CORRELATION OF STRATIGRAPHIC UNITS OF NORTH AMERICA (COSUNA) DOCUMENTATION RECORDS FOR SOUTHERN ARIZONA AND VICINITY O. E. Childs(l\ R. A. Knepp(2\ S. J. Reynolds(2), G. Haxel(3), S. Thompson, 111(4), and 1. Wright(4) Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 88-3 1988 Arizona Geological Survey 416 W. Congress, Suite #100, Tucson, Arizona 85701 (1) COSUNA Director, Arizona Geological Survey, Tucson, Arizona (2) Arizona Geological Survey, Tucson Arizona (3) U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff Arizona (4) New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Socorro, New Mexico This report is preliminary and has not been edited or reviewed for conformity with Arizona Geological Survey standards AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS - CORRELATION OF STRATIGRAPHIC UNITS IN NORTH AMERICA COLUMN NAME: Plomosa and ::;; Dome Rock Mountains Southern Sonoil8 Big Hache! Mountain Verde Valley '" '" GLOBAL NORTH AMERICAN Area Papago Reservation Area Area a5 ~ SERIES/STAGES SERIES/STAGES i'-' :-'" ilS '" R A. KNEPP & S.J. REYNOlDS A.A KNEPP & G. HAXEl R A. KNfPP & S.J. REYNOlDS J. WRIGHT & S. THOMPSON III A.A. KNEPP & S.J REYNOLDS J \ HOLOCENE 0·5 DOl Recent,UlNium f5>-I-CC «« .ndColnr.doRrvlt Slrum,tefl.te,.nd OUlletnuyudim.llt. =>2 PlEISTOCENE ~_grlnfs t.lusdep(uils undllf!flnli'led 0 ~.. ~. ~,-'"_--. __ ~o~o PIACENZIAN PLIOCENE ZANClEAN MESSINIAN ~ 0.. 0.. 67 ~ => iii TORTONIAN mesa- 10, Clpplng '" ~ ~ ~ basalts z ~ SERRAVAlliAN tl co r--'- co co 15. :E :E lANGHIAN ~ 17 .;; Cl CC BURDIGALIAN g~ N Cl ~ 23- '~ii 2:- 9 UJCC AQUITANIAN ~l u" ~ he 25- ~ ~ iii UPPER CHAniAN u co '" ~ lOWER RUPELIAN ~ iii UPPER PRIABONIAN " ~ ~ iii 41 ;;' u 0.. BARTONIAN ~ MIOOlE 45 LUTETIAN 50 LOWER YPRESIAN 0)0 5&- ~ tl UPPER THANETIAN » •• 1'\ Gringo Gukh I § 62 Voluniu 550 I ;;: lOWER OANIAN MAASTRICHTIAN Mli.;,c..,.n'''~ir Joup' .. ta.,;;o.. bioM' CAMPANIAN SANTONIAN a: LU CONIACIAN a.. a.. 90 => TURONIAN " tr.I => Cl CENOMANIAN UJ u lao I--~~~,~ w~I---+-----f TurneyRBnch a: fm. u 500 Moj.doFm. 1584 ALBIAN u U·Barfnt Cl N Cl 1061 tr.I APTIAN UJ Hell·lo·Fini", :2 'm. 388 115 BARREMIAN 125 HAUTERIVIAN & 130 ~ VALANGINIAN 135 j BERRIASIAN .3 140 :!l TITHONIAN 145 KIMERIOGIAN UPPER 155 OXFOROIAN 160 CAllOVIAN 165 BATHONIAN 170 .-1 L.- MIDDLE BAJOCIAN u 175 Ci5 volunic.nd tr.I AALENIAN <! 180 ~c;;;;;---t f-'- tft/JrIl;:,;;;;;;;::ll' -, I MulbtnY a: TOARCIAN . ........ => vntclniduti(Iotks ~J~ -, PLIENSBACHIAN '" I----'~'-. piloibm LOWER 190 I'" quarttpCHphyry;" . fill SINEMURIAN ~j • ~'.-~ 195 ? ____ -- All Molina SII N.~Y' ..-- f---.r~~ !::. L-l Mounl~~htson HETTANGIAN 200 ............................................. ~, __·1~ ............................................... RHAETIAN 115 UPPER ---NOiiiA-N-- 1;5 220 UJ CARNIAN CALLOVIAN 165 BATHONIAN MIDDLE 170 u BAJOCIAN ti5 175 U) AALENIAN « 180 a: TOARCIAN =>...., PLIENSBACHIAN LOWER 190 SINEMURIAN 195 , MOll'1tWrigbl.OII HETTANGIAN 200 ...••...............•• ~~_·~~2,,9=00~ •.•.•••••••••••••.••..• RHAETIAN u 115 UPPER NORIAN ti5 110 U) CARNIAN 130 « LADINIAN MIDDLE 140 a: ANISIAN f- 145 LOWER SCYTHIAN 260 .......•••..•...•.•... , ..........•....................•.....•...............••. TATARIAN DCHOAN ,55 UPPER KAZANIAN I-------------,~~--- GUADALUPIAN ,- ~ RalnYlflay «2: ~ Fm. '"Kaibah Kllbab ::§ 60 L. a: Ls," w KUNGURIAN a.. Coru:ha lJ. 80·100 __1 __ 120 200 ,70 F~ Coconino Scharrer SO· S. F~ Conch. F~ 10 CoconinoSs 215 ~ --,-- 160·200 420 150·210 Sherrer ARTINSKIAN LEONARDIAN Fm. Sthneb:VqHiIl,~. " ,Ip.t/I4Mb<, , Fm. LOWER 75 Earp SAKMARIAN ~~~._~_JO,. !-___-!'!!004 WOLFCAMPIAN 18 "Supai fm" ASSELIAN E.rp Fm. o ................. " ... ................. ,., ... ........ '~;~.Ii ........ ... ~ " ...... := ..... L-. Z GZHELIAN VIRGILIAN unn.mld UPPER ;'i", b. fuS .... KASIMO· z 180 _.,--- <{ MISSOURIAN Horquill. '" VIAN F~ :2 JI Horquill. <{ L. >--! DES MDiNESIAN ~ >- MOSCO· UJz "" z t---- L-- ,.~_--,';.;50'-l MIDDLE ~~ VIAN w ATOKAN U) "'- "- :::J ~ JI f---------' - 289-1018 0 81lckPrjnt. a: L. w f---- BASH· MORROWAN u.. KIRIAN 1----------' ~ :2 '" 3J 0 "'''':;;"" SERPUK· en ""- HOVIAN CHESTERIAN a: '" PI/,dir. « f-------34 F~ 384 u Z <{ 0: ~ H.thill "- MERAMECIAN F~ u en ~. - LOWER VISEAN UJ ~ RarlWiU ls !O Cl en 'tsc.bron N UJ 35 "hublou l~ 0 L!." ls," UJ :'E OSAGEAN -' kUlinll 180 Fm. a..« TOURNASIAN KINDERHOOKIAN 5 ................. ".". " ............ " .............. " ............ -. - .... - ................................... " •• 36 CHAUTA· CONEWANGOAN ,- , FAMENNIAN ~ __"M~rtl~ ~~~ lao aUAN CASSAOAGIAN M'r1I"Fm.~ UPPER 380 P1fchlSh. CHEMUNGIAN b-__~ __~ __~a~5 2: FRASNIAN SENECAN FINGERLAKESIAN « 38 :2 GIVETIAN 0 MIDDLE ERIAN > EIFELIAN 39 w ESOPUSIAN Cl EMSIAN 39 ULSTERIAN DEERPARKIAN LOWER SIEGENIAN 400 GEDINNIAN HELDERBERGIAN 40 5 ••••••••••••••••••••.•.•••••••••••••••••••••• - ................................................................... 2: PRIDOLIAN CAYUGAN « UPPER LDCKPORTIAN a: LUOLOVIAN 415 :::J NIAGARAN CUFTONlAN -' WENLOCKIAN CUNTONIAN 41 ti5 LOWER LLANDOVERIAN ALEXANDRIAN 415 RICHMONOIAN ········· .. r·····§····~··········:.-..: .;, :: CulTerMbr' ASHGILLIAN ;;7- .-- ~~ I MAYSVllllAN AI.mRn Mh, t- __ __L l.:!. 1 150·200 420 150·' ARTINSKIAN LEONARDIAN sr~'" L5·8 001. Sthn'hlY~ ~.~ 001. ,~ ~ ~ .............. 451. II " 275" LOWER ~ Colin. 108·15. 260·320 LI. ~ SAKMARIAN J ~:"'" 200 .'Q' WOLFCAMPIAN -285- "Supai fm." ASSELIAN ,~ ...................... ..... "'" ..................... ..........Sup.I •••••••• ·,,0- ...................... .. fm" VIRGILIAN Z GZHELIAN f-------;;.~8d ~ UPPER II. w-~~ >- KASIMO· 180 r-~"--- MISSOURIAN HOlqUin. 1'----,,-- '" VIAN Horquill. ,~ "'" LI. ~,~ .. DES MOINESIAN ~~~,!,O'm -.:. .. MOSCO· 350 VIAN ATOKAN r---'----- . MIDDLE "'-~~ ~ ~ 315, ,- I B/ackPrinc. -,-8!.'!'! I---- BASH· MORROWAN LI. ~ a: KIRIAN -''':9~ ::>z • 330' ::; SERPUK· .. ..- CHESTERIAN z HOVIAN -------'3'0 P'F~" 384. ie..: ~ ~ H.chit. MERAMECIAN 'm. LOWER VISEAN R.d ..IIL •. jli• -'-0 ''EStabron "Estab/oll ]~ b." Lt." ~ OSAGEAN I KUling 180 .~5 'm. I~ TOURNASIAN KINDERHOOKIAN ...................... ., .................... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , ...................... , ..................... CHAUTA· FAMENNIAN 106 OUAN "M'"','m" MI""'m. 'm .--"-' UPPER Ptrch.Sh. I~~"" CHEMUNGIAN .~ SENECAN .8~ I ~ GIVETIAN 0 MIDDLE ERIAN EIFELIAN LJ.J> Cl EMSIAN ESOPUSIAN LOWER ~lltiENIAN ULSTERlAN~ OEERPARKIAN GEDINNIAN I "" nFRRFROI'N ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... PRIDOLIAN UPPER LOGKPORTIAN LUDLOVIAN '415' iNIAGARAN ClIFTONIAN, LOWER ·420' INnnVFRIAN ., .................... I ...................... .................... ,' ....................... ....................... .;, RICHMONDIAN ASHGILLIAN Zz - ;;0 .. ~i= MAYSVILLIAN Allman 13 tulNIAN "- UPPER .4\5. SHERMANIAN ~£ CARADOCIAN Z KIRKFIELDIAN '" <i' HUcKLANUIAN ~~ BLACKRIVERIAN C.b1, C,,'" , ...!!'. :r.. --- LANDEILIAN u 1-.., CHAZYAN I MIDDLE r--- '485- i ARENIGIAN LOWER CANADIAN r. 90 E1Puofm. TREMAOOCIAN "':ill. ..................... ...................... , .. .. , .. .. .. .. .. .. .......... , ..... ., .... , .............. TREMPEALEAUAN BliuFm. 58.5.107 UPPER FRANIONIAN nRF<RAr"IAM ~, , ".- ~ --- -515- , I ''t:''!''~5 AbnllO 1m -"',, 0""",, ~O ----- T.p.",-'= _----' MIDDLE - -::-,,;;;:;:.-;;;.;--~ Boise-,--_._- Quartlile If---- -"0- LOWER ...................... ..................... ...................... ................ " ... !;~ \ 'P;i"mb.i.~'~'.;Jli ......... ~ !:;! "1 ~ .......\ ::::.=. I :=! A,he" •• GP. "'., ",",m,,''''''' ". '" ~ ?il-'i)/ • 2500· ",,' ................. ,!':'. "-'~'. {~ . .'~: :~:-.'.-::;O ..................... , ...................... ~ .~ I~ INTRODUCTION The first five stratigraphic columns of the COSUNA chart, SSMC, were constructed to show correlations of stratigraphic units in Southern Arizona, and in the Big Hatchet Mountain Area, just across the border into New Mexico. The construction of the chart was under the supervision of Frank E. Kottlowski, and authors of the columns prepared individual data sheets for each of the stratigraphic units that appears in the geological columns. This is a presentation of the documentation records prepared by the authors of the first five columns of the chart. Contributing authors of the columns were: G. Haxel, R. A. Knepp, S. J. Rey­ nolds, S. Thompson III, and J. Wright. The COSUNA project was under the direction of Orlo E. Childs. The Correlation of Stratigraphic Units of North America (COSUNA) was a project of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists which has resulted in the publication of sixteen correlation charts depicting modern concepts of the stratigraphy of our nation. On the Southwestern/Southwestern Mid-Continent (SSMC) Correlation Chart 31 complete stratigraphic columns are shown, representing all of the Geological Provinces of the re­ gion. Organized by columns numbered from left to right, the Data Sheet Records (each with its own unique Reference Number) of each column are shown here as they are presented on diskettes for use on Personal Computers. Copies of the diskettes are available from the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. These Records are meant to supplement the COSUNA chart, by presenting useful documentation of the information on which the columns were con­ structed by authors of the chart. It should be noted that some of the names of Stratigraphic Units are presented within--quotation marks. This means that there is some question about the applica­ tion of tFi'eSe strat~phic names to the unit, and that the name may be incorrectly
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