Polling District Details Constituency: Bath Constituency Printed: 1 December 2014 Ward: Abbey PD B-AB1 Abbey 1/2 Register: B-AB1 Abbey Station: Assembly Rooms, Card Room, Bennett Street Electorate Total Streets Houses Postal To Station Electorate 1 10 Alfred Street, City Centre, Bath 71 7 52 59 2 20 Bartlett Street, City Centre, Bath 2 0 5 5 3 30 Belmont, City Centre, Bath 49 5 53 58 4 40 Bennett Street, City Centre, Bath 67 8 70 78 45 70 The Regina, Bennett Street, City Centre, Bath 26 1 18 19 7 80 Bladud Buildings, City Centre, Bath 52 6 38 44 8 90 Brock Street, City Centre, Bath 81 19 68 87 11 120 Circus Mansions, 36, Brock Street, City Centre, Bath 6 2 4 6 9 121 Park View House, Brock Street, City Centre, Bath 6 0 5 5 12 130 Brunswick Place, City Centre, Bath 30 2 21 23 13 140 Burlington Place, Lansdown, Bath 15 0 13 13 14 150 Catharine Place, City Centre, Bath 75 14 51 65 15 160 Chatham Row, City Centre, Bath 28 5 29 34 17 170 Circus Mews, City Centre, Bath 45 8 31 39 20 210 Circus Place, City Centre, Bath 3 0 3 3 21 220 Cleveland Cottages, Walcot, Bath 5 1 3 4 22 230 Cleveland Place West, Walcot, Bath 36 3 33 36 23 240 Cleveland Terrace, Walcot, Bath 15 0 14 14 25 250 Edgar Buildings, City Centre, Bath 10 0 8 8 26 260 Fountain Buildings, City Centre, Bath 33 5 20 25 27 270 Fountain House, 91, Fountain Buildings, City Centre, 13 2 6 8 29 290 BathGay Street, City Centre, Bath 32 1 31 32 30 300 George Street, City Centre, Bath 14 5 11 16 31 310 Gloucester Street, City Centre, Bath 6 0 4 4 32 320 Guinea Lane, City Centre, Bath 18 1 12 13 33 330 Guinea Lane, City Centre, Bath 0 0 0 0 34 340 Hay Hill, City Centre, Bath 14 0 11 11 37 370 Lansdown Mews, Lansdown, Bath 2 0 2 2 38 380 London Street, Walcot, Bath 15 1 8 9 39 390 Margaret's Buildings, City Centre, Bath 28 4 23 27 40 400 Miles's Buildings, City Centre, Bath 6 0 9 9 41 410 Nelson Place East, Walcot, Bath 12 0 9 9 42 450 Oxford Row, City Centre, Bath 36 4 29 33 44 460 Princes Buildings, City Centre, Bath 8 0 8 8 46 470 Rivers Street, City Centre, Bath 140 16 128 144 47 480 Rivers Street Mews, City Centre, Bath 6 0 3 3 48 490 Rivers Street Place, City Centre, Bath 7 0 6 6 49 500 Russell Street, City Centre, Bath 56 1 53 54 53 551 Rivers House, Russell Street, City Centre, Bath 2 2 1 3 56 560 Saville Row, Lansdown, Bath 5 0 7 7 55 570 St Andrew's Terrace, City Centre, Bath 8 0 7 7 16 580 The Circus, City Centre, Bath 99 16 75 91 43 590 The Paragon, Walcot, Bath 145 8 142 150 57 600 Upper Church Street, City Centre, Bath 17 2 20 22 58 610 Vineyards, Walcot, Bath 48 3 39 42 59 620 Caern Well Place, Walcot Gate, Walcot, Bath 32 7 27 34 60 630 Nelson Buildings, Walcot Gate, Walcot, Bath 10 1 10 11 61 640 Roman House, Walcot Gate, Walcot, Bath 15 8 11 19 62 650 Walcot Court, Walcot Gate, Walcot, Bath 37 26 11 37 68 651 Walcot Street, City Centre, Bath 29 1 25 26 72 652 Walcot Street, City Centre, Bath 2 0 2 2 Page: 1 Polling District Details Constituency: Bath Constituency Printed: 1 December 2014 Ward: Abbey PD B-AB1 Abbey 1/2 Register: B-AB1 Abbey Station: Assembly Rooms, Card Room, Bennett Street Electorate Total Streets Houses Postal To Station Electorate 63 660 Old Orchard Cottages, Walcot Street, City Centre, Bath 8 0 2 2 73 661 Ladymead House, 11012, Walcot Street, City Centre, 32 0 23 23 71 663 StBath Swithins Yard, Walcot Street, City Centre, Bath 19 1 13 14 75 999999 Other Electors, Bath 1 5 4 9 Totals for Station: 1577 201 1311 1512 Totals for Register: 1577 201 1311 1512 Page: 2 Polling District Details Constituency: Bath Constituency Printed: 1 December 2014 Ward: Abbey PD B-AB2 Abbey 2/2 Register: B-AB2 Abbey Station: Percy Hall, Central United Reformed Church, Grove Street Electorate Total Streets Houses Postal To Station Electorate 76 10 Abbey Churchyard, City Centre, Bath 14 1 11 12 77 20 Abbey Green, City Centre, Bath 17 0 7 7 79 30 Abbey Street, City Centre, Bath 9 2 6 8 80 40 Argyle Street, Bathwick, Bath 17 0 27 27 81 50 Barton Buildings, City Centre, Bath 14 0 13 13 5394 60 Barton Street, City Centre, Bath 1 0 0 0 82 70 Bath Street, City Centre, Bath 8 0 7 7 212 80 Arlington House, Bath Street, City Centre, Bath 34 2 12 14 83 90 Bathwick Street, Bathwick, Bath 46 3 41 44 86 110 Herschel Place, Bathwick Street, Bathwick, Bath 14 0 6 6 224 130 The Tramshed, Beehive Yard, City Centre, Bath 23 8 15 23 89 140 St Catherine's Hospital, Bilbury Lane, City Centre, Bath 10 3 5 8 90 150 Bridewell Lane, City Centre, Bath 21 0 12 12 91 160 Bridge Street, City Centre, Bath 3 0 5 5 99 170 Carpenter House, Broad Quay, City Centre, Bath 135 0 0 0 92 180 Broad Street, City Centre, Bath 26 1 19 20 95 200 Broad Street Place, City Centre, Bath 1 0 10 10 5410 210 Burton Street, City Centre, Bath 1 0 0 0 5351 220 Chapel House, Chapel Court, City Centre, Bath 10 6 4 10 200 230 St John's Hospital, Chapel Court, City Centre, Bath 15 7 8 15 96 240 Cheap Street, City Centre, Bath 5 0 5 5 97 250 Shums Court, Cheap Street, City Centre, Bath 12 0 6 6 98 260 Church Street, City Centre, Bath 7 1 6 7 100 270 Cleveland Bridge, Bathwick, Bath 1 0 0 0 101 280 Corn Street, City Centre, Bath 1 0 0 0 102 290 Daniel Mews, Bathwick, Bath 1 0 2 2 103 300 Daniel Street, Bathwick, Bath 62 18 68 86 5426 310 Darlington Mews, Bathwick, Bath 2 0 2 2 104 320 Darlington Street, Bathwick, Bath 49 1 45 46 106 330 Dorchester Street, City Centre, Bath 3 1 0 1 109 340 Duke Street, City Centre, Bath 31 1 19 20 107 360 Georgian House, Duke Street, City Centre, Bath 16 0 17 17 108 370 Royston House, 5, Duke Street, City Centre, Bath 12 1 6 7 111 380 Edward Street, Bathwick, Bath 63 10 52 62 112 390 Abbey Court, Edward Street, Bathwick, Bath 11 2 8 10 113 400 Gascoyne Place, Bath 1 0 0 0 115 410 Newmarket Row, Grand Parade, City Centre, Bath 1 0 2 2 116 420 The Empire, Grand Parade, City Centre, Bath 43 24 30 54 117 430 Great Pulteney Street, Bathwick, Bath 171 31 138 169 123 470 Great Pulteney Street, Bathwick, Bath 72 14 64 78 118 480 Connaught Mansions, Great Pulteney Street, Bathwick, 58 5 40 45 122 490 FitBathzroy House, 55-59, Great Pulteney Street, Bathwick, 50 15 37 52 124 500 GreenBath Street, City Centre, Bath 3 0 4 4 126 510 Grove Street, Bathwick, Bath 51 2 49 51 125 520 Caxton Court, Grove Street, Bathwick, Bath 25 6 17 23 129 530 Northanger Court, Grove Street, Bathwick, Bath 30 11 25 36 130 540 Harington Place, City Centre, Bath 6 0 3 3 131 550 Henrietta Gardens, Bathwick, Bath 15 6 14 20 133 560 Henrietta Gardens, Bathwick, Bath 4 2 3 5 132 570 Draycott Court, Henrietta Gardens, Bathwick, Bath 9 6 6 12 134 580 Henrietta Place, Bathwick, Bath 9 2 10 12 Page: 3 Polling District Details Constituency: Bath Constituency Printed: 1 December 2014 Ward: Abbey PD B-AB2 Abbey 2/2 Register: B-AB2 Abbey Station: Percy Hall, Central United Reformed Church, Grove Street Electorate Total Streets Houses Postal To Station Electorate 140 590 Henrietta Road, Bathwick, Bath 21 5 17 22 5461 600 Holburne Place, Henrietta Road, Bathwick, Bath 14 2 8 10 141 610 Henrietta Street, Bathwick, Bath 123 10 118 128 142 620 Henrietta Villas, Bathwick, Bath 25 12 19 31 143 630 Henry Street, City Centre, Bath 2 0 4 4 144 640 Hetling Court, City Centre, Bath 1 0 0 0 145 650 High Street, City Centre, Bath 9 0 4 4 146 660 Hot Bath Street, City Centre, Bath 9 3 6 9 147 670 John Street, City Centre, Bath 1 0 0 0 148 680 Johnstone Street, Bathwick, Bath 57 3 43 46 149 690 Kingston Buildings, City Centre, Bath 3 0 0 0 150 700 Kingston Road, City Centre, Bath 1 0 0 0 151 710 Laura Place, Bathwick, Bath 42 2 36 38 154 740 Lower Borough Walls, City Centre, Bath 10 0 6 6 157 770 Manvers Street, City Centre, Bath 27 2 31 33 5350 780 Milsom Apartments, Milsom Place, City Centre, Bath 9 1 1 2 158 790 Milsom Street, City Centre, Bath 34 1 36 37 159 800 New Bond Street, City Centre, Bath 2 0 5 5 160 810 New Bond Street Place, City Centre, Bath 1 1 1 2 5377 820 New Marchant's Passage, City Centre, Bath 30 1 17 18 162 840 North Parade, City Centre, Bath 21 1 19 20 165 870 North Parade Buildings, City Centre, Bath 9 0 7 7 166 880 Hamilton House, North Parade Buildings, City Centre, 9 0 8 8 167 890 NorthBath Parade Passage, City Centre, Bath 1 2 0 2 168 900 Northgate Street, City Centre, Bath 4 1 3 4 169 910 Northgate Yard, Northgate Street, City Centre, Bath 9 0 5 5 171 920 Old Bond Street, City Centre, Bath 4 0 6 6 172 930 Old King Street, City Centre, Bath 3 0 6 6 5390 940 The Stoneyard, Old Orchard, City Centre, Bath 2 0 1 1 173 950 Old Orchard Street, City Centre, Bath 12 0 13 13 174 960 Orange Grove, City Centre, Bath 4 0 3 3 176 970 Parsonage Lane, City Centre, Bath 18 4 13 17 5378 980 Philip Street, City Centre, Bath 50 0 45 45 178 990 Pierrepont Place, City Centre, Bath 6 0 6 6 180 1010 Pierrepont Street, City Centre, Bath 31 4 20 24 185 1060 Pulteney Mews, Bathwick, Bath 16 6 9 15 114 1090 Gerrard Buildings, Pulteney Mews, Bathwick, Bath 18 4 20 24 188 1100 Pulteney Road, Bathwick, Bath 5 3 11 14 189 1110 Queen Square, City Centre, Bath 1 0 1 1 190 1120 Queen Street, City Centre, Bath 3 0 4 4 191 1130 Quiet Street, City Centre, Bath 6 0 5 5 192 1140 Saracen Street, City Centre, Bath 2 0 1 1 5433 1150 Bluecoat House, Sawclose, City Centre, Bath 4 1 2 3 93 1160 Saxon Court, City Centre, Bath 2 0 0 0 193 1170 South Parade, City Centre, Bath 2 0 2 2 194 1190 Southbourne Mansions, South Parade, City Centre, 24 3 13 16 196 1200 StBath Johns Flats, South Parade, City Centre, Bath 4 0 3 3 198 1210 Southgate, City Centre, Bath 1 0 0 0 5379 1230 Southgate Street, City Centre, Bath 22 2 15 17 199 1240 St James's Parade, City Centre, Bath 42
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