?.:VùsVvr'. ■■ '■* I’®* i ,1 Ç f i‘] ï&kÈ&iiâÈjüiM'’''4 w w - ; - . .Tonight I almost envy yon ■- U ?S T D AY'S ' Your quiet’ bbd that seems -------:fe ., i presume m m m l m m m t i Jlqa' narrow for the coining i * * * -££«g£ S T A T E CAPI prlfitL . Of ahynofseor dreaijto/ Yotetif9f |p>T6; apd ther senate also one _ hundred fn tKift;; „ ___ passed it by * ròte of 13 to 0. FUBUMHING{&? Bo when the earth ts not too hard— A Large Lot of Dilli' Cure -for Consuraptioa ; m -my . „ -A moist and pleasant mold— The Normal School Bçnd 'BIU w m The house concurred in ,the senate ftimily, and I ^ am 'continually advising others news corresponisivoe, m*ou- With dandelions litre and there, amendment to tfia general¿ appropriation .i— , ______ >r' theeditorfal departm&at, Like scattered blls of gold, . P ass«! Among Other«—Hfelbna’o Water to get it,- Undoubtedly it. is the 1» i4dw»aed to >" Editob T bxbdnk . bill raising. the salary of two or three , r *l i v * i , V v ‘ - i . Then maybe 1 shall break my way , Bond Proposition Defeated. The earth und grasses through, board clerks 3300 each and increasing «¡the- Dillon postoffioe tor trapsmte- ■ And siutling with' my drowsy eyes the Bum allowed for the traveling ex­ 13971347 ' the mails as second-class matter. - : Shall come to sleep with. you. Condensed from Anaconda Standard. ' penses o f the mine inepeetpr from $1,500 —Bertha G. Davis lit Kate Field's Washington. The fourth legislative assembly of Mon­ ,? ( ADVERTISING. to $2,000. At 6:30 o’olock p. m. thè tana adjonrned at midnight last Thurs­ LooAi Notices 15 cento a line (Nonpareil FAMOUS ENGLISH SWORDS. house tooè a recess for an hour. neaeqre) for first insertion; 12 cento a line for day night. It was a busy day in both The conference committee on house i ever used.—"W. C. M iltknberger , Clarion, Pa., iwh »ateequent insertion. .. Borne Noticeable Weapons That Are Ex- houses. In the senate on the third read­ a Bkmumo Notices on local page (Brevier type), hibited In the Tower of London, bill 374, and senate bill 102, reported that Dec. 29, 1894.-------- 1 sell Pieo’s Cure for Consump­ cento a line forfiret insertion; 20 cents a lint ing of the house bills the proposition to •achwxheeanent insertion. ^ ■$Vhopver visits-the Loudon Tower the differences had been adjusted, and tion, and never have any com- “ allow the city of Helena to bond itself for F i g o 's c u r e f o r PisEbAY Advertisements , by the month or may enjoy a veritable feast of swords, they recommended that the house recede laints.—E. S h o r e y , Postmaster, The Be« OougU Syrup. I ■ rear, Inserted at reasonable rates. Prices fur­ a water supply was defeated by a vote of Thstes Good. Use in time.| bished on application but amid the numberless array of Weap­ from its amendments to senate bill 102, horey, Kansas, Dec. 21st, 1894. 5 to, 9. The bill had been reported by Sold by Druggists. Guanoes in' standing advertisements will be ons there are one or two that are espe­ and accept the ‘ senate amendments to hade (it desired) once ~a month without extra cially Avorthy of notice. There is the the judiciary committee, and was knock­ m E sm asam in "a«» > Where ads. Ere cKanged oftener tiian House bill 374. sword of state, which is girt on the ed out without discussion. , * ,r (hoe a month, the cost of composition „will be. The effeot of these bills 5s passed is to [larged. Copy for changes in ads. must be sent monarch's side aftor his anointing at A large number of house bills passed I by Wednesday preceding day of issue. continue the contract system at the state the imposing ceremony of coronation, and the senate went into committee of the Berths, Mabbiaoks and D eaths inserted free prison. The report of the contract sys­ (ten the simple annoonbement is desired; oom- which girding is more honored in the whole, Cullen in the chair. The only Jents, obituary poetry, etc., 5 centr a line. When, breach, one would suppose, when the tem was not adopted without a hard fight. ^otioes are not furnished, it is concluded a men- matter of special interest that came up ' " ' ' I* ionof the event is not wished and none will be monarch is a lady. The sword is first It was referred to the judiciary commit­ was the bill requiring candidates for. made. consecrated by the primate, and by him tee after considerable heated discussion. ► Cabds of Thanks , 20 cents a line. handed to the lord chamberlain, whooffice to have the signatures of 5 per cent, N otices of Festivals, Fairs, Sociables, Parties, Von Tobel spoke in favor of the completes the function. It is a two hand of the voters to their petitions before Concerto, Supper», etc., for which admission fee adoption of the report. He was opposed Is to be charged or where articles are to be ed weapon, with rich deoorationsonhjl.t they could get a place on the official bal­ offered for sale 10 cento a line. to the contract system, but other consid­ and pommel and scabbard; Of scarcelylot. Leonard, Eggleston and Hatch y erations compelled him to favor this re­ SOCIETY CARD9. less importance is the “ sword of mercy, ” Strongly advocated this measure, and ► port. If these bills did not pass it would BEWARB borne before the sovereign in the coro­ Steele opposed it. The bill passed. ot imitation trade is the whole story Company K, N. O. M.—Meets for drill at nation procession. This sword is named jeopardize the laws of 1893. marks and-labels. ► House bill 360, the census bill was in­ Armory Hall every Moniday evening. Curtana, but though undoubtedly very about y F. J. Bird, 1st riprgt. Vlf. J. Crowell, Capt. definitely postponed. House hill 127, ... Booth also spoke in favor of the report. ancient it can hardly claim to be the Oceldeutal Encampment No. 0 ,1 .0 .0. F. He deplored the contract system but he fr —Meets the 1st and 8a 8aturday nights of eaoh original Curtana forged by tho famousregulating insurance companies and the month at Lodge Hall, in Glendale. All sojourn­ resolution appropriating money for aconsidered it absolutely essential that fr ing patriarchs, in good standing, are invited to Munifioan. attend. V This original Curtana was the magicstate janitor and additional clerical forcethese bills pass und it was evident that to W. 1L Bell, Scribe. K. N. Hilbinger, C. P. weapon of Ogier the Dane, bold knight pass them they would have to accede to H Ola',Lodge, No. 10. I. O. G. T.-Meete at under the direotion of thè state board of that senate amendment. After the com­ Good Templars’ hall, Glendale, every Friday of - Charlemagne’s most warlike days.examiners, were concurred in, also the Costs no more than other package soda—never, spoils veiling. Visitinng members of the Order are Our own Curtana is in any case many mittee in judiciary reported favorably on oardially Invited to attend. fish and game bill, and the bill to pro­ . _ flour—universally acknowledged purest in the world. J» Edward Harrison. Seo'y. A. C. Moe. C. T. centuries old. It is square pointed, with mote the manufacture of beet sugar. the conferees’ report, the latter was Occident Lodge No. 8, K. of P.—Meets in the look as though the point had been Made only by CIIUUCH & CD,, New York, Sold by grocers everywhere. I* convention even; Thursday evening in the Castle Numerous resolutions were passed. adopted. broken short; hence possibly its name. Hall. ooraer of Bannack and Idaho streets. All The governor sent a message to the j W rite for Arm and Hammer Jiook o f valuable Recipes—ifRIiH- j* visiting Knights are cordially invited to attend. A fine gold .wire covers its handle, and Alex. Singer, C. C. In the house under the third reading house, stating that in the general appro­ Jas. A. Meyers, K. B. 8. the scabbard is remarkably ornate. Two Apollo Lodge No. 10, I. O. O. V.— Meets other swords are oarried at the corona­of house bills, the following measures priation bill appropriations for the jani­ •very Monday evening at its hall on the corner of tion ceremony—swords symbolical of were read a third time ’ and passed: No.tor and for neoessary extra olerioal as­ Idaho and Bannack Btreete. Sojourning brothers In jo od standing are cordially invited to attend. spiritual and temporal justice, the first314, relating to the construction of the sistance at the discretion of the. board of ELKHART ÛAURgâOE and HMESS MFG. CO. Mayers Sec. H. Genther, N. G. with an obtuse point, the latter sharp. podes and the aots of First, Seoond, examiners had been omitted. A resolu­ Have Sold To Conr.uracr* For S& Years» DIUon Lodge No. 7, A. Q. V.. W.-Meeto Curtank and these two justice swords $21.50 «at'fnnthem the ('salen',profits. Wo aro the Oldest the first and third Tuesday evenings of eaoh Third and Fourth Legislative assemblies;tion was passed appropriating- $600 for and Largest n: mufacturers in America selling month at 8 o'clock, in A. O. U. W. Hall, corner are not often called upon to make a pub: thid way. Bhlp t abject to approval.Wepay freigM 372, the general appropriation bill; sub­janitors and $3,000 for the olerioal assist­ m both waus if not satisfactory.
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