MUFON UFO JOURNAL NUMER 181 MARCH 1983 Founded 1967 $1.50 .OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF MUTUAL UFO NETWORK, INC., 1983 Los Angeles MUFON UFO Symposium planners. Left to right: Joe Thomas, Speakers; Bill Hassel, General Chairman; Dennis Regan, Assistant Chairman. MUFON UFO JOURNAL , (USPS 002-970) FROM THE EDITOR 103 Oldtowne Rd. Seguin, Texas 78155 Oh, wad some Pow'r the giftie gi'e us To see oursels as ithers see us! (Robert Burns, 1759-1796) RICHARD H. HALL Editor An educational experience for UFOlogists who wonder why the ANN DRUFFEL subject is not taken seriously in many quarters would be to step back Associate Editor and take a hard look at the "image" of UFOs in the popular press, and indeed in many so-called "UFO Journals." The general picture is LEN STRINGFIELD a hodge-podge of obviously misidentified phenomena such as Associate Editor meteors, exotic "Space Brother" claims by opportunists or MILDRED BIESELE crackpots, rife speculation, uncritical lumping in of anything else Contributing Editor mysterious, and the like. This is what busy scientists, Government officials, TV journalists, and skeptics tend to see. Given the same WALTER H. ANDRUS manure pile with no motivation for digging through it, I, too, would Director of MUFON conclude that UFOs are a nonsense problem. It is our job to shovel away the manure and focus attention on the "diamond" we feel it is TED BLOECHER concealing. DAVE WEBB Co-Chairmen, Humanoid Study Group In this issue PAUL CERNY THE SOUTH DAKOTA CONNECTION 3 Promotion/Publicity By Marge Christensen REV. BARRY DOWNING PILOT SIGHTINGS AND RADAR TRACKINGS .6 Religion, and UFOs By Bob Gribble LUCIUS PARISH MENTAL COMMUNICATIONS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL Books/Periodicals/History DISTURBANCE: PART II 7 ROSETTA HOLMES By Mark Moravec Promotion/Publicity DESIGNING FALSE REPORTS: ANOTHER RECENT EXAMPLE 10 GREG LONG By Anders Liljegren Staff Writer EXPERIMENTERS' RESPONSE: IMAGINARY ABDUCTIONS 14 TED PHILLIPS By Alvin H. Lawson & W.C. McCall Landing Trace Cases JOHN F. SCHUESSLER 1983 UFO CONFERENCES -18 Medical Cases (Plus CALIFORNIA REPORT, p. 12; CRITIC'S CORNER, p. 16; IN OTHERS' DENNIS W. STACY WORDS, p. 19; DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE, p. 20) Staff Writer ROBERT WANDERER The Mutual UFO Network, Inc. is exempt from Federal Income Tax under Columnist Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. MUFON is a publicly supported organization of the type described in Section 509(a)(2). Donors NORMA E. SHORT may deduct contributions from their Federal income tax. In addition, DWIGHT CONNELLY bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts are deductible for Federal DENNIS HAUCK estate and gift tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of Editor/Publishers Emeritus Sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the code. The MUFON UFO JOURNAL is The contents of the MUFON UFO JOURNAL are determined by the editor, and do published by the Mutual UFO not necessarily represent the official position of MUFON. Opinions of contributors Network, Inc., Seguin, Texas. are their own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, the staff, or MUFON. Membership/Subscription rates: Articles may be forwarded directly to MUFON. Responses to published articles may $15.00 per year in the U.S.A.; be in a Letter to the Editor (iip to about 400 words) or in a short article (up to about $16.00 foreign. Copyright 1983 by 2,000 words). Thereafter, the "50% rule" is applied: the article author may reply but the Mutual UFO Network. Second will be allowed half the wordage used in the response; the responder may answer the class postage paid at Seguin, author but will be allowed half the wordage used in the author's reply, etc. All Texas. POSTMASTER: Send form submissions are subject to editing for style, clarity, and conciseness. 3579 to advise change of address to Permission is hereby granted to quote from this issue provided not more than 200 The MUFON UFO JOURNAL, words are quoted from any one article, the author of the article is given credit, and the 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas statement "Copyright 1983 by the Mutual UFO Network, 103OldtowneRd.,Seguin, 78155. Texas" is included. THE SOUTH DAKOTA CONNECTION By Marge Christcnsen (Massachusetts MUFON State Director) Linda Seal, David Webb, and I ball lightning storm, and later she have just concluded the investigation of attended a meeting at an auditorium- a rather unusual Massachusetts type structure, during which people of abduction case. The data presented all races from our earth were present here constitute a strong case for and were being given a lecture increased scientific, objective study of telepathically by the entities. We asked UFOs, and, in particular, of abduction her if she knew any of the humans cases. The names of the individuals and there, and she indicated that she did, of the South Dakota city in question and she spoke to us at length about a have been changed to ensure young man from Anaheim, California, confidentiality. and a woman from near Hull, The witness, an artist and painter, Massachusetts. Using the information age 50, contacted us shortly after furnished to us by our witness under listening to some of the speakers from hypnosis, we attempted to locate these the 1981 MUFON Symposium at two persons, but neither search M.I.T., on radio and television shows. produced any results. She could recall only that several times However, little did we realize that a she had seen two faceless, hooded, few months later, almost purely by three-foot entities standing over her accident, a search in a different area of just as she had retired for the evening. the country for another human who They insisted that she had to go with was allegedly at the same meeting in the them, and seemed to exert some sort of "auditorium" would produce rather mind control over her. Within minutes incredible results. Humanoid "abductor" she would hear a horrifying noise, and At the end of the final hypnosis would experience the sensation of session, on August 16,1982, just before bom in February. being sucked into a black vacuum, and concluding the session, we told her that Linda Seal: And what month is this? Witness: June. the feeling of tumbling and tumbling. in a few minutes we would bring her out Linda Seal: So, you're almost 31. Why did Under time-regressive hypnosis of hypnosis, and we asked if there was you remember Ingrid? over a period of a year and 13 hypnosis anything else that she would like to tell Witness: I don't know. She's pathetic. She's sessions, a full-fledged abduction us about before that. After, a long an artist. She's pathetic-looking. She's not scenario emerged. During the episodes pause, she replied, "Ingrid Swenson. All unhappy. She's a nice lady. Linda Seal: Was anyone else an artist? (which apparently number 6 or 7), the right. Did I tell you about her?" (Text of Witness: I'm an artist. witness relived several incidents with transcript of session follows, with Linda Seal: Besides you and Ingrid? genuine emotions, terror, and obvious names changed.) Witness: No, I don't think so. fear. These included being taken Marge Christensen: Why did you say onboard a saucer-shaped craft where Linda Seal: No. Ingrid's pathetic? Witness: She was the old lady at the Witness: (chuckles) You should see what she was given a thorough medical she's wearing. Well, she's got this long dress examination; visiting a room on the meeting. Robert Sampson (investigator): Where is on; she's got shoes on with heels...you craft in which there were bins of cork- she from? know, the fat heels? And she's got her like chips, and there were literally Witness: Greenfield. stockings rolled down. She's just a nice hundreds of "unfinished little people all Linda Seal: Greenfield, where? lady. Witness: South Dakota. Linda Seal: How does she feel'about being over the room." there? She also visited a crystal-like Marge Chrisfensen: She was with you at the meeting? Witness: She loves it. Everybody there pyramid city, which included a Witness: Yeah. I forgot about her. I just saw loves it. She's been there before too. "university" with pyramid-shaped her face when you said if there is anything rooms. Another experience involved a else. After the session concluded, visit to a "factory" in which a type of Linda Seal: Tell us about her. during a discussion, the witness told us energy (from some sort of crystals) was .Witness: Oh, she's an old lady. that Ingrid took care of people. Upon Linda Seal: How old? being produced in a large machine. She Witness: 70? 60? returning home that evening, I delved was also taken to a shelter, from which Linda Seal: And how old are you? vantage point she witnessed a bizarre Witness: I'm only about 30. I'm 30. I was (continued on next page) S. Dak. Connection, Continued sister, Mrs. Groff. In his letter, the attorney, Mr. into the U.S. Atlas and found that Manning, stated that Ingrid Swenson Greenfield, S. Dakota, seemed to be a had been a registered nurse by very small rural town. I banked on the profession, and an artist as a hobby. fact that everyone would know Our witness had told us that Ingrid took everyone else, and that there might be a care of people, and this certainly applies chance of locating someone who knew to nurses. The following is a quote from of Ingrid Swenson. Mr. Manning's letter: The next morning, I called the "Mrs. Groff (Ingrid Swenson's Greenfield, S.D., City Hall and found sister) told me that Ingrid has never that there is no art association in been in the East, except that a few years Greenfield, but there is an artist whom I ago the two of them went on a bus trip could call and who would most likely through the New England states and know any artist from Greenfield about came back by way of Canada.
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