WAITE INSTIT'UTE 3t.ro,63 UBRARY MODIFICATION OF SOIL PHYSICAL PROPERTiES BY ADDITION OF IRON AND CALCIUM COIÏPOUNDS by R. T, Shanmugonothon, B,Agr,Sc, (Sri Lonk0) Thesis subrnitted in the tot0l fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doclor of Philosophv in the UniversitY of Adeloide Deportment of soil Science hloite Agriculturol Reseorch Institute The Universitv of Adeloide Aprll 1983 I CONTENTS Page LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES SUMMARY STATEMENT ACKNOl,lLEDGEMENTS 1 CHAPTER 1 LITERATURE REVIEl^J 1.1 Definitions of Soil Structure I 1.1.1 Soil structure anC pores ín relation to aggregation 2 I.7.2 Characterization of soil structure ? 1.2 Coagulation and DjsPersion 10 L.2.1 Diffuse double laYer theorY 10 L.2.I.1 Electric double layer equations 11 1.2.?' Point of zero charge 13 1.2.3 A.dsorption of ions on soil surface 14 | .? .3. 1 Cati on adsorPt'i on 14 l -2.3.2 Anion adsorPtìon 15 l.?.4 Di sPersi on 18 Fâctors responsible for clay dispersion 19 1.3 Aggregation in Soils 20 1 .3 . I Factors i nf I uenc'ing aggregati on 2L PhYsica'l agents 21 Biologica'l agents 22 Chemjcal agents 22 Iron oxides and hydrous oxides 23 GYPsum 24 1.3.1 .3.2,1 Gypsum treatment and ESP 25 Sôlub'i'lity and feasibitity ot the use of gypsum 25 - Calcium carbonate (CaCOa) 27 Solubility and feas'ibllity of the use of calcium carbonate 27 Mixtures of gypsum and calcium carbonate 28 Other ìnorganic chemicals 29 0rganic PolYmers ?9 1.4 Physical Properties after Changes in Aggregatìon and Exchangeable Sod'ium Percentage 30 1.4.1 imProved aggregation 30 31 1.4 .? Reduced ESP 1.4.3 Behav'iour of cal cium carbonate 31 CHAPTER 2 AIMS AND OBJICI'IVES OF THT STUDY 33 CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTAL 35 3.1 Preparation of PolyIFe(III)-0H]cat'ions 35 3.2 tl ectrophoreti c l''lc¡bi l i ti es 35 1ì 3.3 Aggregate Stabil itY 35 3.+ Hydraul ic Conduct'ivitY 36 3.5 Soil ConsistencY Parameters 36 3.6 Modulus of Rupture 36 3.7 Fri abi 1 i ty 37 3.8 Root Length Measurement 38 3.9 Water Retention 38 CHAPTER 4 MODII.ICATION OF SOIL PHYSICAI. PROPERTIES BY MANIPULATING THE NET SURFACE CHARGE ON COLLOI DS 39 4.1 Introduction 39 4.2 Materi al s 39 4.2.7 DescriPtion of soil 39 4.3 Experimental 40 4.3.1 DisPersed cìaY 4û 4.3.2 Treatments of soil with po'lycations 41 4.3.3 Examination of polycation treated soils 4t 4.4 Resul ts 44 4.4 .1 Di spersed c1 aY 44 4.4 .2 Electric charges 47 4.4 .3 Surface area and electron microscopy 48 4.4 .4 Aggregate stabiìitY 4B 4.4 .5 Dry bul k dens'ity and porosi tÍ es 48 4.4 .6 Pore size and hydrauìic conductivity 52 4.4 .7 Soil consistencY 53 4.4.8 Modulus of ruPture 53 4.4.9 So'il friabilitY 55 4.4.10 Penetrometer resistance 55 4.5 Discuss'ion 58 4.5.1 Surface charges and flocculation 58 4.5.2 Aggregat'ion and Porosi tY 60 4.5.3 Soil mechanical propert'ies 61 4.6 Conclusions 63 CHAPTER 5 MODIFICATION OF SOIL PHYSICAL PROPERTiiS BY ADDITT0N 0F Fe(IiI) P0LYCATiONS. INFLUENCE 0F PLANT GR0l^lTH 64 5.1 Introduction 64 5.2 Experimental 64 5.2.L Preparation of so'il s in pots 64 5.2.2 Rainfal I simuiation 64 5.2.3 Crack Pattern 65 5.2.4 Pore si ze di stri but'ion 6'5 5.2.5 Penetrometer resi stance 6B 5 .2.6 Germi nati on studi es 68 5.2.7 Plant growth stud'ies 6B 5.3 Results and D'iscussion 7T 5.3 .1 Crack formation 7L 5.3 .2 Seedl 'ittg emergence 74 5.3 .3 Plant growth 76 5.4 Conclusions BO llt AND PHYSICAL CHAPTER 6 INFLUENCE OF ANIONS ON DISPERSION PROPERTIES0FTHEAI.IORiZOI'¡0FARED-BROI'JNEARTH B1 6.1 Int.roduction 81. B? 6 2 Experimental 6.2 .l Treatments of soil wìth polycations 82 6.2 .2 Preparation of fulvic acid B3 6.2 .3 Adcl'itjon clf anions to poìycat'ioti treated soi l susPc:nsìons B3 6.2.4 Adsorption of anions by so]l Y at pH.7 84 6.2.5 Addit'ions of anions to soils treated with Fe PoìYcations B4 6.2.6 Physìco-chemical propertìes 85 6.2.7 Physical and mechanical properties 85 6.3 Resul ts and Di scuss'ion 85 6.3:1 Dispersed claY B5 6.3.2 Eìeät.rophoretic mobi'ìity and point of zero charge 95 6.3 .3 Electric èharges determined by ion exchange 98 6.3.4 Electron mìcroscoPic studies 98 6.3.5 Aggregate stability and porosities 106 6.3.6 Nãiimum water holding capacity and 106 hydrauì ic conductìvitY 'l 6.3.7 t'tó¿ul us of rupture and f ri ab'i i ty 111 6.4 Concìusions 114 CHAPTER 7 EFFECT OF DISPERSIBLE CLAY ON THE PHYSiCAL PNOÞENTiTS OF THE B HORIZON OF A RED-BROI¡N EARTH 115 7.1 Introduction 115 116 7 .2 Materi al s 7.3 ExPerìmental 116 7.3.1 Treatment of the clay B horizon with 116 PolY[Fe( I I I ) -0H]cat'i ons 7.3.2 betêrmination of dispersible clay Lt7 7.3.3 Physìcaì and mechanical properties 118 I .l .9. 1 Swel ì i ng and shri nki ng 118 Water retention 119 7.4 Resul ts and Di scuss'ion 119 7.4 .1 Dispers'ibie claY i19 'itY 7.4 .2 Aggregate stabi I 72? 7.4 .3 Swelling behav'iour r22 7.4 .4 Water retent'ion and ava'i I abl e water T?4 7.4 .5 Dispersion index and hYdrauìic conduct'iv i tY t?5 7 .4.6 Soil mechanical ProPerties t26 7.5 Conclusions t32 CHAPTER 8 MODIFICATION OF SOIL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES BY ADDITION OF CALCIUM COMPOUNDS 133 8.1 Introduction 133 8.2 Material s 134 IV 8.3 Experimental 135 -- 8.3.1 Application of gYPsum, calcium c arbonate and cetnent 135 8.3.2 T reatment of soi'ls in Pots 136 8.3.3 E xamination of treated soils after wetti ng and drY'i ng cYcl es 137 8.3 .4 Germinatìon studies 140 8.3 .5 Plant growth studies 140 8.4 Results 14i 8.4.1 Exchangeable cations and electrolyte conceniration 141 8.4 .2 Dì spers'ibl e cì aY I44 8.4.3 Cembntjng effects - aggregate stab'iìity i46 8.4.4 Total aréal PorositY 151 8.4.5 Available tvater and hydraul ic conducti v'i tY 151 8.4.6 So'il mechanìcal propertìes 155 I .4 .7 Seedl 'i ng emergence- ' 155 8.4.8 Plant giowth 155 8.5 Di scuss'ion 163 8.5.1 Coagulat'ion and dispersion 163 8.5 -2 Cementati on 163 8.5.3 Dispersible clay as a measure of structural Probl ems? 165 S.S.4Pronlot.ionofcoaguìatjonandcementation 166 8.5.5 Root growth and soil structure 168 8.6 Concl usions 169 CHAPTER 9 GENERAL DISCUSSION L7T 9.L Introduction t7l 9.2 Flocculation and Coagulation t7r 9.3 DisPersibìe ClaY 172 9.4 Aggregation 773 9.5 Soil Structure 174 9.6 Root Growth t74 9.7 Possibility of Use of Calcium Carbonate to ImProve Soil Structure 175 T7B APPEND I X REFERENCES 179 V LIST OF FIGURES Fi gure Page d'iagrarn of units of soil structure I Schema.tic ? (hlarkenti n , 1982) 42 2 calibration of % dispersjble clay and opt'ical densìty and 3 Influence of poly[Fe(iII)-0H]cat'ion on flocculation dispersion anä eiãctrophoretic mobi'lity of so'iì suspens'ions 45 j 4 El ectrophoreti c mob I'iti es of soi I s as a funct'ion of pH-U.fói'ô and after treatment with polvIFe(III)-0H] cati ons 46 49 5 Transmission electron m'icrograph of clay fraction (A) Untreated soil (B) PolyIFe( I I I ) -0H]cation treated so'il 0.01%Fe (c) il il ll 0.04%Fe l¡ (D) il il 0.07%te (E) ¡l il ll 0. 16%Fe ¡t Í (F) Í 0.32%Fe on the size 6 Effect of poly[Fe(III)-0H]cations 'in di stri buti bn ói water stabl e part'icl es soi I 50 7 Effect of moulding water content on the modulus of iupture of art'ifiðial briquets by addition of poly IFe(III)-0H]cations 55 I Effect of water content on the friability of soils treated with poly[Fe(III)-OH]cat'ions (curves fitted by eye) 56 9 Effect of time on the penetrometer resistance of soils lreated with po'lyIFe(III)-0H]cations at 20% moulding water content 57 l0 Calibration of rainfall simulator for uniform di stri buti on 66 ll Randomized comp'lete block des'ign for crack formation änã germinatioh experiment by rainfall simulation 67 12 Randomized conrp'lete block design and changes-of the âiiung.*.nts oî the pots with tjme for the pìant growth 70 t3 crack format'ion jn the polyIFe(III)-0H]cation treated soi I s after simul ated ra'infal I and dryÍng 72 t4 Effect of poly[Fe(III)-0H]cations on the crack pattern after simuiatêã rainfall and drying of the soil 73 15 Influence of poly[Fe(III)-0H]cat'ions on the plant height of wheat in the soil 78 l6 Changes in dispers'ible clay of 0.07%Fe treated soil after add'ition of anions B6 V] 17 Changes in.electrophoret'ic mob-'il'ity of C'32%Fe trealed soil after additìon of anions B8 ]B Changes in dispersible c'lay of 0.32%Fe treated so'il after addition of anions B9 l9 Changes in electrophoretic mob'il ity of 0.07%Fe treated soi I af ter addi t'ion of an'ions 9l 20 Anion adsorption on 0.32%te treated soil at pH 7 93 21 Electrophoretic mobil jties of 0.07%Fe treated SO ils as a function of pH before and after addition of anions 96 22 Electrophoret'ic mobilities of 0.32%te treated soìls as a function of pH before and after addit'ion of anions 97 23 Transmissjon electron micrograph of clay fraction of 0.07%Fe treated soils before and after additÍon of phosphate t00 24 Transmission electron mìcrograph of clay fraction of 0.07%Fe treated soils before and after addit'ion of ful vate t0l 25 Transmission electron micrograph of clay fraction of 0.07%Fe treated soìls before and after addition of c i trate 102 26 Transmission electron micrograph of clay fraction of 0.32%Fe treated soils before and after addition of phosphate 103 ?7 Transmission electron mìcrograph of clay fraction of 0.32%Fe treated soils before and after addition of ful vate 104 28 Transmission electron micrograph of clay fraction of 0.32%Fe treated soils before and after addition of ci trate 105 29 Effect of phosphate on the size distribution of water stable partìcles in sojl samp'les treated with 0.A7%te 107 30 Effect of fulvate on the size distribution of water stable particles
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