__PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862—VOL. MAINE, IRIDAY 35.___PORTLAND, MORflij^ JUNE 17, 1898._IglwKfifMixMBt PRICE THREE CENTS. MISCKiLLAJN'KOCB. [ FOR EIGHT TEARS a PORTS STORMED AGAIN. Pain 80 Intense Would Nearly ■V Twist Fingers from Sockets. Puffed Up Like a Toad. Water Ran Through Bandages to Floor. Had to Walkthe Floor Until Would Fall Asleep. Fingers Peeled Like an Onion. Doctors Could Not Cure, Cured By Cuticura. Admiral Bombarded the Batter- About eight years ago I got sore hands, it Sampson commenced with a kind of a burning sensa- tion on my fingers and on top of the hand. When I commenced to rub them, you could see little white pimples on the skin. I rubbed more and more, until I felt like twisting my fingers out of their sockets. I had high and cold chills ran over and so I ies fever, of me, For Third kept it going until I was tired out. Nights, I Time, had to walk the floor until I fell asleep. Santiago My hands peeled like an onion, the finger nails got loose in the roots, and the water ran out, and wherever there was a little pimple, there the burning fire was, and I tell you and can prove to you, that happened at least ten times. During the day, I had to attend to my business, for I am running a blacksmith shop, horseshoeing, and 1 would not shut up the shop for anybody, but it was hard. My hands 35 TRANSPORTS WILL BE Western Batteries were Wrecked puffed up worse than a toad. When I drove USED. BIG NEWS IS horse nails, the water from my hands ran LOOKEDFOTSOON, through the bandage, on to the floor. My customers refused to look at my hands. I had a friend to take me to the doctor; he gave a and Killed. solution of something to bathe my hands Many Spaniards with. I was working every day, and did not know what to do so I went to another doctor, Government To Send a I think for a year. I found your advertise- Big Expedition Adminstration to Hear ment in a Utica newspaper, and I got the Cu- Expects from Gen, ticura Resolvent and Cuticura Soap. The nails hardened up and peeled off and I don’t Against Porto Rico. believe there is one of the first nails left on Shafter Within 24 Hours, my hands. What I have told you is true. I do this for your benefit and humanity’s sake. I would not suffer any more as I did, for the Ouns of the Vesuvius whole country. CASPER DEETSCHLER, Dynamite Feb. 22, ’98. Pembroke, Genesee Co., N. Y. Washington, June 16.—The war de- Seoretary Alger and the President have Sold the world. Pottee Dbtjq and throughout Chem. partment expects to utilize conferred with Gen. who will re- June 16.—In the of the Cobp.* Props., Boston. How to Cure Every Humor, free. approximate- Miles, Washington, way troops at the Southern rendezvous 35 in the ly tnnsports expedition for the turn to the city tomorrow. There is no With Terrible Effect. actual events there was little of record to- points than any one else and the Presi- invasion of Porto Kico. This statement d ttbt, however, that this embarkation Employed day, No word came from Sampson at dent and Secretary Alger will probably was made officially at the department to- will take place from some point on the Santiago or from Dewey at Manila. This be bound by what he has to say in decid- lay. It seems to indicate that the Porto Atlantic coast with a probability in fa- absence of affirmative news from the seats ing upon the further disposition of the <(!'-- Rico army will equal, if not exceed in vor of Fernandina, Fla., or Savannah, of war gave rise to no impressions. The troops. If General Miles, as is thought that which left for officials are secure in the numbers, Santiago. Ga. the resting belief to be probable, recommends a further • (Copyright, 1898, Associated Press.) tinuous report. The measured crash of batteries were praotioally demolished The estimate is made that the 35 vessels For the purposes of the Porto that the marines at Guantanamo can concentration of on the BICYCLES. Bican On board the troops Southern Associated Press despatoh the big 13-inch of the As some'of the on the eastern bat- % will carry between 16,000 and 20,000 men expedition, Assistant Seoretary Melkle- guns battleships gunsi easily maintain themselves until the seaboard, the new oamp at We sell Bicycles, and we sell bet- si j boat Fernandina, with their and subsistence. said the Dauntless, off Santiago de Cuba, sounded above the it arrived and the that oan Bicycles for less money tlian any equipments john today, department had now rattle of the guns of teries did not fire, he thinks possible troops worst be Fla., will be made ready for the reoeption other firm in the business. It you CAW Army officials say that reports received available 11 some of which Thursday, June 16, noon—Via Kingston, the feared at Manila is not harm to of the additional The --- transports, secondary batteries like thunder- were only dummies. Dewey, troops. officials fterwant new wheels we can hit your Mr they from poeketbook. If want second- reliable sonrces show that the are already at Southern and these June 16.—Rear Admiral but to the Spaniards in the city. The have been forehanded as to this you points Jam., Sampson’s claps above the din of a hurricane. A The is that Lieut. camp, wheels we Mr only regret expressed can also hit your number of Spanish soldiers in that will carry about 6000 men with their officials of the War do not the In poeketbook. In fact iTAk fleet bombarded the batteries at Department profiting by experience gained the your pocket- is Santiago strong land breeze off the shore carried Hobson and his men by tlieirjprssence fhandbook will be the fatter Mr country probably 10,000, although other equipments. The war department is now care to give out any specific Information establishment of the two by trading [or a great camps, at with us, as we will sell third time at daylight this morning. the smoke of ft\ you Bicycles tilV statements indicate that there is consid- in communication with the various coast- the ships seaward, while m Kl Morro made it sacred. Otherwise as to when General Shafter with his Chickamauga and lower to start w-ith. and we sell the Mr Camp Alger. less than that Four hours the the bat- <|\ kind that run without the repair til| erably number. It is fair wise steamship companies on the Atlan- ships pounded it let down a thick ourtain from the it would now be a pile of ruins. Judged troops will land in Cuba, but from cer- The President has not yet decided what man’s services. Of course know Mr to you assume, they say that if the United tic and Gulf, with a view to the teries at the and left of the en- tain signs of restlessness exhibited by measure of reward shall be meted out that we own the best repair shop In J seouring right Spanish gunners. from opposition near the flagship which, to States commences active the State and make any kind of re- Mr army operations additional vessels needed. A num- them it is evident they would not be sur- Hobson for his brave achievement. Yrl large trance, only sparing El Morro, where The Dons the with The it\ pairs on any m ke Bicycle. Con- WAk the of responded spiritedly at first, during bombardment, several men he led have igainst city San Juan, every avail- ber, aggregating probably 76, have been prised to have some very important news been taken care of; suit your poeketbook and you will Mr Lieut. Robson and his are in ibla man in that will be companions but their frenzied, half-crazed fire would fired 280 shots—3 from her Secretary Long attended to that himself trade with us. £Ai place impressed submitted for the inspection of the offi- interruptions, witnin the next 24 or 36 hours. The fi\ because it was a matter ontirely within nto military service. Hence feel cers of the prison. nor match the cool 8-inch 134 from are they quartermaster’s department. nerve, trained eyes guns, her 4-inch guns, naval officials confident Sampson will his authority, and they have been made ;hat the army of invasion should be of Mr. The Western warrant tne Meiklejohn said it had not yet batteries, against which and skilled gunnery of the American and 39 from her six-pounders, probably have established cable connection within officers, ideal of a sailor's # OIRIGQ CYCLE inch ambition. Hobson Is to be GO., S'; proportions as to leave no doubt of been determined whether of that so that news of the arrival of nrtvanoocl, the ves- time, W ft. Mr any the main assault was directed, were bad- sailors. Our fire was much more no fewer than 5000 that Temple j ts to effective projectiles were fired is settled. The department called ability cope successfully with the sels soon to reach would be uti- the American troopships off Santiago W G. H. ! Santiago ly wrecked. One was utterly upon Sampson for a recommendation iu SCAN),AX, Manager. W inemy. destroyed. than in preceding bombardments. or a total weight of metal of half a iSS jel7d2t t'iV lized in the Porto Rican expedition.
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