LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF SASKATCHEWAN 3017 December 17, 2002 The Assembly met at 13:30. grasshopper spray penalty. And the prayer reads as follows: Prayers Wherefore your petitioners humbly pray that your Hon. Assembly may be pleased to cause the government to take ROUTINE PROCEEDINGS the necessary steps to have Sask Crop Insurance reassess the grasshopper spray penalty assessed to farmers in 2002; PRESENTING PETITIONS and further, that the government review the definition of viable farming practices as outlined in the present Mr. Kwiatkowski: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise to present Saskatchewan Crop Insurance policy. many petitions on behalf of residents of Hudson Bay and surrounding communities who are concerned about the shortage And as in duty bound, your petitioners will ever pray. of long-term care beds in Hudson Bay. The prayer reads as follows: And this is signed by my constituents, namely from Estevan, Lampman, and Benson. Wherefore your petitioners humbly pray that your Hon. Assembly may be pleased to cause the government to make I so present. Thank you. the necessary changes that would allow for an expansion of at least five long-term care beds in the community of Ms. Bakken: — Mr. Speaker, I rise today to present a petition Hudson Bay to meet the needs of the citizens of Hudson on behalf of citizens of Saskatchewan who are concerned about Bay and the surrounding area. the Kyoto accord. And the prayer reads: And as in duty bound, your petitioners will ever pray. Wherefore your petitioners humbly pray that your Hon. Assembly may be pleased to cause the provincial These petitions are all signed by citizens of Hudson Bay. government to take the necessary actions to protect our province’s economy by working to halt the federal I so present. government’s intent to sign on to the Kyoto accord in its current form. Ms. Julé: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I stand today with a petition from citizens of Saskatchewan opposed to And as in duty bound, your petitioners will ever pray. the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance 2002 grasshopper spray penalty. And the prayer reads as follows, Mr. Speaker: And this petition is signed by residents of Swift Current. Wherefore your petitioners humbly pray that your Hon. I so present. Assembly may be pleased to cause the government to take the necessary steps to have Sask Crop Insurance reassess Mr. Wall: — Well thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise again on the grasshopper spray penalty assessed to farmers in 2002; behalf of citizens concerned about the state of the hospital in the and further, that the government review the definition of city of Swift Current and the prayer of their petition reads as viable farming practices as outlined in present follows: Saskatchewan Crop Insurance policy. Wherefore your petitioners humbly pray that your Hon. And the signatures on this petition, Mr. Speaker, are from the Assembly may be pleased to cause the provincial community of Hanley. government to commit its share of the funding for a new regional hospital in Swift Current. I so present. And, Mr. Speaker, the petitioners today are all, and there’s Mr. Stewart: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise to present a many pages, but they’re all from the city of Swift Current. petition signed by citizens concerned with the deplorable and dangerous condition of Highway 58. And the prayer reads: I so present. Wherefore your petitioners humbly pray that your Hon. Mr. Huyghebaert: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, Assembly may be pleased to cause the government to take today I rise with a petition from citizens from rural immediate action and make necessary repairs to Highway Saskatchewan that are very concerned with the lack of cellular 58 in order to avoid serious injury and property damage. telephone coverage in the rural areas and the petition reads as follows: This petition is signed by individuals all from the community of Shamrock. Wherefore your petitioners humbly pray that your Hon. Assembly may be pleased to cause government to provide I so present. reliable cellular telephone services to all communities throughout the Wood River constituency. Ms. Eagles: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to present a petition on behalf of people in my And as in duty bound, your petitioners will ever pray. constituency concerned about the Sask Crop Insurance 2002 3018 Saskatchewan Hansard December 17, 2002 Mr. Speaker, this is signed by citizens of Aneroid, Kincaid, and Petition concerning long-term care beds in Hudson Bay; Meyronne. Petition concerning the removal of government funding for I so present. abortions; and Mr. Brkich: — Mr. Speaker, I have a petition opposed to Addendums to previously tabled petitions being sessional possible reductions of services in Davidson and Craik health paper nos. 18, 169, 174, 437, and no. 438. centres. PRESENTING REPORTS BY STANDING, Wherefore your petitioners humbly pray that your Hon. SELECT AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES Assembly may be pleased to cause the government to take the necessary steps to ensure that the Davidson and Craik Standing Committee on Private Members’ Bills health centres be maintained at their current level of service at a minimum, with 24-hour acute care, emergency, Ms. Hamilton: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. At the end of my doctorial services available, as well as lab services, public remarks I will move the following motion: health, home care, and long-term care services available to users from the Craik and Davidson area and beyond. That the eighth report of the Standing Committee on Private Members’ Bills be now concurred in. As in duty bound, your petitioners will ever pray. As the Chair of your committee I would present the eighth Signed by citizens from Davidson, Unity, and Simpson. report as follows: I so present. Your committee held a public hearing on private Bill No. 304 — The Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Amendment Act, 2002. The Mr. Weekes: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise again to committee received petitions and submissions from 10 present a petition from citizens concerned about the impact of individuals during consideration of this Bill. Your committee . the Kyoto accord will have on the Saskatchewan economy. has agreed to report Bill No. 304 without amendment. The prayer reads: So, moved by myself, seconded by the member from Arm Wherefore your petitioners humbly pray that your Hon. River: Assembly may be pleased to cause the provincial government to take the necessary actions to protect our That the eighth report of the Standing Committee on province’s economy by working to halt the federal Private Members’ Bills be now concurred in. government’s intent to sign on to the Kyoto accord in its current form. Motion agreed to. And as is duty bound, your petitioners will ever pray. Ms. Jones: — Mr. Speaker, by leave of the Assembly, I move pursuant to the seventh and eighth reports of the committee: Signed by the citizens of Cando, Landis, and Biggar and district. Thank you. That private Bill No. 304 — An Act to amend the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Act, 1995 be considered in Mr. Hart: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I have a Committee of the Whole later this day. petition to present on behalf of constituents. The prayer reads as follows: Motion agreed to. Wherefore your petitioners humbly pray that your Hon. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Assembly may be pleased to cause the government to take the necessary action to ensure the best possible health care Ms. Eagles: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, to you coverage for the communities of Govan, Duval, Strasbourg, and through you to all members of this honoured Assembly, I and Bulyea by placing those communities in the Regina would like to introduce Jim Hillyer, seated in your gallery. Regional Health Authority as opposed to the Saskatoon Regional Health Authority. Jim is the Sask Party candidate for the Regina Victoria constituency, soon to be Regina Douglas Park. And this Signatures to this petition, Mr. Speaker, come from the constituency is my buddy constituency and I’m so proud of the communities of Bulyea, Strasbourg, and Regina. work Jim and the executive does there. And it will be nice to have this bright, young man as a member of our government I so present. caucus. READING AND RECEIVING PETITIONS Please join me in welcoming Jim. Deputy Clerk: — According to order the following petitions Hon. Members: Hear, hear! have been reviewed and are hereby read and received: Mr. Krawetz: — Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Mr. December 17, 2002 Saskatchewan Hansard 3019 Speaker, seated in the east gallery are a number of individuals all members will join me in giving them a very warm welcome from all across Saskatchewan who represent the concerned on behalf of members on this side of the House. citizens for a safe healthy environment. These individuals have been outspoken in their concerns around water quality and air Hon. Members: Hear, hear! quality as they are impacted by mega hog barns. The Speaker: — I’d like to introduce at this time also to I’d like to introduce the following people from my members a person who ordinarily you don’t see in the gallery constituency: Ms. Isabel Muzichuk, who has been here a because he’s usually back in the dark room in the back part of number of times; Jack Maluga; Henry Norlin; Henry Neufeld; the legislature keeping an eye on the computer system that we Joyce Neufeld; Steve Suderman; Jan Norris; Amanda Davies; have here, and that is Jeremy Phillips who is here with us today. Marilyn Gillis; Catherine Verrali; Kathy Kivol; and Cathy Holtslander. And I notice . I want to extend a welcome to Jeremy and to his father who’s accompanying him here today.
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