6 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 18, 1909. i i. - jj . m - U u. .. , t . ;. i.,.t f i II . .L i a .i.m u .un. ' 1 1 3 OIF TFM AiUTTO '"Ojw i angler' Keens went to Carl O. I.lehe, field, Nv September 8, 1906, In 42 the aecond to Fred Urether nd th rounds on a foul: Nelson won In Ban BUICK RACIf.G McCord. NEW." CAB TO 1 XI) TEAM thirteenth to George K. The Kranrlseo July 4, 10OS, tu 17 rounds and COVEY FAILS TO INTRODUCED 10 TLA last named 'lndu'el the clerk to klp Kiln 7, 1S). In Jl .rounds, several blank nutubera In order that (inns waa the champion before their first he mlabt have 1,1, which h considers fight. Hrltt and (.iaria fought Septem- CAPTURES TROPHIES th luckiest Of all. ber 9. 1U7. at Han Kranrlseo. Oittii win- ning In sl rounds. Altell and Nelson I E. Lucky Gans an Nelson bav mt him n V,anr.(a.n .U.i.i.l. st -- au GET HORF MRS had three rights. Uan won at Gold- - the bout being a draw. Tha recently organised Ptilck racing team- - headed by Iewla filratig and Hobby Hurman baa been winning more Lozier Touring Car Makes than Ita'ahar of Vlctorlea during the punt alx week . Archer, Combs & Winters Co. on Following closely . Hurman'a 100-mtl- e First Aj)j)oarance track rhamplonstiln title, won in 101 ; minutes, on the New Orleans circular 306'Oa!c . rortland Streets. track with a a tuck car. Ktranic captured Anto Sncslies" Street 7 two eventa at lotytona each at A.'. a distance of 100 milea in on of . the M. Covey returned from th racea Strang covered tha distance in tloran Wright and Howard SO minutes with a $1,750 stock Hulrk. east laat week yiuniceeful In hi ef-- Ueorce Dewltt. the Jarksnnvllla ami WUlGill Goodrich Tires fort to eeur any more Cadillac for teur. driving hi $1,000 Hulck, also won BALL0U6 k 100-ml- delivery lhl prlnr, but ueee-f- uj two le races at Uaytona. finish her Ing with the little Buiek in 3 minute. tS SIXTH STRUT In til effort to hav th deliveries Both DeWitt'a and Mrana's time la sev AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES Mala 1834. to Ihe oorthit ruhed to the tlmlt, eral minute under the previous' world's fully a doien other Cadillac record vror atook cara. t vlIo found In the Atlnnta. Qa. hill climb Strang tenia at tl) factory ahead of him. all won the event for. cara selling is. oou on the mid mission, and nearly all of and tinder with hla $1,760 Bulok, doing Belmore,' liJacDqugall, Moores Co; than) were dtcappolnted In their effort. the mile cl mb or a steep graae in 6 breaking course found nearly all the big manufam-- 68 seconds and the .' record for equipped stock cara Strang AUTO REPAIRING AKU REBUILDING CUSS FRONTS A SPECIALTY tu'rer whom I visited in favor of the also won the $6,000 and under class ear," said Mr. Covey in - QAKAOB, COaiTEB KBTZVTSZaTTK AITO AZ.SZB. telling- - of hi trip. "Those who were v. with the same rar in 6t aeconda. not out nut in favor of eylln- - Two little Hulck ran tlrst ana second 1 and - fix , in the $1,000 class vent. dora were slowly being- weaned away won me; from the old way of makins: cara and Hobby wurmau eveni ior n T? Runafccats and Delivery Cars - $6,000 under touring cars with his '' T bis- care and vnTo).T? I confidently expect to see all TRO i, i $500, to $600, according to equipment. manufactured with six cylinder In the It Itnlck. ' Burma n will defend the Bvitc.k colors i . O. A. rVAJUSA, niar future. I also vlalted the Pierce th f ' . In the Fort George hill climb, and M factory and made arrangements for, our nor mo il HU Afnt. na J 1 other carnival event in Mew with Oahtm Motor ou Co.. int. 0 ahlpmenta. The Pierce company -- - laat week of April, while. Strang and Waahlngtoa ta. : haa at taut- decided to cut out the four Louis Chevrolet will take In the bis cylinder cara and will this year manu-factu- ra Lookout Mountain climb and track meel only cara of Id, 4 Tenn., same week, ..and - s horsepower. They are to be In Chattanooga, th greatly Improved and are bound to be CoveyMotorCarCo. popular here." ', i ;'''. ', PBOSSEK PKEPAIUACt SEVENTH AND COUCH The H. I fceas Auto company de- livered Pope-IIartfo- rd pony FOR THE "PATHFINDER tonneaus to Seven paBsenger, 60 Horsepower model ixtzier touring soia oy me u. xu xveaw auio cvmiway 10 Walter Beeb and Joe Bowles last week. io cr ' They expect another carload of Pope-Hartfo- rd ,W. G. Howell. The car Is worth $5000. - Prosser, 'Wash:, April 17,Much local Main 6470 A 4537 early thla week. One ship- displayed great ment which helped out a deal interest, is belna in the irreat thla throughout the country and will also be New York-Seatt- le automobile race. It week waa the In Keats gar- - arrival the CAR CONQUERS possibly.- - . - r t by persons having age seven-passeng- er WHITE taken to Europe, has been decided of a $6000 Loiicr 1 teurlng car. Chairman Hower Is anxious to keep charge of his end of the route that Thla is a new car to the RANGE COMPRESSED AIR FOR the horn In thla country for the tour Prosser' shall be on the national high-- city Portland and la expected SIIANIKO SHEEP - ' of ' to make every to I way. ' ; REIERSON , this year, and will make effort r; R'CAtt a bla; hit.' I . th CARTE i do so. Manager Foster believes that President Watson of Prosser Mactiincry Co. Portland chauf- . I In correspona- - R. S. Milton Norcroja, the the. Gabriel waa resDonslble for the Commercial cluh has been 182-4-- 6 Wilson, the Tourist and loco- I of . FRICTION DRIVEN Morrison Street - returned from Shanlko, areat crowds In all of the cities oasaed ence for some time with official mobile agent, la expecting- a carload feur, has Just iEN L10TIVE POWER year, inas- - thn .rare and received a visit of both make here thla week. Tha where he been with F. A. Young, through in the tour of last vesterdav Automobile and Xaunch Supplies ;,, Phones Main 1346, A1346 were ha mucn as ne was rust to start out eucn from Clarence Hanford of Seattle rela Tourists due last week but were slock rancher, who bought , ..' delayed. .... the wealthy day, and the playing Of the horn by tive to the moat feasible routetnrougn a White Steamer at the Milton in each city invariably Benton county, i President Watson, at Tha Covey Motor Car companv recent auto show. Norcrosa aya that 'One. of the novel exhibitions at ' the caused a stampede to the main street. the meeting of the Commercial club has they The Dalles to Shanlko, Manager Foster believes that th horn last Monday evening, appointed A. R. flld articles of incorporation, u drove from . with distance 60 miles, mostly uphill and Boston Automobile Show was a hand- is really the attraction and it is appar- - McLane, A. G. McNeill and W. 8. Hunt capital atock of $10,000. The Incorpor- a of I .TIIF5ES some car the Compresaed ent Chairman Hower believes aa a committee to point out the best and ators are 11. M. Covey, Ed Mendenhall over rough roads, in four hours. ' landaulet of that this xv. drove up the Shear grade, a company, to be the case, as he Is making strenu .most feasible route tarougn tnts coun onu rt. juenaennau. - Thev. Air Power equipped with Its ., ; t." - - was Vutcaiizing & R. ELODCETT, S10 Alder SL (Iain 709S i i V s7adv pull of thre miles on a 10 per system of compressed air transmission. ous efforts to secure a promise from ty, and a meeting neid yesteraay. Retreading E. The Overland I one cent grade, in Just 16 minutes. They Frank Lister, the engineer on whose Mr. Foster that he will delay his trip to The Mabtnn Commercial club was al of the latest car .. so meeting It tn, be . Introduced into Portland made many tripa with the White Steam- ideas the patents have been applied for Europe unui anoiner season. represented at the and the northwest, It and er during the atay of Norcrosa In the and product Is was decided to run a car over the pro- - but already haa a they from Shanlko to the of whose brains nosed wav eomlnir Saturday. Th large following In Portland, .i The Crowe hllla. Once drove shown in the working model, has a rep- the Automobile company la handling Prlnevllle, 75 miles, in four and one utation running back over twenty years CRACK TEAK SHOT Thomas nathf inder left Denver several - the days expected ECoate Co,. machine. half houra, and from Prlnevllle to Bend. in 'Kngland as a consulting engineer, aro and is to reach Wal H.L. Aofco. 36 miles through sand, in one hour and especially in explosion engines. lula, where It will cross the Columbia Ralph Wortman of McMlnnvllJe. Or., 36 minute. ' ,..,' The Compressed Air Power company river and enter this county, in about PACKARD POPE HARTFORD, bought an Oldomobile touring car from Idea is to convert gasoline energy Into a week. accom , he Crowe Automobile company "thla The order 'of Railroad Telegraphers compressed air and discharge the com-press- The local committee will be CHALMERS DETROIT BUICK week.
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