B M W E Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes www.bmwe.org Volume 113 I Number 4 I July/August 2004 BMWE/Teamster Merger Discussions On Track he merger talks between the strength, a merger with the IBT will The membership of the BLE in the As a preview of the potential to TBMWE and the International provide BMWE with unparalleled leg- US and Canada (now known as the grow the BMWE in a strategic merger Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) are islative clout in Washington, DC, with BLE&T) recently ratified their merger with the IBT, the BLE and IBT entered progressing well and are on track for the full force and strength of the IBT with the IBT by the overwhelming into a cooperative arrangement for reaching a tentative agreement to be Government Affairs Department, the margin of 81% in the US and 63% in organizing even before their merger voted on by the membership of IBT PAC Fund, and the 1.4 million Canada. The BLE members in the was ratified. In less than two years BMWE before years end. The BMWE members of IBT backing the US became part of the newly estab- this joint effort has racked up an and IBT Merger Committees, and the demands of the BMWE. lished IBT Rail Conference, while their impressive number of organizing vic- various sub-committees, have been Perry Geller, Acting Secretary- Brothers and Sisters in Canada tories for BLE&T. With the addition of meeting regularly to fashion an agree- Treasurer reaffirmed that the BMWE became part of the Teamsters Canada the Louisville and Indiana Railroad in ment that will be beneficial to the Committee was committed to ham- Rail Conference, an autonomous May 2004, the BLET has successful- membership of both organizations. mering out a merger agreement that Teamsters body in Canada with ly organized nine different shortline Acting President Simpson stated, would be “cost neutral” to the mem- Constitutional ties to the IBT railroads in less than 24 months. “I estimate that we have addressed bership. Brother Geller stated, “The International Union. These organizing victories have approximately 70-75% of the issues BMWE Merger Committee will not BLE&T President Don Hahs stated, brought more than 750 new members each side has brought to the table for negotiate a merger agreement that “I cannot say enough about the pro- into the BLET. The other shortlines resolution and inclusion into a merger results in a dues increase for BMWE fessionals from the IBT whom have recently organized by the IBT/BLE&T agreement. I am cautiously optimistic members. The Committee is working worked so hard to make this a suc- are Portland & Western; New York & that we can conclude these negotia- diligently to structure an agreement cessful transition for our organization. Atlantic; Great Western Railway of tions in the near future and soon pre- that provides synergies and efficien- The leadership of Jim Hoffa has clear- Colorado; St. Lawrence & Atlantic; sent a merger agreement to the mem- cies to strengthen our efforts at the ly embraced the team concept, and Utah Railway; Iowa, Chicago & bership for a vote.” bargaining table, in organizing, and in the various departments of the IBT Eastern; Indiana Southern; and the The key focus and purpose of a the legislative arena without a dues have worked with us to accomplish Texas-Mexican Railway. In addition, merger with IBT is to increase BMWE increase to the members. We fully our goals. Every time we have asked approximately 2800 former UTU train- collective bargaining strength and pro- expect this merger to be a win-win for the Teamsters for help, both before men in Canada also voted to join the vide BMWE with the additional finan- BMWE members, and look forward to and after the merger, they have been BLET and the Teamsters Canada Rail cial and personnel resources neces- joining our Brothers and Sisters of the there for us. They have attended our Conference. sary to gain what BMWE members Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers rallies, helped us to lobby Congress BMWE has entered into a similar deserve at the bargaining table. Hand and Trainmen in the IBT Rail and state legislatures, and supported cooperative arrangement with IBT in in hand with collective bargaining Conference.” us in countless other ways.” See MERGER Page 7 Funding Approved for Maintenance of Way Fatigue Study n May 14, 2004 the Office of for two weeks. Participants will be way craft. Once the causes and studies involving train and engine per- OManagement and Budget (OBM) asked to document commute times, effects of fatigue within the mainte- sonnel and railroad signalman. issued OMB Control Number No. work hours, meal periods, and call nance of way craft are documented BMWE Acting President Simpson 2130-0561 approving data collection outs. They will also be asked to com- and analyzed through this study, we stated, “I encourage members to for a fatigue study entitled, Work ment on the circumstances involving can then work to address those participate in this survey study. We Schedules and Sleep Patterns of overnight accommodations when held issues in an appropriate manner.” will need widespread membership Maintenance of Way Employees. This way from home on company busi- Results from the study will be participation in order to collect study was first announced in the ness. Those who complete and sub- reported to the BMWE and FRA only statistically relevant data. Over the Jan./Feb. 2004 edition of the BMWE mit their diaries and questionnaires to as a whole, not individually. Foster- years, we have tried to get the indus- Journal. The fatigue study, sponsored Foster-Miller will receive a $75 gift Miller will delete the names of all par- try to address a number of conditions by the FRA and supported by the certificate in appreciation for partici- ticipants once the data has been that contribute to fatigue in the BMWE, is being conducted by the pating in the survey. compiled and participants have maintenance of way craft. I am independent firm of Foster-Miller, Inc. “Fatigue is a huge factor in our received their gift certificates. confident that this study will help of Waltham, MA. industry,” says Fred Simpson, Acting The study has two primary purpos- document the relationship between The overall purpose of the study is President of the BMWE. “The expan- es: (1) It aims to document and char- work schedules/working conditions to develop a better understanding of sion of territories, the erratic on-call acterize the work/rest schedules and and fatigue. Once the study results the work/rest schedules and sleep status of BMWE members, work week sleep patterns of maintenance of way are in, I am hopeful that we can patterns of maintenance of way work- variations, and inadequate away from workers (both production and head- utilize the data to address those ers and to evaluate the relationship home lodging and meal arrangements quartered employees); and, (2) It conditions that contribute unneces- between these schedules and fatigue. contribute to an environment where intends to examine the relationship sarily to fatigue among BMWE Foster-Miller has recently mailed a fatigue is the norm. This study is between these schedules and the members.” survey form and log book to 845 ran- expected to independently document level of alertness/fatigue of individuals BMWE will publish a summary of domly selected BMWE members what many BMWE members have who work these schedules under vari- the survey results in a future edition nationwide asking them to fill out the know for years: Job-related fatigue is ous conditions. of the Journal once the study is com- survey and keep a work/sleep diary an issue within the maintenance of FRA has recently conducted similar pleted. ########################################### # # # # ########################################### # # # # Retirement Annuity Estimates and Applications for Unemployment Benefits Available Online he U.S. Railroad Retirement For annuity estimates, employees for unemployment benefits, using the Board’s field offices are available to TBoard has announced that rail- will access a “ Retirement Planner” Internet application, the Board will mail answer in-person, telephone, and road employees can now get esti- which will provide employee and biweekly claim forms to the employee written inquiries. mates of their future annuities and spouse estimates for employees who for completion. Although employees will Most Board offices are open to the applications for unemployment bene- have not yet retired under the not be able to file their biweekly claims public from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., fits over the Internet. Railroad Retirement Act. The esti- over the Internet, the Board is planning Monday through Friday, except on Employees can access these new mates will be based on the service to add this service and other online Federal holidays. Addresses and services by visiting the Board’s Web and earnings records maintained by services in the future. phone numbers for all Board offices site at www.rrb.gov and clicking on the Board and will show the earliest These new services are part of the are available by calling the toll-free “MainLine Services” for directions on date the employee can receive a full Board’s plan to implement compre- RRB Help Line at 1-800-808-0772. establishing an RRB Internet Service annuity and, if applicable, the earliest hensive Internet services that will The RRB Help Line is an automated account. Once employees establish date he or she can receive a reduced expand access to information and telephone service available 24 hours their on line accounts, they will be annuity. Only railroad employees are allow the railroad public to conduct its a day, 7 days a week.
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