1) ee Vk 1 - Of The - SAN FRANCISCO POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION VOLUME 34, NUMBER 3 SAN FRANCISCO, MARCH 2002 www.sfpoa.org One Hundred SFPD President's Message Members Promoted By Chris Cunnie More Promotion and Retirement news on pages 12 & 13 SFPOA President t has been a busy month. Our plans On Wednesday, March 6, 2002, one for moving into temporary office hundred members of the San Francisco I space on Bryant Street, between Police Department received promotions in 5th and 6th, are on track. We are ex- a ceremony at Herbst Theater. Before a pecting the move to occur in mid- packed house ofproud and admiring fam- April. I might add that the move ily members, friends, and co-workers, the should not be delayed too much platoon of new appointees was honored longer. As I write this, there is a brisk with addresses by Mayor Willie Brown, rain coming down outside of my of- Chief Fred Lau, and Police Commission fice - both inside and outside the President Sidney Chan. The Master of Cer- building! The roof is leaking so badly, emonies was Deputy Chief Heather Fong. we have plastic tarps covering one Her address, a straight-talking synopsis computer and the fax machine, and of the duties of each rank being promoted three garbage cans collecting dripping to, is reprinted below. water from various weak spots in the ceiling. We would have patched the ers who were killed in the line of duty We have come here today to honor Deputy Chief Heather Fong holes, but the roofers we called in re- the much earned promotions of 100 fused to place workers on the roof be- during 2001, including the 70 officers outside of the Department as well. The cause it was too structurally unsound. who died on September 11 in New members of the San Francisco Police York City—the deadliest incident in Department. Each has proven him or deputy chief is responsible for noth- We really do need a new building. ing less than keeping everyone happy, On a more somber note, I was con- law enforcement history. The remain- herself up to the task. They all have ing officers died in past years-39 of passed the tests, and have shown that including the public at large. tacted recently by executive officers of Next, we will be promoting a com- the National Law Enforcement Offic- them from as far back as the 1800s. they can handle the stress and strain Their deaths were only recently discov- that comes with the job. mander, who runs a division, incurs ers Memorial Fund, based in Washing- both the wrath of their boss (the ton, D.C. They are making a national ered by Memorial researchers. We are promoting a former com- This event will take place during our mander to deputy chief. Deputy chiefs deputy chief) and the suspicion of the appeal for financial assistance to help 14th Annual Candlelight Vigil. Last must be all things to all people. They captains who work under them. They add a record 476 names to the Memo- must reassure the captains and keep rial Wall in Washington. Of course, the year, more than 18,000 law enforce- must be imbued with nothing less ment officers, family members and than skills which allow them to handle them on the right track, as well as count was due to the sad events of Sep- jumping through endless hoops to tember 11, 2001. The POA is often well other supporters joined together dur- situations tactfully and diplomatically, ing this ceremony to pay tribute to our and to react with an open and fair make the deputy chief look good. represented at the national ceremony Also today, two lieutenants are be- each May. I know that every officer country's fallen heroes. This year's cer- mind. Furthermore, they must make emony is shaping up to be an even decisions that have an effect on people ing elevated to captain. They are prin- who has attended one of these ceremo- cipally responsible for running a dis- nies has reported that it was one of the greater salute to America's law enforce- trict station. Most captains run their most memorable events of their law ment officers and I want to personally stations as though they are their own enforcement career. With that in invite you to attend. It is going to be a TRAFFIC police departments and they are the mind, I would like to use the remain- very special evening! chiefs. Good approach. They have to der of my space to reprint the letter. I I also hope you will consider sup- keep an eye on everything that goes am sure that many of you will feel porting the National Law Enforcement Tips on in their district and have to meet compelled to help in any way that you Officers Memorial Fund by making a with the community. Trying to keep can. small donation today to help us add By Rene LaPrevotte the names of these officers to the Me- Traffic Company up with the demands of the public alone is an awesome, time consuming Help Add the Names of 476 morial Wall. Each officer's name will cost close to $200 to engrave or nearly s you know, the Board of Su- task, and when done properly, the time Law Enforcement Officers spent at your office should lead to your $100,000 overall. pervisors has increased the The adding of these names and the A fines attached to several traffic own dog growling at you when you Dear Friends, finally return home. Tough job. On May 13, 2002, the National Law candlelight vigil ceremony is our most offenses, one of which is a new expensive event of the year. Sadly, this $100.00 fine for 5200 CVC (No plates, Additionally, seven sergeants are be- Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund ing elevated to the managerial rank of will officially add the names of 476 law year's cost is the highest ever. That is or one missing). This fine was in- why it is important that we are able to creased to aid in identifying vehicles lieutenant. These men and women are enforcement officers to the Memorial generally responsible for nothing less Wall in Washington, D.C. This is by count on your donation today. caught on red-light cameras. You need Please help us honor these officers, to know, however, that all is not as it than running a watch at a district sta- far the highest number of fallen he- tion or a unit in the investigation bu- roes added to the Memorial in any year and the more than 15,000 officers seems. whose names already appear on the If you cite an unattended vehicle for since it was dedicated in 1991. CONTINUED ON PAGE 13 Among those names are 226 offic- Memorial, by visiting our Web site and 5200 CVC, the cite goes to DPT where making a donation of $50, $25, or any the bail is now $100.00 ($10 with amount that you can afford. proof of correction). To make a donation, please visit: If you cite someone for a "mover" http://www.nleomf.com/NPW where they sign the citation, the tag donate.html goes to room 101 where the bail as- Finally, I also ask that you send an sessed is only $77.00 ($10.00 with email to your law enforcement col- proof of correction). The test here as leagues, friends, family, and others to what the offender's bail is going to who would be willing to join us in be is whether the tag is signed by the helping to honor the 476 men and offender as a "Promise to Appear". The cheaper moving offense is, strangely, CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 than the parking offense! Page 2POA Journal March 2002 POLICE-FIRE POST 456 By Rich Struckman The regular meeting of the Widows' Fergus, Cristina Franco, Aaron Hall, and Orphans' Aid Association of the Tauva'a Johnson, Josha Kumli, months. The resolution also ensures n recent months, some SFPD of- that the employee and family retain San Francisco Police Department was Norman Lee, Darla Mc Bride, ficers have raised concerns regard Katherine McClellan, Patrick all benefits during that period. It is called to order by President Ray Crosat I ing department members who at 2:05 PM in the conference room of McCormick, Michael Mitchell, Mark important to remember that when an serve in the reserve components of the individual joins the reserve forces of Ingleside Station. Moreno, Esteban Perez, Khae Saephan, United States Armed Forces. After lis- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by Kelvin Sanders, Glenn Sherry, Ajay our nation, they are contractually ob- tening to the issues, I did some re- ligated to serve in times of war and President Ray Crosat. Singh, Gerald Thompson, Siu Ngor search, and will summarize the situa- ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: President Tom, Robert Vernengo, Allen national emergencies, as well as the tion. regular monthly drills and other train- Ray Crosat and Vice President Al Vugrincic and Richard Yick. As far as I know, there has been only Aguilar. Treasurer Jim Sturken and Sec- ing activities required by their selected one active SFPD officer called up to branch of service. It is also important retary Mark Hurley. Trustees Bob WE HAD FOUR DEATHS THIS serve in the war against terrorism. As Kurpinsky, Joe Reilly and Joe Garrity. PAST MONTH: to remember that an employer is not FRED T. MULLEN: 79 years of age. it stands now, if you are a sworn po- legally obligated to compensate an Excused: George Jeffery and Mike lice officer serving in the reserves or Kemmitt.
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