16,000 People Read the HERALIV Published Every Tuesday "Justice to aHl S and Friday Noon. malic* toward none* SUMMIand SUMMIT RECORTD HERALD FORTY-SECOND YEAR. NO. 96 SUMMIT, N. J., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 7, 1931 $3.50 PER YEAR Receiver Appointed for Council Approves Russell Hinman, Inc. Want Sewer oil / Summit's New Telephone Switchboard Crowd Sees Inspectors * • As a result of a salt Instituted in Test Trucks' Loads Award Contract Assessors' Awards the Court of Chancery by ,Col. Avenue Henry Keep against. Russell Jlln- A small but Interested crowd for Woodland Ave, Figures on Qlenside Ave. man, Inc., a corporation of [this gathered in front ot the High city, in which Col. Keep was! the New Province Residents School on Morris avenue yesterday _^ t* Passed Upon By Council major stockholder, Vice Chancellor Seek Permission to Con- to watch State Motor Vehicle in- Montclair Firm Gets Con- James F. Fielder in Jersey City on spectors weigh five trucks laden — Condemnation May Tuesday signed,an order, appolnc- necityith Ci#s Sewer with sand. The operation is per- tract to Pave Street Delay Road Work 1ng a-receiver for the Company. on Boundary Line formed simply with devices called From Crescent Ave. W The rase was presented :to! the "loadometera," actually portable court by Judge John L. Hughes, scales. Each wheel is weighed and Hillcrest Ave. Confirm Sewer Assessm't solicitor for the complainant, the *< • ^' company having signed a .consent the ayerage from the four points I TJke Report of damages awarded admitting that it is insolvent ;and Approve New Realty Maps is determined to find the weight, Bid Lower Than Figure^ which is then checked with the ! :; property ..owners, whose land is consenting to the appointment of Residents of New Providence . '' ' '•'•'•• ' • '•• "v^t'i needed in widening Glenside ave- a receiver. The receiver named by borough,whfe own PfOperty on the load permitted by the license for Osborne and Marcellis, of Upper,, ' nue was confirmed by the. Common Vice Chancellor Fielder was Fr'ed west side vt Division avenue, on e(1 the truck. No violations were Montclair, was awarded thecpjiiT Council (Tuesday evening, after W. Clfft, of this city. the boujidar9. Hn£ between Summit found. tract for grading and pavlttg Wood!% having, been brought in ,by the /and tb^'boioujjo, "requested sapi- land avenue from Crescent to |IJH« Board of Assessors. Two men tary- sewer ee*vlce'/i)fc',thservice Cot the e local crest avenues, by, thn Comn^PP; w|io8e property may be affected by ay night. Council Tuesday night. Their bl^V an assessment for benefits appear* To Ban to secure the .service; they Open New 'Phone i T ; : of $19,174,30 was, lowest of. fiy^ ed at the. meeting, thinking that the, lajsTjEe'd..?ynetheirv''- ijtV'iii'tgh't' not be competing' Contracting firms, .ajljfi assessment;, on lands benefited by possible fo^ them' to. use the Bewer though all of the proposals Wete the improvement was, to be dis-< on City's Stee^ and inquire^?;as 'to, ttie cost of Building Today very close.;- ••••[• • \ • • .; !:'::',}4;^ cussed. \'-,'; ' •''.. •,.. ••'• • , " •*•' '• '"' 1 * ' * * .-'AV.'1,1' ' ' •'• { making the jiecessary connections The successful firm is prepared— EdwardFlatow,said that he unCouncil Introduces Ordi* ^»,i,v^biV'as'Vt^e- annual rental to complete the job within thirty, derstood \ the necessary strip of charge.. ,,', ^H^'-iH/A--,,.. '. : "Cutover" to New Switch= days after directions to begin b^ land had been., given,, deeded to the nance Similar to West- • The coniri]un|cation was signed board to Be Made Before City Engineer Francis A. Murf»>vi cjtjrCby,' tbe! owners. This was the by Mrs.'Mary. A^\^urer, who owns They have completed important, case' in some .instances, the, Council field's, Carrying Penal- three'; hoUsM • rjh'ere^ Alfred A. Officials at 2.30 This members'answered, adding that Hampsoii,' '$, V 'W. ~ Meixell, Conrad paving'••• projects in' Verona, VMoitf cpndpmnatron had 'been necessary ty for Violation Siebert and Wllliarh Siebert. Afternoon clalr and West Caldwell duringii 1930. " ;. • ••. ••. ;'.: ;,!^; in othe!r cases'along the same ;O(her',biiB(neBs conducted by the street. "-, Leonard Parkin was also council VJncltfdedVtferinita to oper- Their figure represents the fpli- present jpidi he was,Informed, with Strikes at Advertising Use ate stores selling "food and drink Public Inspection Invited lowing Items: all earth excavating Mr. Flatoy, that "assessment of the to be, conaumed on the premises" and fine grading, 1,251 cubic! cpst: of the improvement -will be "Cjpne are the' days—" reads the! to Jdbn. R^roelja;, S Aubrey street; As the HERALD goes to press at 55 cents; a total of $688.0^; s% considered lftter.". plaintive Southern melody and The \Vhelah:1Drug;,Company, and j today, a. few thousand thin metal inch/All concrete base, 6,296 squar^ The Qlenside avenue, widening, soon we shall :add, "gone ate theDennis prlr«nUttB, oh the Morris A section.of the new switchboard operating room in Summit's new Telephone Building, at gprlrjg- wedges are all that separate the yards; at $1.15, $7,j839,26 in^Hrer for l;0$3 feet oh the northwesterly days when! radios',or other 'noisy; ^ufnplkel:-'^^; <"'MV-:',•••',• fleld. avenue and George'street,: is sliown in the large photograph above. ' Operators are seen at theG.356 telephones in Summit and setting of all existing blue Btor»e side line from ^orris avenue, is device1 s 'blafed'. forth their message; .•; Receiyerl-ojElf 'Taxes "William S. switchboard where incoming calls are handled. Top insert, Norman L. Gullifer, manager for the New Jer- Chatham .from- contact with the curbing, 3,005 linear feet, a total of onto the streets of "; the city." For: : needed before the Union .'County 1 Bird anriou^bed that he had col-sey Bell Telephone Company; top circle, K. F. Cochrane, wire chief; lower cincle, Miss Mary A. Sinith, switchboard in Summit's mod- $1,622.25.. :;.; .- ;• , r-:<'? fy\ the Common Council Tuesday eve- 1 Bpard of ^r^enxftdere,proceed with lected • ?59y46fr# (dvring July. This chief operator. ern new telephone building, at All new stone curbing set "•In tUe .contempjatetf n,ew highway, an ning introduced and passed on first Springfield avenue and George reading an ordinance making it un-amount brings tjje year's collection concrete, $181.25; 650 linear feet approach;to WAtMSoto^ReBpryatloh.' ; : street...,, •.-..-.;, ;•, •>„ all' new concrete curbs, '$412,56: ;, Jit was fljist: feope^hftVthe im- lawful to employ any device,.^lijji ta $725,09|5^pf«4'v ^'-''; '• '• • Xhepe..are ,tp.)be snatched away casts sound out on,a.street,orVputf-, The reporVot Building Inspector resetting to nsw grade of 25 'man- provement of thp aV^nue would be George' G. Falkenbur^'Showed that Police Investigate Story and Find It to promptly, at 2i3(Q o'clock, this after- hole heads and covers at $5, a tota ••; fifllshed b>fpr,«^sUmmeir -W^uH, bujt lie place and which might annoybrj Small Claims / noon,, allowing contact points inconvenience passengers • oh; ttie $630 v h^ /been; 9(>(lBcted' during' df,'|126; thirty tons of pr#y« the possibility.-0(5. resorting" to con- July for pernlltBls^a which they separate to close, and atoiie, $60; 650 square-feet-of .a) demnation makes it probable that street or neighborftitn,vt^e;Yifi}nl^v: : ; ! in a,.few seconds Summit's new 1 the Improvement: will noUtoe avail- ; ;& ; reviBe(iV' ^i»aV'"of < Matteo Be Just Another "MigMave=Been" Court Authorized cement driveways, six inches Vderin , ;: .,., To, give the ordinance/^te^thj,< Terrace" was telephone plant will have been $260! 1,035 square feet of fourrlhch able until late fall,; . •.'•?."*<?'>. ,,..:^. fitaftherV'f'Wtyan^ ...._. r 1<ie ( thi» city fathers > have incorpaYatedj ! A car roared' through the dark- placed in, operation, The! asiesigM', *report on ttie into,the ordinance the clause that apj>rpyeiS,t|^3(it ^'^clft^.Waj8-the' gle, but then again neither could Sidewalk, $207; 150'^uaref - " " 1 ness late Tuesday night, and Board of Freeholders Ati° .At. th,a same ;tlme 'telephone penetration macadam at 111 Broad sti*ee^jPSir,k,, avenue* sewer the penalty, shall''byJa .line of titft Budal Realty Company's map of they find anyone to claim the car. forces on duty in, the old central 1 assessment was Ii)tewr3e'c6nflrm- less/than ten* oc, mpre tbaKalliin-! stopped near the city incinerator; The sequel, later in the day, came tioh's', $225; 160 feet of drat J^oll^flbd'toseii^init;"v ^ ••' ••• , , thorize New Court as office,, at;403 Springfield avenue, : curses and shouts filled the airwhe, n a Rutherford man visited KiOOO- pounds of steel relr ,• ed.", <.'• •;'.•;.•• •; • r.' - %2(*ix. "v>:'••'' ';• • ': ' ""• •:• dred dollars, and that each day ,tl •y^|^teB|bn5;::^i^f ,':jgjtianted__ Tony1 will break ail connections to the ^ilille'-tQ^mbyei ii> frifrtfl, building at then a succession of shots were Chief John P>' Murphy and an- Part of District Court old switchboard, retiring it from bars,i$480f V «•• ••• .-'; £.„,....l,,Ji.,. nohnced that he had lost bis car The items' total,$19,17^,30;jvapd^ heard. < The headlights went out' /servjLce.:. .-,•'.;••. .•. '•,.•.( ••'., '••> •.• ; and the car roared on as mysteri- somewhere in the ctiy, somewhere in Summit provision fpr, excayatlpn pf •rpqki»f»? 1 ,pT}iie;.;?Bft(ia^pffipMy I applied' near a^Hrjt)(ity bridge and alonig :Teleptiphe, service will; continue, struck} allows' $6 ;*er^ cttbl^itols at shop'owners, who.; ously,' as <it had come. A body had practically, without.. mterru.pt|on; additional: • V'", '>:-': K ^:'™pi# or uneclMMilcW dev|< been thrown in the disposal plant. a dirt> \r<5ad"just off a main high- during this highly organized • "cut-1 V) r the, attention of,paB'#e.
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