:Q^* Win a turkey for Thanksgiving. See Page 0 3-s-i^ as • -3 z. W ••'I j> AV O O E .3 .383 O as > o o I. -1 ^ t County leader "Newspapers I VOL.S8NO.03 SPRINGFIELD, N.J.,THURSDAY, NOVEMBER T3,1984-2* Two sections kind of game is played at quarry? ; i ByMARKYABLONSKY Claiming that "people are playing games," several Springfield residents Thomas Nolan,;the county Parks and Recreation-director,'Insists that the leave their cars at a distant parking spot, would make their way to the' hfing-clogevto-thfrtormer-4ioudallle Quarry.remain fearful that Union grading conducteefby the Yonkers and Schiavone construction firms is over,' Qenter by "invading" the yards of neighborhood residents. County officials are "secretly" moving ahead with plans to construct an and that any further work would be done by the county onlyl The asphalt- "Yoirhad no privacy and they would sneak in and listen to the concerts," amphitheater there, a.contention the officials have strongly denied. materlatleft behind, he says, wouldJ^B remqvecl by the county. ....; .;._:.. he says.^You'll have every house in this area invaded by kids with.enough • Already the .subject of controversy for the past several months, county "If anybody sees anything inThere,"wharthey're seeing is the county guts to climb the fence. I'll spend half my time chasing the kids." officials have admitted the current grading that has been done in the removing stockpiles of earth," says Nolan, who contends that the county has In September, The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders passed a quarry's southern portion Is "in configuration with ah amphitheater," but at "nothing specifically in mind" for the site and that he is willing to attend a resolution affirming that no quarry development would take place "without the same time, they Insist, the grading is not the actual construction of an. public hearing where suggestions could be.brought up by concerned concurrence of the governing body of Springfield." Two weeks ago, the amphitheater itself, / • • . • ~ ~ !~~ • ~ -residents^- : • ' .: • " board also approved a motion "directing the county manager, and county Armand Fiorlettl, the Union County. Engineering and Planning director, "The grading that was; taking place was not the construction of ah am- counsel to take such steps necessary to terminate any further grading work id^plaih«d^earlier-that~the-wbrk-done-at-the-quarry-Was-oniy-in-ac-- In the Houdallle Quarry in Springfield which would facilitate the con- cordance with earlier terms agreed to by the county and state Department of "I am certainly disappointed that it ap- s(rjjction of an amphitheater." Despite the measures, however, .Mayor Transportation, at the time the final portion of the 1-78 highway was begin- pears they are proceeding without the ap- William Cieri expresses his doubts over the validity of the quarry grading. ning in late 1982,-. -~ " " • "I am certainly disappointed that It appears they are proceeding without r proval of Springfield. They do not have the r Mario Curiale,"a local developer and a resident of.the newest section of Tree Top Drive since)December of 1984, however, claims that a drainage consent of the governing body. I'm really-- . "If they build the amphitheater, I have a ditch recently implanted near the outer perimeters of his property Is for the quite distraught at the whole thing. I find it suggestion for the name: they could call it proposed amphitheater, and that he has been lied to, both by state and almost unbelievable." ' . the Marylin Schneider- Memorial Am- county ijfficials. ;!.'•' ':'.;- •'• ' .". .'.'. "'..•-''••••••.,.••.'; •.•'.••''.':'."..i Explaining that earlier contact with high" DOT officials due to concern T— .' Mayor William Cieri hitheater because they will build it over my over the noise emitted from adjacent 1-78, had produced a response that Seadbody!" phltheater, If the hole was filled, we would have lost a key natural rock . "••". .••.. Marylin Schneider "anybody in their right mind would hot Build by 78," Curlale says the ditch jformation forever If that.'s left for any development in there, that wall _ now In place could only be meant for an amphitheater. No one, he alleges, becomes a unique teaching area." , . has any concern for the well-being of Springfield. 1 the approval of Springfield," says the; mayor,' whtrwill be leaving office on "There's nothing going " oYi at the quarry," says piorletti, who has Dec. 31. "They do not have the consent of the governing body. I'm really -previously admitted that the site would bean "Ideal location" for ah am- quite distraught atthe whole thing. I find it almost unbelievable. phitheater, "there's nothing going on there that's under the control of "I wjll oppose it as long as I'm an elected official and I will continue as a "People do not give a damn about' other Union, There's nothing being done there. It's just n grading and filling private citizen to oppose an amphitheater in that location,. I will work with STARTERS people. I don't care if they're Republican or operation which they would have had to have done, anyway." .-.'•_• . SCOPE or any other group that wishes to fight that." •(") r --—-•• ^TIFFANY SPECIALS - l-SHRIMP; COCKTAIL. 4.05 MOZ7.ARELLA MARINARA Since the concept of the controversial proposal first arose four years ago, 1.45 IIAR-II-Q IIADV nACK.RIIlS .'-. Our Sriocl.il'iv.. 9.05 CHICKEN riNGERS . .'. Democrat, I want this thing settled." , :• A jtrong opponent of the completion of 1-78 who worried that the quarry local residents have contended that nn amphitheater would provide large • •".• TIHANVS FAMOUS CIIICKrN WINGS . .'••.''(|0| 7.05 ' l""'."^!"' """'"" ~ leaving private ownership could lead to "trouble," Cieri says he "would not Hoi m r,,,kt ..... .•. ... :. (jo| <;_5o POTATO SKINS (6) ,. 4.05 ; Mario Guriale traffic jams within the town; and would also leave, open the possibility of be afraid to go to a binding referendum" to let voters decide the issue. A IIAR-n-Q CHICKEN ............. 4.05 LGGPLANT ROLLANTINI ... s.So' luuiil.inj siii[lf(1 kviih MIUII.I clii'i- rock concerts .coming to'the theater, thereby attracting "undesirable recent poll conducted by .the Springfield Leader found township residents CHICKEN riNGERS , .'. .-., . .'. .,.05 .MIINCIIIE PlAttlR. ......... i .... ' lOJ,,,,.,! wllll I..MJ1V 111111.111. SillHI- . Developer , . 5.50 ^eJeniejtte^Also^orrying^he-re^ opposing an amphitheaterby almost a 2-1 marginr ' ••EJimilT''"'*' ' "''""'' "'T '•' • • C""""" •'" "' '''""•<"*".MI I... l.ni.m.^klus. ! H concert—classicalor rock'—would produce, ' , IIAR-IIQ CHICKEN AND HIIIS'. .. ..... 7.05 MANICOTTI . ... ...... "This is what you call asinine," says the developer, who has a combined the mayor also suggests that the county would have little in the way of •; \rRHD ZUCCHINI : . ; OHIENTAL IIONLV GARLIC CHICKEN funds to support the amphitheater, and would, pass the cost on to all 21 of the ^. I total of nine years in both draftingand civil engineering. "People dp not glvo' . yiiiinissr;-'-•"^"'"•'•'••'•• ""•I'f '•""'• — ORIENTAL HONEVGABIIC CHICKEN .6.05 STUffED SHELLS. ". a damn about other people. I don't care if they're Republican or.Democrat, I "My perspective is that in spite ot what the county's municipalities. " . • - ' Clmnkv HI mm,.,, |,,,.,,,K in ,. nspy I , ' I,,,,,. ,,„.,,., slinh'sliillrit uifh .,,, Freeholder Brian Fahey says that SCOPE and town fears are valid. GIIACAMOI.E AND IjoktlUA CHIPS .'. ...... J.75 want this thing settled.' . , ' ;•• county engineer has said, what is going on NACilO'NACHO PLATTER . .".... 5.50 , ,.).il,-,l.v,ili Imiu-y -.•••vi.ii nirh MIIIIM. MH-CI.U t..i- •• . M-IH-,UMII,'«.nll, CII.MII "My perspective is that in spite of what the county engineer has said, what HOMEMADE ONION RING LOAr ..-, .... 1.50 "If they need.a drainage for the quarry,,they can very well build a there is in accordance with the Metcalf & ll.llfLo.il... •.-' 1.75 ' is going on there Is in accordance with the Metcalf & Eddy study," says ' FRESH SEAFOOD •. retention basin, a man-mado pond which will collect allthe waterfall, And it ; .,n,l i.il.^n.ims lih,. I»?M ,tn,gr,,|i| ' ' ' • • GARLIC BREAD 1.50 -"Eddy-study;":":" .• .7" . ' - .'"•'. •„••'• '••• ' Fahey, who urges any Springfield resident seeing* further work to contact 'can be used for fisHirig'or ice skating. This part of, the environment should him so that he can go.tylhe site "and find out'what plans they are following." BROILED riiET.or son.:"..:...:. :'•;....-. 6.05- .UROILED SCALLOPS ....... .. 0.95 Freeholder Brian Fahey .iuoiir.ni. I™,,.,,, ..mi i.,,,,,., . j .'N.,,,,I,.;I ,»m, I™,',TT;., .m, • not be a political Issuei It should be part of the future of Springfield and the Ernie Nolan, the BOT's Regional Construction Engmeer-iQr_the_state's SOUPS AMD QUICHES ^ SimiMPSCAMPI.•...:.•...•".'.:;;.•...•....: 7.05 tyftilD SCALLOPS ...,..... 1 ; : .. 6.95 surroiinfllngcpmmurilties, !, :•;'• •,• ..iU :.:.::; •;. '':•'.. /' v The Metcalf &. Eddy report acknowledges that vbackground noise northwestern region, says that with the state having fulfilled its obligations Iriil'im I'uur,' ',''"'.''"' """''"'' »•""' . hm.llv. ,1 IM.MII.H ' ' JSOUPOI TIILDAV...,. ,..'.... .. |.7S A CROCK Or TRENCH ONION SOUP . ;In;lts present condition,, the county^whed portion of^aocici:the quant', — s».„..«,.. Southern-« „^ generated' by traffic on 1-78 could require amplification of amphitheater with' the county, the contractors would leave the quarry "In the same con- IUMBO ERIED SHRIMr . .'. :'.'. \ .'. .\ . ,'; . ^,5: ^°^™°™ t^L ,'. s.05 sector r-' to which'the.state has Had a constructipri easement.-—. contains a T- . - ----—.-. -.,.... ,,,,. »».... I I ,» > '9*'* **^^»^^—^^_^_^ ' . • . .fnrm«»r4avout-befort»li^—Perfotmancesata sound levelexceeding^thexeBulations;"--; , ••'•' •-diUonaSuiecountjyjyajiitea.lt." •. • _ ' . Hi'.ii,f,,i.,iimi , II —dwp^pitiivitls^ppaj^UyraTChinantrOf-theflUariy^formeHayo'• - -u • ' -=• - Bernard and Karen Whal.en, Tree top Drive^residents since auneotl984 SOUP Or THE bAVH QUICHE ,.......'.....5.50 rRENCII ONION SOUP «. QUICHE ... MWe" graded'it'so that it would' tieofui'e to,tlie"county," says'Nolan, and- was acquired by the state as a fill site for the highway's completion.
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