Directory of Summer Craft Courses

Directory of Summer Craft Courses

March 1971, Vol. 12, No.2 Directory of summer Jordan Road, Sedona 86336. Macrame, W - Creative Arts Group, 35-37 E Montecito nonloom (Mary Pendleton), 7 /5 - 7 /9. W - be­ Avenue, Sierra Madre 91024. M scu lpture craft courses ginning & advanced (Mary Pendleton), 7/12 - (DaVid Williams) , C (Jean Taylor, Ellen Fergus, The popularity of summer study in crafts 7/16,7/1 9 - 7/23, 8/9 - 8113 & 8/16 - 8/20.W­ Ell en DaVidson) , W & Macrame (Carolyn Oyer), Navalo, 7/26 - 7/30. W - Hopi, 8/2 - 8/6. J J (linda Heimerl), P (Chris Kehoe) 6 /21 - has grown markedly in the last several beginning, 8 /9 ·8113, J . lost wax, 8/16·8/20 7/31 years. Many requests for information, (8ob & Gina Winston) De Anza College, Stevens Creck Boulevard, Tucson Art Center, 325 West Fr~nklin Street, Cupertino 95014 . Cr (Lillian Mary QUirke, Neal coming earlier each year, prompted the Tucson 85705. C (Joan Butler) , Raku (John Boor). Research & Education 8epartment to Rhodes), W, P (Marcia Andros) , J (Joe Harris) . Dominican College , San Rafael 94901. C (John prepare a spec ial su m mer craft cou rse 7/14·811. Chambers) , Everyday Arts and Craft s of Wes t University of Arizona, Tucson 85721 C A frica, Art Craft Resources of the Bay Area directory annually beginning in 1969. (Maurice K. Grossmarl), J (J. Edward Barker) , (Ida Dean Grae) 6 /21 - 7/30. This year the information gathered by Craft History 6/14 · 7/17. Experiment A, Hal Riegger Workshops, 469 Yavapai College, 1100 East Sheldon, Prescott questionnaire from schools throughout the Panoramic Highway, Mill Valley 94941. C - 86301. Cr, Gb (Schrieber), J (Harber), C Raku (Bob Brady), 7/5 - 7/9 at Corvallis, Orc­ U.S. is so extensive that the entire March (Kelley) 6/14·7116 and 7 / 19 - 8/20 gon. 7/19 - 7/23 at Preston, ItJah o . C - Primitive (Bob Brady), 7112 . 7/16, Fairfield, Idaho: 8/2 - issue of Outlook is given over to the list­ ARKANSAS ing of summer courses. Noting as well the 8/6, Cripple Creek, Colorado. C - Raku (Hal Southeast Arkansas Arts & Science Center, Rlegged, 7 /6 . 7/30, Nelson, British Columbia; desire of many to study with certain pro­ CiVIC Center, Pine Bluff 71601 C, 6/15·8/ 1 617 7 /2 , Tacoma, Washtngton . C Prtnll tve fessional craftsmen, this year's directory Southern State College, Magnolia 71753 Cr (M (Hal Riegger), 8/2 - 8 / 6, Ladysmith , Brttlsh DO'Hern),6/1 · 7/2 . Columbia gives instructors' names and course dates Fred Wilson's Muddy Wheel , 521) Kester A ve­ CALIFORNIA whenever schools supplied this data. nue, Van Nuys 91401. C (Fred Wilson), 6 /21 - American River College, 4700 College Oak Some schools failed to meet our deadline 7/31. Drive, Sacramento 95841 C (John Kaneko), Grossmont College, 8800 Grossmon! Collpge or did not answer the questionnaire and June - July. Drive, EI Cajon. C (Les Lawrence), Junc Aug are thus missing from the list. Arts and Crafts Cooperat ive, 1652 Shattuck, Ida Grae Weaving Workshop, 4 24 LaVerne, Mill Berkeley 94709 C, W, P, N, J, T (non-loom) . Valley 94941. W, Td , Pr imitive w eaving, The code used in this directory: 6/28 ·7/31 Natural dyeing, Spindle spinning. (Ida Grae) Cr-Crafts (general) G·G lass (general) Big Creek Pottery, Davenport 95017 . C (Bruce Can tinuously . - Gb·Glass blowing Mo-Mosaics McDougal), 6/21 . 8121 . Joseph Young, Art in Architecture, 8422 Gs·Stained glass PI-Plastics California College of Arts and Crafts, 5212 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles 90069 Mo (Dr E-Enamellng M·Metals (general) Broadway , Oakland 94619. M (Ken Cory, VIC­ Jose ph Young), 20 day program In July, 20 day M s,Sllversmith ing J-Jewelry tor Ries) , C (Vernon Coykendall, Viola Frey), program In August C·Ceramics T-Textiles (General) W (Sandra Harner), Gb. 6 /21 . 7 /30. Los Angeles Valley College, 5800 Fulton Ave­ 8·800kbinding L-Leather California State College, 800 N . State College nue, Van Nuys 91401. C (Dorothy Lash. Dale N-Needlework P-Print & Dye Boulevard , Fullerton 92631. Cr · advanced , spe· Fulk erson), J (Zelia Marggraf) 6/22 713 1 W-Weaving Td-Textile Design clal studies (Ching), C, 6 / 21 - 7 / 30. W - tech­ Marin Art and Garden Center Ross. N (Marge Wo-Wood F-Furnlture niques for the classroom teacher (Howard), 8 /2 Krejcikl, 7119 - 7 /23 I Wc·Wood carv ing - 8/20 Mary Sharp, 6219 AlVISO Avenue, Los Angeles California State College, 6101 East 7th Street, 90043.E. Long Beach 90801 C - beginning, intermediate, Mendocino Art Center, P.O. Box 36, MendOCIno ALABAMA advan ced & graduate (Ward Youry, Robert 95460. C (Dunstan MOrrissey), J (Arrigo University of South Alabama . 307 Gaillard Ramsey), J all levels, black smi th lng, (0 ieter D'Albert), Gs, 6/28 - 8/20. W - basi c, 6/28 - 7/2, Drive, Mobile 36608_ C fundamental, pro­ Muller·Stach), Cr (John Snldecor, Thomas Fer· W - advanced, 715 719 (Inger Jense n) . W - non­ CPS""S, advan ced and studiO (Lloyd Lee Patten), reira) . 6/2 1 - 7/30. loom (Helene Durbin), 7/26 8/6. W - double 6/13 8/20 California State College , Los Angeles, 5151 weave (JoniClaytOn) . 8 /9 -8113. Rugtechnlques State College Drive, Los Angeles 90032 . C . (Rosalind Watkin), 7112·7116. Spinning (Lydia ARIZONA Introductory, advanced (Staff, McClain), T, W Van Gelder) , 7/19 · 7 /24 . Tapestry (Hal Painter), Arizona State University, Tem pe 85281. J, Cr (Hoffman, Schnitzler), M, E - introductory, J, 8/16 8 120 . Batik (Jean Lock hart), N . Molas (Hank Schrieber), 6/14 - 7/17 . M . forging, raiSing, E. 7/1 - 9/18 (Kate Walker), N Banners & Qui llS (Lynn Mesa Community College, 1833 W . Southern California State Polytechnic College, San LUIS Learned Sims), 2 weeks, dates unconfirmed . L Avenue, Ivl es a 85201. C (EE . Corno), 6 / 14 Obispo 93401 . C beginning & advan ced (Don Puckett), 7/26 8/20. 7/16. (Roger Bailey), 6 /2 1 · 7/16. Cr, PI (Henry Wes ­ Otis Art Institute of Los Angeles County, 2401 Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff 86001. se ls), 7 / 1 - 9 / 14. Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles 90057 C (Rob­ C (Myron Webster), 6/14 - 7/17 . C (Don 8en · Cerritos College, 11110 E Alondra Boulevard, ert Glover) ,6/21 . 7/30 del), 7/19 - 8/21 Norwalk 90651 Cr (Joseph Girtner!, C (Roland Palomar College. Highway 78, San Marcos The Pendleton Fabric Craft School, Box 233, Skutt ).6/28 8/20. 92069. C, 711 · 8114 . CALIFORNIA (Continued) CALIFORNIA (Continued) CONNECTICUT (Continued) Richmond Art Center, Civic Center Plaza, Rich ­ The Yarn Depot, 545 Sutter Street, San Fran­ berg) , E (Elizabeth Budd), G (Maurice Heaton) , mond 94804. C (Arthur Nelson, Richard Bren­ cisco 94102. W - non-loom (BarbaraShawcroft), N (Martha Davenport), Draw ing and Design (or nan, Michael Lambert) , J (Audrey Garrard, Keith Spinning (Carole Beadle), 6/7 - 6/11 Design for Metal Media (Margaret Seeler) , Pewter Smithing Johnson, Michale Neil), W (Glen Black , Doris the Fabric Arts, African Looping and (Frances Fel ten) , Early American D ecoration Hagen), N (Doris Hagen) , P & Batik· (Rosemary finger-weaving(Esther Dendel) , 6/14 - 6/18 and (Mona Rowell). 6 / 28·7:9 Weber), Lapidary (Herbert Ader) , Cr (Alice Ross, 6 / 21 - 6 /25 . Natural Dyeing (Carole Beadle) , The Workshop of Nickie Newlon , 86 Heath er V alerie Otani). 6114 ·8/ 19. 6/21 6 12 5 . Design As Applied to Inlay Tech· Lane , W ilton 06897 Spinning. Puppetry (Nickie Roxbury Park, 401 S. Roxbury Drive, Beverly nique (Theo Moorman), 6 / 28 - 7 / 2. New Tech­ Newlon) . Continuous. Hills 90212. N , W . nonloom , Macrame ( Lee niques and Design for 3-0 hangings (Theo Moor· Snow) . man), 7/6 7/10. Crochet, scu lptural (Carole DELAWARE Rudolph Schaeffer School of Design, 2255 Mari · Beadle), 7/6 - 7/9 Weft Ikat (Pat McGaw), 7/12· University of Delaware, Newark C - b eginning, posa Street, San Francisco 94110. Color Design, 7/16. Design - beginning, advanced, applied advanced (Victor Spinski),June· July . including N, P (Rudolph Sc haeffer, Victor Baum· (Constance Howard), 7/12 - 7/30 . Batik - begin­ gartner, Betty Greene, Joelle Friedel, Wayne ning (Ella Corson), 7/26 - 7/30 . N (Marge DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Davies) ,Mo (Darrel Winslow). 6/14 - 7/16. Krejcik), 8/2 - 8/6. W (Cay Garrett), 8/9 -8/13& Catholic University of America. 420 Michigan Sacramento Valley Academy of the Arts, 6401 8/16 - 8/20. Weaving 3-0 objeCts Using Double­ Avenue, N .E . 20017 . C - beginning , advan eel Fair Oaks Boulevard, Carmichael 95608. C (Mary weave (Lois Lebove), 812 3·8/ 27. Soft Sculpt ure (Alexander ·G iampietro) , J , Ms - beginning, ad · Cargile), J (Eben Haskell), N and Macrame (Shir· (Barbara Shawcroft), 8 / 30 - 9 /3. vanced (Rufus Jacoby) . 6 /28 - 8 /6 . ley Nillson). 6115·7116 . Yuba College, Beale at Linda , Marysville 95901. Corcoran SChool of Art, 17th and N.Y. Avenue San Diego Mesa College , 7250 A rtillery Drive, C (Gil A za ma) , 6/14 -7/23. NW 20006 . C (Bi ll Lombardo), 6/14 - 7 /23. C . San Diego 92111 . J (Meadows) , Cr . youngpeople( BobEpsteln),6/2 1 ·7/1 6. San Diego State College, 5402 College Avenue, COLORADO Smithsonian Associates, Smithsonian I nstltu · San Diego 92115. F, Cr . Desi gn, Advanced Colorado State University, Fort Collins 80521 tion, Arts & Industries Building, 2 5060. Spinn ing Cralts in Elementary Schools (Hunter), C (Pap· M,J (NildaGetty),C (William Alexander) 6/14· (Allen & Dorothy Fannin), 4 / 2 . 22 & 4 /2 4 - 25 . worth), 6 / 28 8 /6 . M . J (Laplantz), C (Long­ 8/20 W (Nell Znamierosk,) , 5/7 - 5 /8 .

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