Register of Accreditation of Fumigation Agencies for Aluminium Phosphide Fumigation (Nspm-22)

Register of Accreditation of Fumigation Agencies for Aluminium Phosphide Fumigation (Nspm-22)

REGISTER OF ACCREDITATION OF FUMIGATION AGENCIES FOR ALUMINIUM PHOSPHIDE FUMIGATION (NSPM-22) Accrd. Name & Address of Accredited Telephone / E-mail ID Name Accredited Date of Issue Valid up to Redvalid No. Fumigation Agency FAX No. Fumigation Operator (s) (D/M/Y) (D/M/Y) ated up to (D/M/Y) / Remarks , if any. 001/Alp M/s L T Foods Ltd. Tel.: E-mail: Mr. Raj Deepak 25.11.2011 24.11.2012 Re- 43 Kms. Stone,G T Road, 0130-3051300 bhl.fumigation Accreditation Number: validated Bahalgarh, Sonepat- 131 021 Fax: 001011111 up to (Haryana) 0130-3051403 24/11/16 Mob: 09992114577 002/Alp M/s Jagatjit Industries Ltd. Ph.-0181 hamira@jagatjit Mr. Ajay Kumar 25.11.2011 24.11.2012 Re- P.O.-Jagatjit Nagar, Hamira, 2783112-16 .com Accreditation Number: validated District- Kapurthala Fax-0181 002011111 up to -144 802 (Punjab) 2783118 24/11/14 003/Alp M/s Jardine Henderson Mr. M. Prabhakar Reddy 25.11.2011 24.11.2012 Re- Limited, Accreditation Number: validated Shop No.-18, Gautam Complex, 003011111 up to Plot No. 17 & 18, Sector-11, 24/11/16 CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai- Mr. Vinod Tiwari 400514 (Maharastra)* Accreditation Number: * Address Changed w.e.f. 003021111 14.09.15 Not renewed Mr. R. C. S. Ravi 08.01.2015 07.01.2016 Accreditation Number: 003030115 004/Alp M/s Star Agri-warehousing & Ph.-0141 www.staragri.c Mrs. Meenakshi Mangal 25.11.2011 24.11.2012 Re- Collateral Management Ltd. 3107465 om Accreditation Number: validated P. No. 29, G- 102, Molshree Fax-0141 004011111 up to Residency, Mission Compound, 2371079- 24/11/14 Ajmer Road, Jaipur – 302 006 Ext.29 Resigned from the (Rajasthan) agency Mr. Chandrashekhar 31.10.2014 30.10.2015 Azad Accreditation Number: 004021014 005/Alp M/s Shreeram Fertilizer & Tel.: 0381 shreeramf@gm Mr. Narayan Chandra 25.11.2011 24.11.2012 Re- Agro Chemicals, 2325210, , Chakraborty validated 31, Harish Thakur Road, Mob.: shreeramf@redi Accreditation Number: up to Krishnanagar (South Side of 09862472594, 005011111 24/11/16 Magnet Club), Agartala, Tripura 09436123753 (W). 006/Alp M/s S M Pest Control Tel.: Smpestcontrol_ Mr. Magesh D Thakur 25.11.2011 24.11.2012 Re- At- Dhutum, Post-Jasai, Mob.: [email protected] Accreditation Number: validated Tal- Uran, Dist.- Raigad, 09819894395, 006011111 up to Navi Mumbai-410 206 09819901278, Mrs. Garima Gaur 24/11/16 (Maharashtra) Accreditation Number: 006021111 Resigned from the agency 007/Alp M/s Appolo Pest Control Mob.: appolopestcontr Mrs. Priyanka Amit 02.12.2011 01.12.2012 Shop No. 09, Gr. Floor 09825084936 [email protected] Parmar Plot No. 216, Ward – 12/B, Accreditation Number: Sai Baba Complex, 007011211 Gandhidham, Resigned from the Distt- Kutchh (Gujarat) agency 008/Alp M/s National Bulk Handling -- info@nbhcindia Mr. Shahid Khan 14.12.2011 13.12.2012 Re- Corporation Ltd. .com, Accreditation Number: validated M - 33 -36, Vijayanan shahid.khan@n 008011211 up to Apartment, Near Old Tiwary Bechar Petrol Pump, 13/12/14 Kankarbagh, Main Road, Patna – 800 020 (Bihar) 009/Alp M/s National Bulk Handling Tel: info@nbhcindia Mr. Vipul Vora 14.12.2011 13.12.2012 Re- Corporation Ltd. +91-22- .com, Accreditation Number: validated Office No.-12, 3rd Floor, 40861000 Jainendra.kuma 009011211 up to Nakshtra Arcade, IOC Road, Fax: [email protected] Resigned from the Opp. Monik Pura School, +91-22- m , agency 13/12/14 Chandkhera, Ahmedabad-382 40861010 shriram.rai@nb Mr. Shriram Rai 24.12.12 23.12.13 424 (Gujarat) Accreditation Number: 009031212 Mr. Jainendra Kumar 13.12.2014 Accreditation Number: 009040314 010/Alp M/s National Pest Control Mob.: national_pestco Ms. Sneha M. Ambavane 26.12.2011 25.12.2012 Re- At- Vindhane, Post- Dighode, 09821909844 [email protected] Accreditation Number: validated Tal.-Uran, Distt.- Raigad- m 010021211 up to 410206, 25.12.16 Maharashtra 011/Alp M/s Pacific Pest Management Tel.: 0141- pacificpestmana Mr. Rajendra Kumar 26.12.2011 25.12.2012 Re- & Fumigation Services, 3931802, gement@gmail. Accreditation Number: validated 116/47, Shop No.-3, Mob. com 011011211 up to Agrawal Farm, Mansarovar, 09460024817, 25/12/16 Jaipur-302 020 (Rajasthan) 07665434236 012/Alp M/s Daawat Foods Ltd. Tel.: 07480- Sunil.singh@ltg Mr. Sunil Kumar Singh 26.12.2011 25.12.2012 Re- Plot No. 07, Satlapur Growth 405300, Accreditation Number: validated Centre, Phase-II, Industrial FAX: 07480- 012011211 up to area,Mandideep, Distt.- Raisen- 405345 25/12/16 462 046 (M.P.) 7898917915 013/Alp M/s Baba Pest Control, Tel.: 02836- Baba_pest@yah Mr. Rajesh Kumar 26.12.2011 25.12.2012 Re- K-321, 4th Floor, 233393 , Dwivedi validated Central Facility Building FAX: 022- babapest@gmai Accreditation Number: up to APMC Fruit Market, 27832014 013011211 25/12/16 Sector – 19, Vashi, Mob.: Navi Mumbai – 400 705 09726459602, (Maharashtra) 09322818454 014/Alp M/s Kitchen Xpress, Ph.-02764- [email protected] Mr. N D Jayswal 26/12/2011 25/12/2012 Re- Block No. 29/P, 268371 Fax- Accreditation Number: validated Santej Vadsar Road, Satej, Tal.- 02764 - 014011211 up to Kalol, Gandhin7agar- 382 721 268380 25/12/16 (Gujarat) e-Fax- +1- 718-228-9636 015/Alp M/s Pest Mortem (India) Pvt. 91- sanjeevsuri.999 Mr. Kamal Singh 31.01.2012 30.01.2013 Re- Ltd. 8950600574 [email protected] , Accreditation Number: validated Gali No.-5, Laxmi Nagar, [email protected] 015010112 up to Jandli Road, New Model Town, iz Ambala City 30/01/17 (Haryana) 016/Alp M/s Pest Relief (I) Pvt. Ltd. Ph. 022 - info@pestreliefi Mr. Atul B. Salunkhe 31.01.2012 30.01.2013 Re- 12, Second Floor, Corporate 27831491, Accreditation Number: validated Park,Plot No. 102, Sector – 8, Mob.- Praveen.pethe@ 016010112 up to Tagore Road, Gandhidham – 09324802287 pestreliefindia.c Mr. Praveen U Pethe 30/01/17 370 201, Kutch (Gujarat) om Accreditation Number: 016020112 017/Alp M/s Agritech Enterprises Ph.-02112- -- Mr. Sanjay Shivaji 31.01.2012 30.01.2013 Re- H. No.-339, Ward No.-4, 226992 Shalunke validated Vijay Nagar,Baramati, Mob.- Accreditation Number: up to District: Pune - 413 702 09422021560 017010112 30/01/17 (Maharashtra) 018/Alp M/s R. K. Pest Control Mob.- rkpestcontrol@ Mr. Pankaj Gajbhiye 28.02.2014 27.02.2015 Re- Ronnie Giakwad Palace, 09822221221, Accreditation Number: validated Bhimnagar, Road No. 1, 09370732189 018020214 up to Rameshwari Ring Road, 06/02/15 Nagpur- 440 027(Maharashtra) Mr. Virendrasingh Gautam Accreditation Number: 018030214 019/Alp M/s Pest Alert Chemicals Pvt. Mob.- -- Mr. S. N. Gaur 15.03.2012 14.03.2013 Re- Limited 09825506402 Accreditation Number: validated Shop No. 26, 019010312 up to Municipal Market, Sector-1/A, Mr. Naran T. Parmar 14/03/17 Opp. Old Court Building. Accreditation Number: Gandhidham (Kutch)- 370 201 019020312 (Gujarat) 020/Alp M/s Agrochem Marine Service Ph.-044 exports@agrocr Mr. Sivanesa Selven K. 09.03.2012 08.03.2013 Re- Pvt. Ltd. 42162116 S. validated No. 45, Armenian Street, Fax-044 Accreditation Number: up to Room No.10, II Floor, 25210505 020010312 08/03/15 S M Plaza, Parrys, Chennai- 600 001 (T.N.) 021/Alp M/s Pest Control & Mob.- Vinayjain51@g Mr. Vinay Kumar Jain 28.03.2012 27.03.2013 Warehousing Solutions 09416301228, Accreditation Number: 285/26, Sanjay Colony, 09416016840 021010312 Opp. Main Gate, Sugar Mill, Panipat-132 102 (Haryana) 022/Alp M/s Star Fumigation Agencies Tel: 044- info@starfumig Mr. V. Mohan Kumar 28.03.2012 27.03.2013 Re- No. 90/133, 2nd Floor, 25240082 / 83 and Accreditation Number: validated Coral Merchant Street, Fax: starfumi@yaho 022010312 up to Mannady, Chennai-600 001 044-25240084 27/03/15 (Tamil Nadu) 023/Alp M/s Fumigation Services Ph.- 2323987 [email protected] Mr. P. Chittanandan 12.02.2014 11.02.2015 Re- Plot No. 32, H.No. 4B/ 180, Mob.- Accreditation Number: validated Second Cross Street, C G E 09443123987 023020214 up to Colony, Tuticorin- 628 003 Mr. Jawahar 24.04.2014 23.04.2015 11/04/17 (Tamil Nadu)* Asirvatham K. R. Accreditation Number: * Address Change w.e.f 08.05.14 023030414 024/Alp M/s Karni Pest Control Mrs. Surekha Singh .04.2012 .04.2013 No. 1-B, 2nd Floor, Plot No.216, Accreditation Number: Ward No. 12/B, Police Station 024010412 Road, Gandhidham (Kutch)-370 201 (Gujarat) 025/Alp M/s Raghunath Agro raghunath@rag Mr. Pawan Kr Sharma 18.04.2012 17.04.2013 Re- Industries Accreditation Number: validated Bhikhiwind, District: Amritsar, 025010412 up to (Punjab) Mr. S. K. Dubey 17.12.12 16.12.13 17/04/15 Accreditation Number: 025021212 026/Alp M/s Exim Pest Control, Tel:0253- E-mail: Mr. Kiran S Chavan 20.04.2012 19.04.2013 Re- 5F/504, Fifth Floor, “ BGTA 2500340 eximpest@gmai Accreditation Number: validated NHAVA SHEVA 09822069572, 026010412 up to TRANSPORTERS PREMISED 19/04/17 CHS. Ltd.” Plot No. 4, Sec. No. 11, Dronagiri Node, Uran, Navi Mumbai (Maharashtra) 027/Alp M/s Sensation Pest Control +91 rn@sensationgr Mr. G. Narendranath P 20.04.2012 19.04.2013 Re- Services 9825221599 K Gopalan validated Office No. 107, 1st Floor, Accreditation Number: up to Goyal Avenue, Plot No. 318, 027010412 19/04/17 Gandhidham (Kutch)-370 201 (Gujarat) 028/Alp M/s National Bulk Handling dipen.rajput@n Mr. Abhijit B 20.04.2012 19.04.2013 Re- Corporation Ltd. Deshpande validated Shop No. 16, A wing, Heritage Accreditation Number: up to Plaza, 2nd Floor, Pimpri 028010412 19/04/17 Chinchwad Link Road, Mr.

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