A Panorama COVERING O f Local rovNwin or NOLMDBU HAOUUN People MAUJOKO. MATAWAN EE n v e n t s (M l AVAN aWOUON 9Mk YEAH — JM i WEEK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1965 _ Member aw iewr*B5r National Editorial AuoctaUoa Singla Copy Ton Canto One Of First Prize Winners At Science Fair Adopt Amandad Budgat Bells Buy Bradley Judge Presides At Eagle Scout Award A MM,Ml mualclpal budgtt, up |IIWR> was adapted by Ibe Mat­ awaa 1'wwaaWp Committee Mon­ Lot For Parking day alfM, a paMie bearlag was b*M Mar. IS, bat tbe eanmlllee Funeral Homa Uta At defernd aetiea to te*k Stale IN- Alikas House Sought vlslaa ol Local GeverameM ap­ proval of an additional surplus An addition to parking facilities appropriaiioe and aa laterfund available to customers of their transfer. store in Matawan business district The fl5#,Mt aurpkis appropria­ was advanced by Martin and Cal­ tion was increased Mi,M( lo vin Bell last nijjhl in a letter to 1215,M l lo reduce Ihe estimated the Matawan Borough Zoning total tax rale II cents. The new Board of Adjustment. The brothers total lax rate Is estimated at $1-27 announced their intention of nc- far each IIM assessed valuation, qulrinK the GG ft. by 22 ft. property an Increase ol tt cents. The of John J. Bradley, 2 Malden Lnne. •ssa,033 municipal tax levy was The Bells ^ave their notice of in­ lowered to !48J,M1. tent in the name of a holding com ­ The Interfund transfer took pany, the Gusmnrenl Co. They f9000 from thu (15t,174 reserve would remove the present Bradley for uncollected taxes and added home from the premises und pav:e It to Ihe J27.5M capital Improve­ the lot over for parking. ment account. Additional money M r, Bradley, chairm an of Uie was needed In capital Improve­ zoning board, confirmed his nego­ ments for the proposed renova­ tiations with the Bells and announc­ tion ol township hall. ed his withdrawal from considera­ tion of their case in that his pro|>er- ty is half in a com m ercial zone und half in a residential zone. The Dennis Druzhik, a member of Day Scout Trnop C6, Court Judge Leo Weinstein, Matawan, officiated at Heuscr Quits, new owners will have to get u use Matawnn, altuined the runk of l£aglc Scuut at a the ceremony. Above, (left to right) are Mr. and exception for that t>art in Ihe resi­ Court of Honor Tuesday. Monmouth County Domestic Mrs. Michael Drurblk. Demis, and Judge Weinstein. dential zone to udapt it to u com­ Triscari Named Matawan Boy Scout Troop till A t Uie sam e Court of Honor, mercial parking lot. Trail Hike Award* held a Court of Honor Tuesday Uagle Seoul Richard Main received T.L. Grace. Scoutmaster, pre­ Public Works Pott M r. Bradley said lhat the sale night, at which another of its scouts of his home not affect his attained tlic high- t rank In scout­ the Bronze Palm Award, with the sented Jockey Hollow Trail Hike Switch It Mada residence in the through, that he ing. The troop sponsored by the presentation made hy his father, Medals to Robert Hudson, Douglas and his wife have plans to erect n M atawan G ram m ar School Parent- Fred Main. Three scouts received Hudson, Richard Barnett, Earl Sid- The Matawan Borough Council new home in the southern part of Teacher Association, now has four the highest swimming award in dons, Craig McKc«-n, Alan Rich­ Tucsduy night accepted the resig­ the borough. So his residence quali­ active Eagle Scouts. ards, Howard Smith, Glenn Pik* scouting, the Scout Llie Guard nation of Karl If. Heuser as super­ fication to represent tiie borough The newest Eagle Scout o f the and Dennis Druzblk. intendent of public works effective on die board of education, as board troop, Dennis D ru/blk, receiwd his Awurd. Presenilation by committee The Tenderfoot Investiture was president, and on the Zoning Board, Apr. I. Mr. Heuser, who served in award in au Impressive ceremony chairman Ste' l-nt.'rline was made handled by Richard Harnett, and ai chairman, will not be affected. held at the school Tuesday. The to William Keegan. Craig McKeen the newest members ol Troop 66 that post for the past 20 years, was Funeral Home Application presentation was made by Mon­ and Earl Siddons, Other merit are Glenn Siss, George Keegan, lauded by the council for his work. Harold G. Smith, Checsequokc mouth County Domestic Court badge awards were presented lo llrciit Lassen, Anthon/ Sidoti and In his letter of resignation, Mr. attorney, presented the application Judge Leo Weinstein, who has long Glenn Pike, Craig McKeen, Earl M ichael Hussey. Refresh­ Heuser noted that Mayor Edward of Joseph C. Rankl, M ataw an real- been interested in local youth pro­ Siddmis, Alan Richard!' and Peter ments were served under the di­ E. Hyrne said the position would (continued on page ten) jects. Bentley. rection ol Bill Keegan. be nn a full time basis beginning this year. The former superintend­ ent said the mayor's proposal waa Peoples Bank Ravine Dr. School "unacceptable." . Vote Township Hall Mr. Heuser, former borough en­ gineer, was replaced ia that post Merger Voted Bids Due Apr. 26 at the first of the year by Frank Triscari. Mr. Triscari Monday night Will Join W ith Feder Concerned Over Addition Over Protest also -was named to rtplao Mr, Heuser as superintendent of pub­ Central Jersey Outlets For TV Classes Despite j number of objections Hie project includes expanding lic works for the balance of the raised by resident* and local civic seating capacity of the meeting (•It * m M d last t lf il at iha ackaaL year. The Boards of Directors of the Matawan Regional Board of p.du- Ih a place vtaaert la variaua cMmwIm I Central Jersey Bank and Trust groups, the Matawan Township room from 50 to IM, providing • New Traffic Patterns ■ A a h j i m tfc* “ E fl*e t* *4 H*rm*e*i Ralph ladle, Richard DaUaazo, Belly Della H rin, Co., Freehold, and the Peoples cation proceeded to clear the way Committee voted 4-1 Monday night caucus room, building separate of­ Councilman George Connor also • H a wm ■ I M | l w vlM vr ta ibe Erie Gardea, Kalbcrln* Beam aad Laara Naddiafi. National Bank, Keyport, at sep­ Monday for receiving bids Apr. reported that starting Monday to adopt an ordinance bonding fices for township officials, boardi P I»M «i tt tfc* r t w f i weeel *ei*et» fair. arate meetings Friday approved a night, temporary barricades to ex­ 26 on the construction of a K-6 Ele- $231,000 for the construction of an and agencies, inspectors and po­ merger effective Oet. 29. Th* mer­ pedite Ih* flow of commuter traf­ m eniary School on Ravine Dr. by addition in the m unicipal building, ger will give the new institution, lice, and expanding parking facili­ specifications "approved for adver­ Lower Main St. Committeeman fic Mint ftattoa Plata will be ties. dad. New traffic flow pcttama which will contloue^to be called tisement for proposals ai subm it­ the Central Jersey llank and Trust Charles Dryden cast the dissenting Note ObjectioM will be tested1 on a temporary ted. ” A secondary -measure to MidtownBack, 1700Apartments, vote. basis, he said. clear the way for the new school The Strathmore Democratic Club After a 45-minute executive se«. Peter Koelsch, Beechwood Terr., was acceptance of a bid from De- and the Strathmore Civic Associi~ Sarno Bros., Belmar, to “demol­ sion following a public hearing, was named aa the borough repre­ tion opposed the project in letter*. sentative to a bayshore mass trans­ ish and remove” from the site, for­ Mr. Dryden voted no on the propos­ 180 Houses, Shop Mart, Golf Club Herbert J. barker, association portation committee being formed merly 166 Ravine Dr., a house and al, sayiny, "There is a reasonable garage purchased with Ihe prop­ douU in my mind as lo the wis­ president, wrote that the proposed Midtown lac., at JoMpli Bninetti, so-called Glenwood Apartment*. Other Prapaaals with tha co-operation of the County dom of the move at this time." The BrunetU move would ex­ But garden agartments were on­ Planning Board. erty. The DeSarno firm will he paid building "contains every possible Fair Lawn. wMh ka MS acres $500. The vote was 4 to 1. A total of $231.­ pand thia uae te cover IM acres. ly one facet of Mr. Brunetti's over­ A survey report on the municipal feature that could be desired for eorthwmt o f . the latm acMea oI 000 in bonds will be issued. The Mayor Harry Messenger said he all plan. He submitted a (ketch parking lot on Broad and Little Tho plans and specifications sub­ tiie next 10 years, but makes abso* remaining $12,000 will token Route 9 aad Routt Ml, Bniwirtowfl, understood thi* would mean at plat In which he listed other uses, Sis. wat completed by th* police mitted by Henry Finne, Eliza­ from the capital improvement ac­ lutely o attempt at economy." dune back M o the new* laat n tf* least I7M garden aparments in by acreage, as 90 acres for town committee and turned over to the beth, the board’s architect, drew count. Bond maturity is 15 years. ^n k te r nearly four yean of Atnnan- addition to tht 4000 already approv­ house reaidences on half • acre street department.
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