RESTRICTED ORDNANCE PAMPHLET 1507 JAPANESE UNDERWATER ORDNANCE 20 APRIL 1945 This publication is RESTRICTED and . shall be safeguarded in accordance with the security provisions of U . S . Navy Regulations, 1920, Article 76: :r.a NAVY DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF ORDNANCE WASHINGTON 25 . D . C. 20 April 194 5 RESTRICTED ORDNANCE PAMPHLET 1507 JAPANESE UNDERWATER ORDNANC E 1. Ordnance Pamphlet 1507 contains a summary of the more import - ant items of Japanese underwater ordnance . It is designed to aid i n identifying the items, to give their tactical characteristics, and to outlin e precautions to be taken, as required. 2. This publication is not intended= to give instructions regarding the disposal of such ordnance. These operations remain the duty of speciall y trained personnel . 3. This pamphlet does not supersede any existing publication. The information contained herein was gathered with the assistance of th e U. S. Navy Mine Disposal School . 4. This publication is RESTRICTED and shall be safeguarded i n accordance with the security provisions of the U . S. Navy Regulations, 1920, Article 76. G. F. HUSSEY, JR. Rear Admiral, U. S. Navy Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance CONTENT S Chapter 1 . Mines Section 4—Experimental 120 Iig 31 Section 1—General 1 Section S—T.,nrecovered Depth Charges (Type 2, lIodif ; Type 8S Section 2 —Type J .1 . 2 ; Type 91 : Type 93 ; Type 96 ; Section 3—Type JB 5 Yoko) : 32 Section 4—Type JC 9 Section 5—Type JD 1 1 Chapter 3 . Torpedoes Section 6—Type JE 13 Section 1—General 35 Section 7—Type JF 15 Section 2—Type 44 36 Section 8-Type JG 17 Section 3—6th Year Model 37 Section 9—Type JAI 19 Section it 8th Year Model 38 Section 10—Type JI 2 1 Section 5 —Type 89 39 Section 11—Type JJ 23 Section 6—Type 91 40 Section 12—t nrecovered mines (Apricot - Section 7—Type 91. _lIodif. 2 41 grapefruit. Avocado, Banana, Pear. Plum. Pomegranate . Section S—Type 91, lIodif . 3 42 Quince) 4 Section . 9—Type 93 44 Section 10Type 97 i5 Chapter 2. Depth Charge s Section 11—Type 2 (Special) 46 Section 1—General 27 Section 12—Unrecovered Torpedoes (Typ e Section 2—Type 2 2S 90 ; Type 92 ; Type 94 ; Type Section 3—Type 95 29 9.5 ; New Inure ; Miscellaneous) . 47 RESTRICTED v JAPANESE MINE S JAP METHOD OF DESCRIBE D T CHARGE TYPE DESIGNATIO N DIAMETER HEIGH FIRING ON PAGE JA , . , Type 38. Modif. 1 33" .9 45"3 396# 4 chemical horns 3 .TB Type 93. Model 1 34" 34" 22(1 . 4 chemical horns [. 5 -TB - Type 93, Model 2 34" 34 " 220m 17 chemical horns 5 JD I Type 93, Model 3 34" 34 " 220# 9 chemical horns 5 - JB Type 93. Model 3, 34" 34 " 220# 8 chemical horns 7 -3Iodif. 1 JB Type 93. Model 4 34' • 34 " 220# . 9 chemical horns 5 -TC Mark 5. Modif. 1 32'.'7 32'.'7 182# 4 chemical horns 9 .JD Mark 2, Explo- 8" 10" 8—19# Electric control 11 sive Hook, Mddif . 1 JD Hark 2. Explo- 3" 10" 8—19# Electric control sive Hook and tension 11 44 # JE I Small Type Mine 2075 10'.'5 2 chemical horns 13 Modell Hemi- sphere lH' 1 Type 94, [odel2 2874 2576 190# Electric control 15 ▪ -TG small Type Mine 1.1:5 10'.'25 22 # 1 chemical horn 17 _Model2 Trunca- ted cone -ill I Hark 6. Model 1 41'.'4 41 .'4 478 # 4 chemical horns 1 9 111 l Mark 6. Model 2 . 4174 41 '.'4 440 # 4 chemical horns 1 9 Modif. I 6'1 " .II 1 Y-2 - 14" 123 # 4 switch horns 21 JJ TTnknown 24" 527 5 Unknown 4 chemical horns 23 Apri- Type 96 20'.' t. 277227 7 121# 300# or mor e cot tension 24 (Net Mine)' Grape- Type 96. Hodif. 1 20"1 2772 132 ; 300# or mor e fruit tension 24 Avo- Unknown 32'.'5 32:'5 170# Pendulum-im- cado pact-inertia 24 Banana Unknown 33"5 33"5 275# 4 chemical horns 24 Pear Type 3, Mark 6 35'.'5 45'.'5 440# 4 chemical horns 25 Plum Type 3, Mark 1, TTn- Iin- Un- Unknown 2 5 Aerial Mine known known known Model 1 Pome- Unknown 41" - 41" Un- 6 chemical horns- 25 gran- known ate Quince Type 92 rinl:nown 4979 1100 - Electric control 2 6 vi RESTRICTED f Chapter I JAPANESE MINE S Section 1—GENERAL Designation 75%, ferro-silicon 16%, powdered wood 65 and. The U. S . Navy makes two classifications of Jap- crude oil 3% . It is used in a granular form i n anese mines. The first covers those that have been main charges, and has a dark grey coloring . The recovered and officially identified . The second in- composition of the explosive may vary by 10% _ cludes those that have not . Type 88 decomposes rapidly at high temperatures , An identified mine carries a two-letter designa- and is very sensitive to friction . More poSverfu I tion. NAVORD OCLM21—44 dated 8 Septembe r than TNT; it compares favorably with explosives . 1944 states that the first letters shall in all ease s containing aluminum . be J to indicate the nationality and the second let- Type 9.8-Composed of Hexanitrndiphenylamin e ters shall indicate the mine. These letter designa- 40%, and Trinitroanisole 60% . It is used in a cast tions are assigned by the Bureau of Ordnance only . form in main charges, and has a dark yellow color- A mine which has not been thus investigated will ing. Type 98's power is approximately that o f be identified by a short fruit name . The circula r TNT. It melts at 68° to 70° . - letter, mentioned previously, provides that fiel d Type 1, Temporary—Composed of Ammoniu m units may assign the name if desired. If the Bu- Picrate Sl 5 . Aluminum 16%, Powdered Wood 2 % reau of Ordnance establishes that the fruit - and crude oil It is used in a granular powde r named mine is a new type, it will assign an appro- form in main charges. and is greenish-brown i n priate two-letter designation to supersede the tem- color. The explosive has a distinctive "oil-" odor. porary appellation. It does not melt on heating, but detonates at - a- The instructions further authorize the assign- temperature of about 300° C . Jap reports indicat e ment of fruit names to those mines which have no t that it compares in power with Torpex which i s been recovered but are Imown to exist only throug h approximately a third more powerful than TNT. evidence such as captured documents and Prisoner- The explosives described above are sensitive t o of-Wa r testimony. bullet impact and may detonate when struck by .3 0 Explosive Charg e and .50 cal., and- 20 mm projectiles . Caution , Explosives used in Japanese mines recovered or therefore, should be observed when sinking floatin g mines by gun fire. CNO has directed that any ship reported to date have been one of the following : Shimose, Type 88 . Type 98 and Type 1 Temporary. or vessel attempting to sink a floating mine by gun- fire should not approach closer- than 100 yards : Shimose and Type 98 are toxic and must never b e handled by the bare hands. Personnel should not be exposed on weather deck s since there is danger of being struck by. fragments General characteristics of the ,explosives are as . follows : The following general safety precautions shoul d Shimose—Composed of almost pure picric acid. he observed when dealing with Japanese mines : It is used in a cast form in main charges and has a Do not bend or damage any horns . lemon-yellow coloring. It may also be used as a Do riot move or jar the mine except from a booster charge in a granular or pressed form . safe distance. Sliimose melts at a temperature of 122° to 123° C . Do' not take a strain on any lines or cables Because of impurities which• form picrate com- which may be attached externally to th e pounds, Shimose may detonate on rapid heating . case. It-is slightly more powerful than TNT. Bear in mind that safety disarming devices .Type 88-Composed of ammonium perehlorate may fail to operate as designed . RESTRICTED 1 Detonator Detonator Carrier Mountin g Arming Switch Detail Depth Taking Hydrostat MINE TYPE JA MD—170 Figure I—Cross-sectional drawing of mine Type JA . RESTRICTED Section 2—MINE TYPE .!A This mine apparently is obsolete ; only a few External Fittings specimens have ever been encountered . I.t is sub- Horns—lour, electrochemical, equally spaced marine laid, moored and tired by contact. The about the upper hemisphere and 1G" from the top .Japanese 'designate it as Type SS, Modification 1. center of the mine. The mine may be laid in water with a maximum - Cover Plate—12."75 diameter, in the center of depth of approximately 1476 feet ; the case depth the upper hemisphere, secured by 16 bolts . In can be set to a maximum of 66 feet. Japanese doc- place of the plate, the mine may be fitted with a uments state that the minimum spacing betwee n circular pan 1 deep . mines is 160 feet. Arming Switch Housing—S" in diameter . on the The physical characteristics of the mine are a s follows : mid-section, 2'.'';5 below tipper, hemisphere, secure d by a keep ring. Case Detonator Carrier—5" in diameter, in the center Shape—Two hemispheres.
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