January 21, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E57 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN HONOR OF THE 100TH ANNIVER- A national energy tax would be just as dev- erating the tax benefit for certain charitable SARY CELEBRATION OF THE astating, raising gas prices, food prices, and cash contributions made for the victims of the UNITED STATES IMMIGRATION the cost of doing business for millions of earthquake.’’ We are not reinventing the STATION, ANGEL ISLAND Americans. $3,400 a year is what American wheel; similar changes to tax law were done families might be forced to pay if this national after the tsunami that struck Thailand and In- HON. NANCY PELOSI energy tax passes. American manufacturing donesia in December 2004 and other tax con- OF CALIFORNIA would be made non-competitive with foreign siderations were put in place after Hurricane manufacturers. Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in 2005. The bill IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES It’s time to put these bad ideas to rest and would waive the current law provision that lim- Thursday, January 21, 2010 look forward to policies to create jobs and its charitable deductions to 50% of a tax- Ms. PELOSI. Madam Speaker, on January capital. We should heed the counsel of Steve payer’s income and 10% for Corporations. 21, 2010, we celebrate the 100th Anniversary Forbes in his new book, How Capitalism Will It is also in the United States’ best interest, of the United States Immigration Station, Save Us. especially pertaining to foreign policy, to help, Angel Island. This national historic landmark, In conclusion, God bless our troops, and we in any capacity, the relief and ultimate recov- designated as one of America’s most endan- will never forget September 11 in the Global ery of the nation of Haiti; it will also help gov- gered historic sites, served as a processing War on Terrorism. ern the global message of ‘‘goodwill’’, which center for immigrants coming across the Pa- f our President deems necessary for the pros- perity of us all. For these reasons, I deeply cific from 1910 to 1940. More than one million ACCELERATION OF INCOME TAX support this legislation and implore my col- immigrants, including those from China, BENEFITS FOR CHARITABLE leagues to join me in this endeavor. Japan, Korea, the Philippines, and Central and CASH CONTRIBUTIONS South America were processed at the station. f This ‘‘Ellis Island of the West,’’ also known as SPEECH OF HONORING TRINITY UNITED METH- ‘‘The Guardian of the Western Gate,’’ was de- ODIST CHURCH MISSIONS TEAM signed to control the flow of immigration, es- HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE OF TEXAS pecially from China. While many immigrants IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES passed through, many were detained here for HON. SCOTT GARRETT lengthy periods of time. Inscribed on the walls Wednesday, January 20, 2010 OF NEW JERSEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the barracks are their voices of hope, fear Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. Madam and despair. Speaker, I rise today in strong support of H.R. Thursday, January 21, 2010 The facility was used by the U.S. Army dur- 4462, to accelerate the income tax benefits for Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey. Madam ing World War II, then abandoned, and be- charitable cash contributions for the relief of Speaker, there is not a member of this body came part of the California State Park system victims of the earthquakes in Haiti, introduced who has not been gripped by the graphic sto- in 1963. I was proud to have helped secure by my illustrious colleague Representative ries and images coming out of Haiti since the federal funding to rebuild the dilapidated bar- CHARLES B. RANGEL, from New York. This leg- tragic earthquake on January 12. The human racks which enabled the facility to reopen to islation will allow qualifying charitable dona- suffering is on a scale we can scarcely com- the public in February 2009. I will continue my tions for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti prehend, and its proximity to our country and commitment to restoring not just an historic that are made between January 11, 2010, and the need of its victims have rightly roused the landmark but a symbol of the struggles and March 1, 2010, to be treated as if such con- charitable spirit of the American people. In the courage of people from around the globe who tributions were made in 2009, rather than in midst of such tragedy, however, we look to look to America as the land of possibility. 2010. This will give Americans even more in- stories of hope from the rubble. I would like to In addition to its unique history, Angel Island centive to give to the relief efforts in Haiti. share one of those stories today. is a place of great beauty and breathtaking Madam Speaker, the world witnessed the On January 9, fifteen members of the Trinity views. It is imperative that we as San Francis- vivid devastation of Haiti’s strongest earth- United Methodist Church in Hackettstown, NJ, cans and Americans preserve and enhance quake in more than two centuries on Tuesday, departed for an eight-day missions trip to Port- what Angel Island represents culturally, educa- January 12, 2010 which rocked the very core au-Prince and Bon Regos, Haiti. This missions tionally, recreationally and environmentally for of the Caribbean. With thousands reported team delivered dozens of suitcases filled with present and future generations. dead and thousands more estimated to be medical equipment and personal hygiene f counted in that group, it has been the custom items to orphanages, hospitals, and schools in and the unstipulated duty of the American some of Haiti’s most disadvantaged neighbor- JOB-KILLING AGENDA CONTINUES people to help our fellow world citizens in their hoods. Thankfully, no one on the trip was seri- time of desperation and need! ously injured in the earthquake. In the fol- HON. JOE WILSON I have the honor and privilege to represent lowing days, thanks to the tireless work of the OF SOUTH CAROLINA and serve a city such as Houston, Texas, State Department and the kindness of strang- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES which has, time and time again, shown its ers, the entire team was evacuated to the Ba- generosity and caring spirits, to anyone who is Thursday, January 21, 2010 hamas and is now safe at home with their in need. This is why this bill is very significant; families and loved ones. Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam notwithstanding our current economic condi- While it was not their intention when they Speaker, sadly the Labor Department said tion, America is STILL doing what it does best, signed up, the members of this team deserve today that claims for unemployment insurance giving much needed aid and hope to whom- to be recognized for their selflessness and rose last week. The unemployment rate is still ever is in need. We are already playing a key service. Their names are: at 10 percent with more seeking jobless bene- role in both security and much-needed funds Rev. Frank L. Fowler III, Leslie Williams- fits each day. When will Congress get the in Haiti. This bill will identify a qualified con- Wexler, Virginia G. Mitchell, Erica L. Pattky, message? tribution as ‘‘a cash contribution made for the Frank Proccaccini, Suzanne P. Buchanan, Me- The job-killing agenda pushed by liberals in relief of victims in areas affected by the earth- lissa J. Deibel, Kim M. Koch, Vicki L. Meuller, 2009 needs to be scrapped. A national take- quake in Haiti on January 12, 2010’’ and will Virginia L. Thorp, Taylor S. Thorp, Danielle S. over of health care and a national energy tax give much needed tax relief to the many com- Chamberlain, Kathryn A. Stiner, Linda C. will only worsen a stagnant economy. The Na- panies and private citizens who have already Callaham, and Carmen M. Courter. tional Federation of Independent Business has given millions of dollars to the relief efforts. I join their family, friends, and parishioners sounded the alarm about how the health care The passage of this bill will cultivate more in a prayer of thanksgiving for their safe re- takeover scheme will kill 1.6 million jobs. donations for the people of Haiti by ‘‘accel- turn. I am especially proud of Erica Pattky and ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:27 Jan 22, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21JA8.001 E21JAPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E58 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 21, 2010 Taylor Thorp, two teenagers from my district CONGRESSWOMAN JAN MEYERS woman and a respected member of this distin- who were part of this team. Their commitment POST OFFICE BUILDING guished body. I urge my colleagues to join me to service at such a young age is a model for in supporting this legislation. SPEECH OF people of all ages in our community. f In the coming months and years, American HON. TODD TIAHRT CONGRATULATING NICHOLAS churches, non-profits, and relief-aid organiza- OF KANSAS YOUNG, MASSACHUSETTS SU- tions will play a vital role in stabilizing and re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PERINTENDENT OF THE YEAR building the Republic of Haiti. I am convinced that Americans will answer the call to ‘‘Love Wednesday, January 20, 2010 thy neighbor,’’ not due to any government Mr.
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