PL LANGUAGES OF EASTERN ASIA, AFRICA, OCEANIA PL Languages of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania Ural-Altaic languages Including Altaic languages For Uralic languages see PH1+ 1-9.5 General (Table P-PZ8a) Samoyedic languages see PH3801+ Turkic languages 21-29.5 General (Table P-PZ8a) 31 Old Turkic (Kök-Türk) Including the Yenesei and Orkhon inscriptions Northeastern (Siberian) group 41 General works 43-43.95 Altai (Table P-PZ15a) 44-44.95 Kyrgyz (Table P-PZ15a modified) Literature 44.9.A-Z Individual authors or works, A-Z Subarrange individual authors by Table P-PZ40 unless otherwise specified Subarrange individual works by Table P-PZ43 unless otherwise specified e.g. 44.9.A365 Akiev, Kalyk, 1883-1953 (Table P-PZ40) 44.9.A477 Alykulov, Barpy (Table P-PZ40) 44.9.E69-.E693 Ėr Soltonoĭ (Table P-PZ43) 44.9.E7-.E73 Ėr Tȯshtu̇k (Table P-PZ43) 44.9.K416-.K4163 Kedeĭkan (Table P-PZ43) 44.9.K69-.K693 Kozhozhash (Table P-PZ43) 44.9.K869-.K8693 Kurmanbek (Table P-PZ43) 44.9.M37-.M373 Manas (Table P-PZ43) 44.9.S45-.S453 Seĭtek (Table P-PZ43) 44.9.S465-.S4653 Semeteĭ (Table P-PZ43) 44.9.T655-.T6553 Toltoĭ (Table P-PZ43) 44.9.Z474-.Z4743 Zhan͡gyl Myrza (Table P-PZ43) 44.9.Z476-.Z4763 Zhanysh, Baĭysh (Epic poem) (Table P-PZ43) 44.9.Z478 Zhen͡gizhok, 1860-1918 (Table P-PZ40) 45.A-Z Other languages, A-Z 45.C48-.C4895 Chulym (Table P-PZ16) 45.D65-.D6595 Dolgan (Table P-PZ16) Karagass see PL45.T63+ 45.K45-.K4595 Khakass (Table P-PZ16) 45.N67-.N6795 Northern Altai (Table P-PZ16) Oirot see PL43+ 45.S55-.S5595 Shor (Table P-PZ16) Soyot see PL45.T88+ 45.T63-.T6395 Tofa (Irkutskaia͡ oblastʹ, Russia) (Table P-PZ16) 45.T88-.T8895 Tuvinian (Table P-PZ16) Yakut see PL361+ 45.Y44-.Y4495 Yellow Uigur (Table P-PZ16) Southeastern (Chagatai) group 51 General works 53-53.95 Chagatai (Table P-PZ15a modified) Literature 53.9.A-Z Individual authors or works, A-Z Subarrange individual authors by Table P-PZ40 unless otherwise specified Subarrange individual works by Table P-PZ43 unless otherwise specified e.g. 53.9.A24 Abdülazîz bin Maḥmûd el-İsfahanî, 16th cent. (Table P-PZ40) 53.9.A36 Ahmed Mirza, 15th cent. (Table P-PZ40) 53.9.A44 Alisher Navoiĭ, 1441-1501 (Table P-PZ40) 1 PL LANGUAGES OF EASTERN ASIA, AFRICA, OCEANIA PL Ural-Altaic languages Turkic languages Southeastern (Chagatai) group Chagatai Literature Individual authors or works, A-Z -- Continued 53.9.B33 Babur, Emperor of Hindustan, 1483-1530 (Table P-PZ40) 53.9.E24 Ebülgâzî Bahadir Han, Khan of Khorezm, 1603-1663 (Table P-PZ40) 53.9.H39 Haydar Tilbe, active 14th century-15th century (Table P-PZ40) 53.9.H87 Ḥusayn Bāyqarā, Sultan of Khorasan, 1438-1506 (Table P-PZ40) 53.9.M84 Muḥammed Ṣaliḥ, 1455-1535 (Table P-PZ40) 53.9.R33 Rabghuziĭ, Nosiruddin Burḣonuddin, 13th/14th cent. (Table P-PZ40) 53.9.S26 Sânî, 16th cent. (Table P-PZ40) 53.9.S45 Sekkâkî, 14th/15th cent. (Table P-PZ40) 54.2-.295 Khorezmian Turkic (Table P-PZ15b modified) Cf. PK6199.7 Khorezmi (Iranian) Literature 54.29.A-Z Individual authors or works, A-Z Subarrange individual authors by Table P-PZ40 unless otherwise specified Subarrange individual works by Table P-PZ43 unless otherwise specified e.g. 54.29.K87 Kutb, 14th cent. (Table P-PZ40) 54.4-.495 Salar (Table P-PZ15b) 54.6-.695 Uighur (Table P-PZ15b modified) Literature 54.69.A-Z Individual authors or works, A-Z Subarrange individual authors by Table P-PZ40 unless otherwise specified Subarrange individual works by Table P-PZ43 unless otherwise specified e.g. 54.69.Y87 Yūsuf, khāṣṣ-hājib, 11th cent. (Table P-PZ40) 56-56.95 Uzbek (Table P-PZ15a modified) Literature 56.9.A-Z Individual authors or works, A-Z Subarrange individual authors by Table P-PZ40 unless otherwise specified Subarrange individual works by Table P-PZ43 unless otherwise specified e.g. 56.9.F34 Faĭziĭ, Raḣmat, 1918-1988 (Table P-PZ40) 56.9.F87 F̣urqat, 1858-1909 (Table P-PZ40) 56.9.H35 Ḣamza Ḣakimzoda Niëziĭ, 1889-1929 (Table P-PZ40) 56.9.H39 Ḥaydar Mīrzā, 1499 or 1500-1551 (Table P-PZ40) (56.9.I19) IA͡savi, Akhmed, d. 1166 see PL95.9.I18 56.9.M57 Miriĭ, Ochildimurod, 1841-1899 (Table P-PZ40) 56.9.M84 Muqimiĭ, 1850 or 1-1903 (Table P-PZ40) 56.9.N63 Nodir, 1743 or 44-1821 (Table P-PZ40) 56.9.O35 Ogaḣiĭ, Muḣammad Rizo Mirob Ėrniëzbek ǔghli, 1809-1874 (Table P-PZ40) 58-58.95 Western Yugur (Table P-PZ15a) Northwestern (Kipchak) group 61 General works 63-63.95 Kipchak (Table P-PZ15a) 64-64.95 Armeno-Kipchak (Table P-PZ15a) (65) Other languages, A-Z see PL66 PL67 PL68 etc. 66-66.95 Crimean Tatar (Table P-PZ15a) 67-67.95 Karachay-Balkar (Table P-PZ15a) Balkar 2 PL LANGUAGES OF EASTERN ASIA, AFRICA, OCEANIA PL Ural-Altaic languages Turkic languages Northwestern (Kipchak) group Karachay-Balkar Balkar -- Continued (68-68.4) Balkar language see PL67+ Balkar literature 68.5 History and criticism Collections Including translations 68.6 General 68.7 Poetry 68.74 Drama 68.76 Prose (68.8) Folk literature see subclass GR 68.9.A-Z Individual authors or works, A-Z Subarrange individual authors by Table P-PZ40 Subarrange individual works by Table P-PZ43 69-69.95 Karaim (Table P-PZ15a) 70-70.95 Kumyk (Table P-PZ15a) 72-72.95 Bashkir (Table P-PZ15a modified) Literature 72.9.A-Z Individual authors or works, A-Z Subarrange individual authors by Table P-PZ40 Subarrange individual works by Table P-PZ43 e.g. 72.9.I24 IA͡lsygulov, Tadzhetdin, ca. 1767-1838 (Table P-PZ40) 72.9.Q37 Qudash, Săĭfi, 1894-1993 (Table P-PZ40) 73-73.95 Tatar (Table P-PZ15a) Literature 73.9.A-Z Individual authors or works, A-Z Subarrange individual authors by Table P-PZ40 Subarrange individual works by Table P-PZ43 e.g. 73.9.B365 Băshirov, Gomăr, 1901-1999 (Table P-PZ40) 73.9.D368 Dărdmănd, 1859-1921 (Table P-PZ40) 73.9.D38 Dău̇li, Năbi, 1910- (Table P-PZ40) 73.9.E54 Eniki, Ămirkhan, 1909- (Table P-PZ40) 73.9.E75 Erikăĭ, Ăkhmăt, 1902-1967 (Table P-PZ40) 73.9.F346 Făĭzi, Ăkhmăt, 1903-1958 (Table P-PZ40) 73.9.F3465 Făĭzi, Mirkhăĭdăr Mostafa uly, 1891-1928 (Table P-PZ40) 73.9.F36 Făkhreddinev, Rizaėddin, 1859-1936 (Table P-PZ40) 73.9.I75 Iskhakyĭ, Gai͡az, 1878-1954 (Table P-PZ40) 73.9.N33 Nadzhmi, Kavi, 1901-1957 (Table P-PZ40) 73.9.Q28 Qudash, Săĭfi, 1894-1993 (Table P-PZ40) 73.9.T85 Tukaĭ, Gabdulla (Table P-PZ40) 75-75.95 Karakalpak (Table P-PZ15a) 76-76.95 Kazakh (Table P-PZ15a modified) Literature 76.9.A-Z Individual authors or works, A-Z Subarrange individual authors by Table P-PZ40 unless otherwise specified Subarrange individual works by Table P-PZ43 unless otherwise specified e.g. 76.9.A4435 Akhtanov, Takhaui, 1923-1994 (Table P-PZ40) 3 PL LANGUAGES OF EASTERN ASIA, AFRICA, OCEANIA PL Ural-Altaic languages Turkic languages Northwestern (Kipchak) group -- Continued Kyrgyz see PL44+ 77-77.95 Nogai (Table P-PZ15a) Southwestern (Oghuz) group 91 General works 95-95.95 Oghuz (Table P-PZ15a modified) Literature 95.9.A-Z Individual authors or works, A-Z Subarrange individual authors by Table P-PZ40 unless otherwise specified Subarrange individual works by Table P-PZ43 unless otherwise specified e. g. 95.9.B66 Boqirghoniĭ, Sulaĭmon (Table P-PZ40) 95.9.I18 IA͡savi, Akhmed, 1103-1166 (Table P-PZ40) 95.9.K57-.K573 Kitabi Dădă Gorgud (Table P-PZ43) Turkish (Osmanic or Ottoman) 101-199 Language (Table P-PZ4) Literature History and criticism 201 Periodicals. Societies. Serials. Collected works (nonserial) 202 Encyclopedias. Dictionaries 203 Study and teaching Biography of critics, historians, etc. 204 Collective 204.5.A-Z Individual, A-Z Subarrange each by Table P-PZ50 History 205 General works 206 Addresses, essays, lectures 207 Relation to history, civilization, culture, etc. Relation to other literatures 208 General works 209 Translations (as subject) 210.A-Z Treatment of special subjects, classes, etc., A-Z 210.A33 Adalar İlçesi (Turkey) 210.A43 ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib, Caliph, approximately 600-661 210.A76 Armenians 210.A87 Authors 210.A88 Autumn 210.C58 Cities and towns 210.D66 Donkeys 210.D73 Dreams 210.E45 Emigration and immigration 210.E97 Europe 210.F37 Farewells 210.F64 Folklore 210.H47 Herder, Johann Gottfried, 1744-1803 210.H86 Human beings 210.I7 Irony 210.I75 Islam 210.I78 Istanbul (Turkey) 210.I83 Italy 210.K87 Kurds 210.L6 Love 210.M37 Masculinity 4 PL LANGUAGES OF EASTERN ASIA, AFRICA, OCEANIA PL Ural-Altaic languages Turkic languages Southwestern (Oghuz) group Turkish (Osmanic or Ottoman) Literature History and criticism History Treatment of special subjects, classes, etc., A-Z -- Continued 210.M85 Multiculturalism 210.M87 Music 210.P64 Politics 210.R38 Realism 210.R4 Religion 210.S33 Sea 210.S44 Slavery 210.S63 Society and literature 210.S67 Spring 210.S84 Sufism. Sufis. Sufi literature 210.S85 Suicide 210.S95 Symbolism 210.T56 Time 210.T64 Toleration 210.W37 War 210.W54 Wills 210.W65 Women 210.Y66 Youth 213 Biography (Collective) By period 215 Origins 216 Modern Poetry 217 General works By period 218 To 1900 219 20th century 219.2 21st century 220 Special forms and topics (not A-Z) 221 Drama Prose. Fiction 223 General works 223.5.A-Z Special forms and topics, A-Z 223.5.A23 Abdülhamid II, Sultan of the Turks, 1842-1918 223.5.A44 Alevis 223.5.B56 Biography 223.5.B87 Bureaucracy 223.5.C37 Carnivals 223.5.C66 Commerce 223.5.C68 Coup d'etat, 1971 (Turkey) 223.5.D48 Detective and mystery stories 223.5.D83 Dwellings Including konaks and yalıs 223.5.F36 Fantastic fiction 223.5.G66 Good and evil 223.5.H57 Historical fiction 223.5.J68 Journalists Konaks see PL223.5.D83 5 PL LANGUAGES OF EASTERN ASIA, AFRICA, OCEANIA PL Ural-Altaic languages Turkic languages Southwestern (Oghuz) group Turkish (Osmanic or Ottoman) Literature History and criticism History Prose.
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