RIGHTS GUIDE 18 -19 INDEX ART & ARCHAEOLOGY Archaeology of Central Preislamic Asia 6 Art and Archaeology of the Roman Provinces 7 A Century of Chinese Archaeology 8 Greek Art - New Edition 9 Handbook of Management and Care of Museum Collections 10 The Righ to Beauty 11 Roman Art 12 The Origins of the Arabs 14 ECONOMICS, POLITICS & SOCIETY The Atlantic World and Globalisation 15 Beyond the Classroom 16 Contemporary Iran 17 Crisis or Decline? 18 The Difficult Globalisation 19 Economic Development 20 Gulf&Med - The financial Market, investments and Islamic Finance 21 The Hole in the Net 22 Institutions, Capitals and Currency 23 Integrated Differentiation 24 Italian Hybrid Diplomacy 25 Journalisms and Society 26 Made in ItalyGreen 27 The Politics of Globalisation 28 Populism 29 Sociology 30 Sociology of Islam 31 Sociology of Security 32 1 Sociology of the Body 33 Towards Global Disorder? 34 Strangers to Citizens 35 Understanding Conflict, Building peace 36 HISTORY All is Rhythm, all is Swing 37 The Apolitical Multitude 38 Arab Middle Ages 39 Augustus and the Creation of the Principate 40 A Brief History of United Italy (1848-2013) 41 Caligula 42 Contemporary Africa 43 The Contemporary Age 44 Contemporary History 45 A Contemporary History of the Arab World 46 Diplomats, Bankers and Mandarins 47 Emotions, Popular Culture and Transnationalism 48 From the Risorgimento to the New World 49 Greek History 50 The Hawk's Nest 51 The Hijacking of the Achille Lauro and its Unexpected and Surprising Consequences 52 History and Evolution of Arabic Islam 53 History of Great Britain (1832-2014) 54 History of the FIFA World Cup (1930-2018) 55 Imre Nagy, a Communist Hungarian 56 The «Indispensable Nation» 57 Inside the War 58 Introduction to the Cultures of Ancient Mesopotamia 59 Islam and Pluralism 60 Italian Classicists and the Great War 61 Mediterranean Illusions: the Euro-Arab Dialogue 62 The Natural Ally 63 Our Homeland is a Foreign Land 64 A Parliament for Europe 65 2 Power and Information 66 The Public Administration in Roman Italy 67 The Remains of Mao 68 Richard Nixon and the Italian Political Parties (1969-1972) 69 Roman History - Editio Major 70 Roman History - Fourth Edition 71 Security, Balance and Vulnerability 72 The Six Days that Shook the World 73 Spanish American Indipendence 74 Stars, Atoms and Sailing Ships 75 Todo Cambia 76 Two Democracies, One Shared Surveillance 77 «Unanimity Plus One» 78 Under Everybody’s Eyes 79 The United States and the Iran’s Modernization 80 The War of Athena 81 White, Pink and Black 82 The world of the Cold War and Italy During the Years of Lead 83 LANGUAGES & LITERATURES Ancient Mesopotamian Literatures 84 Carlo Goldoni 85 The Critical Edition of The Literary Text 86 Dante Alighieri 87 La Forma Universal di Questo Nodo 88 General and Historical Linguistics 89 Giovanni Boccaccio 90 Giovanni Pascoli 91 Giuseppe Ungaretti 92 Greek Literature 93 History of the Greek Literary Languages - Second Edition 94 A History of the Italian Novel 95 A Historical Profile of Latin Literature 96 History of Italian Literature 97 Italian Literature 98 3 Italian Literature - Second Edition 99 The Latin Language - Second Edition 100 Latin Literature 101 Ludovico Ariosto 102 Niccolò Machiavelli 103 Montale 104 Portuguese Literature 105 Rewriting the Nation 106 The Science of Ancient Texts 107 Taras Ševcenkoˇ 108 Torquato Tasso 109 Ugo Foscolo 110 LAW Freedom and Rights on the Internet 111 Fundamental Laws of the European Union 112 Institutions of Roman Law 113 Introduction to Canon Law - Second Edition 114 The Philosophy of Law 115 Sociology of Law 116 PHILOSOPHY Bioethics for the Confused 117 The Enigma of Conscience 118 From Communication to Language 119 A History of Islamic Political Thought 120 History of Modern Philosophy 121 The Jesuit Pope 122 Outlines of Aesthetics 123 The Pedagogy of Lev Vygotskij 124 Philosophy of Language 125 Video Games 126 Ways of Modernity 127 4 PSYCHOLOGY Animals 128 Cognitive Psychology 129 General Psychology 130 Mending Memories 131 When Children Start to… 132 SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY The Art of Wealth 134 Gold From Asteroids and Asparagus from Mars 135 The Hunt for the Higgs Boson 136 Identity Crisis 137 It’s All the Brain’s Fault 138 On the Origin of Life and Biodiversity 139 Taking Stock 140 The Swinging Mind 141 When the World Shrank 142 FORMA MENTIS The Brain Plays in Defense 144 Ethics and Neuroscience 145 The Extended Mind 146 Imagination and Memory 147 Manipulating Memory 148 Out of One’s Mind 149 People, Minds and Brains 150 Understanding Words 151 Contacts 152 5 Ciro Lo Muzio ARCHAEOLOGY OF CENTRAL PREISLAMIC ASIA THE WORK To the amateur, Central Asia is a vast, unknown territory which is divided between the now independent for- mer Soviet republics, and the autonomous provin- ce of Xinjiang. The cradle of barbarism, a perpetual source of imaginary threat and historical sources of I- ran, India and China, Central Asia has been a land of ar- Mondadori Università chaeological study since the late 19th century, and o- Handbooks ver the decades it has seen an increasing involvement ● Pages: VIII-472 + 32 colors of the international scientific community. This volu- ● Price: € 44,00 me presents the main themes of the cultural histo- ● 978-88-6184-412-4 ry of the region, from prehistory to the eve of the All rights available Arab conquest: the Bronze and Iron Age cultures; ma- terial evidence of the Greek presence; the impact of nomadism; local religious traditions and the spread of Buddhism; the flowering of visual arts, especially mu- ral painting, in Samarkand and other cities of the region, as well as in Buddhist monasteries dotted a- long the Silk Road in Xinjiang. THE AUTHOR Ciro Lo Muzio is Associate Professor of Archaeology and History of Art of India and Central Asia at the University of Rome, La Sapienza. From 1995 to 2009 he was a member of the Uzbek-Italian Archae- ological Mission (Wisdom) in the oasis of Bukhara, Uzbekistan. Most of his scientific work is dedicated to the pre-Islamic Central Asian and Gandhara iconography, with particular interest in the genesis of mural painting in these regions and the dissemination of iconography from the Greco-Roman world, Iran and India in Central Asian art. 6 ART & ARCHAEOLOGY Giorgio Bejor - Maria Teresa Grassi Stefano Maggi - Fabrizio Slavazzi ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE ROMAN PROVINCES THE WORK The Mediterranean and Europe: a vast territory, rich in cultures, traditions and religions, each one different from the other. Then, while maintaining their own par- ticular features, they begin to follow similar paths, a moment marked by their entry into the Roman world, which incorporated them all. This was the beginning of Mondadori Università the development of the current cultures on both si- Handbooks des of the Mediterranean Sea and across Europe. The ● Pages: X-370 authors follow the historical and artistic development ● Price: € 29,00 of various phenomena, starting from the annexation of ● 978-88-6184-072-0 each province (from the 3rd century BC to the early 1st All rights available century AD) , through to the moment that profoundly changed the Empire’s internal structure (the partition under Diocletian between 296 and 305 AD, and the foundation of the New Rome by Constantine in 324). THE AUTHORS Giorgio Bejor is Professor of Greek Archaeology and Art History at the University of Milan and lec- turer at the Italian Archaeological School of Athens. He has overseen excavations and research in Tu- scany, Calabria, Sicily, Sardinia (Nora), Greece (Gortyn), Turkey and Syria. Maria Teresa Grassi is Professor of Roman Provincial Archaeology at the University of Milan and Di- rector of the Italo-Syrian Archaeological Mission in Palmyra (PAL.M.A.I.S.). Stefano Maggi is Professor of Classical Archaeology at the University of Pavia, where he also heads the Interdepartmental Research Center for Teaching Classical Archaeology and Ancient Technology. Fabrizio Slavazzi is Professor of Roman Archaeology and Art History at the University of Milan. His ar- chaeological research covers Northern Italy, Greece and southern Turkey. ART & ARCHAEOLOGY 7 Chiara Visconti A CENTURY OF CHINESE ARCHAEOLOGY History of the discipline from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present THE WORK From the first scientific excavations, in the 1920s, to the discoveries made in recent times, archaeology is reshaping the image of ancient China. A controver- sial discipline since its introduction in the Middle King- dom, archaeology was influenced by the historical e- vents of the Chinese twentieth century, sometimes Mondadori Università suffering and often contributing to political move- Handbooks ments and cultural debate. On the one hand, the ar- ● Pages: XVI-224 tifacts unearthed have surprised the whole world, on ● Price: € 19,00 the other, the use of the archaeological source – so- ● 978-88-6184-462-9 metimes functional exercise of power – the research All rights available techniques in the field, and the methods adopted in the classification and presentation of data, remains an issue as problematic as ever and are discussed. This volume offers a path along which, through the histo- ry of the discipline and studies, it presents the reader some of the major discoveries that have been made, and provides him with the tools to understand the problematic nature from contemporary is- sues and interpretations of these findings, along with the evolution of areas of interest and new rea- search trends. THE AUTHOR Chiara Visconti is a researcher at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”, where she teaches Archaeo- logy and Art History of China and Japan. She has always supported teaching the archaeological, parti- cipating in excavation missions in Italy, Nepal and China. 8 ART & ARCHAEOLOGY Giorgio Bejor - Marina Castoldi Claudia Lambrugo GREEK ART NEW EDITION THE WORK This book deals with the multifaceted and fascinating discipline that is Greek art, providing the necessary tools for understanding without excessive speciali- st terminology.
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