Pesquisas em Geociências http://seer.ufrgs.br/PesquisasemGeociencias Pygocephalomorph Crustacea. New Data and Interpretations, with Emphasis on Brazilian and South Africa Forms Irajá Damiani Pinto, Karen Adami-Rodrigues Pesquisas em Geociências, 23 (1/2): 41-50, set./dez., 1996. Versão online disponível em: http://seer.ufrgs.br/PesquisasemGeociencias/article/view/21226 Publicado por Instituto de Geociências Portal de Periódicos Informações Adicionais Email: [email protected] Políticas: http://seer.ufrgs.br/PesquisasemGeociencias/about/editorialPolicies#openAccessPolicy Submissão: http://seer.ufrgs.br/PesquisasemGeociencias/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions Diretrizes: http://seer.ufrgs.br/PesquisasemGeociencias/about/submissions#authorGuidelines Data de publicação - set./dez., 1996. Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil PESQUISAS. ~ J 11I:l) 41·SO. 1996 I.. uw,," cI< Gooc;obo<.... Ufll-GS ISSN Oloo.SJ7S Porto A1<JII'" 11-5 · 8,01,1 Pygocephalomorph Crustacea. New Data and Interpretations, with Emphasis on Brazilian and South African Forms IRAJA DAMIANI PINTO & KAREN ADAMI·RoDRIGUES Instiluto de Geocii!ncias. UFROS. Caixa Postal 15001 CEP 91500·970 Porto Alegre:, RS. Brasil (Rcccbido em 10196. Aceito para publica~Ao em 12196) Abslr.C1 - New data on Pygoccphalomorph Cruslacea is provided. together whh a historical analysis of previous work on the group. Pygospis broJiliens/s Beurlen. 1934 from the Pennian IratI Fonnation of Brazil is redesl:ribcd and compa­ rc:d with South African pygoeepholomorphs. INTRODUCTION Pygaspis brasiliensis and P. quadrata by Beurlen (1934, PI.I, Figs. I and 2 herein). Such structures are not in fact Fragmentary fossil crustaceans of the Order Pygo­ present in eilher form , however. Beurlen's misinterpreta­ cephalomorpha have been recorded from the Permocar­ tion was based on lateral breakage of the carapace in boniferous since the early 1857's and most have been some specimens, as established by Pinto (1960: PI.!. assigned to a single species, by most authors. However, Fig.3 herein) on re-examination of the type material at since several quite different taxa are actually involved, the Departamento Nacional da Produ~lIo Mineral the resulting reconstructions are quite incorrect in a num­ (DNPM) in Rio de Janeiro. ber of important respects. This is demonstrated in the The senior aUlhor subsequently collected further present paper in the basis of a historical review of previ­ crustacean material at the Minas do Leilo as well as at Ihe ous work. The confused taxonomic treatment of Permo­ type locality of P. brasiliensis at Lages. Pygocephalo­ carboniferous Pygocephalomorpha has been re-addressed morphs in the collections of the University of Silo Paulo here following the collection of new material from the were studied, as well as the types of Pygocephalus at the Irati Formation at Lages. Santa Calarina Siale. southern British Museum of Natural History. London and several Brazil which has provided important new dala on Irati informative, albeit poorly-preserved, specimens of Nota­ Crustacea as well as an improved understanding of the caris Broom, 1931 kindly loaned by the Alexander other Pygocephalomorpha as a whole. McGregor Museum, Kimberley, South Africa. In the re­ sulting publication by Pinto (1971) several problematic aspects of pygocephalomorph systematics were discussed CRITICAl.. HISTORICAl.. REVIEW and a redefinition of Pygaspis brasiliensis Beurlen. 1934 was attempted. Unfortunately, it was not appreciatcd at In 1954 Ihe senior author together with A. Cauduro the time that elements of more than one crustacean speci­ and Y. Sanguinelli (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande es were associated in the collections from the Irati, an do Sui) found a fossiliferous horizon at km 78+800 (now error which was also made by other workers. As a conse­ km 90) on the road BR 290 Porto Alegre - Uruguaiana quence, a thorough restudy of the Permocarboniferous near Ihe Minas do Lello coal mine, Rio Grande do Sui, Pygocephalomorpha, involving both a review of the rele­ southern Brazil. At that time the horizon was considered van! literature as well as the re-examination of the type to belong to the Palermo Formation (Pimo, 1955) but it material is required. Such a study is initiated here with a was later assigned to the Irati Formation by Pinto (1957). critical review of the lilerature, a redescription of the Fossil material collected at the locality comprised vascu­ Brazilian type and topotype material in particular, and a lar plants, fish scales, an insect and a few crustaceans. In preliminary discusssion of the relationships between the this study or the faunula Pinto (1955) concluded that the Brazilian and South African pygocephalomorpha taxa. crustaceans resembled Paufocaris pachecoi Clarke, 1920 The systematic analysis is based on characters such as the from the Irati Formation of the State of SlIo Paulo but prcsence of an extended or reflexed abdomen, presence lacked the anterolateral spines on the carapace seen in the or absence of anterolateral spines and carinae on the ca­ latter. On the other hand, the Rio Grande do Sui speci­ rapace, etc. and of necessity reviews Ihese features in the mens are very similar to Pygaspis brasiliensis Beurlen, Carboniferous crustaceans which formed the original 1934 from Lages, Santa Catarina State on the basis of basis for the Order Pygocephalomorpha. the thorax and abdomen. Systematic comparison was Pygocephalus cooperi was described by Huxley complicated by the description of "genal points" in both (1857) from the Carboniferous of England. From Hu- 41 xley 's original illustration (ibid., Pl.lJ, Fig.l; Pl.l , Fig.11 herein), showing no trace or anterolateral spines. Figs.4a, b herein), and in contrast to some later represen­ The reconstruction does not correspond to either or the tations, it is clear that the abdomen was reflexed ventrall y types or to the remaining figu res in his plate and Woo­ while anterolateral spines were not present on the carapa­ dward does not mention upon which specimens it was ce. Pygocephalus showing the same characteristics was based. subsequently described and refigured by Huxley (1862; Brooks (1962) placed A. parkeri in synonomy with PI .I, Fig.5 herein), Woodward (1907; PU, Fig.6 herein) P. dubius but this is un rounded in view or their very di­ and Schram (1979; PI.4, Fig.1 herein). Topotype speci­ fferent carapace morphology (compare PI. I, Figs. 8a,b mens from the English Coal Measures al the British Mu­ and 7a-c). Due to the conrused state or the early pygoce­ seum or Natural History (PI.4, Figs.2-4) also clearly show phalomorph literature, and without having topotype ma­ the reflexed abdomen and absence or both anterolateral terial to hand, Brooks (op. cit.) in his otherwise wide­ and lateral spines on the carapace. However, an associa­ ranging and valuable paper unrortunately perpetuated the ted carapace (PI.4, Fig.5) which was also assigned to P. misinterprctation or the genera Pygocephalus and An­ cooper; by Schram (1979) clearly belongs to a different Ihrapalaemon, and especially that or thcir Gondwanan genus since both anterolateral and lateral spines are pre­ relatives. Consequently, the definitions or his new ramili­ sent. Further specimens showing these reatures are illus­ es Pygocephalidae and Notocarididae are open to criti­ trated here in Plate 4, Fig.s. 6a and b. cism, as discussed below. The genus Anthrapalaemon with the type species A Pinto (1971) drew attention to some of these errors grossarti was erected by Salter ( 1861 , p.531, Figs. 1-4). It and called into question the synonomy by Brooks possesses anterolateral carapace spines and an extended (op.cil.) rollowed by Mezzalira (1971), or the clearly abdomen (PLI , Figs.8a, b). Salter also assigned Apus discrete and valid genera Paulocaris Clarke, 1920, Lioca­ dubius Milne Edwards, 1840 to Anthrapalaemon (PI.I , ris Beuden, 1931 and Pygaspis Beurlen, 1934. Figs.7a-c). Brooks (1962) in tum synonymised A gros­ Brooks (1962) had previously erected the rollowing sarti with A. dubius (Milne Edwards) and placed both new rami lies orpygocephalomorph Crustacea: within Pygocephalus. However, as already indicated, the last genus possesses neither anterolateral spines nor an Family Pygocephalidae - carapace with anterolateral extended abdomen. Furthermore, Anlhrapalaemon gros­ spines: Pygocephalus Huxley, 1857 together sarti and Apus dubius are not synonymous with each with Afllhracaris, Mamayocaris and Pseudole­ other. The quite different carapace structure as is seen in alliocaris, all new genera. PI.I, Fig .. 7 and 8: length or the rostrum, shape or the anterior margin or the carapace and the presence or late­ Family Tealliocarididae - carapace without anterolateral ral carina.Woodward (1907, Fig.lb; PU, Fig.9 herein) spines, thoracic stemites with sternal process: figures as Pygocephalus cooped! a pygocephalomorph Teal/iocaris Peach, 1908 and Pseudoga/alhea rrom the Coal Measures near Rochdale showing an ex­ Peach , 1882. tended abdomen (and no anterolateral spines). Another Family Nococarididae - abdomen reduced and reflexed (ibid. , Fig.2; PU, Fig.10 herein) with an extended abdo­ under thorax: NOlOcaris Broom, 193 1 and Pau­ men and clear anterolateral spines is identified as Pygo­ locaris Clarke, 1920. cephalus (Anthrapalaemon?) parkeri. However, these specimens probably do not belong to either or these gene­ However, on the basis or these ramily definitions ra because have abdomen extended (not Pygocephalus) Pygocephalus would have to be placed within the Noto­ and presents gastric spine (no Anthrapalaemon). Woo­ carididae since it has a reflexed abdomen while lacking dward (1907, PI. 18) also reproduces Pygocephalus coo­ anterolateral spines. Likewise, Paulocaris with anterola­ peri rrom Huxley (1857) as well as a tentative recons­ teral spines and an extended abdomen would have to be truction of the same species (ibid. P1.18, Fig.4; PI. I , transferred to the Pygocephalidae. PLATE I Figure I - PygtUp;S brtUilliUlsis Beurlc:n, 1934, from Irati Fm Permian, Lages, SC., Brasil, 2.11 Figure 2 - PygtUpis quiJdrafa Beurien, 1934, from Irati Fm. Permian, Lages, S.C., Brasil ,. 2.11 .
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