E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2018 No. 79 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was that Ironton held their first parade, RECOGNIZING THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF EDWARD called to order by the Speaker pro tem- and 2018 marks 150 straight years of POLETTI pore (Mr. KUSTOFF of Tennessee). honoring America’s fallen heroes. Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the achievements of Ed- f Ironton and Lawrence County have a long association with America’s mili- ward Poletti, chief of learning re- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO tary. Lawrence County was named for sources at Central Arkansas Veterans TEMPORE James Lawrence, a naval hero who Healthcare System. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- commanded the USS Chesapeake. It The Library of Congress’ Federal Li- fore the House the following commu- was Lawrence’s dying command during brary and Information Network has nication from the Speaker: a naval conflict against the British awarded Mr. Poletti with its Federal Librarian of the Year Award. Along WASHINGTON, DC, that is still remembered today: ‘‘Don’t May 15, 2018. give up the ship.’’ with this honor, his name will be added I hereby appoint the Honorable DAVID The 40 members of the parade com- to a perpetual plaque listing each KUSTOFF to act as Speaker pro tempore on mittee work year round to organize the year’s recipients. Mr. Poletti is being this day. event, which has 12 separate divisions awarded for his skill in survey designs, PAUL D. RYAN, and draws tens of thousands of visitors statistics, and for providing his statis- Speaker of the House of Representatives. annually. I commend the committee tical talents to many other librarians f and the people of Lawrence County for needing assistance with data interpre- tation and survey design. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE their steadfast commitment to remem- bering and honoring American heroes He is also receiving the Lois Ann The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- over the last 150 years. Colaianni Award for Excellence and ant to the order of the House of Janu- f Achievement in Hospital Librarianship ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- from the Medical Library Association. nize Members from lists submitted by HONORING THE 2018 EDUCATIONAL I honor Mr. Poletti’s 36 years of serv- the majority and minority leaders for AWARD PROGRAM WINNERS ice as a Federal librarian, assisting so morning-hour debate. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The many throughout Arkansas and the The Chair will alternate recognition Chair recognizes the gentleman from Nation. between the parties. All time shall be Arkansas (Mr. HILL) for 5 minutes. RECOGNIZING SUSAN COOKUS, NATIONAL FEMALE equally allocated between the parties, Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, today I rise VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR and in no event shall debate continue to recognize the 2018 winners of my of- Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today beyond 1:50 p.m. Each Member, other fice’s Educational Award Program. to recognize Susan Cookus of the Cen- than the majority and minority leaders Each year, my office recognizes stu- tral Arkansas Veterans Healthcare and the minority whip, shall be limited dents who have shown their continued System for being named National Fe- to 5 minutes. dedication to excelling academically, male Volunteer of the Year. f leading in their schools, and improving The National Advisory Committee of in their communities. Since 2015, we the Department of Veterans Affairs IRONTON-LAWRENCE COUNTY have recognized 91 juniors and seniors Voluntary Service named Ms. Cookus MEMORIAL DAY PARADE from 29 high schools across Arkansas’ the National Female Volunteer of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Second Congressional District. These Year after reviewing nomination let- Chair recognizes the gentleman from students have continuously dem- ters from the Central Arkansas VA and Ohio (Mr. JOHNSON) for 5 minutes. onstrated a strong commitment to from our veterans in central Arkansas. Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, community service, leadership, team- Susan’s dedication and service to vet- I rise today to recognize the Nation’s work, and high academic achievement. erans and their needs have earned her a oldest, continuously running Memorial It is my sincere hope that the receipt great deal of appreciation, recognition, Day parade, the Ironton-Lawrence of this award serves not only as an hon- and respect over the years. County Memorial Day Parade. orarium for these exceptional students, Ms. Cookus is also a member of the In 1868, the Grand Army of the Re- but also as motivation for other cen- Soldiers’ Angels, a Texas-based non- public established May 30 as Decora- tral Arkansas students to strive for the profit that provides aid and comfort to tion Day, later changed to Memorial highest levels of excellence both in and the men and women of the U.S. armed Day, to commemorate soldiers who out of the classroom. I wish them all services, their families, and an expand- died during the Civil War. It was in 1868 the best as they continue their studies. ing veteran population. Ms. Cookus b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3937 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 May 16, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MY7.000 H15MYPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE H3938 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 15, 2018 volunteered more than 570 hours and past and present, for their commitment so proud to call you mi amigo, my helped distribute more than $720,000 in to oceanographic and atmospheric re- friend. donations in the past year brought in search and for the work that has made f by Soldiers’ Angels. it this wonderful institution that it is There is no one more deserving of today. RECESS this award, and I am proud to have So happy 75th. Go Canes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- such a dedicated member of my district HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF STANLEY ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair volunteering and helping our veterans. TATE declares the House in recess until 2 RECOGNIZING THE LIFELONG SERVICE OF ESTHER Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I p.m. today. CRAWFORD AND EMMA WILBERT rise today to recognize a prominent fig- Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 12 Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ure of not only our south Florida com- minutes p.m.), the House stood in re- to recognize the lifelong service of two munity, but of the entire Nation, Mr. cess. constituents of mine, Esther Crawford Stanley Tate. A Miami-Dade County f and Emma Wilbert, both of whom were native, Stanley Tate has been success- recently inducted into the North Little ful in many roles, including business- b 1400 Rock, Arkansas, Senior Citizens Hall of man, civic leader, and public servant. AFTER RECESS Fame. Not long after Stanley graduated Esther serves as a board member for from college, he founded a general con- The recess having expired, the House the North Little Rock Education Foun- tracting firm building private homes was called to order by the Speaker pro dation and the William F. Laman Pub- and apartment buildings. As a young tempore (Mr. WILSON of South Caro- lic Library. She has earned the des- and driven newcomer to the industry, lina) at 2 p.m. ignation of Most Vital Pal at the Win- Stanley quickly became well-known f throp P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute and respected for his quality work, and PRAYER for all of her help to their multiple he has continuously expanded upon his myeloma patients. success. The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick Emma serves as activity director at Stanley also knew that he could J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: the Campus Towers’ senior public hous- make a great, positive impact in our Eternal God, we give You thanks for ing facility in North Little Rock, after community and beyond by involving giving us another day. she retired from a 28-year career with himself in public service. He served You look upon our world: men and the U.S. Postal Service. She was elect- with the city council of Bay Harbor Is- women being born and being laid to ed as vice queen for the Hays Senior lands in several capacities, including rest, some getting married and others Citizens Center’s Red Hat Society mayor and assistant mayor for 20 getting divorced, the old and the chapter for 7 years and serves in both years. He also served on the board of young, the rich and the poor, the happy the sanctuary choir and nursing home directors of the Florida League of Cit- and the sad. There are so many who are ministry of Greater Second Baptist ies and is a former chairman of the aimless, despairing, hateful, and kill- Church in Little Rock. housing resource team for Metro-Dade ing, so many sick and undernourished, Senior Hall of Fame selections are County. so many struggling with life who find bestowed every 2 years on individuals It is because of his vast knowledge it hard to see meaning. for their significant contributions to and proficiency that Stanley was in- Send us Your spirit, that the issues North Little Rock, Arkansas’ senior vited several times to testify here in of our day might be met with compas- citizens.
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