RAYMOND V. SCHODER, S.J. (1916-1987) Classical Studies Department

RAYMOND V. SCHODER, S.J. (1916-1987) Classical Studies Department

RAYMOND V. SCHODER, S.J. (1916-1987) Classical Studies Department SLIDE COLLECTION OF HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SITES FROM THE AIR Prepared by: Laszlo Sulyok Ace. No. 89-15 Computer Name: AERIAL .SCH 1 Metal Box Location: Room 209 I The following slides of historical and geographical sites are from the collection of Raymond V. Schoder, S.J. They are arranged alpha-numerically in the order in which they were received at the archives. The notes in the inventory were copied verbatim from Schoder's own citations on the slides. CAUTION: This collection may include commercially produced slides which may only be reproduced with the owner's permission. I. APPENINES East of Naples, fr. air 2. A VERNUS, Fusaro fr. air *M 3. A VERNUS: Air, w. Lucrinus, Baia, Misenum Monte Nuovo (I) 4. A VERNUS: air, w. Lucrinus, Misenum .M 5. A VERNUS: air view fr. West 6. A VERNUS: air all, w. Lucrinus; from North (Villa Verg. bot) 7. AVERNUS: air, W slope; Villa Verg. n. top right (amphth.) 8. BAGNOLI near Naples: air *M 9. BAIAE: air of Bath Diana *M 10. CAPRI: air of cliff, Villa fr. Wast (Maltby)* II. CAPRI: Air of Villa Jovis & point (Maltby)* 12. CUMAE: Air of Apollo T. (Maltby)* (M) 13. CUMAE: air, w. Villa Verg. (rt) .M 14. CUMAE: Acrop. air 15. CUMAE: air: Acrop gen. .M 16. CUMAE: air of Rom. Baths *M 17. MISENUM air: Lucrino, Avernus, Mt. Nuovo Mt. Barbaro/Gauro Hrdg 18. MISENUM, BAIAE: air from East 19. MISENUM: Air, fr. SE (Maltby)* 20. MISENUM: air gen. 21. NAPLES: air, w. Nisida, Posillipo Hrdg 22. PHLEGRAEA fr. air; Solfatara, Astroni crat. 23. PHLEGRAEA; Air: Solf., Nisida, Posillip[o 24. PHLEGRAEA: Air: Pozz. to Baiae, Misenum (*Hdg) 25. PHLEGRAEA: Air view fr. Misenum E to Pozzuoli, Vesuvius (*Hdg) 26. PHLEGRAEA fr. air: Posillipo, Poz., Baiae, Misenum to Ischia 27. PHLEGRAEA fr. air; Agnano, Poz., Baia, Mis. 28. PHLEGRAEA fr. air: Agnano to Avernus, Cuma 29. PHLEGRAEA fr. air: Poz., Astroni crater, to Mt. Gauro 30. PROCIDA: SE fr. air, off Capo Miseno 31. POMPEII: Air view of all fr. N. *M 32. POMPEII: Air view (Corti, p.4) 33. POMPEII: Air of Amphth. area, mod. town (M) 34. POSILLIPO: air *M 35. POZZUOLI: air of East side *M 36. POZZUOLI: air, w. Monte Gavro byd. (Maltby)* 37. ANTIUM: Air of Latium coast 38. CIVITA VECCHIA: air view 39. LATIUM: Air of fields, n. Ardea 40. LA TINA: air view twd. Circeo 41. LA VINIUM: Air view of site, coast 42. LA VINIUM, ARDEA: area, air view 43. MONTE CIRCEO: air 44. NAPLES: Air, gen. Pal., Castel Nuovo; San Martino at top 45. GAETA CAPE: Air view fr. SE 46. OSTIA: Air view gen. (in middle) 47. OSTIA: Air of Tiber mouth, Isola Sacra 48. TIBER: Air, n. Ostia 49. PONTIA/PONZA isle fr. air 50. TALAMON E point, N. of Casa, fr. air 51. AETNA: air of top *(M. Lo) 52. Aeolian Isles air 53. PALERMO: Panomus bay, city, M. Pellegrino fr. air 54. SOLOEIS(Solunto) coast area fr. air 55. FORUM: air gen. blurred 56. PALESTINE air view, city on hill, E of Dead Sea in Jordan 57. PALESTINE: air view of eroded desert 58. RIVER JORDAN: air view of windings 59. ARLES: Air of Amphitheater # 60. ARLES: Theater, Amphth. air view # 61. ARLES: Theater, Amphth. air view back 62. ARLES: Amphth. air view gen. # 63. ARLES: Theater, Amphth. air view # 64. NICE: bay fr. air 65. NICE: Air gen. 66. CARTHAGE: Air view of Punic harbor, South (center), fr. South 67. LEPTIS MAGNA: air view gen. to coast 68. LEPTIS MAGNA: Libyan desert near, air 69. SABRATHA: air view of town, Theater 70. SABA THRA: air of Th. houses, to coast 71. PERSEPOLIS: Air view gen. oblique * 72. PERSEPOLIS: Air view gen. fr. above * 73. AIR: Spain: Lake Enterepenas, Tagus river E. of Madrid 74. GREENLAND: Air 75. GREENLAND: Air 76. ALPS: Mt. Blanc, air 77. ALPS: air view, n. Mt. Blanc 78. ALPS: air view, n. Mt. Blanc 79. ALPS: air, Mt. Blanc at back 80. ALPS: Air view, near Verona 81. ELBA: air gen. 82. ELBA: air det. 83. BAVARIAN LAKES from air 84. BAVARIAN FARMS from air 85. BAVARIAN TOWNS from air 86. ABOVE CLOUDS, 6 miles up in jet 707 2 RAYMOND V. SCHODER, S.J. (1916-1987) Classical Studies Department SLIDE COLLECTION OF EUROPEAN HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SITES Prepared by: Laszlo Sulyok Ace. No. 89-15 Computer Name: EUROMISC.SCH 1 Metal Box Loca tiou: Room 209/ The following slides of European Historical and Geographical Sites are from the collection of Raymond V. Schoder, S.J. They are arranged alpha-numerically in the order in which they were received at the archives. The notes in the inventory were copied verbatim from Schoder's own citations on the slides. CAUTION: This collection may include commercially produced slides which may only be reproduced with the owner's permission. AUSTRIA I. BRENNER PASS on Alps, betw. Austria & Italy 2. AUSTRIA: Innsbruck, w. river Inn 3. AUSTRIA: Innsbruck Maria-Teresa-strasse 4. SALZBURG: gen. w. Archbishop-Elector fort-palace, cathd. 5. SALZBURG: fountain 1660 6. SALZBURG: Cathd., Princes' residence, Horse fountain 7. VIENNA: Imperial Palace: Neue Burg arc (Stalin star = Rus. HQ) 8. VIENNA: Kunst-Hist. Mus. ceiling det. 9. VIENNA: Kunst-Historische Museum ceiling 10. VIENNA: Kunsth. Mus. (r), Palace, St. Stephens 11. VIENNA: Parliament Bldg. Athena, tel. 12. VIENNA: Athena, Parliament Bldg, 1902 (w. Justice, Danube, etc) 13. VIENNA: Parliament Bldg., 1880 14. VIENNA: Parliament Bldg. front, 1883 15. VIENNA: Fountain by Raphael Donner, 1739 Providence (top), Danube 16. VIENNA: Trinity Col., 1679, for delivery fr. plague; 69'high 17. VIENNA: Park, Royal Theater (r), Town HAll spire 18. VIENNA: Strauss Monument in park 19. VIENNA: Karlskirche, 1716-, Baroque cupola + Rom. frt + Traj. col. (Fischer von Erlach) 20. VIENNA: Votiv Kirche (1865), lit nite 21. AUSTRIA: St. Johann parish church, along Danube 22. TYROL: Seefeld (Austria) 23. TYROL: Bruneck, in S. Tyrol (Ital.) GERMANY 22. AACHEN CA THD: Throne of Charlemagne 23. AACHEN CA THD:Shrine for body Charlemagne 24. AACHEN: 17 C. Inn 'Postwagen' 25. MED: gold, shrine for Charlemagne's body, 1215 (Aachen) 26. AACHEN: Rathaus (14 c.) 27. GERMANY: Bamberg houses along river 28. BAVARIAN SCENE at Saulgrub, n. Garmisch 29. GERMANY: Bavarian valley 30. BAVARIA: Black Forest, n. Freiburg/Breisg. 31. GERMANY: Scharnitz, Bavaria 32. GERMANY: Bavarian folk-dance # 33. BAVARIA: typical old man # 34. GERMANY: Beilstein roofs, Moselle 35. GERMANY: Beilstein on Moselle, castle 36. BEILSTEIN: Village, castle 37. BEILSTEIN: Castle ruins & ivy (GMH) 38. BERLIN: Center: ruins of Kaiser Wilhelm I mem. ch (1895), new ch, Kurfurstendamm 39. BERLIN: Charlottenburg Palace, w. stat. Fred. Gt. by Schlutter, 1703 40. BERLIN: Wall at 'Checkpoint Charley', twd. E. Berl. 41. COCHEM on Moselle, med. castle, tel. 42. COCHEM on Moselle Castle 43. COCHEM on Moselle 44. COCHEM on Moselle: Castle hill 45. COCHEM on Moselle general, polaroid 46. GERMANY: Moselle village 47. STAINED GLASS Moses & Burng. Bush. by Gerlach, c. 1170, Cologne (Frankfurt) 48. MED. SCULPT: Stone: Angel, Women at Xt's Tomb, 12 c; fr. Gustorf, n. Cologne 49. COLOGNE: Hohenzollern Bridge, Rhine 50. DACHAU: Ovens for Nazi cremation of Jews 51. DACHAU: wall 52. DACHAU: Iron sculpture of despair 53. DACHAU: Chapel of Reparation 54. DACHAU: Statue, park 55. GERMANY: Dinkelsbuhl from tower, with St. George cathd. 56. DINKELSBUHL: IS c. city wall gate 57. GERMANY: Dinkelsbuhl street, fr. tower 58. DINKELSBUHL: Deutsches Haus 59. DINKELSBUEHL: HOUSES 60. DINKELSBUHL: market square 61. DINKELSBUHL" Rothenburger Tor 62. GERMANY: Dinkelsbuhl: faul-turm, lagoon 63. FRANKFURT: Main River area, Cathd. 64. GERMANY: Freiburg in Breisgau: 16 cent. Marketplace, n. Cathd. 65. GARMISCH mts. in rain, mist 66. GERMANY: Garmisch-Partenkirchen 67. HEIDELBERG: gen. view across Neckar 68. HEIDELBERG: Nekar, Old Bridge,Castle 69. HEIDELBERG: town across Neckar, Cathd. 70. HEIDELBERG 16 c. house 71. HOHENSCHWANGAU Castle, lakes fr. far 72. HOHENSCHW ANGA U Castle fr. below far 73. HOHENSCHW ANGAU Castle 74. KOBLENZ: across Rhine 75. GOLD, ENAMEL: Alt. det. Klosterneuburg, Samson & Lion, 1181 # 76. GOLD, ENAMEL: Altar det, KLosterneuburg: Nativity # 1181 2 R.V. Schoder. S.J./European Miscellanous 77. MED ART: ivory Magdeburg cathd. c. 970: Xt. & Pilate, Thomas 78. MAINZ: Electors' Palace 79. MAINZ: Guttenberg monument, Cathedral 80. MUNICH: Bavarian National Museum 81. GERMANY: Munich, City Hall 82. MED. WOOD: Bavarian Crucifix, c. 1180 (Mun) 83. GERMANY: Munich, Odensplatz (Ludwig of Bavaria -Theatine ch) 84. MUNICH: Glyptotek ext., neo-Ionic 85. GERMANY; Nymphenburg: Palace of Crown -Princes of Bavaria (near Munich) 86. GERMANY: Neuschwanstein + Hohenschwangau # 87. NEUSCHWANSTEIN Castle of 'Mad Ludwig' of Bavaria, to Lakes 88. NEUSCHW ANSTEIN Castle fr. below 89. NEUSCHWANSTEIN: Castle, Lake # 90. NEUSCHWANSTEIN *(by Louis II of Bavaria, c. 1870) 91. NEUSCHWANSTEIN: Castle 92. NEUSCHW ANSTEIN: Royal Throne Room # 93. NEUSCHWANSTEIN: Sitting Room, w. Silver Door hinges # 94. NEUSCHW ANSTEIN: Ludwig II's Bedroom # 95. NEUSCHWANSTEIN: Gen. ext. fr. front, mts # 96. NEUSCHW ANSTEIN: Minstrel's Hall # 97. NEUSCHWANSTEIN: Study, frescos of Wagner Lohengrin # 98. MED. IVORY: Otto II, Empress Theophano, son Otto III bf. Xt, BVM, St. Maurice: I Oc Gm 99. NIEDERSPAY, on Rhine 100. NUERNBERG; Schoner Brunnen, Mkt. S. Sebald 101. NURNBERG: Schoner Brunnen, Liebfrau church 102. NURNBERG: old winehouses 103. NURNBERG: choir (oriel) window of pastor's house Durer mon. and house, fort 104. NURNBERG: Liebfrau Church, market 105. NURNBERG: acting clock 106. NUERNBERG; St. Sebald nave, aisle, 13/14c 107. NUERNBERG; St. Sebald int: Nave, 13/14 c 108. NURNBERG: St. Sebald, statues cols. 109. OBERAMMERGAU: painted house 110. GERMANY: Oberammergau, frescoed house Ill. OBERAMMERGAU: painted store 112.

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