborne, 104,106 Gilmer, 29 Eagan, 42 Fort Crawford, 5 Glover, 82 Earle, 23,28,31,87 Fort Gadsden, 75 Godbold, 3,4 Earls, 48,67 Fort Gaines, 38,39 Golphin, 98 Econ-Chati,Ala., 86,87 Fort Hull, 8 Goodman, 29,71 Edds, 68 Fort Jackson, 8 Goodson, 30 Edmonds, 67 Fort Lasslie, 8 Gordon, 82 Eiland, 41 Fort Madison, 8 Gorham, 41 Elgin, 61 Fort Mims, 5,73,74,96,99 Gottler, 1,35,57,84 Ellis, 30,50,68,90 Fort Mitchell, 86 Graffam, 60 110 Graham, 62,93 Haynesworth, 43 I Grand Rapids, Mich., 101 Hazelett, 101 Grant, 82 Headen, 7 Indians (Creeks,Muscogee, Graves, 7,41,46,52,71 Heald, 70 Talisee,Natchez,Southern, Gray, 41,42,48 Heart & Miller, 104 etc.), 5,10,12,37,38, Great Britain, 37 Heartley, 46 50,73,86,87,96,97,98, GreenfGreene, 22,23,29 Helmes, 88,89,104,106 99~102,107 Greenwood, 59,69 Helvenor, 7 Inneriarity Point, 102 Greer, 36, 53, 54 Helverson, 42 Iron City, 53 Greer 1 s Food Markets, 53 Hempstead, 75 Irvin, 43 Gregory, 29 Hendrickson, 101 Ivy, 43 Grierson, 98 Henderson, 24 Griffin, 82,92 Henry~ 69 J Gruning, 50 Hester-a negro woman,73 Guilford, Conn., 75 Higdon, 102 Jackson, 8,16,38,81,87,96, Gulf Bay Tract, 101 Hightower, 42 99 Gulf of Mexico, 37,81,95 Hill, 82 Jackson Court House, 81 Gulfport,Miss., 54 Hillyer, 72 Jacob Johnson & Co., 107 Gulf Shores, 37 Hilton, 92, 93 James, 3, 68 Gullet, 7, 51 Hindrex, 30 Jenkins, 3,71 Gurley, Ala,, 52 Hinson, 7,42,47 Jentry, 50 Gurney, 71,89,105 Risler, 69 Jefferson, 81 Gwin, 22 Hobbs, 51 Jeremiah Thompson, 60 Hodge" 30,43 Jewett, 3 H Hodgens, 16 Jim~ a negro, 79 Hogan, 3,47 Jinkens/Jenkins, 7,49,52 Hadley, 67 Holder, 7,43,49 John/Johns, 68,70 Haines, 3,4,87 Holderaft, 43 Johnsonj 7,12,46,49,60,67, Hale, 71,88 Holive (Dolive?), 70 72,82,101,107 Hall, 4,5,15,40,55,66,68, Hollidaysburg,Pa.,101 Johnston, 41,42,70,71,107 80,81,82,107 Hollinger, 7~41,45,46 Joiner, 18 Hamilton, 5,13,73 Holloway, 43 Jonah~ a negro, 96,97 Hammons, 68 Holly, 21 Jones, 1,18,35,48,56,57, Rand, 19,23,95 Holmes, 4,18,19,22,24,42, 68,82,84,99 Hanson, 13 49,73 Josephine (Ala.), 101 Hardin, 30 Honeycutt/Honey Cut, 36, Judge, 93,94 Hargraves, 42 40,80 Jurvin, 42 Harper, 29 Hooks, 87 Harrel, 7,49 Hora, 7 5 K Harris, 4,7,15,20,21,23,27, Horses, 78,79 (Achmet, 40,45,49,50,52,66,71,72, Adieu,Bridgett,Comet, Kay-, 92 73,74,88 Black Marie,Fleta, Keithley, 67 Harrison, 41 Lottery,Palifox, Kelley/Ke\ly, 25 Hartzog, 28,29 Picayune, Quick) Kemp, 100 Harwell, 1,3,35,57,84 Hoven, 42,73

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