June 29, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 12487 patrol craft was narrowly missed by a stellar career. They include the Distin- football game. They graciously took barrage of recoilless rifle fire.’’ Again, guished Service Medal; Legion of Merit time out of their busy schedules in his valor and heroism was established (seven awards); the Bronze Star with V; order to make the game more enjoy- early in his career. He was awarded a the Meritorious Service Medal (two able for the players and the fans, but Bronze Star Medal with Combat V and awards); the Joint Service Commenda- more importantly they gave James the Navy Combat Action Ribbon for his tion Medal; the Navy Commendation Havard an opportunity to enjoy a bet- service. Medal (three awards); and Vietnam, ter life. Vice Admiral Amerault’s follow-on Desert Storm, and numerous other These men belong to the Professional sea tours demonstrated the tactical campaign medals. Football Referees Association Char- brilliance that would become his trade- Vice Admiral Amerault also has the ities, PFRA. The PFRA is also very in- mark. His next tour was on board USS distinction of being the Navy’s ‘‘Old volved in helping out other charitable Taylor (DD 468) as Engineer Officer. Salt’’—the active duty officer who has organizations such as the Make-A-Wish During this tour he earned a coveted been qualified as an officer of the deck Foundation. This distinguished organi- Shellback certificate for crossing the underway the longest. zation has been very helpful in getting equator. He then reported as Chief En- Standing beside this officer through- aid to individuals like James, and they gineer on board USS Benner (DD 801) out his superb career has been his wife have given many people a chance to where he earned his first of three Navy Cathy, a lady to whom he owes much. have a better life. Commendation Medals. She has been his key supporter, devot- These men and the PFRA are to be Several sea tours followed in steady ing her life to her husband, to her fam- commended for a job well done, and for progression. He was Executive Officer ily, and to the men and women of the their continued efforts in improving in USS Dupont (DD 941). He also was Navy family. She has traveled by his the lives of others. Executive Officer in USS Sierra (AD 18). side for these many years. They are the f He served as commissioning Com- epitome of the Navy family team. THE ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES IN manding Officer of USS Nicholas (FFG From the start of his career at the GLOBAL AND NATIONAL COM- 47) and Commanding Officer of USS Naval Academy, through Vietnam, the MERCE ACT Samuel Gompers (AD 37). It is difficult Gulf War, Kosovo and beyond—thirty- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, one of to convey the challenges and hardships six years—Vice Admiral Amerault has the most significant accomplishments that were faced by this officer and his served with uncommon valor. He is in- of the 106th Congress was the Elec- family during these many and arduous deed an individual of rare character tronic Signatures in Global and Na- and professionalism—a true Sailor’s sea tours. tional Commerce Act, commonly As Vice Admiral Amerault pro- Sailor! I am proud, Mr. President, to known as ‘‘ESIGN.’’ This landmark gressed in the Navy he served as Staff thank him on behalf of the United legislation establishes a Federal frame- Combat Information Center Officer for States of America for his honorable work for the use of electronic signa- Commander, Cruiser Destroyer Group and most distinguished career in the tures, contracts, and records, while TWO; and commanded Destroyer United States Navy, and to wish him preserving essential safeguards pro- Squadron SIX, Amphibious Group ‘‘fair winds and following seas’’. tecting the Nation’s consumers. It FOUR, and the Western Hemisphere f passed both houses of Congress by an Group. Again, these were all difficult RECOGNIZING VOLUNTEER REF- overwhelming majority, and went into tours of tremendous responsibility that effect in October 2000. required an incredible commitment to EREES FOR THE 2001 SIGMA NU CHARITY BOWL I helped to craft the Senate version duty and country. of the bill, which passed unanimously Vice Admiral Amerault’s shore as- Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, recently in November 1999, and I was honored to signments have included Director, the Epsilon Xi Chapter of Sigma Nu at serve as a conferee and help develop Navy Program Resource Appraisal Di- the University of Mississippi cele- the conference report. I am proud of vision and Executive Assistant to the brated the eleventh anniversary of the what we achieved and the bipartisan Director, Surface Warfare Division on Charity Bowl in Oxford, Mississippi. manner in which we achieved it. It was the staff of the Chief of Naval Oper- Founded in 1989, the Sigma Nu Charity an example of legislators legislating ations. Bowl has helped many unfortunate rather than politicians posturing and His flag assignments have included men and women, who from accidents or unnecessarily politicizing important Director, Operations Division, Office of injuries have been permanently para- matters of public policy. Budget and Reports, Navy Comptroller; lyzed. Since 1990, over $500,000 has been Much of the negotiations over ESIGN Director, Office of Navy Budget; and raised to help these individuals. concerned the consumer protection Director, Fiscal Management Division Throughout the years, the Epsilon Xi language in section 101(c), which was in the office of the Chief of Naval Oper- Sigma Nu Charity Bowl has become designed to ensure effective consumer ations. one of the largest college philanthropy consent to the replacement of paper His final tour in the Navy as Deputy events in the nation. Every year, notices with electronic notices. We Chief of Naval Operations (Fleet Readi- Sigma Nu competes in a football game managed in the end to strike a con- ness and Logistics) has demonstrated against another fraternity from Ole structive balance that advanced elec- his brilliant logistics acumen. With dy- Miss or another university. It has be- tronic commerce without terminating namic leadership he has refocused the come an annual event that the citizens or mangling the basic rights of con- Navy’s logistics systems to more accu- of Oxford, the parents of the players, sumers. rately meet the needs of the war fight- and the Ole Miss community enjoy In particular, ESIGN requires use of er and the Navy of the future. each year. This year’s recipient was a a ‘‘technological check’’ in obtaining A scholar as well, VADM Amerault is very deserving young man named consumer consent. The critical lan- a graduate of the Naval Postgraduate James Havard, who enjoyed watching guage, which Senator WYDEN and I de- School (MS Operations Research) and Sigma Nu defeat Phi Delta Theta 18–13. veloped and proposed, provides that a the University of Utah (MA Middle I would like to recognize some very consumer’s consent to the provision of East Affairs and Arabic), and was the special men who generously gave their information in electronic form must Navy’s 1986–87 Federal Executive Fel- time and talents in order to make the involve a demonstration that the con- low at the RAND Corporation, Santa Charity Bowl a great success. Steve sumer can actually receive and read Monica, California. Freeman, Michael Miles, Kevin Rob- the information. Companies are left As he ascended to the highest eche- erts, Scott Steenson, and Michael with ample flexibility to develop their lons of leadership in the Navy, Vice Ad- Woodard are to be commended and hon- own procedures for this demonstration. miral Amerault garnered many com- ored for their efforts in serving as vol- When the Senate passed ESIGN in mendations that further highlight his unteer referees for the charity bowl June 2000, I expressed confidence that VerDate Aug 31 2005 15:12 Feb 22, 2007 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\S29JN1.002 S29JN1 rmajette on PROD1PC67 with BOUND RECORD 12488 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE June 29, 2001 the benefits of a one-time techno- and brother, Roy Powers, of Norman. position or influence. The message in logical check would far outweigh any Our hearts go out to them. all of this is clear and inspiring: with possible burden on e-commerce. I also Oliver was a native of Chickasha, patience and perseverance, democracy predicted that this provision would in- Oklahoma, where he graduated from and the rule of law will prevail. crease consumer confidence in the elec- high school in 1971. He was also a grad- Serbian Prime Minister Djindjic de- tronic marketplace. uate of the University of Science and serves praise for his leadership on this One year later, the Federal Trade Arts of Oklahoma, also located in issue and for recognizing that if Serbia Commission and the Department of Chickasha, and went on to earn a Mas- wants to join the democratic family of Commerce have issued a report on the ter’s Degree in Journalism from the nations, then it must uphold and re- impact of ESIGN’s consumer consent University of Oklahoma. Oliver began spect the rule of law. Many others have provision. In preparing the report, his service to the U.S. Senate in 1986, contributed their efforts over the years these agencies conducted extensive when he became director of audio and leading up to this historic day and de- outreach to the on-line business com- lighting for the Senate. serve mention: former Secretary of munity, technology developers, con- Oliver will be missed by all of those State Madeleine Albright, U.S.
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