AFGHANISTAN: Humanitarian Operational Presence (3W) Northern Region (July to September 2016) All Clusters Number of organisations reported per district 1 - 2 Qarqin Khamyab Shortepa 3 - 10 Sharak-e- Hayratan 11 - 20 Khan-e- Char Bagh Kaldar > 20 Qorghan Mardyan Mingajik Dawlatabad No organisation reported B A L K H Andkhoy Khwajadukoh JAW Z JA N Aqcha Nahr-e- Qaramqol Shahi Khanaqa Balkh Khulm Charbulak Mazar-e- ! ! Sharif Fayzabad Shiberghan Dehdadi Marmul Dawlatabad Chemtal Hazrat- Feroznakhchir e-Sultan Charkent Sar- e-Pul Shirintagab ! Sholgareh Qushtepa ! Sayad Gosfandi Aybak Khwajasabzposh Sozmaqala Almar Darzab Keshendeh Dara-e-Suf- e-Payin ! SAMANGAN Maymana Bilcheragh FA R YA B Zari Sancharak Pashtunkot Qaysar Dara-e Suf- e-Bala Ruy-e- Garziwan Kohestanat Duab SAR-E-PUL Balkhab Kohestan Kabul 38 organisations Delivering humanitarian services in July, August and September 2016. Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items Food Security Health 16 organisations 16 organisations 7 organisations Nutrition Protection Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 4 organisations 22 organisations 14 organisations Operational Presence is defined as: Organisations with a physical presence on the ground and active in delivering humanitarian assistance in the districts during July, August and September 2016. Data Sources: AGCHO, 3W information was collected by OCHA regional field offices and Humanitarian Regional Team (HRT) mechanism in October 2016. Creation Date: 03 October 2016 Doc. Name: afg_reg_3w_201609SEP30_A3_Q3_OP_DD Feedback: [email protected] Website: https://afg.humanitarianresponse.info http://www.unocha.org/afghanistan Disclaimers: The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. AFGHANISTAN: Humanitarian Operational Capacity (3W) Northern Region (July to September 2016) All Clusters Number of organisations reported per district 1 - 2 Qarqin Khamyab Shortepa 3 - 10 Sharak-e- Hayratan 11 - 20 Khan-e- Char Bagh Kaldar > 20 Qorghan Mardyan Mingajik Dawlatabad No organisation reported B A L K H Andkhoy Khwajadukoh JAW Z JA N Aqcha Nahr-e- Qaramqol Shahi Khanaqa Balkh Khulm Charbulak Mazar-e- ! ! Sharif Fayzabad Shiberghan Dehdadi Marmul Dawlatabad Chemtal Hazrat- Feroznakhchir e-Sultan Charkent Sar- e-Pul Shirintagab ! Sholgareh Qushtepa ! Sayad Gosfandi Aybak Khwajasabzposh Sozmaqala Almar Darzab Keshendeh Dara-e-Suf- e-Payin ! SAMANGAN Maymana Bilcheragh FA R YA B Zari Sancharak Pashtunkot Qaysar Dara-e Suf- e-Bala Ruy-e- Garziwan Kohestanat Duab SAR-E-PUL Balkhab Kohestan Kabul 47 organisations Organisations with the capacity to provide humanitarian services in July, August and September 2016. Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items Food Security Health 20 organisations 21 organisations 11 organisations Nutrition Protection Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 9 organisations 25 organisations 18 organisations Operational capacity is defined as: Organisations with the potential to deliver humanitarian services, if required. This means that an organisation has access to the affected area and the human resources to deliver services. Organisations currently providing assistance are included. Data Sources: AGCHO, 3W information was collected by OCHA regional field offices and Humanitarian Regional Team (HRT) mechanism in October 2016. Creation Date: 03 October 2016 Doc. Name: afg_reg_3w_201609SEP30_A3_Q3_OC_DD Feedback: [email protected] Website: https://afg.humanitarianresponse.info http://www.unocha.org/afghanistan Disclaimers: The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. AFGHANISTAN: Operational Presence and Operational Capacity (3W) Northern Region (July - September 2016) Question #1 : Who is currently delivering or implementing humanitarian projects in the district? [Refer "Operational Presence 3W" map] Question #2: Who has the ability to access and provide humanitarian assistance (conduct assessment, deliver a service and/or implement a program) in the district if needed? [Note: additional list of organisations than reported in Question #1, refer "Operational Capacity 3W" map for Q#1 & Q#2 combined] Number of Number of Organisation Organisation Emergency Shelter Food Security Province District Health Nutrition WASH (Operational (Operational & Non-Food Items & Agriculture Presence) Capacity) Question #1 Question #2 Question #1 Question #2 Question #1 Question #2 Question #1 Question #2 Question #1 Question #2 Balkh Balkh 8 22 CARE, IOM, PIN, DACAAR, CARE, MACCA, BDN WHO BDN SCI ACTIONAID, CARE, SCI, ACF JOHANNITER, NRC, ACTIONAID, FAO NPO/RRAA MACCA SCI, UNHCR, MACCA, UNICEF, ACTIONAID, OHW Balkh Charbulak 4 9 JOHANNITER, FAO DACAAR, MACCA BDN ACF MACCA ACF MACCA Balkh Charkent 5 18 CARE IOM, JOHANNITER, CARE, FAO MACCA BDN WHO SCI, ACF MACCA ACF NRC, SCI, PIN, UNICEF, MACCA, ACTED Balkh Chemtal 5 13 JOHANNITER, PIN, FAO DACAAR, MACCA BDN WHO ACF MACCA ACF MACCA Balkh Dawlatabad 4 16 IOM, JOHANNITER, ACTIONAID, FAO MACCA, SCI, BDN BDN SCI, ACF ACTIONAID CARE, SCI, ACF SCI, PIN, MACCA, NPO/RRAA NRC, UNICEF, ACTIONAID, OHW Balkh Dehdadi 8 20 CARE, IOM, DACAAR, SCI, FAO, CARE, MACCA BDN WHO BDN SCI, ACF DACAAR CARE, SCI, ACF JOHANNITER, NRC, WFP, CHA SCI, UNHCR, UNICEF, PIN, MACCA Balkh Kaldar 6 12 ACTIONAID, IOM, OHW, PIN, FAO ACTIONAID, BDN WHO SCI, ACF OHW, MACCA ACTIONAID, ACF SCI, MACCA, OHW MACCA Balkh Keshendeh 7 13 CARE, IOM, SCI, FAO MACCA BDN WHO SCI MACCA, ACTED, MACCA, ACTED ACF Balkh Khulm 8 19 CARE, IOM, NRC, CARE, SCI, FAO, NPO/RRAA, NRC, BDN WHO BDN SCI, ACF MACCA, ACTED CARE, DACAAR, PIN, SCI, UNHCR, CHA MACCA ACF UNICEF, MACCA Balkh Marmul 4 18 CARE, IOM, SCI, FAO HIA, MACCA BDN WHO SCI, ACF MACCA DACAAR, ACF PIN, MACCA Balkh Mazar-e-Sharif 20 24 CARE, NRC, SCI, FAO, WFP, CARE, ACTIONAID, BDN WHO SCI, ACF ACF, CARE, SCI, UNICEF, IOM, CHA MACCA, NRC, UNICEF, DACAAR UNHCR, MACCA, DACAAR, PIN, ACTED, NPO/RRAA, PIN JOHANNITER Balkh Nahr-e-Shahi 11 18 CARE, IOM, DACAAR, SCI, WFP, CARE, NPO/RRAA, BDN WHO SCI, ACF AHEAD, DACAAR CARE, UNICEF, ACF UNHCR, UNICEF, FAO, CHA MACCA PIN, MACCA, NRC, SCI Balkh Sharak-e-Hayratan 4 17 IOM, SCI, UNICEF, FAO SCI, MACCA BDN WHO SCI, ACF DACAAR ACTIONAID, ACF PIN, MACCA, OHW Balkh Sholgareh 10 18 IOM, NRC, PIN, SCI, DACAAR, SCI, MACCA BDN WHO BDN SCI, ACF DACAAR CARE, UNICEF, ACF UNHCR, MACCA CARE, FAO Balkh Shortepa 5 12 OHW, IOM, SCI, OHW, FAO ACTIONAID, NRC, BDN, IR WHO SCI, ACF OHW, ACF MACCA MACCA Balkh Zari 3 9 IOM, SCI, MACCA, FAO NRC, MACCA BDN WHO PIN Faryab Almar 3 12 ACTED IOM, NPO/RRAA, ACTED WFP, FAO AADA WHO, UNICEF AADA WFP, FAO DACAAR UNICEF NRC, SCI, UNICEF Faryab Andkhoy 4 10 ACTED, SCI IOM, UNICEF ACTED WFP, FAO AADA UNICEF, WHO AADA SCI, UNICEF DACAAR UNICEF Faryab Bilcheragh 2 10 SCI IOM, UNICEF WFP, FAO AADA UNICEF, WHO AADA SCI, UNICEF UNICEF, DACAAR Faryab Dawlatabad 5 12 ACTED, CHA IOM, NRC, SCI ACTED, SCI WFP, FAO AADA UNICEF, WHO AADA SCI, UNICEF DACAAR UNICEF Faryab Garziwan 2 10 SCI IOM, UNICEF WFP, FAO AADA UNICEF, WHO AADA SCI, UNICEF UNICEF, DACAAR Faryab Khan-e-Char Bagh 3 10 IOM, UNICEF WFP, FAO AADA UNICEF, WHO AADA SCI, UNICEF DACAAR UNICEF Faryab Khwajasabzposh 6 14 ACTED IOM, SCI, NRC, ACTED, SCI WFP, FAO AADA UNICEF, WHO AADA SCI, UNICEF DACAAR UNICEF UNICEF Faryab Kohestan 3 12 ACTED, CHA IOM, UNICEF ACTED, CHA WFP, FAO AADA UNICEF, WHO AADA SCI, UNICEF CHA UNICEF, DACAAR Faryab Maymana 17 21 ACTED, IOM, NCA, UNHCR ACTED, NAC, WFP FAO MARIESTOPES, UNICEF, UNIFEM, AADA UNICEF, SCI DACAAR, IAM, NCA UNICEF NRC, SCI, UNICEF, TIKA, AADA WHO WOW Faryab Pashtunkot 13 17 ACTED, IOM, NCA, UNHCR ACTED, SCI WFP, FAO AADA UNICEF, WHO AADA SCI, UNICEF DACAAR, IAM UNICEF NRC, SCI, UNICEF, WOW Faryab Qaramqol 2 10 IOM, NRC, SCI, WFP, FAO AADA UNICEF, WHO AADA SCI, UNICEF DACAAR UNICEF UNHCR, UNICEF Faryab Qaysar 3 11 ACTED IOM, NRC, UNHCR, ACTED WFP, FAO AADA UNICEF, WHO AADA SCI, UNICEF DACAAR UNICEF UNICEF Faryab Qorghan 2 11 IOM, UNHCR, WFP, FAO AADA UNICEF, WHO AADA SCI, UNICEF UNICEF UNICEF Faryab Shirintagab 4 13 ACTED CHA, IOM, NRC, ACTED WFP, FAO AADA UNICEF, WHO AADA SCI, UNICEF DACAAR UNICEF UNICEF Jawzjan Aqcha 5 15 CARE, NRC, SCI, WHH, ZOA ACTIONAID, MAAO SAF BDN, WHO, UNICEFSAF SCI, WHO, UNICEF MAAO, ZOA, WHH, UNHCR, PIN UNICEF Jawzjan Darzab 1 9 MAAO SAF BDN, WHO, UNICEFSAF SCI, WHO, UNICEF MAAO, ZOA, WHH, UNICEF Jawzjan Fayzabad 5 16 IOM, NRC, PIN, SCI SCI, ZOA WFP, FAO SAF BDN, WHO, UNICEFSAF SCI, WHO, UNICEF ZOA MAAO, WHH, UNICEF Jawzjan Khamyab 3 16 CARE, IOM, NRC, PAC MAAO, WFP SAF BDN, WHO, UNICEFSAF SCI, WHO, UNICEF PAC MAAO, ZOA, WHH, PIN, SCI UNICEF Jawzjan Khanaqa 4 15 CARE, IOM, NRC, WHH, SCI WFP SAF BDN, WHO, UNICEF SAF SCI, WHO, UNICEF MAAO, ZOA, WHH, PIN, SCI UNICEF Jawzjan Khwajadukoh 8 18 SCI, WHH CARE, IOM, NRC, WHH MAAO, WFP, ZOA SAF BDN, WHO, UNICEFSAF SCI, WHO, UNICEF WHH, ZOA, ACTED MAAO, UNICEF PIN Jawzjan Mardyan 3 17 CARE, IOM, NRC, WFP SAF BDN, WHO, UNICEFSAF SCI, WHO, UNICEF MAAO, ZOA, WHH, PIN, SCI, SHA UNICEF Jawzjan Mingajik 4 16 IOM, NRC, PIN, SCI, MAAO, SCI, WFP SAF BDN, WHO, UNICEFSAF SCI, WHO, UNICEF MAAO, ZOA, WHH, SHA UNICEF Jawzjan Qarqin 1 17 CARE, IOM, NRC, MAAO, SCI,
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