Cancers 2020, 12 S1 of S8 Supplementary Materials: Cancer-Specific Immune Prognostic Signature in Solid Tumors and Its Relation to Immune Checkpoint Therapies Shaoli Das, Kevin Camphausen and Uma Shankavaram Supplementary Figures Figure S1. ssGSEA of scRNA-seq data of tumor samples from four solid tumor histologies (breast, colon, glioblastoma, and head and neck tumors) identifies three or two dominant immune-function- associated cell clusters. One of these clusters is enriched for monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells (MoMaDC), another cluster is enriched for NK-, T-cells, and another is enriched for B-cell functions. For head and neck tumors and glioblastomas, B-cell enrichments does not form a distinct cluster but forms a unified cluster along with NK- and T-cells. (a) Analysis of a breast cancer scRNA-seq data set identifies nine cell clusters from unsupervised t-SNE clustering. (b) These clusters were assigned to three distinct sets of immune functions using ssGSEA, as seen from the heat map (one related to monocytes, macrophages, TLR and dendritic cells; one related to B-cell functions; and the other related to NK- and T-cell functions). (c) The stacked bar plot shows that cell clusters 1, 3, and 4 are enriched for functions related to monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells; the cell cluster 6 is enriched for B cell functions; and cell cluster 7 is enriched for NK- and T- related functions. (d) Analysis of a GBM scRNA-seq data set identifies 10 cell clusters from unsupervised t-SNE clustering. (e) These clusters were assigned to two distinct sets of immune functions using ssGSEA, as seen from the heat map (one related to monocytes, macrophages, TLR, dendritic cells and the other related to NK-, T- and B-cell functions). (f) The stacked bar plot shows that cell clusters 0, 1, 3, and 5 are enriched for functions related to monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cell and that cell clusters 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are enriched for NK-, T- and B-cell related functions. (g) Analysis of a GBM scRNA-seq data set identifies 19 cell clusters from unsupervised t-SNE clustering. (h) These clusters were assigned to two distinct sets of immune functions using ssGSEA, as seen from the heat map (one related to monocytes, macrophages, TLR and dendritic cells and the other related to NK-, T- and B-cell functions). (i) The stacked bar plot shows that cell clusters 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 are enriched for functions related to monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells and that cell clusters 1 and 3 are enriched for functions related to NK-, T- and B-cells. (j) Analysis of a colon cancer scRNA-seq data set Cancers 2020, 12 S2 of S8 identifies eight cell clusters from unsupervised t-SNE clustering. (k) These clusters were assigned to four distinct sets of immune functions using ssGSEA, as seen from the heat map (one related to monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells; one related to B-cell functions; one related to NK- and T-cell functions; and one non-specific cluster). (l) The stacked bar plot shows that cell clusters 1, and 3 are enriched for functions related to monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells; the cell cluster 5 is enriched for NK- and T-cell functions; and cell cluster 7 is enriched for B-cell functions. Figure S2. Kaplan-Meier analysis of cancer samples between the two sample clusters from the pan- cancer expression analysis of 155 immune signature genes (from Figure 3B) shows that in most cancer types (LGG, SKCM, LUAD, KIRC, KIRP, KICH, PRAD, PAAD, LIHC, THCA, and BLCA), cluster 1 (overexpression of bad prognosis genes) is significantly associated with poor disease-free survival. Cancers 2020, 12 S3 of S8 Figure S3. Kaplan-Meier analysis of disease-free survival of cancer samples stratified by high (>median, red line) or low (<median, blue line) immune scores specific for each of the 20 cancer types shows that high immune scores are significantly associated with better disease-free survival in all cancer types. Cancers 2020, 12 S4 of S8 Figure S4. Immune score models for nonspecific cancer types could not predict response to checkpoint blockade therapy in bladder cancer (Mariathasan et al., 2018). (a–b) Immune score specific to SKCM (a) and KIRC (b) was not higher in tumors that responded (complete or partial response, CR/PR) compared to tumors that did not responded (standard or progressive disease, SD/PD) in anti- PDL1-treated bladder cancer patients. (c–d) Immune score specific to SKCM (c) and KIRC (d) could not predict objective response to anti-PDL1 treatment in bladder cancer patients. The AUC for predicting responsive tumors (CR/PR) versus non-responsive tumors (SD/PD) was close to that of random prediction (0.5). Table S1. All genes associated with disease-free survival in 20 TCGA cancer types; chosen using elastic net and Kaplan-Meier analysis. Gene Cancer Coeff RPL31 GBM 0.010127 RPS16 GBM 0.007807 EIF3G GBM 0.021535 PLOD2 GBM -0.02265 FRAT2 GBM 0.220046 MYD88 GBM -0.02697 TNFSF4 GBM -0.10415 VNN1 GBM -0.01664 SLC12A8 GBM -0.03837 SNX10 GBM -0.06819 CHI3L1 GBM -0.03997 BCL2A1 GBM -0.24106 CFLAR GBM -0.04284 BANK1 LGG -0.04219 BCL7A LGG 0.05836 CAPG LGG -0.02874 CASP3 LGG -0.03997 CEACAM1 LGG -0.04833 CHST15 LGG 0.03857 Cancers 2020, 12 S5 of S8 EIF3H LGG 0.018127 TMEM255A LGG -0.02755 FBXO6 LGG -0.01493 GIMAP2 LGG -0.00525 HESX1 LGG -0.017 HSH2D LGG -0.02217 IL22RA1 LGG -0.03903 NPL LGG -0.05264 PARP10 LGG -0.00056 PSEN2 LGG -0.00546 PSMB8 LGG -0.00104 RAG1 LGG -0.02385 RPL3 LGG 0.002712 RPL7 LGG 0.004706 SOCS1 LGG -0.02082 SPATS2L LGG -0.02545 TNFAIP6 LGG -0.01694 TNFRSF12A LGG -0.0436 TRIM6 LGG -0.0133 BIRC5 SKCM 0.060904 CD7 SKCM -0.15728 CDC6 SKCM 0.012193 CDCA2 SKCM -0.05299 DDX58 SKCM -0.44534 DDX60 SKCM 0.590045 DEPDC1 SKCM -0.54929 DONSON SKCM 0.113839 DTL SKCM -0.15809 ECT2 SKCM -0.25612 GBP4 SKCM 0.056467 GINS2 SKCM -0.69122 IFITM1 SKCM 0.229638 IL12A SKCM 0.044932 IL12RB2 SKCM -0.18564 IL18RAP SKCM 0.552766 IRF1 SKCM -0.01035 IRF7 SKCM 0.380559 KLRC1 SKCM 0.311587 KLRD1 SKCM 0.141009 LAP3 SKCM 0.013529 MKI67 SKCM 0.536968 PARP12 SKCM 0.131166 PYHIN1 SKCM 0.289861 RACGAP1 SKCM -0.33746 SKA1 SKCM -0.94405 STAT1 SKCM 0.061859 TLR2 SKCM 0.132438 TLR8 SKCM 0.115879 UBE2C SKCM 0.036744 CDCA2 LUAD -0.02714 Cancers 2020, 12 S6 of S8 DEPDC1B LUAD -0.11074 DLGAP5 LUAD -0.06315 DTL LUAD -0.01635 ECT2 LUAD -0.08089 KIF14 LUAD -0.02378 KIF20A LUAD -0.04956 MAD2L1 LUAD 0.011961 SHCBP1 LUAD -0.00519 SLC12A8 KIRC -0.40187 AURKA KIRP -0.0557 AURKB KIRP -0.03724 BUB1 KIRP -0.01275 CDC20 KIRP -0.06612 CDCA8 KIRP -0.02403 CDK1 KIRP -0.00902 CDKN3 KIRP -0.00877 CENPA KIRP -0.02973 CENPF KIRP -0.03067 DEPDC1 KIRP -0.0431 EIF3E KIRP -0.02167 EIF3H KIRP -0.04278 FOXM1 KIRP -0.01895 HJURP KIRP -0.04352 HMMR KIRP -0.01766 KIF11 KIRP -0.00188 KIF18B KIRP -0.04813 KIF20A KIRP -0.01681 MKI67 KIRP -0.00906 NCAPG2 KIRP -0.00523 NDC80 KIRP -0.0141 NUF2 KIRP -0.01939 PLK4 KIRP -0.03815 PTTG1 KIRP -0.0045 RPL27 KIRP -0.03856 RPL30 KIRP -0.00685 RPL35A KIRP -0.04144 SERPING1 KIRP 0.190392 SPC25 KIRP -0.07121 TOP2A KIRP -0.00297 TPX2 KIRP -0.00618 TRIP13 KIRP -0.01367 UBE2C KIRP -0.03484 C1S LIHC 0.027476 IRF2 LIHC 0.005467 MBOAT7 LIHC -0.01116 MCM10 LIHC -0.00126 MKI67 LIHC -0.01374 RACGAP1 LIHC -0.01617 RASGRP3 LIHC 0.001385 REPS2 LIHC 0.096182 Cancers 2020, 12 S7 of S8 RRP12 LIHC -0.07219 STMN1 LIHC -0.02358 BCL2 KICH 0.16179 EAF2 KICH 0.026256 BANK1 UVM -0.50914 CDKN3 UVM -0.34223 CENPA UVM -0.02007 RPL29 UVM 0.034258 RPS10 UVM 0.010025 RPS18 UVM 0.018559 RPS28 UVM 0.235403 RRM2 UVM -0.00156 SEC11C UVM -0.5662 SPATS2 UVM -0.01274 KIR3DL1 HNSC 0.061815 NFATC3 HNSC 0.051518 RASSF5 HNSC 0.047304 STAT3 HNSC 0.006566 STX3 HNSC -0.04074 TAL1 HNSC 0.024819 TNFRSF12A HNSC -0.02452 CDR2 CESC -0.06467 FAM129C CESC 0.103777 FRK CESC 0.031133 TCL1A CESC 0.140501 TNFAIP6 CESC -0.04312 VCAN CESC -0.13779 GUCY1B3 UCEC -0.13335 SMPD3 UCEC 0.055162 MAD2L1 THCA -0.01356 CD69 BRCA 0.123017 CTLA4 OV 0.042074 MZB1 OV 0.17865 SOCS1 OV -0.06774 TNFRSF17 OV 0.009313 ALOX12 PRAD -0.0046 ASAP2 PRAD 0.022714 ASGR1 PRAD -0.41033 BIRC5 PRAD -0.03426 CD38 PRAD 0.095152 GMNN PRAD -0.15365 MAD2L1 PRAD -0.00822 PTTG1 PRAD -0.03482 SPOCK2 PRAD 0.000269 STMN1 PRAD -0.094 ZWINT PRAD -0.0485 CD44 PAAD -0.32402 CDKN3 PAAD -0.20091 CEP55 PAAD -0.04648 ETS1 PAAD -0.20664 Cancers 2020, 12 S8 of S8 KIF20A PAAD -0.49693 TPX2 PAAD -0.48558 TTK PAAD -0.46591 UBE2C PAAD -0.01529 RCAN3 COADREAD 0.016729 SOCS1 COADREAD 0.111016 SPP1 COADREAD -0.06986 VEGFA COADREAD -0.0339 CDCA7 STAD 0.002116 E2F8 STAD 0.027942 MELK STAD 0.02538 NCAPG2 STAD 0.011524 STON2 STAD -0.09419 TNFSF4 STAD -0.05426 SIRPG BLCA 0.050077 © 2020 by the authors. 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