THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION • VETERANS OF THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE, INC. VOLUME XVIII NUMBER 2 THE ARDENNES CAMPAIGN 'VETERANS OF THE Renato Victor Trapani ■CAUFORNIA •IOWA* M0H4.WK VALLEY (XXVIil) SOUTHCENTRAL PE ^N SYLVANUV BATTLJE OF THE BULGE, 4268 Quartemiaster Truck FRESNO f / | lOW/k (XXXiV) Kenneth C, Thayer 31S627-4241 (XLV) Kenrwth H(rf rr»anr> 209-227-5232 Pius P. Reis Company ^Heavy) 712-368-2335 6871 Stokes-Westemville Rd DaavidW Roseboro 717-528-3230 INC. 4111 N. SheiTnan St, RR I, Box 114 Ava, KY 13303 588 Nottingham Rd P.O. Box 11129 Robert F. Phillips Ftesno, CA 93726 Holstsin, lA 51025 Peach Bottom, PA 17Ji6C- Ariington, VA 22210-2129 28th Infantry Division HUDSON VALLEY (UX) Tw o y ears: GEN. GEORGE S. PATTON. JR. (XIII) HAV/KEYE STATE (XLIV) Michael Caruso 518-279-3766 •RHODE ISLAND- 703-52a-4058 D'Xiald C ;>lafford 408-6€i2-0472 Richard G. Guenter Harcid R. Lindstrom 515-278-0081 620 Pinewoods Ave RHODE ISLAND (XXIV) 101 Via SO'derini 41OJ. 75th St. Troy, r-/Y 12180 511th Engineer Light Ponton Company William Gaynor 401-437-1297 A|)tos, CA 95003 Des Moines, lA 50322-2551 PO Box 164 John Bowen Publiihed quarterly, THE STATEN ISLAND (Ul) Warren, Rl 02885 Associate Member GOLDEN CiATE (X) •MARYLAND-DC* John R. Capano BULGE BUGLE is the official 718-948-2615 Curtis L. Ivey Jc-hn W. Sullivan 415-661-3596 MAF:YLAND/D.C. (IN) 18 Parkwood Ave •SOUTH CARiXIN>(^* publication of the Veterans of iei80 16th Ave 90th Infantry Division SydrNdy J. Lawrer>ce 301-277-1454 Staten Island, NY 10309 SOUTH CAROUNA (V^l) the Eattle of the Bulge. S«n Franci«co. CA 94122-4540 4008 Hamiltcm St. Ted Wallace O ne year: Hyatt:$ville, MD 20781-1842 GENESSEE VALLEY (LVIl) 1006 Wordsworth Dr Publisher/Chief Editor: Frederick R. Carmichael SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA (XVI) Richanj W Brookins 716-586-4642 Columbia. SC 28209-2347 Frad Whital«!r 818-242-6577 George Chekan 87th Infantry Division •MASSACHUSETTS- 139 Wixxjcreek Dr 863 Matilija Rd Frances W. Doherty CENIKAL MASSACHUSETTS (XXII) Pittsford, NY 14534-4429 -TEXAS* 9th Infantry Division Glandale CA 91202 John E. McAullffe 508-754-7183 GREATER HOUSTON (XtVII) Cont'ibuting Editors: Associate Member 425 Pleasant St. •NORTH CAROUNA- James C. Burtner ‘^13-783-6149 Robert F. Phillips Peter F. Dounis S>^N DIEGO (U) Worcester, MA 01609 NORTH CAROUNA (IX) 10312 Briar Forest Dr. 28th Infantry Division 75th Infantry [)ivision Robert 0 Schrell WiHiarr R Strickland 910-897-8295 Houston. TX 77042-2407 2530 San JiDJ»quin Ct •MICHIGAN* R.D #:{, Box #514 Histcrical Research: S€in Diego, California 92109 W EST MICHIGAN (XXIII) Dunn, NC 28334 EAST TEXAS (XXXVII) John D. Bowen Maurioe C. Cole 6H5-879-4040 (o be anrxMjnced) Associate Member P 0 Box 81 •NORTH DAKOTA- HISTORICAL FOUNDATION: •CONNECTICUT* Fife Lake, Ml 49633 NORTH DAKOTA (XX) ALAMO (XLVI) President: William T. G eenville CONNECTICUT YANKEE (XL) Merle W. McMorrow 701-223-5014 John Hamilton (512^596-1904) ELECTED OFFICERS: Ri<^hard Egtin 203-634-01)74 GREB.T LAKES (XXI) 86th Chemicai Mortar Dattalion 917 Miijway Or 9606 Tioga Drive Presi:Jent; 79 Alcove St (Upper Michigan-Wisconsin) Bismarck, ND 58501 San Antonio, TX 78269-1-XM George 0. Linthicum Mtmden. CT 06451 GrBg.2ry C. Walker 71J>-732-2957 26th Infantry Division 523 Terrace Ave. LONE STAR (L) MarirKjtte. Wl 54143 •OHIO* Chauncy L Harris Executive Vice President: VBOB PAST PRESIDENTS: •COLORADO* BLANC HARD VALLEY (XUI) PO Box 112474 John Dunleavy Clyde D. Boden* 1981-84 ROCKY MCiiNTAIN (XXXIX) •MISSISSIPPI* Melray E. Alnch 419-422-1544 Carrollton. TX 75011-2474 737 Tank Battalion Robert J. VanHouten 1984-86 M Dale McCnIl 970-92<>-5()72 MISSISSIPPI (XXXIII) 2004 silverstone Vice President/Membership: PC Box 936 Prestc-n L. Jackson, Sr. 601-956-1202 Findlay OH 45840-7316 •VERIMONT-NEW HAPMP3H RE MAINE' George Chekan 1986-88 Vail. CO 81658 5415 Briarfield Rd TRI-STATE-VERMONT. NEW Thom as F. Jo n es William T. Greenville 1988-90 Jack!i<>n. MS 39211 BUCKE YE (XXIX) HAMPSHIRE, MAINE (X'/ll) 818tli Combat MP Company Darrell Kuhn 1990-92 Milan A. Rolik 330-867-2061 Roger Desjardins €03-532-8420 Vice President/Chapters: William R. Hemphill* 1992-93 *FLORIDA« •MISSOURI- 1278 Culpepper Dr 4 Forest Parle Est. Richard C. Schlenker CENTRAL FIORIDA (XVIII) GATIEWAY (XXV) Akron, OH 44313-6840 Jeffrey. NH 03452 William P. Tayman 1993-94 Merino M Michetti 407-574-1676 W. Kent Stephens 616-344-1616 26th Infantry Division Grover C. Twiner 1994-95 1412 Findlay St 107 Eiluffview Lane GEN. D. 0. EISENHOWER (XXXV) -VIRGINU)^- Vice Presldent/Miijtary Affairs: Stanley Wojtusik 1 ‘995-98 Deltona. FL* :^.2725-5906 Collinsiville, IL 62234 James _ Klingenberger 419-634-4401 NORTHERN VIRGINIA (X>') Stanley Wojtusik ‘D eceased 620 Union St Eva M Popovich 703-521-5793 106th Infantry Division FLORIDA CITRUS (XXXII) •NEW JERSEY- Ada, OH 43810-1327 1600 S Eads St #238-Sout-) Vice President/Public Affairs: Gerald V. M /ers 941-68(>-2121 NEW .JERSEY (XII) Arlington. VA 22202-2905 320 E Palm Dr Anthcny W. Andriola 201-667 -9363 NORTH COAST OHIO (XXXVI | John J. Hyland CHAPTER PRESIDENTS Lakeland, FL 33803-2650 33 Clover St. Edvi^in J. Stoch 216-731-1258 CRATER (XUII) 84th Infantry Division W Baxter Perkinson 804-590-1185 (Alphabetical by State) Nutley, NJ 07110 27101 Etdgecliff Dr T re a s jre r: INDIAN RIVER FLORIDA (XU) Euclid, Oh 44132 9441 W. River Rd. William P. Tayman Doninic Casulli 407-26SJ-1617 PICAITINNY (UV) Matoaca. VA 23803-1019 •ALABAMA* 2601 Kingdcn Ave Raymorxj Buch 908-735-8544 •PENNSYLVANIA* 87th Infantry Division GEN. GEORGE S. PATTON. JR. (XI) Melbourne, l-l 32934 PO B:x 108 DELAWARE VALLEY (IV) •WASHINGTON • Corresponding Secretary: To be announced Pittsta^vn, NJ 08867 Stanley A. Wojtusik 215-637-4191 NORTHWEST (VI) Dorothy S. Davis GCLDEN TFUANGLE (XLVIII) 9639 Wissinoming St Luther S Winsor 2D6-557-5050 57th Field Hospital William Patterson 352-383-3410 LEHKsH VALLEY (LV) Philadelphia, PA 19114-3104 12705 95th Avenue. NW •ARIZONA* 4100 Doraw<XKj Dr Peter F. Leslie 908-689-6037 Gig Hart>or. WA 98239 Recoiding Secretary: ARIZONA (XXVI) Mt. Dora, FL 32757 PO Box 41 SUSQUEHANNA (XIX) Louis Cunningham (To be announced) Changewater. NJ 07831-0041 Ms. Clai'a Gustin 717-342-8496 -WISCONSIN- 106th Infantry Division 230 Crown Ave. NORTHERN WISCONSIN (I) • •••• SOUTHERN ARIZONA (UN) •INDIANA* FORT MONMOUTH (LVl) Scranton, PA 18505-2016 Kelvin G. Bradenburg Vernon L. Bloomer 520-/49-1197 NORTHERN INDIANA (XXX) Edwanj Tun-ell 732-264-5447 M9 North 9th Ave. Administrative Director: 4956 N Valle Rd William T. Tuley 219-756-7201 3 Chejitnut Dr WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA (XIV) W ausau. Wl 54401 Nancy C. Monson Tucson, AZ 85750-9702 7201 CleveUtnd Cir Hazlet NJ 07730 John DiBattista 724-837-3755 703-528-4058 MeTillvilte IN 46410 923 Orcnard Ave •BELGIUM^ •NEW YORK- Greenburg, PA 15601 STH FUSILIERS OF BELGIUM (XXXVIII) CENTRAL INDIANA (XLVII) CENTRAL NEW YORK (II) CONTACT THE CHAP fER IN YOUR TRUSTEES: Roger Hanjy (50). 41.71.13 Roljert M, Shaver 317-546-3237 James DePalma 315-457-0599 OHIO VALLEY (XXXI) AREA. YOU WILL BE GL^ D YOU DID. Three Years: 14, Landdtjk 4961 WinstOT Dr 104 Ssislon Park Dr Felix J. Cistolo 724-758-7163 Sydney J. Lawrence 8370 Bianbenberge, Belgium lod anapoiis, IN 46226-2181 Liverp<K)l, NY 13088-6450 111 Franklin Ave THE BULGE BVOUl i:^ th AAA Gun Battalion Ellwood City, PA 16117-2214 May 1999 •2- President's Message same way about our organization and the work you are doing out in the field. We seem to be adding chapters each month as well As I sit down to write my report to you, the first thing I always as adding new members. Just this year alone we have six new do is to leaf through my calendar, check the months ahead, and chapters, and our ranks have been increased by responses to the see where our VBOB Chapters and members can "Make Our associate member appeal in our last issue, as many of you have Mark. signed up your children and grandchildren as associates. This For example, Memorial Day, a guarantees that the memory of our battle will be preserved. We day where we take part in also are inviting members of the World War II battle re-enactors ceremonies honoring our departed to join us as associates and enlisted quite a few at the January re­ comrades as well as veterans of all enactment in Indiantown Gap. our nation’s wars. This special This is progress, but 1 really feel that there are so many actual day really begins a series of Battle of the Bulge veterans out there who may not have heard national observances where we can about us. As Uncle Sam used to proclaim, "I WANT YOU," we "show our colors" and remind the want them. Let’s continue to keep spreading the word about public of the sacrifices made in the VBOB, and helping more of our comrades know that we want Ardennes almost 55 years ago. them. We can do this by taking part in They will be welcome as they join with you, our present Flag Day ceremonies, Armed r members, in assuring that the Battle of the Bulge keeps its Forces Day events, the Fourth of rightful place in American history. July celebrations and Labor Day festivities. In places where no formal events seem to be n CENTRAL FLORIDA scheduled let’s get out in front and George C. Linthicum SEEKS YOUR HELP WITH organize them ourselves.
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