Frances Dahlquist's Plant A Great Resource: California Native Plant Link List Exchange (www.cnplx.info) - will allow you to search for plants from Contra Costa County Apr-11 Pittsburg, CA Front Yard Plants ID Life Spe Plant Family Latin Name Common Name Health Contra How Notes Form cial Status Costa Easy? Lov County e? native? 1 Shrub Ericaceae Arctostaphylos Ian Bush Thriving both very This was a naturally occuring hybrid from Las manzanita parents easy hybrid at the nursery Pilitas (densiflora x yes pungens) 2 Shrub Asteraceae Artemisia california Thriving Yes very This is a key species in the californica sagebrush easy coastal scrub plant community in which we live 3 Perenn Asclepidaceae Asclepias narrow leaf Thriving yes pretty Host plant for Monarch ial fascicularis milkweed easy butterfly; reseeds 4 Perenn Liliaceae Chlorogalum soap plant Thriving yes easy blooms at dusk each night ial pomeridianum 5 Shrub yes! Asteraceae Chrysothamnus common Thriving yes very nauseosus rabbitbrush easy 6 Perenn Asteraceae Corethrogyne common Thriving yes very ial filaginifolia sandaster easy 7 Perenn Liliaceae Dichelostemma blue dicks doing ok yes very Just put in ground after 3 ial capitatum easy years in 4 inch pot with no water! 8 Shrub Asteraceae Ericameria golden fleece Thriving Yes easy This plant has the neatest arborscens structure, arms with flowers at the end 9 Annual Papaveraceae Eschscholzia California poppy Thriving yes very Bumble bees love me! californica easy 10 Grass Poaceae Festuca blue fescue Thriving yes needs supplemental water idahoensis 11 Annual Polemoniaceae Gilia achilleifolia California gilia Thriving yes easy 12 Annual Polemoniaceae Gilia captitata blue field gilia Thriving yes 13 Annual Polemoniaceae Gilia tricolor Bird's eye Gilia Just a yes easy baby 14 Perenn Asteraceae Grindelia Great Valley Doing ok yes very Hard prune will kill ial camporum gumweed easy 15 Shrub Cistaceae Helianthemum common rock Doing yes This is a very small shrub scoparium rose fine 16 Perenn Asteraceae Helianthus sp sunflower Thriving yes ial 17 Annual yes! Asteraceae Layia platyglossa tidy tips Thriving yes Needs slug protection during wet months 18 Annual Polemoniaceae Leptosiphon false babystars Slugs yes easy Needs slug protection during androsaceus (2) are wet months trying me 19 Annual Polemoniaceae Linanthus largeflower Doing ok yes easy Slugs don't bother me much grandiflorus (2) linanthus 20 Shrub yes! Fabaceae Lupinus albifrons silver bush Started yes A little Gorgeous blue flowers. If you lupine new difficul have trouble getting it to live, baby in t try it in a few different spots different place 21 Annual Asteraceae Madia elegans common madia Looks yes Needs slug protection during good wet months 22 Perenn Scrophulariace Mimulus sticky monkey Seems yes I've Summer water kills ial ae aurantiacus flower to be killed doing ok 2 23 Perenn yes! Lamiaceae Monardella villosa coyote mint Thriving yes One of my favorite plants - ial (2) beautiful fluffy purple flowers 24 Grass Poaceae Muhlenbergia deergrass Thriving no but central valley rigens 25 Grass Poaceae Nassella pulchra purple needle Thriving yes very lots of babies! grass easy 26 Annual Hydrophyllacea Nemophila baby blue eyes Slugs yes Needs slug protection during e menziesii are wet months trying me 27 Perenn yes! Scrophulariace Penstemon scarlet bugler Thriving yes very Tough, gorgeous plant with ial ae centranthifolius easy hot pink tubular flowers in spring 28 Perenn yes! Scrophulariace Penstemon foothill Thriving yes very Gorgeous blue tubular flowers ial ae heterophyllus (2) penstemon easy 29 Annual yes! Papaveraceae Platystemon cream cups Thriving yes easy Slugs don't bother me californicus (2) 30 Shrub yes! Anacardiaceae Rhus trilobata squawbush Thriving yes very Has red berries easy 31 Shrub yes! Grossulariacea Ribes indecorum white chaparral Thriving no, very I bloom Dec-Feb - Bumble e currant but easy bees love me! socal 32 Shrub yes! Lamiaceae Salvia mellifera black sage Thriving yes very Bees/bumble bees love me! easy Crush a leaf and sniff 33 Perenn Crassulaceae Sedum yellow stonecrop Doing yes ial spathulifolium well 34 Perenn yes! Solanaceae Solanum bluewitch Thriving yes very Bumble bees love me! ial umbelliferum nightshade easy 35 Annual Papaveraceae Stylomecon wind poppy Doing yes Needs slug protection during heterophylla well wet months 36 Perenn Asteraceae Wyethia narrow-leaved Going to yes goes dormant in summer ial angustifolia mule ears bloom this year! 37 Shrub yes! Onagraceae Zauschneria cana California Thriving yes very reseeds, has hot pink flowers (Epilobium canum) fuschia easy summer thru Nov. Fantastic fall color! 38 Shrub Buddleja x yellow butterfly bush Not a CA native weyeriana 'Honeycomb' 39 Perenn Marrubium silver edged horehound Not a CA native ial rotundifolium 40 Perenn Salvia 'Raspberry Raspberry Delight hybrid Not a CA native ial Delight' bush sage 41 Perenn Lamiaceae Salvia blue chichuahuan sage Not a CA native ial chamaedryoides 42 Tree Acacia stenophylla shoestring Not a CA native Going to remove and replace acacia with native (desert willow) North Side Yard Plants Life Spe Plant Family Latin Name Common Name Health Contra How Notes Form cial Status Costa Easy Lov County ? e? native? 43 Shrub Asteraceae Baccharis pilularis coyote brush Thriving yes very easy 44 Shrub Asteraceae Brickellia California Doing ok yes Nice smell in summer californica brickelbush 45 Bulb Liliaceae Calochortus butterfly Looks good Needs slug protection venustus mariposa lily 46 Succul yes! Rosaceae Dudleya farinosa in container Thriving yes very Mine is in complete shade ent easy 47 Annual yes! Polemoniaceae Gilia capitata blue field gilia Thriving yes lots of babies! 48 Shrub Rosaceae Heteromeles toyon Thriving yes very has berries arbutifolia easy 49 Shrub Scrophulariace Keckiella red beardtongue Seems yes ae corymbosa like its doing ok 50 Annual Asteraceae Madia elegans common madia Looks yes Needs slug protection good 51 Shrub yes! Rosaceae Oemleria oso berry Looks yes Shade & water, has berries cerasiformis good 52 Shrub Rosaceae Prunus virginiana western choke Doing ok yes needs supplemental water, var. demissa cherry but has cherries! could use more shade 53 Annual Papaveraceae Stylomecon wind poppy Doing yes Needs slug protection heterophylla well South Side Yard Plants Life Spe Plant Family Latin Name Common Name Health Contra How Notes Form cial Status Costa Easy Lov County ? e? native? 54 Shrub Asteraceae Brickellia California Doing ok yes easy Nice smell in summer californica brickelbush 55 Tree yes! Bignoniaceae Chilopsis linearis desert willow Thriving no, socal very Gorgeous pink tubular flowers (2) mostly easy all season 56 Perenn yes! Asteraceae Corethrogyne common Thriving yes very ial filaginifolia sandaster easy 57 Annual yes! Polemoniaceae Gilia tricolor Bird's eye Gilia Just a yes easy baby 58 Annual yes! Asteraceae Layia platyglossa tidy tips Thriving yes Needs slug protection during wet months 59 Annual Polemoniaceae Leptosiphon false babystars Slugs yes easy Needs slug protection during androsaceus (2) are wet months trying me 60 Grass Poaceae Nassella cernua nodding Thriving yes very needlegrass easy 61 Perenn yes! Scrophulariace Penstemon foothill Thriving yes very ial ae heterophyllus penstemon easy 62 Shrub Grossulariacea Ribes malvaceum chaparral currant Just a yes Needs a bit of shade in hot e baby areas like mine .
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