• 47 91.7 KAL'\N information radio - Tuesdays at Noon - III III I!! AMERICAN 'I! @avericks iI! iii III iii interest in classical American Mavericks is a groundbreaking music and has new radio series produced by Minnesota Public influenced such Radio in association with the San Francisco Sym~ classical composers phony and Michael Tilson Thomas, Music Direc­ Peter Schickele, tor, with support from the William and Flora Philip Glass and Hewlett Foundation, and distributed by Public Aaron Jay Kernis. Radio InternationaL The radio program was released Her literate, tulder­ in.Apri12003.lnspired by the adventurous program­ stated songs include rrung of the San Francisco Symphony and its concert the Granuny-nomi- festival of the same name, American Mavericks nated single "Luka," Michatl Tilson Thomas features the iconoclastic, tradition-breaking compos­ which broke new ers who shaped the development of American ground in the pop charts, written, as it was, from the music-from Charles Ives, Henry Brant, Harry Partch, viewpoint of a child abuse victim. Vega is the execu­ Laurie Anderson, Steve Reich and more. tive producer of, and a contributor to Vigil, a Sep­ The 13-week radio series tells the story of the tember 11 tribute album by members of the Green­ distinctly American music that grew along with the wich Village Songwriter's Exchange. Her most country. Interviews with composers and performers recent solo release, Songs in Red and Gray, is a ~d discussion with San Francisco Symphony Music critically acclaimed rehJ.m to her acoustic music Director Michael Tilson Thomas highlight this roots. celebration ofmusical inspiration and creativity. The American Mavericks radio series began Suzanne Vega, renowned for her musical innova­ incubating at Minnesota Public Radio in the falI of tion: hosts this gathering of entertaining and com­ 2001. Producer Tom Voegeli has directed a talented ~elling stories, personalities and performances. Vega and dedicated staff in designing the program's 15 a pop-folk music icon who, as a vanguard singer­ approach and sound, both on the radio and the Web, songwriter in the 19805, cleared the way for a wave and has spanned the continent gathering recordings of female artists that followed. Known for her '! musical and lyrical inventiveness, Vega has a strong continued on ptlgt 70 Listel/! www.kalw.org July/August/September 2003 Page 1 of 120 r PROGRAM SOURCES Got a gripe? Any Te<f\le;IS? If you WMlt to know whom I<> write to. MId where. died, he,.., or telephone KALW staffers al 415-8414121 Monday through Friday. 9a _Sp. for mote assistant£'. Or writ£' to US al KALW, SOO MartSt'U Streel Sm frandsm, CA 94134 or email us al www.hlw,org c/oKALW: CITY YJSIONS MOTtEl rOOlIlADIO SffOW roc ..... .......... Tap1!5 are $15 c/o KALW Tape. are availabl.. 80Jr 410009 wwww.cityvisonsradio.com See All Things Considend San Francisco 94141 IllJEliMSS SNiIW www.fooLcom (415)861-6962 COMMONWEAl11l CLUI fax 11614583 _'AU Ta~ are $12. transcript< $6 MUSIC FROM IfWTS Of SPACE ....... WT www.tucradio.org 595 Market Stre.-t Ta~ not available ...DSOVlJIMAmll San Francisco 94105 (415) 242-8899 TlIlm..f AIID SllAMIOCX MY' 'AVDIIm. nnGS (415)597-6700 Pla)"lislS $3 by mail Tapes not available. www.commonweiilthclub.org HOSPlaylisl Pli1ylist and newslelteravailable. ....... Bo~ P.O. 5916, Sausalito CA 94965 SASE ($37) - . 'ElfOfIMIN' ARTS SPfCIALS COOmJISP1N WWW.h05.Com P.O. Box 5Hl Tapes are $12 NPR NAMNAl ""BlIC RADIO Matthews. NC 28106 AU TlIUIGS CONStDEIIED FAIR/CoWlletSpin (704) 321-3293 130 W. 25th Street, New York. NY 10001 635 Massachusetts Avenue NW Transcriptions are $18.70 www.npr.org (212) &33-6700 Wa~hinglO1l DC 20001 Tapes $Z3.7D are www.lail.org/counte...pin (202)414_2000 TO TlIE 1mOf OUII UOWLEIlGI National Public Radio www.npr.org Tape! are available 635 Massadluset15 Avenue NW DON GIOYAfilIiI OVlJIDRM (BOO) 747-7444 WOlShington, IX: 20001 dgol<[email protected] NEW DIMENSIONS www.wpr·org/book (877) 677-8398 P.O Box 5&9, Uki.,h 95482 EAIlTlIJIEWS For info (707) 468-9830 program (415) 459-2846 U'faotrJ (202)513-3232 (M-F 7a-2p) Tapes are $9.95 plus tax and $4 shipping Tapes are$IS www.earthrwws.adio.org www.npr.erg (800) 935-8273 cJoKALW www .newdirneJ\$ion~.org [email protected] ALTElUlATM UINlJ "'Tapes....are not available Tapes are $14, uanscripts are $9 PATt:HWORX QUIlT WEBEIID mmolt SAYUIlDAT (610) 8-27-9600 P.O. Bo~ 551, Boulder, CO 80306 [email protected] See All Thinp Con,ideM for address www.eclux-s.org www.npr.org (800) U4--19n PORTJlAIlS IN IUIE www.a1teTn3tiveradio.org fASClllAnN'RtnTJIM Tapes not available WEST COAST lJV( Tapes not available ............VUICIlS WBGORadio 2124 KHtredgeStr....tlt350 Playlists available Tapes not availahle. 54 Park Place. Newark NJ 07102 Berkeley CA 94704 WXXHM, PO-Bol: 30021 www.mU5icmaverids.org (97J) 624-8880 For tickets (415) 664-9500 Rochester, NY 14603 c/o Minn~la Public Radio Dffire (SIO) 549-1475 (716)325-7500 Pili ""BUC RADIO nrttlUTtOIIAl. www.wd.org 45 East Seventh Street 100 North Sixth SIr....1I1900A SI. Paw MN55101 fOlX MUSIC & BnOND Minneapolis MN 55403 WIIAD'YA KQW1 (651) 290-1500 Tapesnol available www.l<..llwfolk.org (&l2) 3JB-SOOO 821 Unive.sity Avenue "......... fRESH AIfl www·ro.org Madison Wl53706 ..Tapes ~ availitble(BOO) 363-1530 Tapes are $2.3.70 (110O) WHA-KNOW RECORD SHELF (416) 2Q5.2600/taIld>acl (416) 205-JJ31 Transcripts are $18,70 www.nolmuch.com Tapes not ,"vailabJe Box 500 Station A (877) 213--7374 KUSC-FM WHAT'S T1If WDIlD1 Toronl<>. Ontario, Canada MSW 1£6 WHYYRadio P.O. Box Los Angeles 90007 Tapes arl' available­ www.radiocbc.C"JprogramsJ 150 North bth SU""t me. (213) 225-7400 Modem t.mguage Assoc. asithappen5 Philadelphia, PA 19106 www.ku5c-org 26 Broadway, 3rd Floor (215)351-0550 IIC WOfIUt SlIIVK:( rllOGllAMS New York NY 1004-1759 www_freshair.npr_org SAYS YOU BrimJ> BroedcastingCorporaliOJl www.mJa.org Tapes not available Bush House HEAUlI, M./ND & BODY (646) 576·5102 P.O. Box 500. Cambridge MA 022311 London England WOB 4PI-l Tap"",arf'S15 cloKALW s.~ysy,,"@Wgbh.org WORK WIllI MUll .EMItO www.bbc.co.u1< TlIE ttLIMAJII CHORUS Tapes are $15 or woridserviCE'.lellen;@bbcco.u1< SElECTlD SItOIITS humanchoru~arthlink.net 5936 Chabolvn Telrace "B~st of' I,pes Me available BBC New York, 19'95 Broadway '505 Oakland 94618 New York NY 10023 IIMSIBU III (2l2) 8M-1414 Ilel (510)6S5·2m (212) 501-1500 lnvis>bleinkradio@yahoo,com For reading lists mnemko6Mell.com macleantbol.com send business ,izeSASE ($,37) Lf SHOW clo Symphony Space WOIIIOIIG ASSlTS IADlD IEALE S1llEfT CAJlAVAfiI Tap"" not available Broadway MId 95th Stre.-l www.workingasselYadio.com Tapes not available KCRWRadio New York. NY 10025 49 Union Avenue, Memphis TN 38103 1900 Pico Boulevard WItm.I'S AlMAUC wrJ1I www_npr.org (901) 527-BtuE Santa Monica 90405 ......... ""UOI www.bealesueetc;u-avan.com (310) 450-S18-3 rAltGEMS (8oo) 228-7123 www.harryshearer.com Tapes not available wrilersalmanac.org IlUlGIIASS $ISIW. (415) 285-8644 www.tangentsco1J\ Tapes notavailable UFT,RIGKT & CEItTEA JOUR LfGAl RJGIfTS bgsisnai@atlJlel TapE'S not available "'EN & NOW Tapes are $15 Set- Le Show lor address www.sarahcilhiU.com cJoKALW I'OWEJlItOUll IlUIS www,kcrw,org 500 Mansell Slree' Tapes not available TlflS AMERICU Un. SMI FrMlCIS':o 94134 (800)41J..9466 UYIffG 011 WllI Tapes are $12 1'1 www.bluespoweJ".coU'l Tape; arl' $15 (312) 6-32-3380 8 Story Street WBEZ CAPIllll STIPS Caml>ridgl' MA 02138 848 E Grand Avm.ue. Chicago. 11. 60611 Tapes & CDs ar", availabl£' BecaU5(' of the copyright restrictions (617) 568-8810 www.thi.~liJl..org i8OO) 733-7837 on the commercial recordings of wwwJoe.org WWW.CiIpsl..J.3.Com nilS WAY Otn music and drama u:;.ed in OUl" MORIIIIIG EDmoll Tapes ar~ .$10 fo, 2 show, programs, we ar£', wUortunatt'ly, Transcript< and tapes areavailabll' P.O.Box 38327, Los Angeles 90038 Wlable 10 mal<e available casselte Tapesc.u'AUare 513 (888) CAR-JUNK Su All Things Considerrd (818)986-4106 copies 01 them To do so would CarTaIJ< Plaza Send !ellers 10 ME leUers www.qrd.org/www/media/radio/ violatecopyright law. Bol: 3500 Harvard Squar.... PO. Bo~ 96&00 thiswayout Cambridge, MA 02238 WashinglOn IX: 2Q09(}-6600 Call-in Number: (888) CAR-TAu:. www.npr.org cartalk.cars.com Comment line, (202) 1142-5044 2 Page 2 of 120 \ MANAGER'S NOTES Dear Lis/mers j'lnd Members, Many oj you may be following the machinations oj the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) and probably weren't hank you all so much for your amazing financial support too surprised with the green light for more consolidation of during our Spring Membership Drive. We finished the media. It does not bode well for diversity of thought, content, TDrive in record time, and from my perspective, after and voices on radio or TV. Jsee my main obligation as General perusing many of your comments as you phoned Dr e-mailed in Manager of an independent, locally owned and programmed YDur pledge, it felt like a huge embrace from Dur listening radio station to ensure its cDntinued viability - fiscally and community. Again, our most sincere gratitude! programmatically - and to guard its independence and Summer is upon us, and with il we thought we would solvency. I can only do that with your help - your continued highlight our local music programmers on KALW. Considering financial support and your input, which is greatly valued.. the amazing cultural talent bank the Bay Area is, we hope to add We were fortunate 10 have FCC Commissioner Jonathan more locally programmed and produced music shows in the Adelstein visit KALW when he was a guest on Working Assets future.
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