60. VOLUME BELFAST, MAINE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1888. NUMBER 42. aminer; N. 11. Pierce, Augusta, Grand Mar- An American Citizan. lil.lUAN JOURNAL. shal: .Joseph K. Friend. Ftna, 'Grand Guar- Literary News and Notes. Generalities. From a Natural Gas Town. for He is an American. From Maiuo to New Jersey. Notes from Mrs. Livermore’s Address at the W. Rij’i dian; A. \V. Tyler, Warren. Sentinel. A line T. 1. ((.mention In Bath. I*\S'I>ilS IIAINKS, <11 (1K.VKKAI. lIAliRISOX's entertainment and was tendered the John 15. [C orrespondence of the Journal.J AMERICAN SUPREMACY AXI> THE INCOMPAR- hamiiiet < in mu. i»i:sciiini:s oni:. Alden will publish soon an illustrat- Public interest in the Dominion in the ques- of the 1 t.A III sji.W M«'|{MN<; MV I’llK tiif. im-sckip- [< oiTcspondcncc .Journal.] Thee.- i.- a Grand Council in the evenimr the members ed of the of isss. ABLE BENEFITS OF AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP. w idespread excitement in this conn by IK'N MTS I III; W history Republican party from its tion annexation is rapidly spreading. Mauiox, Indiana, Oct. t. Can your KI.IT1U.K KTAXI»A1II» # (li.i.x (i.M:in n. Nd.. Oct. d. lsss. of the Rockland Council. The next annual to the E. V. Hon. M. Having try at present mci the liquor Is there Hl-. X IM'IC IN' I \ T.K\ 1* vIM in | V origin present year, by Smalley. readers time in these of Channcey I)epew, who recently re- question. session l;. TKSTI- The World’s record of one mile for spare days politi- will be held at Newport Oct. 1st. issb. IIMONX 1 pacing keen engaged tin- New Prohibition g to such a state of lUiXI Iliosi; WH<) KNOW TIIK MAN. turned from a visit to was a re- by .Jersey anyth:- ready justify things? Among the frontispieces preparing for Wide 2-year-olds, was beaten at Napa, Cal., Oct. 4. cal activity to read a letter from tlie Hoosler Kurope, given State Committee to lecture in that State during I. t us sec. But lirst i»t me that facts arc DIVISION OF Till-. HFNNKTi HKWAKD. Awake for 18S9 are of John Bur- Gold Leaf. Time. 2 lb. the Union say my Immediately (iciieral Henjnnin Harrison was portraits by State, a letter designed to l>«* of a ception by League Club of New the full month descriptive of October we pack'd os;r grip- taken from and n t from the new s- A decision lias been made Chief .Justice roughs at Mrs. Helen Hunt Jackson town headquarters by nominated at < Hie twenty, rapidly rising into prominence through York, and in his to the address of >a«‘k and started for on i!T. tak- !' ii.o ion in and liicago. editor of that aide in her A destructive hail storm visited portions of response Newark Sept. You eaii't City County. Peters who acted as retercc in the matter of young womanhood, “Pet Marjorie," Sir the of natural Your ex- papers. trust the newspapers. They but fair-minded and Ohio great agency gas? political welcome he said: ing the 10.0- i. m., train from Waterviile we for the of journal, the Iudepcndedent, Walter Scott’s famous little and Lady Kentucky recently causing i* about are inclined r<> see as wish lhc*Veward capture the money and friend, citement over; ours is hardly at its were soon with an old generally thing they the of damage to tobacco and other crops. l eliatting acquaintance \|s. ! n a 1\.Mire. J.lHi a ear; robbers in the Bennett I Sherilf nsked the IJev. M. I.. Haines, Raleigh, wife Sir Walter Your battle is our* is fan American who has been observant re- to see them, on mo t robbery. >eputy pastor of the Raleigh. height. fought; hardly who wa> going a- far as Portland. We talk of and have misrepresented me -. .at <*1 the the expiration Silvester and Coustahh Horn who arrested sexes we are as on the skirmish line. turns and is asked what i< the most distin- 1-ir>t Prehyterian Church of Indianapolis, "The Prolongation of Human Life" will he The total number of both assessed in ! begun; yet only the late election in Maine, of Cleveland and occasions, xow f..r the facts. According to tlie M and Foster, >4.">0 Sherill G. The are marshaled and guishing characteristic of the difference be- hitney jrot each; Healed in an < Boston School Committee is 14b.4bO. The total forces, however, being Harri-onV ietters t»i" and of gener- Nation:.; Bureau of i \i* 1 one square. "ii< inch where tin standard hearer has article by M. Hammond in tween acceptance, Medi tics, excluding the drug W. Brown. slob; Sheriff Kepublicaii number of women assessed i> the contest will be a severe one. Grant the institutions of his own and -! tor one ami -•'» I>eputy Maloney.soO: 1 he Science for 23,273. county, country al politic-. My friend, who i- a lb-publican, 'k -u:e ueek, Popular Monthly" November. those of his answer tud liquor used for mechanical pur I'electiveThomas F. Allen, £2.*>: Rand Harden. regularly attended years, what have i of which Marion is the seat, is Kurope, would he,* “the was insertion. A fraction of formally Mr. Hammond has collected a amount of county strongly feeling veiy happy over the \ ietory in the siu3.(»0 S. large The of Weston, Ohio, have of American institutions." posts there were last year drank up .n the Inited ! .if "< we. and R. Vininsr. ^2.”». Harden ami been (• moral Hand -on’s relations to cabbage growers Itepubliean, but as you are well aware the stability [Applause.] Pine Tree State ami was also certain that the church information winch shows what have been the NN very \ inim: *;a\o the officers the information a< to formed a trust and will refuse to sell cabbages Stale i> one of the doubtful ones, and I am free itli the close of lsso we round out a century Mates worth of alcoholic; Beverages. of which he i< a habit-, diet, and of over Harrison and Morton would -weep the Stat the member, and how he is re- occupations, physique for less than five cents a head in the field. of constitutional in tins whereabouts of tlie robbers. Those who to confess that my information Is too limited to government republic. of New in \ 11« r } on a-k. how are those reached? From persons who have reached advanced age. York November. leaving llgun-s received I In* reward wen.* on garded l»\ those who have been as- forecast the issue in November. Indiana has It has demonstrated that, for all the purposes Matters. promptly paid intimately An elfort will he made in the Vermont | Augusta we take a -It per for tie- in/1 and at the returns -d the IBp.e-r -clicr- themselves, and as Legis- for which are created- -for Barker. Vote and Barker, counsel sociated The how man has lived in had a increase in her in some governments the 0-0 « Saturday by witii him i:i religious and social rela- question long lature at this session to a more effectual large population a. vt.. awake in P. »-ton. We at a hearty are taxed to the of at lifts -V ,• 'M ALL uvtat TIIK St IF adopt observation of law and order, for the conser- they according quantities ! fot Bennett. The decision i*. a fair one America, and what were the of centres, and this may change the vote eonsidcr- breakfast, a call on :: ea-t very tion'. To 111 i'. (tenoral Harrison's surroundings and common school system j make short down •sold them, il is am! is pastor the satisfactory as I vation of life and for hy certain they have not over-esti- I satisfaetorv to all concerned. [Rat.nor primeval inhabitant, will be discussed In an | ably: but did not design writing a letter property, equal political friend ami at PU)0 v. again take the train W made : on the to all. for the for the hum- mated then Business To this vast >1 2 1 -I ! At If All. hi it. reply illustrated article, entitled “Paheolithlc Man in The State election in Georgia occurred Oct. 3. political issues ;.ud prospects 1 will rights opportunity for New York over tin Niw York and N*-w comprehend America," W. J. There was no to the come to the of letter. blest to rise and occupy the highest station, think for a mono ut of that lire in Chi- most Miami of When Mr. Harrison came 1 Indianapolis as by Me(»ee. in the November organized opposition subject my Knglaml It. K. This i- tin favorite line be- sum, great iurife < H \I(I.IF. I'iU'.FMAN. for the minimum of sentiment or a hiwsej- at of Science The is Democratic State ticket and a vote was activity \vt re !: tiliies lolllT. ami ii!- ><»iing tin* :mc twenty-two, he ‘■Popular Monthly." author light M MJION AND ITS NATCIIAI. DAS. tween Poston. and cago, who:, thousands made homeless and the institutions of the country that Philadelphia, Washington Mr. I». W. Scribner of this cit \. w ho enlisted wo- 11;i\ a Christian.* lie had thoroughly acquainted with the evidence on polled. against all South. The are sp::,ii i>! ui > pnd.ssjng Marion lies in I points -ou<he- simpiv mag- the .-ympathi"- of the whole vorld were awakened siirrotiinlin^ with < harlic mis and has tlie central portion of the government is best which is the and Freeman in Co.
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