CE,NS'US OF INDIA 1991 SERIES-20 PUNJAB DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK PART XII-A & B VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY VILLAGE & TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT DH5T ~CT ATM~N[j)A Director of Census Operations Punjab CENSUS OF INDIA-1991 A-CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS The publications relating to Punjab bear Series No. 20 and will be published as follows Part I-A Administration Report~Enumeration (for official use only). Part I-B Administration Report-Tabulation (for oflicial use only). Part U-A General Population Tables I and and Combined Part U-B Primary Census Abstract J Volume Part HI General Economic Tables Part IV Social and Cultural Tables Part V Migration Tables Part VI Fertility Tables Part VII Tables on Houses and Household Amenities Part VIII Special Tables on Scheduled, Castes.& Scheduled Tribes Part IX-A I Town Directory - Part IX-B Survey Report on selected towns. Part IX-~C Survey Report on selected villages. Part X Ethnoraphic notes and special studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Part XI Census Atlas B-PUNJAB GOVERNMENT PUBUCATIONS Part XII·A & n District Census Handbook for each dist'rict. Part XII A-Village' and Town Directory. Part XII B~ViIIage anti Townwise Primary Census Abstract. CONTENTS Pages 1. Foreword vii 2. Preface ix 3. Important statistic,', of t1Je dIstrict 4. Bathinda dlstrict- A 'lhorl profIle; Location, Origin of name. Area. Ciimate, Topograj)hy, River and drains, Present jUflsdiction, Land utilisation. Agriculture. lrrigation, Animal Husbandry, Tenancy, InJustr}, Electriclt}, Minerals and Mming, Communication, Trade and Commerce, Forestry, Medkal and Public Health. Education, Occu~ation and Other miscelJaneous acttvities, Place of religious, historical and tourist interest 3 Annexure-Showing jUflsdictionaJ changes. 19 5. Introduction tv District Census Handbook :- 21 CONCEPT DEFINITIONS RuraljUrban classification, Village, [own and l;rban Agg10mrratiol1. 6. Demographic analysis based on. Inset tables - (a) Upon Primary Census Abstract Analysis based on Inset tables 1-10 24-33 (b) Upon Village Directory Analysis based on Inset t?bles 11-16 34-37 (e) t..:pon Town Directory AnalYSIS ba'5ed 0n inset tables 17-21 38-41 P ART XII A-VILLAGE A~D TOWN DIRECTORY Section l! Village Directory 7. Note explaining the codes used m the Village Directory 49 8. Codes used in the A!phabetical1ist ofvilJages 1981 & 1991 Census (Manual & Computer Code<;) 55 (i) Alphabetical lIst of villages in Phu! C.D. B:ock 61 Rampura C.D. Block 73 Bathinda C.D. Block 83 Nathana C.D . Block 95 . Sangat C.D. .B10ck 105 Talwandi Sabo C.D. Block 117 Jhumr C.D. B:ock 133 Budhlada C.D. Block 151 Mansa C.D. Block 167 (iii) (ii) Village Directory P4ges Pliul C.D. Block 64 Rampura C.D. Block 76 Bathinda C.D. Block 86 Nathana C.D. Block .98 Sangat C.D. Block 108 Talwandi Sabo C.D. Block 122 Jhunir C.D. Block 138 Budhlada C.D. Block 156 Mansa C.D. 'Block 112 Appendix 1-4 (Village Directory) 1"8-2-209 Section Ii Town Directory 9. Codes usep in the Town Directory 215 Statement Status and growth history 220 Statement 11 Physical aspects and locatIOn of town-1989 222 Statement iII ... Municipal Finance 1988-89 224 Statement IV Civic and other amenities-I989 226 Statement IV(a) Civic and other amenities in notified slums-1989 229. Statement V '" Medical Education, Recreational and Cultural facilities-1989 230 , Statement VI ... Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking-l 989 232 Appendix ... Towns showing their outgrowth with population 235 Part XU B-VILLAGE AND TOWNWISE PJHMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 10. Explanatory note on Primary Census Abstract 239 Bathinda District .244 Phul C.D. Block 260 Rampura C.D. Block 270 Bathinda C.D. Bleok 280 Nathana C.D. Bleok 294 Sangat C.D. Block 304 Tillwandi Sabo C.D. Block 314 Jhunir C.D. Block 328 Budhlada C.D. Block 346 Mansa C.D. Block 364 11 Urban Prim8.[y Census Abstract 378 Appendix I : Deta.ils of CD Block included undr.r various I ahsils 405 12. Tahsilwise Primary Census Abstract 406 APpendix n: Enumeration Blockwise total population and Scheduled Caste population 415' in urban area. Annexure to Appendix: District Primary Census Abstract. 440 (iv) Maps: Pages District Bathinda ; Tahsil and C. D. block boundaries, roads/railway, Before towns by population SlZ-:, class, important villages, Inner post and telegraph office, degree college and teohnical Title institution, rest house etc. Tahsil Rampura Phul : Bo~ndaries of C. D. blocks: Phul and Rampura, village boundary, population size of villages, urban area, amenities, road/nlil way, important village rnandies etc. Tahsil Bathinda : Boundaries of C. D. blocks Bathinda and Nathana, village boundary, population size of villages, urban areas, amenities, roads/railway, etc. Tahsil Talwandi Sabo : Boundaries of C. D. Block Sangat and Talwandi Sabo, village boundary, population size of villages, urban areas, amenities, road/raiIwa'y ctc. T~hsU Mansa : Boundaries of C. D. Blocks Mansa, Budblada and Jhunir, village boundary, population size of villages, urban areas, amenities roads/railway important village mandics etc. (v) FOREWORD Puhli~a~ion OfCl" Di~tr;ct Cens.ls HaI:dhoOAS (DCHs) was mitialed after the 1951 Census and is cO!ltinuing "lnce then W:t:1 ~ome lll:lO\'c!til'l~s!modiflcdt:ons after each decennial Census. This is the most val:lahle district :~v..:: pl.blicatilm (Fought nut hy t:1e Cen~u~ Org&nisation en behalf of each State GO'l,ernment/ lIr..:on T~rri:,)') admin:.,tr J.:ion. It inter alia plo"ides data, :nfonn~t;on on some of the basic demographic an! SllCil)--:CI)flO'l1:c cllRra.:reri~tic,., and nn the availabiltt} of certain Important civic amemt:esJfacilities in each v'!Iage an..! (o~ n of the respecti\e districts. ThIs pubiicatton haS thus proved to be of immense utility to the p.U.lner<;, a.dministrators. academIcians and researd:ers, fhe <;cope of the DCH waC; :nitially confined to certain important census tables on population, eCOn-3ffilC <ln~l ~~)Cio-cuimral a"rects as al\o the Pr:mmy Censu<; Abstract ,PCA) of each village and town (w,;,;·dv.i\c) nf th..- district. The Deli'> pUblJ"hed ..tft.:r t;le 1961 Ccnsu~ contained a descriptive account of the ,1l,,~riCl ad'1l:ni~,rati,e stclti~tic", .:-:n"(;S table,> and Village and Town Directorie5 including PCA. After t!1e : lI71 Cen"Ll". two parts of t:1C District c.::nsus Handbooks (Part-A comprising Village and Town Directories ,11:3 Palt-B comp::ising VIEagc .md To~n (PCA) 'A-ere released in all the States and Union Territories. The t 1.rd Part (e) of the District CenSuS Handbooks comprising administrative statistics and district cenSus Lblc'), which was also to be brought out could not be published in many States/DTs due to considerable delay III compilation of rei evant material. In 1981, ~ome new featur.'> alongwith the restructuring of the f~lrr.:lats of Village amI Town Directory were introduced in thc Dells. These were published in two parts for eaC1 d,'ltdct after the 19~1 Cens~s. While Part-A comprised Village and Town Directories, the peA of viiI ages and towns (ward-wi<;e) ir.c!uding Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe PCA upto tehsi!jtown level were provided in Part-B. To illu.:>trate, all the amenities except electricity, were brougltt together in the Village Directory and if an J.menit)' was not aVUllab!e in the referrent village, the distance in broad ranges from the ne,irest pldce llavmg such amenity waS given. Information on some new items such as adult lIteracy centres, pr'n1ury health sub-centre'3 and comm].mity health workers in the village were provided so as to meet some of the requireme1ts of the Revised ~inimum ~eeds Programme. Similarly, information on approach 1O the village \'v'd'> also pfCIvidcd for the first time in the Vil!age Directory so as to give an idea about Lho! n:1mber of maccessible villages in each district. In case uf Town Directorie~ also, keeping in vi fW the rey'u:rement<; of the Minimum Needs Programme, a Statem~nt IV-A on '3lums was provided so as to enable t:1C pJJ.nne~ to chalk out the prugramme,> for providing better civic and other amenities in the slums,. In tl,j\ statement details on c:vic and other amenities \\-ere reported for the slums of class I and Class II towns. Apart frl)m this, one column on tne Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population and another on adult literacy clJ.sses/ccntre:-. were added in Statements IV and V respecti\'ely. The manner of prc!>entation of the DClls for the 1991 Census is by and large the Same as followed .n 19~1. rTn\\-cver, the forrnat of peA has been restructured slightly in the 1991 Census for the benefit of .lata :l~er~, ~i:J.e-foIJ lI1du.~trial .:1a;,siflcation of main workers has been given as against four-fold industrial 0lasslf~cation presented in t1e 191{ Census. In addition to this, the sex-wise population in the 0-6 age-group h.ts al'io b~ in.;hhleJ i:1 PC'\ for th~ fint tim: with a view to enabling data u,>ers to compute more realIstic literacy rate as all cnildren b~low 7 yeats of age haw b.:!en treated as illtnlte at the time of the 1991 Cen.,us. it IS expe.;tcd that t!J.~ a!J.:Jv ~ m~ntion:lJ m ):i!fH;ations will help the planners in chalking out mont effective developmental programmes.
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