Dark Worse Being Sought By Republicans To Run For Ma The Weather CLOSING STOCKS Showers Late To-night Or On Thursday LAST MINUTE NEWS PaQ 'Weather Keport Pace t OF OPEN PRICE THREE CENTS ESTABLISHED 1881 VOL LI. NO. 209 WATERBURY EVENING NX *AT. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 6. 1933 CIRCULATION ^BOOKB SIXTEEN PAGES To Navy Secretary Ordered Cuba i Ellsworth Vines Leads The Field Defeated Young Eight Warships May r . s4v •' m English Player I .-V m, Be In Cuban Waters In Straight Sets By Thursday Noon Vines Was Brilliant in Swanson Sails Some of His Shots But HUMMEL DROPS Secretary ANSONIA MAN MADMEN TRIED on Cruiser Indianapolis in Others He Was FROM THE RACE This Afternoon — Ma- Wretched — His Back- OUT APPOINTED TO TO BREAK rines Will Be Mobilized hand Worth- Practically FOR MAYOR at Quantico, Va.—1,100 less in Set— LOCAL OFFICE OF MATTEAWAN Opening Men Will Be Ready to Avory Lost Chance to Asked About Finances to Named for Four of Them Armed With Enter Cuba at First Call Win It Back Party Campaign John T. Kieley the Motor Pistols Started and Then Retired— Position in Toy 5ITUATIONTHERE PLAYED BADLY IN in This Wild Scenes—One Kill- Dark Horse Looms Up Vehicle Office is very critical; OTHER TWO SETS City ed in Fight Republican* of the city will trot By JOSKPH H. BAIRD McMCMOItK N. 8.—(TTP) (United Pres* Staff By HKIfltY out a “dark horao" for th« mayor- Hartford, Conn, Sept 6—(UP)— Mattrawnn, Y., Sept forrcwpondent) —Four criminal madmen who Washington, Kept (UP)— trailed Pmi Mill t'orr—pondent) nomination at the coming g. motor vehtclo alty Seven department "wanted to go home.” attempted President Roosevelt Instructed Sec- We*t hid- Httdtum, Koreat Hill*. 'to au- o. p. convention, according appointments were announced to- to ahoot their way out of the Mat* retary of Navy Hwsnson to proceed N. 8opt 8.—(UP) — Kllaworth T, thentic Information obtained aarly Commissioner Michael toawnn Insane hospital to-day with >n the drulaor Indianapolis to Vine*, defending champion, led day by Stato thin afternoon. Mealing In aeoret a .22 caliber pistol loaded with Havana today, coincident with ex- th* Hold Into the round of *lxteen that rtroek a »rctlon of Florida * east const may!he A. Connor. aeaalon thl* morning and early An Imprennlnn of the force of the hurricane blank cartridges. One was killed. ecutive orders for a warship con- Hi the men’* national tonal* cham- lute all that wna left of Karaite. More than *1,000.. Clem- thin afternoon the republican lead- gained from thin photo nt Went l’nlm Bcacli, Fla, allowing Nicholas Ashe, Rockville, One wan wounded. The other two centration In Cuban waters and plon*blp* today with a «-3. 7-r,. «-l in the er* of the city, preaided over by ooo worth of property wan (lamneed ent "Williams East Hampton, and were subdued after a tear gas the mobilisation of United States third round victory over Edward norm._ Town Chairman T. B. Conway, bombardment that lasted 4 hours. marines at Qunntleo, Va. Avory, ot England, Ralph Bcovllle, Now Milford, have were faced with the reluctance on small each Admiral William H. Htsndley, Fewer than 1,000 ipertator* been appointed to tho Hartford Two moro pistols, iho part of former Proaorullng At- loaded with blanks, were dlscov. chief nf naval operations, Mid six war* In the ntund* a* th- rallforn- AT and Mlsi torney Emil Hummel to take the PATROLMAN ofllce; Patrick Pickett ered In tho dormitory after the riot to eight warships, Including the tan. a mixture of wretched LAW FOR playing and were MARTIAL four ordered to nomination to the Cuba, yesterday, beautiful tonnl*. conquered the mayoralty Lucy Murphy, "Wllllmanttc, was duelled. and to rc*ort to the "dark of nation- would be In Cuban waters by to- young*t*r. In the opening forced office In that town; Miss Anna Mc- Tho entire Institution, Knfliah horne" tho Incarceration morrow noon. atory. SCENE al fame since 1 •at, Vino*' backhand wai practical- WRECK New London, to tho Now Finance* and nothing but are Carthy, there K. Thaw, slayer Swanson sails for Havana at 4 p. ly worthier*, and hi* forehand of Harry bothering tho republican lender* TOWNS DEVASTATED London office, and John T. Klely of Stanford White, wus In shrlek- M„ aboard the 10,000>ton, 8-Inch mloood a* often aa It landed homo. In Wntcrbury. It la under«tood Ansonla, to the "Watorbury office (Contlnued on Page 4.) gun cruiser, now at Annapolis. HrA Avory played only partially Hummel told the DESCRIBES IT Swanson said the battleship Mis- effootlvo tonnl* he could hardly that Attorney leader* that If they could *how sissippi sailed today from Norfolk have mlwed winning thn net. conrlu*lva proof of $7,500 pledged for Key West. Fla., to be within a Tho champion win Impreautvo in BY THE HURRICANE to atart ofT tho campaign ho might Officer Maurice Tells few hours steaming distance of th* flrit nix game* of the aecond Foley ronnlder entering tho raeo. Tho CHESTER P. MILLS Cuba, where a new revolutionary a load of B-l. In 1 aot, running up financial troublo I* *o aorlou* that the Catas< regime was established yesterday. ttal* lead ho imaahed home to This Frightful taking the are being forced Rushed The Mississippi carries Rftn men winner* of th* court, republican* Troops | COMMUNIST fronyall part* around for their candidate. He Witnessed (Continued on Page 14) and hi* cannonball aervlce enabled to-bog Prevent trophe Tho town committee. It wae raid Place to Any hire to com* to tho not for volley WILL FACE TRIAL to Terrific Collision today, owe* note* amounting Are Dead DEFIED THE After placement*. about 112.000, alone. In other Looting—100 With a 8-1 aot In hi* Vine* graap, word*, the republican* are In the the Unite. LAMSON TAKES and ran (Copyright •tumped mtaorably Avory •nanrtally and nruat ahow and Over $J 0*000,000 UWS •If four In a PlXKiT game* row,,to kupt (Continued on Page 4.) N. V., Sept OH SEPTEMBER th- count. The could do in the Binghamton, 15, champion Property Damage Now York, Hop t*— (I’D— Maurice Foie; nothing right while In thl* lap**, (UP)—Patrolman WITNESS STAND Robert Minor, communlat oaudl- ot one of thi 1 and In on* game netted four aue- Trail of Storm Binghamton police, ilaie for mayor, waa arreatod to- flrat on the ecene of tho dlsastei Prohibition Ad« coaalvo *lmpl* forehand *hot*. Ho Former day and charged iwlth picket In* gave the following eye-wltneai CODE AGREED ON pulled hi* game together In the HUGESTATUEOF Texa*. Sept #—(tTP) — Edinburg. the factory of the ProproMlvo story to a United Preaa correspond ministrator and Seven IN OWNDEFENSE •levonth and twolvth game*, how- Into the deva*- Troop* were ruahed Table Compnny In Brooklyn, ent. ovot, and ran out tho *et with the rated lowed Rio Grande valley to. after he la anld to have referred th. Others Are 1om of but throe point*. MUSSOLINI TO BE In the wait* of a "I wao aeveral blocks from Charged FOR SHOE TRADE day, flooded to the blue eagle aa “that bill- a ecene and heard a terrific criuili After Great Parade of The third *et wa« Ilk* the flrat. hurricane which killed 100 pereona iard." With a w|th Vine* making "Impoaalblo" and council damage of more than following by a crushing, grlndlni Manufacturing Jacob Roacnber*. SI, olao waa His the Stan- ono and like Tcxaa and Mexico. found. People started running by — Friends, •hot* minute, playing BUILT IN ROME *1 MOO,000 In 40 other* de- Alcohol BY WHOLESALERS arreated. About a trulr New Kind of a tyro tho next. shouting there had been The town* of Brownavllle, Han acrlbed by police aa communlat* ford Man. Will Tell Own under wreck. Renlto, and Harlingen were were at the factory. Minor led a Their Plant Raided •■I Jumped down the embank' in Boston On the Highest Hill in That martial law. picket line In defiance of an in- It Was Adopted Story Jua- ment to tho railroad right-of-way With communication af.ll Impair- junction laaued yeaterday by New York, Bept 6.—(UD—Trial GIANT The lights of the milk train sttl and Will Be CRUISER City and Will Reach ,ed to many point*, report* of death tice Peter Smith In aupreme of Chester r. Mill*, former prohibi- Yesterday San Jom. Calif.. Sept. •—(UP)— naive Ta- burned brightly and It Illuminated and doatructlon cam* here from court, after the Pro* re tion administrator, and seven oth- David A. iAmaon, young Stanford Feet that a ecene of wild desolation. Th< Submitted to All Shoe Into the Air 236 acorea of town* In the path of the ble company complained on Indictment* con- Intellectual, went on Oie wltneea engine had cut through the stee er*, chanting MINNEAPOLIS hurricane which had dlaappeared their plant waa bcin* picketed to vlolnto the national pro- •land to defend hlmoolf observation coach ot the passongei spiracy Distributors today or More inland today. nit hough no atrlke waa In pro- nnd the Internal rev- of on 4.) hibition act against charges murdering hie is ___ i were (Continued l'ago Thirty peraon* reported *reaa. enue act, wn» act today for Sep- wife, Allene. aoro** Minor, special Rom*. Kept. «— (UP >—Visitor* dead In Matamoro*. Mexico, Before arreatln* police tember IB, by Federal Judge Mor- Boiton, Sopt 5—(UP)—A Umion fallowed a parade of hie CHRISTENED Brownavllle. If he knew tl»e Injune- committee of the National A*socla- to Rome will *e# the historic city the Rio Grande from naked him timer W.
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