BY-LAW # A-1318.1 ARRÊTÉ No A-1318.1 A BY-LAW IN AMENDMENT OF BY-LAW RESPECTING FEES, ARRÊTÉ PORTANT MODIFICATION DE L’ARRÊTÉ RATES AND CHARGES FOR SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CONCERNANT LES DROITS, TARIFS ET REDEVANCES POUR CITY OF MONCTON LES SERVICES FOURNIS PAR LA VILLE DE MONCTON BE IT ENACTED by the City Council of the City of Moncton Le conseil municipal de Moncton édicte : as follows: The Fees and Charges By-law, ordained and passed on the L’Arrêté sur les droits et redevances, fait et adopté le 17th day of December, 2018 is hereby amended as follows: 17 décembre 2018, est modifié ainsi qu’il suit : Amendments Modifications 1 Deleting of Schedule “A” is in its entirety. 1 Suppression de l’Annexe A dans son intégralité. 2 The fees and charges payable for municipal services 2 Les droit et redevances à verser pour les services municipaux provided by the City shall be as outlined in Schedule “A.1” fournis par la Ville sont énoncés à l’Annexe A.1 ci-jointe, qui which is attached to and forms part of this By-Law. fait partie du présent arrêté. Consequential Amendments Modifications corrélatives 3 A By-Law Respecting Sidewalk Cafés in the City of Moncton, 3 L’Arrêté sur les cafés-terrasse dans la ville de Moncton, soit being By-Law # L-519, is amended by: l’arrêté no L-519, est modifié : (a) Deleting the words “in the amount set out in Schedule a) par suppression du passage « prévu à l’annexe A du présent “A” attached hereto” from paragraph 4(c) and replacing it arrêté » à l’alinéa 4 c) et son remplacement par « d’un with “in such amount as determined by Council and montant fixé par le conseil municipal et indiqué dans l’Arrêté described in the Fees and Charges By-law.”. sur les droits et redevances. ». (b) Deleting Schedule “A” in its entirety. b) par suppression de l’annexe A dans son intégralité. 4 A By-Law Relating to Land Lease Communities in the City of 4 L’Arrêté concernant les zones résidentielles à baux fonciers Moncton, being By-Law # Z-919, is amended by: dans la ville de Moncton, soit l’arrêté no Z-919, est modifié : (a) Deleting the words “in the amount of one hundred dollars a) par suppression du passage « de 100 $ » à l’alinéa 3 f) et son ($100.00)” from paragraph 3(f) and replacing it with “in remplacement par « d’un montant fixé par le conseil such amount as determined by Council and described in municipal et indiqué dans l’Arrêté sur les droits et the Fees and Charges By-law.”. redevances. ». MADE AND PASSED ______________, 2020. PRIS ET ADOPTÉ le _______________ 2020. First Reading: Première lecture : Second Reading: Deuxième lecture : Third Reading: Troisième lecture : ______________________________ Mayor/Maire ______________________________ City Clerk/Greffière SCHEDULE A.1 ANNEXE A.1 FEES AND CHARGES DROITS ET REDEVANCES City of Moncton Fees & Rate Schedule FEES AND RATES SCHEDULE FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION - FEES 1 BUILDING INSPECTION 2 BYLAW ENFORCEMENT & LICENSING FEES 3 CODIAC TRANPSO FEES 4 CROSSMAN COMMUNITY CENTRE (KAY ARENA) 5 ENGINEERING REVENUE 6 MAGNETIC HILL ZOO - ADMISSIONS 7 MAGNETIC HILL ZOO - EDUCATION DEPARTMENT/ CAMPS 8 MONCTON COLISEUM/ RENTAL RATES 9 MONCTON COLISEUM/LEGENDS RESTAURANT 10 MONCTON MARKET 11 MONCTON STADIUM 12 RECREATION, PARKS & CULTURE -SPORT FIELD RENTALS 13 RECREATION, PARKS & CULTURE -SWIMMING POOL USER RENTALS 14 RESURGO PLACE (MUSEUM) - ADMISSIONS 15 RESURGO PLACE (MUSEUM) - FACILITY RENTALS 16 Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RTIPPA) 17 ROAD TRANPORTATION - PUBLIC PARKING RENTALS 18 URBAN PLANNING FEES 19 UTILITY CHARGES (OTHER THAN WATER & WASTEWATER) 20 UTILITY RATES - WATER & WASTEWATER ONLY 21 SCHEDULE 1 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Effective January 1, 2020 Fees Encumbrance Certificates $50 Encumbrance Certificates – Vacant Property $30 Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Cheque Processing Charge $25 Penalty on Overdue Accounts Receivable 1.5%/Month SCHEDULE 2 BUILDING INSPECTION PERMITS/FEES Effective January 1, 2020 Fees Z-419 Buildings/ Permits & Fees Building Permit/ $1,000 - Minimum $25.00 or 8.00/$1,000 $8.00/$1,000 Electrical Waiver $30 Property File Search $100 Demolition Permit (based on demolition cost) $8.00/$1,000 Tent or Supported Structure $25 Z-1302 Plumbing Permits 2.2 (b) Annual Permit $65 2.2 (d) Hot Water Tank Replacement $15 3 (f) An application fee in the amount of $50.00 plus $20.00 for $50 each fixture to be installed, and $30.00 for each roof drain, +per fixture & roof drain subject to change as a result of applicable regulation charge amendments. SCHEDULE 3 BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT & LICENSING FEES Effective January 1, 2020 Fees H-202 Animal Control/ SPCA Enforcement 3(d) Dog License (Spayed female or neutered male) $ 10.00 3(d) Dog License (Fertile dog) $ 20.00 5(2) Replacement of lost of Dog License $ 2.00 7(4)(b) Reclaiming fee of Impounded animal $ 60.00 8(1)(e) Dangerous Dog Tag $ 200.00 L-108 Taxicabs (Owners & Operators) 3 (d) Taxicab Owner's license $ 110.00 4 (f) Taxicab Driver's license $ 55.00 5 (2) Transfer of license to another of the owne's vehicles $ 10.00 5 (4)(c) Replacement of lost Decals $ 10.00 L-202 Transient Traders 3 (g) Security Bond $ 200.00 3 (h) Application Fee $ 100.00 L-302 PawnBrokers 3 (4) Application Fee $ 100.00 L-402 Portable Signs 6 (f) Application Fee $ 100.00 6 (f) Application Fee - Special Permit $ 25.00 L-519 Sidewalk Café Licensing Fees Serving alcoholic beverages NOT serving alcoholic beverages Administration Fee $ 125.00 License Fee $ 50.00 P-506 Alternate Collection of Wet & Dry Waste 14 (1) Monthly Fee $ 100.00 T-618 Immobilization of Vehicles (Booting Vehicles) 6 License Application fee $ 100.00 Z-819 Dangerous & Unsightly Premises Governed under Local Governance Act Z-919 Land Lease Communities By-Law License Fee $ 100.00 SCHEDULE 4 CODIAC TRANSPO Effective January 1, 2020 2020 Proposed Fees Cash $ 2.75 Single Ride Ticket $ 2.75 Daycare Rate $ 1.75 Group Day Pass $ 16.00 Ten Ride Punch Pass $ 23.00 Twenty Ride Punch Pass $ 41.00 Regular Pass Adult Monthly $ 66.00 Senior Monthly $ 51.00 Student Monthly $ 51.00 Employer Pass Adult Monthly $ 53.00 Senior Monthly $ 40.00 Summer Student Monthly $ 40.00 Fares **Fares increased 2% each year with 3% first year of cash rate increase Other pertinent information: *Daycare rate is for each child six years old and older and each supervisor from daycare. *5 year old and under ride free. *Wednesdays' Seniors ride free. *CNIB card holders travel for free. *Where a person who has any disability or special need that requires an attendant to travel with them, the attendant shall travel for free. SCHEDULE 5 RECREATION, PARKS & CULTURE KAY ARENA - CROSSMAN COMMUNITY CENTRE Effective January 1, 2020 Multi-Purpose Rooms 2020 Proposed Fees Gymnasium Rental Not-For-Profit Activity/Hour $ 20.00 Private Activity/Hour $ 40.00 Commercial Activity/Hour $ 45.00 Party Package Package $ 115.00 SCHEDULE 6 ENGINEERING REVENUE Effective January 1, 2020 2020 Proposed Fees Snow Dump per Tandem Truck $ 8.50 per Trailor per Load $ 11.00 Use of Streets (ByLaw T-410) Culvert (to install)- Application Fee $ 100.00 Culvert (to install)- Security Deposit $ 500.00 Curb Cuts - Application Fee $ 100.00 Curb Cuts - Cost of completing work Full-Cost Recovery Utility Permit Plans Examination $ 250.00 Street & Services Permit -Security Deposit $ 2,000.00 Street & Services Permit - Inspection Fee $ 700.00 Street Closure $ 50.00 Pavement Degradation Fee/Square Meter $4-$20/Square Meter Moving Oversized/ Overweight Loads Moving Oversized/ Overweight Loads $ 75.00 SCHEDULE 7 MAGNETIC HILL ZOO - ADMISSIONS Effective January 1, 2020 2020 Proposed Fees Regular Admission March 31-May 18 Ages 19-59 $ 9.00 Ages 4-12 $ 7.00 Ages 0-3 FREE Ages 60 and Over, Youths 13-18 $ 8.00 *Family of 4 $ 26.00 May 19- June 22 Ages 19-59 $ 13.00 Ages 4-12 $ 10.00 Ages 0-3 FREE Ages 60 and Over, Youths 13-18 $ 12.00 *Family of 4 $ 42.00 June 23- Sept 3 Ages 19-59 $ 16.00 Ages 4-12 $ 12.00 Ages 0-3 FREE Ages 60 and Over, Youths 13-18 $ 13.00 *Family of 4 $ 52.00 (2019 Sept-Dec) 2020+ Sept. 4-Oct.31 Ages 19-59 $ 13.00 Ages 4-12 $ 10.00 Ages 0-3 FREE Ages 60 and Over, Youths 13-18 $ 12.00 *Family of 4 $ 42.00 (2019 Dec) 2020 + Nov. 1- Dec. 30 Ages 19-59 $ 10.00 Ages 4-12 (* Nov) $ 5.00 Ages 0-3 FREE Ages 60 and Over, Youths 13-18 $ 10.00 *Family of 4 $ 28.00 *During the month of November, one child ages 4-12 years is admitted free of charge with every adult who pays full admission Group Admission July 1- Sept 3 Ages 19-59 $ 15.00 Ages 4-12 $ 11.00 Ages 0-3 FREE Ages 60 and Over, Youths 13-18 $ 13.00 Group reservations (for 15+) must be made with at least 48 hours' notice by calling 506-844-7720. Season Memberships March 31- Nov 30 Ages 19-59 $ 64.00 Ages 4-12 $ 44.00 Ages 0-3 N/A Ages 60 and Over, Youths 13-18 $ 54.00 *Family of Four $ 140.00 Additional Child 4-12 $ 34.00 Additionl Parent, Grandparent, Youth $ 44.00 Carts Toddler Cart Rentals $ 8.00 Wheelchair Rentals $ 6.00 * Family of 4 (members of same household related by birth or legal status, maximum 2 adults ove 2 children under 18) +1 senior+ 2 child and 1 student Family pass: $1 discount given to each family member ticket purchased together on same day ***All prices include applicable taxes and fees SCHEDULE 8 MAGNETIC HILL ZOO - EDUCATION DEPARTMENT/CAMPS Effective January 1, 2020 *** All prices include applicable taxes.
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