Alt Drainage Act 1779. 59. 61. 88, 91 2 Bolion Improvement Act IR50. 13

Alt Drainage Act 1779. 59. 61. 88, 91 2 Bolion Improvement Act IR50. 13

INDEX ABBEYS. wMerevalc: Stanlnw: \Vhalley Ashworth, Mr. lauyer. 106-10 Act: of Parliamenc: Atherton (Lanes.). 138 Alt Drainage Act 1779. 59. 61. 88, Attorney-General, 100 91 2 Australia. 172 3: am/ a*f Mannix Bolion Improvement Act IR50. 131. 132 BAKER. William. I Hi Bolton Improvement Art 1864, 137 Bamford, Samuel, 102 Boroughs Incorporation Act 1842, 128 barber, 50 Coroners Act 1832. 116 barlowmen, see burleymen Great and Little Bolton Water Barrett, William. 41 Company Art 1824, 127. 134 Battye, George, 102 4. 109. Ill Libel Acts 1770 92, 117 Bayley, Mr Justice. 110. 113 Municipal Corporations Aet 1835. 32 Belfast (Irei.), 165, 178 Poor law Art 1662. 69 Belmont reservoir (Lanes.), 134, 137, 144 Rivers Pollution Art 1876, 124 Brrr), Henry. 90 Toleration Aet 1689, 56 Best. Mr Justice. 110. 113 Water Art 1945, 145 Birket, river, 198 Waterworks Acts 1847 and 1863. 122 Birmingham, 98, 142-3, 172 Agricola, Gnaeus Julius, 1. 2. 8. 9. 11. 12. Black and Tans, 167 14. 16, 18,'19 Blackburn (Lanes.). 195 Ainsworth, Richard, 139 Blackburn Philanthropic Friendly Society. Aintrec (Lanes.), 60, 62, 81,83 158 Aldborotigh (York;. W.R.), 4 bleaching, 125. 135, 137. 139 alesellers,'49 Blennerhassct (Cumb.), 5 Alexandria (Egypt), 199 Blundell: Alt. river. 60. 63, 89: and see Dirt Alt: Great Henry. 82, 89 Alt; Old Alt Nicholas, 66, 84, 86-7 Altmouth, 71 3, 76,80 Robert, 79 Alt Bridge, 65, 67. 74,81, 84-5. 89-90 Bolsheviks, 171 Alt Grange, j» Altear Bolton (Lanes.), 121, 125, 133, 138. 141 Altrar (lines.), 59, 62, 64- 8, 72. 77-9, 88. bleachworks, 125, 135, 137 90 corporation, 130-2, 134-5, 144 Alt Bridge, f/.i>. councillors, 130-1, 138 Alt Grange, 60, 68, 73-4, 85 6 Great and Little Bolton Water Altrar Sands, 60 Company, 125-32, 134 Altmouth, M Alt, river Great Bolton Improvement Amalgamated Association of Tramway and Commissioners (Trustees), 127, 130 ' Vehicle Workers, 162 3, 165-6 Halliwell. 139 .\mblesidc (Westmld), 22 Heaton, 129 30. 136-7, 139 Anglesey, 200 improvement Acts. 129 30, 137, 139, Anglo-Saxons, 191. 193. 196. 199 144 Antonine Wall, 24 Little Bolton Improvement apothecary, 54 Commissioners (Trustees). 127-8. 130 aqueducts, 142 mayor, 130 Arden (in Bredhnry. Ches.), see Harden polities. 126, 128. 131 Arderne: public health, 131 Sir John, 30 ratepayers, 128 Mar), 53 town clerk, see Watkins Ralph, 51 Bolton Moor reservoir, 128-9 Richard, 45 Bootle, Wilbraham, 91 Ursula, 51 Bootle (Lanes.), 173 family, 41,43, 55 boroughs, manorial, w Kendal: Ashion, Arthur, 44 5 Manchester; Newcastle under Ashton-under-Lyne (Lanes.). 213 Lyme; Stockport; Wigan 226 Index Borrow Bridge, Low (Westmld), see Low Corbridge (Northumb.), 8, 14, 15, 20 Borrow Bridge Corionototae, 3 Bradford (Yorks. W.R.), 141 Coritani, 3 Bradshaw, Henry, 30. 50 Cornovii, 3, 15,23 Bradshau brook, 137-8 Cornwall, see Penzance Bramhall (dies.), 55 coroners, 95-6, 101, 103-18 Brampton (Cumb.). 22 cotton spinner, 101 Bredbury (Ches.}, see Crokeley: Harden Cox, Isaac, 1 15 'Briga', sec Kirkbride Crompton, T.B., 136 Brigantes, 1, 4-5, 7-8, 10-11. 14, 23 Crokeley (Crookilley. in Bredbury. Ches.). Brindley,.James, 89 51 Brougham, Henry. 95 Crosby (Lanes.), see Great Crosby; Little Brougham (Westmld). 1 7 Crosby Burdsell, Thomas, 52 Cross, Mr Sergeant, 108, 116 burgages, 32, 34, 35-8, 43-5, 55, 57 Croston (Lanes.), 72 Burgh by Sands (Cumb.), 20 Crown estates, 71 Burke. Thomas, 152-4, 177 Cuerden (Lanes.), 193-5 burleymrn, 70, 77 Cumberland. 1 15: find see individual plcire- Burrow (Lanes.), 15, 17 names Bury (Lanes.), 124, 140. 142 Cumbric language, 192, 194 6, 199 Bushell.John. 86 Cummcrsdalc (Cumb.). 5, 14 Byrne family. 55 DALSWINTON (Dumfriesshire), 20 CABUS (Lanes.), 191-3 Dalton. William, 101 Caratarus, 4, 10 Darbishire, Charles, 130 Carlisle, Richard, 98 Davenport: Carlisle (Cumb.), 9, 11, 14, 15,22 William, 55 Carters'Union, 162, 165 family, 55 Carthage, 197 Dee, river, 7, 1 1 Cartimandua, 3, 4, 7, 8 Denbighshire, see Holt Cartmel peninsula (Lanes.), 7 Denison, Henry, 101-3, 107, 110 12 Carvelii, 3, 5, 14. 23 Denman, Thomas. 96. 110 Carvoran (Northumb.). 20 Dem.John, 116 Castleshaw (Yorks. W.R.), 9 Denton (Cumb.), see Nedier Demon Catholie Representation Assoeiation, Demon (Lanes.), 200 178 80 Derby, earls of, see Stanley- Cato Street Conspiracy, 102 Derbyshire, see Little Chester; Slialcrosse Centre Parly, 180, 183, 184 Devon, 115 Cheshire, 7,'9, 15, 23, 199-200, 205, Devon County Club, 115 207-8; and see individual place-names Dickens, William, 54 Chester, 7, 9-11, 14-15, 19,22 Dickenson, William, 53 bishop, .see Gastrell Dirt Alt, river, 62; and see Alt Chester, Little (Derb.), see Little Chester dissenters, see protcslant nonconformity Chestcrholm, see Vindolanda Domitian, Roman emperor, 8, 18, 19 Chesterton (Staffs.), 11 Doncaster (Yorks. W.R.), 100 Clarkson, John, 49 Douglas, river, 80 Claudius, Roman emperor, A 5 Dover's brook. 65 Clitheroe (Lanes.), 44 Downey, Richard, archbishop of Liverpool, Clyde, river, 18-20 180 coal mining, 211 12 Downholland (Lanes.), 62 Cobbett, William, 97 Dovvnhollancl (or Fleam) brook, 66, 68, Commons, House of, see parliament 70 I Conservative Party, 150-1, 175. \ 78; and see Dublin, 172 Tories lord mayor, 168, 183 Conservative Workingmen's Association, Mountjoy prison, 169 162 Dukinficld: Constantinople, 197 Charles, 45 Index 227 Robert, .51 Glasgow, 172 family. 41 GoIborne.John, 86. 90 Dukinlieid (dies.), 45 Goore: Dunnings Bridges, 62, 65 Richard, 81 Durham. County, see South Shields; Robert, 90 \\ hickham Gosden, Richard, 54 dykr-recves, (>9 Great Alt, river, 62; and see Alt Great and Little Bolton Water Company. EAGLEY brook. 135-6 see Bolton Easton (Cumb.). '20 Great Bolton. see Bolton Eaton by Tarporley (Ches.), 23 Great Crosby (Lanes.), 62, 74, 86, 87 Eden, river, 3, 9, 11 Gregson. William. 91 Egypt, see Alexandria Griffith. Arthur, 151. 168 Eleoek: Gude. Richard. I 15 Alexander, 51 Dorothy. 53 HADRIAN". Roman emperor. 15. 26 family. 51 '2 Hadrian's Wall. 3 Examiner. 106 Halt-wood (Lanes.). 72 Halifax (Yorks. W.R.), 141 FARMOSSPOOL GUTTER, 74, 87, Halladay, William, 91 K9-90 Hallicwell, Bridget, 55 Farndmi (Ches.), 10 Halliwell (Lanes.), see Bolton Famliill (Cumb.). 20 Halsall (Lanes.). 59, 62 Farmvonh (Lanes.), 136, 138 Harden (Arden, in Bredbury, Ches.), 45, 51 Ferrand, Thomas, 95-6. 102-10 Harding, William, 116 Fingland Rigg (Cnmb.), 20 Hardknott (Cumb.), 22 fishing, 213-i 4 Harford: Fleam brook. v<r Downholland brook Austin. 154 6. 175. 184. 187 8 Foley, John, 54 Frank,152-6 folklore, 2 1 3 Harmer.James, 97, 101-3, 105 12 Fnrmby (Lanes.), 60, 62, 68, 70-1. 83, 87, Harpur, Francis, 49 92; and see Ravenmeols Haslingden (Lanes.). 1 42 Formby Point (Lanes.), 91 Hcaton (Lanes.), see Bolton Forth, river, 18 20 Heawood,John, 50 forts. Roman, 9 12. 14. 17-20. 22 Heginbodiam, Henry. 32. 37, 44 5 Fosse Way, 7 Fieron. Godfrey, 51 friendly societies, 148, 156, 158-61 Heronbridge (Ches.), 24 Frontinns. Seslusjulius, 14 High Court, 161 Furness (Lanes.), 7 Hightown (Lanes.), sec Little Crosby Hilary, Saint, 199 GABRANTOVICKS. 3 Hinclley (Lanes.), 138 gardeners, 49, 54 Hogan! Luke, 179, 181-3 Gargrave (Yorks. W.R.), 23 Holroyd, Mr.Jtlstiee. 1 10. 113. 117 Garstang (Lanes.). 191 2 Holt (benb.),'10, 24 Garston doek (Lanes.). I 7 1 Home Office, 99, 1 15. I 17 Cask Ridge (Perthshire), 18 Hornby (Lanes.), 210-11,212 Gastrell, Francis, bishop of Chester, 57 hunger strikers, 169 General and MLinieipal Workers' Union, Hunt, Henry, 98, 100, 112, 115-16 166 Hurst, Sir Gerald, 97 George, Prime Regent later George IV), Huyton (Lanes.), 63, 80 99 George. T., 1 79 I.R.A., see Irish Republican Army Gerard: leeni. 3 Richard. 51 2 Ince Blundell (Lanes.), 62, 65, 68-9, 77, 4 homas. Lord Gerard, 74 79, 82-3, 86 90 Sir William. 80 Inchtuthil (Perthshire). 18-20 Glamorgan, 1 1 5 Independent Labour Party. 150 228 Index Independents, 178 R. v. Deu-hunl. I I 7 inquests, coroners'. 95 7, 101-18 R. r. Ferrand. 112 13.118 insurance agents, 148. 156-7 R. ;i Hunt, 117 insurance companies, 158-61 R. v. William fleet, 105 internment, 173 Lawton, Daniel, 81 Ireland. 18. 174. 199-200 lawyers, 54, 97, 106, 131 1916 rebellion, 187-8 Leasowc (Ches.), 198 Free State, 174 Lees: Home Rule, 149, 177, 187 John. 95. 101-4 partition, 174, 179, 188 'Robert, 101, 113 and see Belfast: Dublin; Moy Lcgh, Sir Peter, 51 Irish Democratic Party. 175 7 legions. Roman: Irish Labour Party, 171 \lAdiutrix, 19 Irish Nationalist Parly, 147-56, 174, 176 IX lliipana. 8 Irish Republican Army (I.R.A.), 188 XX Valeria I'tftrix, 9. 19 Irish Self-Determination League, 168, 173 Leigh (Lanes.), 138 Irwcli, river, 142 Leyland (Lanes.), 193 Isle of Man. 208 9 Liberal Party. 126. 128 31. 151 2. 154. 178 ' JACKSON, Joseph, 135 libraries, 52-3, 55 juries: Lincoln, 8 inquest, 102 12 Lincolnshire, 69; anil see Lincoln sewer commission, 76, 82-3 Liscard (Ches.), 199 Jurist, 106 Little Chester (Derb.), 5. 11 Little Crosby (Lanes.), 62, 74, 86 90 KAY.John, 109 Higluown, 60, 62, 84 Keating, F.W., archbishop ol Liverpool. Moorhouses, 84 'l77 Liverpool, 67, 91 Kelly: aldermen, 179, 181, 183-4, 188 Agnes. 183 archbishops, see Downey; Keating PJ., 147-89 bakers, 166 Thomas (d. 1895), 148-9, 155 bombing (I.R.A.), 188 Tom, 168 Brownlow Hill, 182 Kendal (Westmld), 28, 37; and see Brunswick ward, 1 76 Watercrook Canning Place, 171, 173 Kent, see Romney Marsh cathedral. Roman Catholic, 182 Kent, river, 7 councillors, 149-50, 153, 155, 167, 'King Street', 11 175-80, 182 King's Bench, 88, 96, 100, 108, 11011 Dingle ward, 175 Kirkbride (Cumb.) (? 'Briga'), 20 dockers.

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