J. ; iw o r k in h g j l S ■rU y U .U y "“ ' m s m — w - - ' 1I 9 5 0 C Q 3 , 1 COBP m - 3 3 2 - 2 - 4 - • i ' ; ''/^mi I \^ fM B A St year, No. 123 ' Twin Falls, Idaldaho S atu rd a y ,M ay 3,-10t e ; d u r i l h iv o d k o r lP q l e s lb q t t l e f cu l l o u t uv i i h b l ai c k h u mn o r I . ■ r rhe authorities have not, in1 factifa advised . T h u s' pririiiiiied, radiation hum oriststs have made“'a small cccontribution to .r^iatloh1 smoke*. / • '‘agntrai^st drtnUng' tap. water,T. but some noted lhali the Soviet Union has finallyf humor with a briefief Item from Moscow on Its Bul the one item that-mihmahy seem to find! _ g Is long-sought goal of a nui pfttntpfl niit withI Ihp, f«nninit-is-»l8ct-lhe4be-moBfc=ob 6CiBei7= = ■ ; . :wAHiyiw, P 6iiiR r^ ano^w! '‘What’^ the most poisonoi)nous dose of . ra^a-; :. l)i^i .PciIn,-are-takii]BOne refuge from th e more>re faith in som e foreignI goyemmentsg< - And whatit was th e -most popular ^ ..lio n ? " . ’-*r^oactfV.e fallout thathat has-, dusted their thwlUl Its own that's good enough.1. • • slogan In CommunistCc E astern Europ<OM The item announcunced final preparations for' i _.. Onejrem ,.. _______ . .^ijjounlry-nwrelieverely-s ly -th a n -m o s t-la -th e . -WhWhile-U»-^govemment-l»-hi “Long'live ourradiant frlenimdAin- ihe-39lh.aiimiaL:‘ilj:*ilaceior-Beace,!I-aa interi _ emedles, black.humor.mlllklUions-.of..protecUve- doses-olu of - ^ o a ’-5-------w ith ih e Sovl«vletUnion.**-— • ' —L“ M ‘P_natlonal bicycle «tlm a -sdieduled to begin M a y '' I m iles south of the sm olde^ Rem, as It happens. Is notn only a unlt o f '■ lodlnline — to c h i l d r e n ,^ inventi'intlve.Polelias Amonsthehe radiation riddles drculatllatlngta Jusljp nl • radiation exposure but: tbeth pseMonym of - ;■ irrkaow'ls com pieteira^vlsea-rywlTn itorffv^ lies' and reactor at ChemiinobyU ___ _____________ _1_ wKl^,'njaiednra8aw riSnhaTM ksr^’Whartlte “ f*oland'8 m ost-vllriollo-pre >f Iodine,Just glowslnttod8 daric?” Chicken Kiev, of cou m'8-'*ellmination beat," the the governm ent’s wldielv 4 ; ^ . ‘If you can’t d rin i ^ k to e ta p w atei^ what, e rouXto ^ Impart? ga^^^m e’ por ted, loog pia c g in Apnr "^ k ^ a n Jerzy Urban, vvl :«tetl8lhere?j:.: ; hiRiililer.ofvfidka. _________ :— -.1.^— ,.__’:ith ^ W a n a wiw._ncwspaper Zycie Wanarszawy 26. That w asjte dad a ^ the ^ c ^ w ^ t iq> in d w '‘Jan Rem." ■ f l w x i a n eJ t T o r ’ i > d i s aisterF __ Awoclat^Press m ’ - Ijoaxes”- in reportlng bn the nuclear reac&r acci- Vellsin'sald water reserviirvolrs around the.city.. dent Those comments werivere cairled in Moscow bfbf Chemobyl were contamaminated, but did not. -..Water reservoirs near;ar th e crippled- Soviet nu-. bythjbgovemmentrnmnew!ew s agency, Tass, which • elaboratecli on how the localal population| w as deal- d u r' power plant- at Gheroopyl are con-. made nd refereoce'.to thele detailsd he gave In the ingwlthlhat.ini . — tamtnafed-and-tiierrep!9^~ ren u ^lo 6 radIoa^r^evisloirtntei^BwrThose-i ise-detalls have not^been ....' TTie p la n lir n e a r tR e]unctrclloh briw oTiveirtfte- — - “ v tfv e -fo r* c v a c u a t^ resitesidents to return, a top) ■-av aiiablelotheS ovlet Union.lio n ..' . - PripyatPr and-the Dniepr, whichwl feed Into other Soviet Communist Part;arty official said FridayI Tbe official Soviet pressss carriedc only" th e b rief riversriv and reservoirs thatt mayn be connected to .govem m ent'statem ent IssuIssued Thursday, which thelh< water supply for Kiev,, acllyof2.4mlilloriln'a •Jme accident a weekk &ago th a t sen t a huge, in-- ' said radiation levelft aroundaro the plant had theIhi Soviet Union’s winVinter wheat-growiqg ^le-clo u d of radiation!on over Europe was caused1 decreased. Gorbachev hasas made"i rio public com - heartland.he t^ .h u m a n e ito r, said MMo oscow's Communist Par-• ment on the reactor accident.ent. The area surroundlngi-tl;-thrT«actor-reiBaIns ; ^ -d U e f Bor{s Yeltsln:'H<''H e Is a close associate ofI re ltsin , in th e ARD interntervlew, said the three dangerouslyda radioactive, he lold ARD. "people $iVietleaderMlkhallS.a1. Gorbachev. other nuclear reactoirs at the Chemobyl com- maymi not go back (at this lime]ne),'!hesa!d; ................ ;• Yeltsld gave; the firstst detaUedi Soviet descrip-. ''plex, about 80 miles north.jl of0 the Ukrainian capl- MoscowI Radio broadcast5t ai rep<^ Friday say- (lmotU»:,CIienibbyldlsdisaster and Its aftermathI tal-of Kiev, were Immediaidiately shut down after Jn{Ing lhat residents of the aare^ n were boating and . |» !^ Interview &i-Westst Germany( with the ARD) the accident. engaging in water sports onoi the Dnlgpr River, - ■— MtkmaKdevUkMHtelwoii ------ He-also-r^rted-damageitge-control workers were—anand-^ieHdevjsion^-nlghtl htljruevre-cairied-fllm- ------- . :M‘Tbe cause lies apparparentlv In Ih e subjective! using helicopters to dropI sackssai of satKl, lead and cd reports of May Day fesfestivities it» Kiev and . Id human errorTor. we are undertaWh’gI boron on the -reactor to cutcu down iemisslons of eUelsewhere In the Ukraine: AfiA fter a feature on com •V'v8)ea8ui^ to ihake rarere^thaf 1 thto S j ^ ' t ha^|>en1 radioactivity. That confirmermed reports by U.S. of- pl<planting in Ihe ChernigovV regioni near Kiev, a u l d Y ^tsln , whi t llcials In wW)lngton, D.C.».C. who, like European co:commentator said: “ Westen■fim news agencies are ' . (KrihanCommunlstPartiarty congress^ln H am bu^ governments deaUng withb Increasedli radiation in . sp^reading falk reports aboutabi the accident at ' . XVdtsin’s. commentss to{ the party congi^) . skies end on their soilsoil,' Had relied on s a te l- 1 cfiChemobyl station.” \ < ^i^^th hlsVcrlUcismism ot the Western new;I llte pictures to get infomorm&lion on what wai Yeltsin' said residents off fourf< "seltlements" in .., »-.andj:<^jicpcUtifLmSiaZI .-bappen|ngat thepTant. „,.,-~«^K U G LEARcRonPapA2-.- -------^ ' r ' ' -m m m imobjujfc jBush1 prods l o u b i s c p i S E s - •AttAmerlcandiplomatlnl ^ a l i o n n i rtflXssoolflted , fam iliar wjlh' the new Mrles ( A n ^ y s i s ^ . SU.S.-Sovlet aYms control negBgollir' ByJlLi^LAWREKENCE 1 - ... lel^^nloh'fi: ^ ^ > ' •-." • '• ti(lloris that resumes In Genevavanext : 77ie Assoc/aJedijd P re ss - ! •' s e o ^ about the Ohemot■nobyl nuclear Wlweek, spoke of the “parsimoiwnious” - ' -apcldent has some WesterItem officials credit of the1C SovietJ Uni6n)ias been amount of Information madede WASHINGIOlCON -r-.-Vice President . 'WOBfleHflgwhetberSovlet/let leader r damaged, availablea\ by the Soviets on Ui . G eorge Bush ,.challcngwj cl the So.vlet ' . M ikhails. Gortiachev.'sprspromiseof "Iftheyho:hold back Information on . ClChemobyl accident and saidIdilhad Union on FridaIday to M are m ore in- : - -oirateverlflcattonofany:my new arms a civilian accaccident, whatWndof con- «serious Im'pllcallons forverilrification formation abou>oul its nuclear accl- lythlngmore .lidencecanwn we have on any verlfica- o>of arm s control pacts______ dent;calling; tthe vell of sccrecy ' tionpfamllilillitary agreement?" "One m usl wonder how munuchreal around Ihe-■ disaster "uncohs. ..^^erafwtStemgoiememmehts WesternI armar s negotiators have access to testing sites they.((Ihe-^ t cionable." have complained to theiSovietUnlon So strtssedjhatlatagreemenisniuslbe^.-. .SoSoviets) would be prquredlload- li .. - Bush, leovingIng "Andrews Air Force ■ about the lack of notlficalatlonofthe tl< based on verlerilicatlon rather than . mmil,” said lhc.dlp!omat, whonaspjbke - B ase for Chicagmgo after meeting with distuter. It apparently occurredocc last trust. But with'Chemobyl.wil t h e .............. on condition he not be IdentiflliflM. C abinet odiciahlals to review the Che^ w l^M d, but was reporte(rte d b y th e Soviets lollovlowed their trautional Gorbachev aroused High InterestIn nobyl accident,;It, said the Soviets h a v e ' - Soviets onlyMoriday allerlerScandina- practlceofref releasing only the most -in• in the West o r f an. IS in annonouilcing responded to sosome U.S. requests .for . vlan countries detectedI theth< radia-. itmitedinfon'ormatlon even Ihdu^ the ^1a plaii for abaliUon of all nuciiclWr information, I Hon drlftlngover their tenterritory. plant appareiirenUyhadnothingtodo: ^weapons from U T^arth by/thdyear ti -i cannot go into Ihe detail ,: ...v.Vlt’s a v e ^ b a i d s i ^ lII o of i w hat tbe with militaryaryorwuritymatters. 2000.^ He prom ised "on site Insbw-In bul it is spars(irso at besl," he said. , Sovftts areAvining toshaniare,”said PrimeMlnfinlsterM argaretT hat- ti(tions” lo verify limitation amindpro.. "They have beewen less than forthcom- - - ;.'Ulr(chHundt,^esmanian for the cherofBritalitain said, “It should make Pgrcsslve destn^ctlon of nucicilclr •, ing, and my stnstrong conviction Is that weapons. WertGerm'anDtfense MltM loi^. , us very waryirythMinahyanhscoh- , ^ they oughl to) bopen up, even In that - i . A ^ re n c h Foreign Mlnlsinisltyof- trolnegotlatlatlonswe mustbeabso- On April 18, G orbachev agtigttlnpro' closed society.” .flCtal,' who spoke on w niditlonof d ii - lutelymeticuicuious to get specific, m ised ^‘if need be, on-site Insnspec- Friday night,iht, hours after Bush's a ^ m lty, sald^:“Thepsypsychflbfeical,. , prwtjcal, strictsir veriTlcatlon;'..,, Jj . • See SECRECY on Pap^^eA2 rem ark s, the! &Soviets provided adui- ■: . lional_delall of the d.i^ler and ils - ■ altermalh.
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