. : . • GOPHER SPORTS r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, BASEBALL GYMNASTICS TRACK & FIELD NEXT UP: . At Oregon NEXT UP: .\t the Big Ten NEXT UP: At the Texas State; Frid~~tSunday, Championships, Friday~ A&t-.1 Im·ite, Thursda\'­ MardjJ0-18 in<CorYallis, Satw-da\', ~larch 23-24 in Saturd~y~ Mlltch 15-17 in Ore.; friday's ganp,e ~t 6 Srate c;llcgc, Pa. ~ollege Station,. Texas, p.m.,r.~~ny-d~y:s ~t2 p.m. and Spp~y's ar lpim. LAsT WEEK: Golde.q LAST\ .WEEK: Minnesota Gophers defeated Illino~s~ had tbfee ~\Cents place in LAST WeEK: J\Iinnesota Chicago and Nebraska qn the top eig4tatthe NC\:\ went 320over Connecticut Indoor Track and Field the road to close our the with 1},6, 6-3 and 1-l--8 Championships Ill regular dual meet season. wins o\rer the Huskies at Fayette\·ille, Ark. the l\[etrodome. BASKETBALL HocKEY TENNIS NEXT UP: \'s. Villanm·a in NEXT UP: Vs. St. Cloud NEXT UP: At 'the Blue­ the first round of the State, Fridav, !\!arch 16 at q:rey.0'ow;R~ent, Fri(tay~ NIT, Wednesday, Mar<:h 7 p.m. in tl;c semitln."ll of S4nqfl;y; Mifqh l<f..ll:) in 14, 8:30 p.m. ar.Williams the \\'Cl-L \ Final Five. Morit&R/P:ery;. Ala, •·•·• _\rena. LAST WEEK: \[innesota LAST WEEK: l\Iinnesota LAST WEEK: Minnesota swept \1ichtgan Tech 7-2 beat Purdue 5-2 in home loq 91-77 tO Purdue in the and .)-I 111 the tirsr round dual match action. fiN round of the Big Ten of the \\'CH.\ playoffs. Tournament in Chicago, Ill. ru 0 0 ~ GOLF SWIMMING & WRESTLING NEXT UP: ,\t the Dr. DIVING NEXT UP: At th~ N C\.:\ Pepper I nrercollegiate, NEXT UP: .\t the :\C.\.\ Champion~hips . ;:fhursday­ Sa turdav-Sundav, 11arch <:hmnpt<>nships. ·r·hursday­ Saturday, >~farsh 15-17 in _...,.7 I __') ),- m. • -.)loCh errn.'ln,. T exas.. ;-;aturd:tY, March 22-24 in Jowa Ctty, Iow:t .\thens.' ( ;..J. LAsT WEEK: The Golden LAsT WJ;:!;I(;.l'Jqqe lAsT WEEK:. Dan Croaston Gophers finished in 1-tth \HJ11 the _).meter and plat­ place at the Las Vegas form dt,·ing titles at the lntercolkgi:ue. Zone 'c Div-ing Championships in Bloomington, Ind. _. L--------------------------------------------------------------------- ~·~~·---------------- -·~·-- This Week in Gopher Sports is a producrton ot rhc l mn-r'm of \lmncsor.1 \len's .\rhlcrtcs \kd1a Relations Office at 208 Bierman held :\thlctic Bu!lding. 5[(, 15th .\\-c. SF.. \lmncapolb. \1:\ 55411i-:. 1\dl Crumb·. Dlrcctor;John Rorno, Assistant Director; Jeff Keiser, Publications Coordinator; \like Corngan, llc1di Johnson and keY In 1-.:urrr. Interns. BASEBALL A BuMPY RoAD: South Florida rwo weekends ago, Hannah an batted .~1 ll I (6-121 \nth rwo The 21101 Golden e_;ophers are currenrh in thctr longest "·rnning streak double,;, four Iilli and three rum scored. tim season. \\.111111ng their lasr tour games. and >l'IT!l of their last nine, the 1-l:mnahan currenth leads the ream m 12 different offensi,·c carcgoncs.• :'\[aroon and Gold are pressed to keep up their ncronou,; habl!S and carrr includmg Batting a\-crage (.31l6), Sluggmg percentage (.632), on ba,;c per­ them into next weekend,s Big Ten Conference opener agamst a difficult centage (.527), hi, (22) and total bases (36). He is abo flawles,; on the ba,;c Purdue team. paths with a team-leading seven ,;rolen ba,;cs in se\·en :lttempt>. Hannahan. \Iinne,;ora (<J-7) ha' ,;rruggled ar times. :\s a matter of fact, in e.tch of their who was a leader on the ream in offensive production last ,;cason, is one of sc\-en losses, the (;olden Gophers ha\-e either surrendered the winmng run :'\linncsota',; top candidates for postseason accolades this \Tar. tn the ninth inning. or fallen behind earh· to lose ll\· SLTen runs or more. hn1r of \linnesora's sn-cn losses in :'till! ha\T come I<> tc:rms th:ll ;trc cur­ BuRNIN' DowN THE "HAus": renth· ranked among the nauon,s top 311. The (;olden Cophcrs lost to SemorJosh 1-!olrhau,; ha,; been on :I tear as of late. S1ncc beginning the ::'till I .-\uburn, South Alabama and :'\liami - all of which arc top 21 I reams. The1· season 5-for-27 (.185) with f\vo RBI, Holthaus has mad.: a dramatic rum­ also dropped a heartbraker ro the Uni,·ersitr of '\<>rth Caroluu 111 the1r around. In his last eight games. Josh ha,; gone 11-for-2(> (.423) \\·ith a home finale at the Coca-Cola Clas>ic in :'\lobilc, ,\la. run, f\vo triples, three doubles, 1(, RBI and sc\·en runs scored. He is batting .419 with runners on base, and .440 with men in scoring po,;ition. WINNING WAYS: Holthaus also rode a team-high eight-game hitung streak into l:tsr ~kad CoachJohn .\ndn,;on, currcnrh· (o<Jk--f.>>-1 (.1>1-, Ill h1, Sunday's game Yersus Connecucut, before going hJttless m h1s three at­ career and 2'J3-J'j-:- (.Ct51) in Big Ten cornpetitton, h JLht f\m bat>. \\·tns shr of reachtng the -1111 mark. Ranked 41 lth 1n the n.mon amongst actt\T coaches for career ,-ictories and 4'!th for CAN-Do "KENoo": career winmng percentage. :\ndcrson ha,; not h.rd a losmg Junior Jason 1-;:enned1· ha,; found hi,; swing in the last four season rn his tenure of I 'J-plus rears. ( lnh· f\\ 1cc h.l' he game>. Batting a ,;cordung _(,()() (<J-15), "1-;:endo" belted hts f:nlcd to gu1de his team 111 a record at least tt\T g.1m,., < >ITr first home run of rlw \Tar, roped t\n > doubles, stole t\\·o the .~1111 mark. Hrs teams han: reached the 411+ 11111 pl:llc.•u ba,es, scored se\Tn times, knocked 111 >IX RBI and struck our 111 f1\·c ()f the Ll::-t llHlc ~ch<H1~, anJ he 1:" JLI:--! t!Ht'l" lllllt"cr­ onh· once last week. The right tldder was respomibk for Ll of the ence \\·ins ,;h1· of becoming \lrnnesota's \\·rnnlll_L:e,r l\1g Ten team,s 44 runs, and is hitting ..1!l4 with runners in ,;coring position, and coach- surpa"ing Colden (;opher legend D1ck ::-.1d>crt for the· .Co92 when leading off an inning. most \\·ins 111 Btg Ten Conference hi,; ron·.. \ndcr" >n h,,, twice loecn honored wtth rhe B1g Tl·n Conference Coach of thL· Yc.tr .\\\ .1rd. 1111 ,...,! rn.:cntl~ l.i"l :--t·,J:--• )J1 fc >r lc.1Jing rht· ( ~c >kkn ( 11 ~!'her-. 11 • ,, ~t 1 Scn1or lcfthander Ben B1rk \\·ill 11115> the ne;;t srx to eight weeks uf ;-\ conference record and a rcgubr ~ca~on confcrnllt en 1\\ n ·1 fur the 20111 ,;ea,;on, after being struck in the face by a line dmT ,dlc>\\Td \linnc:'<Jt;l f<> ho~t tr~ ftr~t Big Ten pc•:--1 'l',l~Cifl ltJtlfll.lilll"l1t m-er the weekend. Birk, who started the game against fourth­ s1nce I 'JK(,_ l-11s reams haH· made appearance' 111 the ll1g 'len To •urn.1mem ranked :'\hamt, dcltYercd a 1-2 pnch to Hurricane third baseman Kenn A 111 J(, ,,f hts I'J ,c;tsons, \\·mnmg four champl<>n,hiJ'' I k Ju, k,l \lrnlll''''u II< "'·ard that wa,; returned at 99 miles per hour, hitting Birk just mu his left­ to II :\C.\.\ postseason appearances indudrn,t.: J.,,, 1c.1r.' :\( .. \.\ H.e.t.:l<>nal. ciT. Birk suffered mulitpk fracture,; to his face and will undergo surgery to \\·h1ch the (;olden ( ;, >phers hosted. I r \\·as the tir't nnw '111lT 1'!-- th.11 the rep.ur the injuries this Frida1· (3/16). The Golden Gophers are hopeful that ( ;, >lden ( ;, >pher' haH· pla1Td the role of hosl t< • ·' rn:1• >n.rl t• >ttrn.lnll'nl he will be able ro return for the seru:s against ;\lichJgan 111 April. Birk is currmth· ranked as one of the "Top 100 College Prmpect,;" br Bmcbt~!! ALL JACK'D UP: lll/(f7t'll. _lunl<>r tlmd lusul!.lniack ILrnnalull has opellnlth,- ::'1111[ 'Li,<>ll \\lth .Ill ,,ffcnSI\C crrupnon. llann:rhan hatted .-1111 ,- ]11 Ill tlw three g.llllt' "·nc' :rg:Hnst Central \!JChtgan. mdudmg f\H> doulolc·' ..1 rnpk .111d .1 hoomc run lie droiT 111 tiH· run' and scored four times. In th,· rlHLT g.1me 'cno .1g.un,t ·---2-o-oo~o1___ s_cH_E_ou_L_E2,-:~R-~~~~:u-Lr_s _____ ~\~-~~i~~~~~~~s--~;1~~~~;e-------------------~;~~:~~~~~~-n~:~:~~~,~---· Date Event ::-..11, \lar.. 1 I at Indiana (2) Bloomington, Indrana \!em, h·b.) l'r<>-.\lumnr (;amc 1.. ~I< ::-.un .. \pr. 1 at Indiana Bloomington, lnd1ana Sun, l'eb. 11 Ccntral \lrclllgan 1.. IS 'I \\nl, .\pr. 4 at Northern Iowa Waterloo, Iowa \!on. h:b. 12 ( .cntr:d .\lrchigan (2) \\.; ~- \\. (, 1-rr. :\pr. (> \lrchigan State Siebert Field 1-rr. 1-c·b. J(, ,.,_ .\uhurn I. I~(, ::-..rt .. \pr.- \lichtgan State (2) Siebert Field 1 ::-.at. !·do. 1- 1·,_ South .\l.rhama I. 12; ::-.un .. \pr. k \lichig:rn State Siebert held ::-.un. Feb. IS '"'- '\orth Carohna I.-(, \\c·d ..\pr. 11 \ISL1,\!ankato Siebert Field l·n. h·h. ::'1 at South !·lorida 1.." - l·n, .\pr. 11 :'\hchigan Siebert Field Sat. l·ch. ::'4 at ::-.outh l'i<mda \\. '- -1 ::-..11, .\pr. 14 \lrchtgan (2) Siebert Field Sun, Feb.::'~ at ::-.outh l·loncb \\. ·" 4 ::-.un ..\pr. 1 S ,\lichigan Siebert Field 1-rr, ,\(ar. 2 .\rkatbas \\. (, II \\'ed, Apr. I k at Iowa State Arne,, Iowa S:H.

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