Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 28 / Friday, February 10, 1995 / Notices 7985 Public Health Service conditions. Respondents: Individuals or 1991) and section 501 of the Stewart B. households, Businesses or other for- McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (42 Agency Forms Undergoing Paperwork profit. Send comments to James U.S.C. 11411), as amended, HUD is Reduction Act Review Scanlon, Office of the Assistant publishing this Notice to identify Federal buildings and other real Each Friday the Public Health Service Secretary for Health, Room 737±F, property that HUD reviewed in 1994 for (PHS) publishes a list of information Humphrey Building, 200 Independence suitability for use to assist the homeless. collection requests under review, in Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20201 The properties were reviewed using compliance with the Paperwork Number information provided to HUD by Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). Average Number of re- Federal landholding agencies regarding To request a copy of these requests, call of re- sponses burden Title per re- unutilized and underutilized buildings the PHS Reports Clearance Office on spond- per re- sponse and real property controlled by such 202±690±7100. ents spond- (hours) ent agencies or by GSA regarding its The following requests have been inventory of excess or surplus Federal submitted for review since the list was Cohort Mem- property. last published on Friday, February 3. bers .......... 4,818 2 1.77 In accordance with 56 FR 23789, 1. Physician and Patient Surveys to Physicians ... 83 1.00 0.10 § llll .3(b) landholding agencies Next-of-Kin .. 105 1.00 0.25 Evaluate the AHCPR Sponsored Clinical are required to notify HUD by December Practice Guidelines for Benign Prostatic Estimated Total Annual Burden: 17,055 31, 1994, the current availability status HyperplasiaÐ0935±0088 hours. and classification of each property (Reinstatement)ÐData are needed to Written comments and controlled by the Agencies that were evaluate physician and patient published by HUD as suitable and awareness of and attitudes toward recommendations concerning the proposed information collections available which remain available for AHCPR-sponsored guidelines for benign application for use by the homeless. prostastic hyperplasia (BPH) and quality should be sent within 30 days of this notice directly to the individual Pursuant to 56 FR 23789, and utilization review criteria based on llll designated. § .8(d)(e) HUD is required to the guidelines. A mail survey will be publish a list of those properties conducted. Respondents: Individuals or Dated: February 6, 1995. reported by the Agencies and a list of households; Number of Respondents: James Scanlon, suitable/unavailable properties 850; Number of Responses per Director, Data Policy Staff, Office of the including the reasons why they are not Respondent: 1; Average Burden per Assistant Secretary for Health and PHS available. Response: .66 hour; Estimated Annual Reports Clearance Officer. Properties listed as suitable/available Burden: 561 hours. Send comments to [FR Doc. 95±3368 Filed 2±9±95; 8:45 am] will be available exclusively for Shannah Koss, Human Resources and BILLING CODE 4160±17±M homeless use for a period of 60 days Housing Branch, New Executive Office from the date of this Notice. Homeless Building, Room 10235, Washington, DC assistance providers interested in any 20503. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND such property should send a written 2. Hanford Thyroid Disease StudyÐ URBAN DEVELOPMENT expression of interest to HHS, addressed 0920±0296 (Reinstatement)ÐAn to Judy Breitman, Division of Health epidemiologic study will be conducted Office of the Assistant Secretary for Facilities Planning, U.S. Public Health to determine whether thyroid disease is Community Planning and Service, HHS, room 17A±10, 5600 increased among persons exposed as Development Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857; young children to radioactive iodine [Docket No. N±95±1917; FR±3778±N±23] (301) 443±2265. (This is not a toll-free release from the Hanford Nuclear Site. number.) HHS will mail to the Following an expanded Pilot Study, this Federal Property Suitable as Facilities interested provider an application study will collect data on past to Assist the Homeless packet, which will include instructions residences, work and medical history of for completing the application. In order persons born during 1940±1946 near the AGENCY: Office of the Assistant to maximize the opportunity to utilize a Hanford site. Respondents: Individuals Secretary for Community Planning and suitable property, providers should or households; Number of Respondents: Development, HUD. submit their written expressions of 1,274; Number of Responses per ACTION: Notice. interest as soon as possible. For Respondent: 1; Average Burden per complete details concerning the Response: 1.8 hours; Estimated Annual SUMMARY: This Notice identifies processing of applications, the reader is Burden: 2,296 hours. Send comments to unutilized, underutilized, excess, and encouraged to refer to the interim rule Shannah Koss, Human Resources and surplus Federal property reviewed by governing this program, 56 FR 23789 Housing Branch, New Executive Office HUD for suitability for possible use to (May 24, 1991). Building, Room 10235, Washington, DC assist the homeless. For more information regarding 20503. ADDRESSES: For further information, particular properties identified in this 3. Cardiovascular Health StudyÐ contact William Molster, room 7254, Notice (i.e., acreage, floor plan, existing 0925±0334 (Extension)ÐA random Department of Housing and Urban sanitary facilities, exact street address), sample of 5,888 men and women aged Development, 451 Seventh Street SW., providers should contact the 65 and older have been selected from Washington, DC 20410; telephone (202) appropriate landholding agencies at the four communities. They will continue to 708±1226; TDD number for the hearing- following addresses: U.S. Army: Elaine provide medical, social, and and speech-impaired (202) 708±2565 Sims, CECPW±FP, U.S. Army Center for demographic information and (these telephone numbers are not toll- Public Works, 7701 Telegraph Road, participate in clinical examinations to free), or call the toll-free Title V Alexandria, VA 22310±3862; (703) 355± study risk factors for the onset and information line at 1±800±927±7588. 3475; Corps of Engineers: Bob progression of clinical coronary heart SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In Swieconek, Headquarters, Army Corps disease, stroke, and related preclinical accordance with 56 FR 23789 (May 24, of Engineers, Attn: CERE±MC, Room 7986 Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 28 / Friday, February 10, 1995 / Notices 4224, 20 Massachusetts Ave. NW., (See County), CA, Co: Mendocino, Zip: Bldg. 618 Washington, DC 20314±1000; (202) 272± 95468±5000 Property Number: 189010246 1750; U.S. Navy: John J. Kane, Deputy Status: Unutilized Fed Reg Date: 12/10/94 Division Director, Dept. of Navy, Real Comment: 1,232 sq. ft.; stucco-wood frame; Project Name: Point Arena Air Force Station most recent useÐhousing. Point Arena Air Force Station Estate Operations, Naval Facilities (See County), CA, Co: Mendocino, Zip: Engineering Command, 200 Stovall Bldg. 612 Property Number: 189010239 95468±5000 Street, Alexandria, VA 22332±2300; Fed Reg Date: 12/10/94 Status: Unutilized (703) 325±0474; U.S. Air Force: Bob Project Name: Point Arena Air Force Station Comment: 1,232 sq. ft.; stucco-wood frame; Menke, Air Force Real Estate Agency Point Arena Air Force Station most recent useÐhousing; needs rehab. (Area/MI), Bolling AFB, 172 Luke (See County), CA, Co: Mendocino, Zip: Guam Avenue, Suite 104, Washington, DC 95468±5000 20332±5113; (202) 767±6235; GSA: Status: Unutilized Land Leslie Carrington, Federal Property Comment: 1,232 sq. ft.; stucco-wood frame; Annex 1 Resources Services, GSA, 18th and F most recent useÐhousing. Property Number: 189010427 Streets NW., Washington, DC 20405; Bldg. 611 Fed Reg Date: 12/10/94 (202) 208±0619; Dept. of Veterans Property Number: 189010240 Project Name: Andersen Communication Fed Reg Date: 12/10/94 Andersen Communication Affairs: Michael Reynolds, Management Project Name: Point Arena Air Force Station Dededo, GU, Co: Guam, Zip: 96912± Analyst, Dept. of Veterans Affairs, room Point Arena Air Force Station Location: In the municipality of Dededo. 414 Lafayette Bldg., 811 Vermont Ave. (See County), CA, Co: Mendocino, Zip: Status: Underutilized NW., Washington, DC 20420; (202) 233± 95468±5000 Comment: 862 acres; subject to utilities 5026; Dept. of Transportation: Ronald D. Status: Unutilized easements. Keefer, Director, Administrative Comment: 1,232 sq. ft.; stucco-wood frame; Annex 2, (Partial) Services & Property Management, DOT, most recent useÐhousing. Property Number: 189010428 400 Seventh St. SW., room 10319, Bldg. 613 Fed Reg Date: 12/10/94 Washington, DC 20590; (202) 366±4246; Property Number: 189010241 Project Name: Andersen Petroleum Storage Dept. of Interior: Lola D. Knight, Fed Reg Date: 12/10/94 Andersen Petroleum Storage Project Name: Point Arena Air Force Station Dededo, GU, Co: Guam, Zip: 96912± Property Management Specialist, Dept. Point Arena Air Force Station Location: In the municipality of Dededo. of Interior, 1849 C St. NW., Mailstop (See County), CA, Co: Mendocino, Zip: Status: Underutilized 5512±MIB, Washington, DC 20240; (202) 95468±5000 Comment: 35 acres; subject to utilities 208±4080; (These are not toll-free Status: Unutilized easements. Comment: 1,232 sq. ft.; stucco-wood frame; numbers). Buildings most recent
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