1177-014 American Civil Liberties Union Records

1177-014 American Civil Liberties Union Records

UNlVERSllY U BRARIJES w UNIVERSITY of WASHI NGTON Spe ial Colle tions 1037 American Civil Liberties Union records Inventory Accession No: 1177-014 Special Collections Division University of Washington Libraries Box 352900 Seattle, Washington, 98195-2900 USA (206) 543-1929 This document forms part of the Preliminary Guide to the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington Records. To find out more about the history, context, arrangement, availability and restrictions on this collection, click on the following link: http://digital.lib.washington.edu/findingaids/permalink/AmericanCivilLibertiesUnionofWashington1177/ Special Collections home page: http://www.lib.washington.edu/specialcollections/ Search Collection Guides: http://digital.lib.washington.edu/findingaids/search AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION PAPERS, PRINCET<DN:: UNIVERSITY Microfilms ,# 1117-I MfCROFll:M MAU Reels labeled W-1 through W-5 have been inventoried. See inventory on file in Manuscripts section of the library for cataloging information. Reel labeled W-6 has not been inventoried. Lik~ Reels W-1 through W-5, it contains materials pertaining to the state of Washington. Reel W-6 supplements the auove reels in thab the first part of it contains material that was not filmed in 1964 when Reels W-1 through W-5 were made(ACLU volumes numbered 24, 226, 448, ·615D). Th• last part of the reel.Al (ACLU volumes numbered 2052, 2058, 2249, 2345, 2428, 2538, 2629, 2762) continues from the end of Reel W-5 and;:covers the years 1938 through 1946. Reel labeled 0-1 (Oregon) has been fully inventoried. See inventory t2u/ .P7 on file in Manuscripts sections of the library for cataloging information. l'J~n/ #-f Reel labeled 0-2 (Oregon) has not been inventoried. It continues from ,...,..,.., the end of Reel 0-1 and covers the years 1937 through 1946 (ACLU volumes numbered 1056. 2049, 2345, 2428, 2538, 2629, 2709, 2762). I}_ ) t'I ..,.- JO Ree ls labeled I & M-1 and I & M-2 ( Idaho and Montana) have not ·been aae I inventoried. The years covered are 191i/18 through 1943. (ACLU volumes numbered I-20, I-31, M-34, I-180, I-258, I-273, M-843, I-932, N941, I-1038, M-1069, I-2227, M-2237, I-2325, M-2335, I-2408, M-2416, I-2523*). * * * * The Weekly Reports of the ACLU for the years~- 1920-1921 (ACLU volume 151) and 1923 (ACLU volume 229) were also filmed. These publications relate to the entire United States. They are probably to be found on one of the uninventoried reels (most likely either I&M-2 or W-6). It should also be noted that these microfilms do not represent all of the material-to be found in the ACLU Papers relating to these states. In many cases the papers were so fragile that Princeton University Library would not permit them to be microfilmed because the handling required was too destructive. A complete set of microfilms of the ACLU Papers is in the New York Public Library, and positives can be obtained from that source. The undarsigned can provide more complete information for the identification of this material. *Because the paper~._r,Jating to Montana and Idaho have been intermixed on these reels, the pre~ "I" or "M" have been added to the ACLU volume number to indicate which state is represented therein. Albert Gunns August 20, 1967 ACLU MICROFII,)6 r/of~ ~{' I - I, l/ NJ. w~d it:· II 77-1'1 i - Bland, Bert, 22, 23 . s / 1 v1 Aberdeen. Mayor, 6 I v"AMams, Jane, l Bland, 0. c., J.8 S Ady, L. J., 3 Bloss, Alfred, l S Alaska Miner's Defense Comlhittee, 28 s Bochna.k, Philip, 5 S 21, Allbright, Amy, 12 Bone, Homer J Truett, 7, 23 Bouck, Wiw.am M., 5 Allen, E. w., 6 S I ~- Boyd, E. M., 2 American Fund for Public Service, 11, T ., 12, 14 r v Brandeis, Susan, ll American Legion, 2, 23, 25, 27 ~B~, Carl, 16, J.8, 19 Ase.her, Charles s., 8 Brinkerhoff, Howard, l S Atkinson, N. P., 30 s Browder, Earl, 27 S Attebery, E. Raymond, 19, T v· 25, 26, 28 I v Burgess, David, 9 . (Socialist Labor Party of Washington) -, -.,,.v Bailey, Forrest, 9, 13, 15 Campbell, Wallace, 29 S Bal.dry, 5 s C ) · v~du.>,n~ ~o...oh e~ pae:,-e _-.-I d S l mNI:Vfi::~ c_ AC.LU, N 4') , ..,.. Carey, Edwa.r • , Centralia. Liberation Committee, 17 s Barnett, ~ur, 30 S Centralia Publicity Committee, 9, ll-14, Tv ~e, 6, 11, 13, 18, 19, 23 16, 23, 19 0'7i' Barnett (Mrs.) ll ~Chaplin, Ralph, 7 T "" Barnett, Sallie, 6 Clark, IrV'ing M., 25, 27, 29 T ...- Baskette, Ewing C. , 26, 28 Clarke, John, 18, 22 S Beck, Dave, 23 S Clausen, 23 s ~Becker, Rayfield, 9, 13-15, 19, 22-24, Cody, 5 s 26-30 Coffee, Johm Main, 30 Becker, Rayfield. Free Ray Becker Committee, 29 S ~- ceu, Edward P. , 13-14, 16, 19 ·Tr, Beffel, John Nicholas, 4, 6-7, 9, 11,· "\ Comrmm:fst Party, u. s. A.J Northwest 19, 23-24 District, 29 Bennett, Adele Parker Conklin, Ernest, 5, S see Parker, Adele M. Couden, F. D., 2-3 ""'\., Bertram, J"gJJ.a, 29 ( -r 7' · ~•. c- K~ 4-, -du..lLo...-~12ntr~ Craig, Charles, 2 Bevers, Charles, 8 S I " Name index ,. / P• 2 · I ..,,crobaugh, Clyde J., 1 \ H.Jo, l Tv Crowder, Margaret, 15 .),,, France, c. J., 3 ,,,,,. ~er, Dr. James E., ll, 14 Fra.nkfUrter 1 Felix, 16 , .. 1,.,, NLIA• (WI"' Curtin, Dan, 9 -,, Friends of the ACLU in Washington, 27 Y',,", ,I)>'~ T flt, . ·1wr Darling, Kenneth G., l Frischkecht, Alfred, l S ,.-.. r~ Davis, Dwight F., 8 \ " Gartz, Kate Crane, 8, 12 '( Delaney, Ed.cward3 6, 13, 22 I ..,, Geogb.ce3gan, J. H., 13 sa: IWW. GenEraJ. Defense Committee Gilman, Elizabeth, 13, S l.,. DeSilver, Albert, l, 6 Q.aser Glaser, Leon, 19, 22~ 24 S f.,.,,, Devine, Ed.ward T., 12 Y ltf"' Godman, Julia., 26 Dill, Clarence C., 22-23 S t ~s c; ~.,..,.1-~ 1 ., Goodman, Erwin, 2fj-2'r.j cirvin'l:r '-'\Duncan, James A. , 2, 5, 12, 27 sa: International Labor Defense sa: Seattle CentraJ. Labor Council \J~-" Grady, John -$ :nnnning, Leslie, 12 S seea Northwest District Defense Committee" T __. Elks, Benevolent and Protective I., Grant, T. T., ll Order of the, 28 Green, E. I., 7 S Elliott 25 s ,-.-\·"",... Griffin, c. R. 1 l Elwick, 28 s Grimm, Warren o. , 4 S T ""',,. Erwin, Claude, 24 J Hardin, Ed. E., 5 ,'L.>' Everett, R. W., ll -1. 1.; Hart, Louis, 7, 9 Farquharson, J.m-y, 26-28, 30 . Hartley, Roland H., · 7•9, 12, 15, 16, 19, 21-23 ~uguse•7 -WilliU1.7-~ (mostly as subject} Federal Council of Churches, 13¢-14, 16 1-, Hays, Arthur Garfield, 30 Feinberg, Harry Haywood, William D., l, 2 see: IWW. GeneraJ. Defense Committee Hennessy, cM::l.chael:r, 5 S Feinler, Franz Jo, 3 s 'lr( Henry, Ed l, 21, 23 Feisst, Edward, 1 s Herman, Emil, -...=- 8 \j ""'Ferguson, William, 3, 5 Fisher, Charles H., 29 s Holder, Max, 4 s ~- Fisher, w. I., 9 Hudson, Hoyt H., l s Fisher, William H., Jro, 27 s 1 Huston, Bishop, 28 ~· Flynn, Eliza.beth Gurley, ll ~ton, Frank, 2 s Name index I p.i/ I~ IW. General Defense Cammi ttee, 4, 6-1, ~Litchman, Mn-k Mo, J.8 1 22, 24-25 . 9, 13, 16, 19, 21-22, 24 Mciner-"1,.ey, 15 S ,,,.-V General Defense Committee. Wash- xww. McKay, William, 6 S / ington 13ranch1 13, 15-16 sa: JDil Delaney, Ed Mackintosh 8 s ./ iww. Northwest District Defense Ma.elennay, K., 2 3-6 .\,., Martin Clarence D! ll_ 22, 23, 28 s International Labor Defense, 13, 16-17, ""- '-'-s '6u.l...;e,c..r:1 22, 24 Iv- Midge.rd, c. E., i1 1 21 Jamison, arama Joseph T., l s lt:t.llard, W1Jl1ma, 25 s Jehova's Witaesses, 25 S T"' Milner, Lo B., 23, 2:'f J'rmJdns, John 30 T_,, J., Montgomery, Leslie, lO s Iv J~on, Hugh, 27 ••sa Morgan, Fo L., 30 Johnston, Mercer Green, 9 Morgan, Tom, 9 S Johnston, w. F., l S Moudy, w. F. 1 8 S ----1 v Kane, Francis Fisher, 10 ,.,-_,,,. Moyle, o. Ro, 25 \ Kaplauoff I Mathew I 3 - .f:.- Nash, Thomas, 8-9 Karachun, .Anton, 8, 10 National Surety Company, 11 Kayler, Floyd C•, 4 1 _,,.. Nearing, Scott, 28 s ,;. Keller, Carl, 9 Net, Walter E., 23 sa: IWo General De:fense Commto t" Neterer, 18 s • Kertz, Ephim., 5 S Kirchwey 11 Noble, W1Jl:iem :e:., l, S ~o Northwest Congress Aga:!nst X War and ~1{:f.zer, Benjamin 26, 28-30 :e:., Fascism, Second, 25 S Lamb, John,_ :i;t.1 -~;:_23 s S:.9-S s~~,:, _'\. Olson, Paul A., 25.:.28 -(..,...- Lamb, Ruby, 22-23 ""'\ sa: Seattle lwtca labor College o 'Reilly, Vernon, 2 S I'-' lane, w. D., 241 26 \,,,"'Iann1ng, Will, 30 Parker, Adele M. 12, 14-15, 17-19, 2J.. 24, I ~\ 26, 28, 30 Iv Iaw, Jack, l .,r;,,.. Iawrence, R {ACLU) 6 Pass rbrothert3 3 S 1",,; Lawrence, Wilbur J •, 25 J Pathe cnewsf'ilJDs l 16 I.eland, (Mrs.) J. D., 19 Pa.tr~ of Husbandry. Washington State Lewis, Austin, i¥ 11 .. " Grange, 5 Mame index/ P• 4 Peaeelijl. Frank, 3, 5 ~- Smith, C. s., 13-14, 21 Pierce, Ralph S., 2-3 S see also: Centralia Publicity Commit. Pr:f.ce, George E., ll ~mith, Elmer, 5-6, 8-9, 13-16, 19, 21 Pyykk.enen, Otto, 3 S Smith, G.

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