![National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Log, 2011-2016](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Description of document: National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Log, 2011-2016 Requested date: 22-October-2016 Released date: 22-November-2016 Posted date: 05-December-2016 Source of document: Mandatory Declassification Review Request NRO National Reconnaissance Office COMM-IMSO-IRRG 14675 Lee Road Chantilly, VA 20151-1715 The governmentattic.org web site (“the site”) is noncommercial and free to the public. The site and materials made available on the site, such as this file, are for reference only. The governmentattic.org web site and its principals have made every effort to make this information as complete and as accurate as possible, however, there may be mistakes and omissions, both typographical and in content. The governmentattic.org web site and its principals shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the information provided on the governmentattic.org web site or in this file. The public records published on the site were obtained from government agencies using proper legal channels. Each document is identified as to the source. Any concerns about the contents of the site should be directed to the agency originating the document in question. GovernmentAttic.org is not responsible for the contents of documents published on the website. NATIONAL RECONNAISSANCE OFFICE 14675 Lee Road Chantilly, VA 20151 -1715 22 November 2016 This is in response to your letter dated 22 October 2016 and received in the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) on 2 November 2016. Pursuant to Executive Order 13526, Section 3.6, you requested a mandatory declassification review of "the Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Log maintained by the National Reconnaissance Office ... 2011 to present." A thorough search of NRO files and databases located the information you requested. Eight responsive pages are being released to you in part. The names of NRO employees and/or information related to NRO functions and activities are exempt from public release in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.5(c) of E.O. 13526. You have the right to appeal this determination to the NRO Appellate Authority, 14675 Lee Road, Chantilly, VA 20151-1715, within 90 days of the above date. Should you decide to do this, please explain the basis of your appeal. If you have any questions, please call the Requester Service Center at (703) 227-9326 and reference case number EOM- 2017-00003. Sincerely, #~ ~)/ Patricia B. Cameresi FOIA Public Liaison C05096902 Approved for Release: 2016/11 /22 C05096902 -Case- Numb- er - 1~atu~ ~~~~~P~-=-~=~~~ry·;;·~···=·rr~~~=-ro;1;0~~- ·-······:~~~-~iPti~~---======:=====-=~~=:~====~==-=::=:Tu~-~~t~~-===~;c1~;-d-=I Mandatory I 1 • 1[ i Closed I Declassification l J 11/30/2012 AP~E~-~ :~a~es 94 9~-~ :T~e- ~~M~~-~~o_"'::_________ _ ___ ----- _ _ __ IPe savento, Peter __ _ _ _ _1_2~~~~~~f I ---T ·-------------- 1) weekly Activity Report 10/28/82 (2pages) I Closed Mandatory : ! 2) Weekly Report 10/29/82 (2 pages) b d Ii E-13-4 1 1111512012 11121120121 loeclassification 1 ! 3) Weekly Report 10/28/82 (1 page) !Wein erg, Davi 1 L - - - Ll - -1- i---' Re"t;r-;;lfr;;;;, SMC-DTIC#Ao362544o.;lheDlsc.;;. ry-;;; temtesY,te;;:;Re"Zc; rdtitle ~'The;mal l. - - - +-I -- -1 IMandatory . ll/ l/ Restudy of the Discoverer Mark 2 Vehicle" I 1 E-13-3 2012 Closed IDeclassif1eation Init ial (MOR J 1segletes. Steven 11/1/20121 i i See also F13-0009 . i 1--- --- 1 -----r-·-~--·-·-·-;Two Part~ : 1} All releas;dd~~-ents ;bout Film ReadoutG AMBIT f~m October 2012 a1~d2f- ..-·· 1 -·- -·-- - - - - - r - - -..· ·- --1 E-ll-2 Closed IMandat ory I I 10/16/2012ihigher quality pictures of QUILL Antenna, QUILL Fairing, and Figures 22 and 23 in the QUILL !David, James I 10/ 24/20121 Declassification 1 • i'Mandato-;y - I - - ! - i- -- ~tte~or~~~ ry:....... - -- -- ---- - - - ~ - - T" -- -- -+- -~ - - j E-13-1 Closed _jQec~s i f~ti"-'1. titi ~-- _J___ l_1 ~~~2~~- ~cords ~ f th_•~: ~a~_c:_u~~~~_'.__~ ROG, p.:'.gram - -- - ----- - ~orzemp~ Philip _ _ L ~!25/2~~ J E-12 -74 ___ . f- E 12 -66 :::::: :~~c~~::~~~~~"- - : .- ---f-------~-- =~~~;;~~;;i~~~~~i;~!~:~~~lii~~ed~:;:;;j::'.i=;;~~;;m;;;;~;~D::;;c;;:i::;;e;:::tober : :::~i~:~~~~~~~-; - - -- ~;;:~::~I ~eacn~:::~yatio~ r -L - 1- -- - ~~o~a p~of Historica!.!_ub_~~ons" _ _ ._ - - - - ---- - - -- - - - I -- - - t - - -; Closed . "The Full historical Document identified (title redacted) as the sixth item under the SIGINT IRavnitzky . Michael 1 I I . E· 12-67 1 81312012 IDeclassification L category, on page two of the NRO history Office Bibliography of Historical Publications" l 8 10 20121 tMandato-;y - I - i - 1- - -- -- - - - - - - -- - ---- -- - - -r -- - - +- - - -i E-12-58 Closed ... J.Q.~~lassification I i 1 7/19/ 2012 Surveillance of Cuba (1 page) ---- ----····-·-· ~irks, John L 7/ 26/2012! Closed I~ .. c~:: s'.~i~: ti o n J~ --~--~'- ----r-;-;7;012 , -~~ mercia l Satellite c:~mu _ni_~_'._t_i~~s~~~~M) 5~~!:b'. ll ~ ( ~- ~ag~!__ _____ ----- --~. ! ~~~~~~0~=-- -t _:~~~~6!2~~1 I ----1--- -- ~~-~~~ -~~:~-:-1~~:~: Covert, 2) Minutes 14:00-53:45 in NRO Historical Overview video. I [ Mandatory J E-12-60 ! I I i Closed Declassification ' 711912012 Original: Three videotapes: 1) Media Training (Strickland, Olsen and Fitzgeral}. 2) NRO Historical Ravnitzky ' Michael 1 l0/24120121 1 I I Overview. 3) Overt to Covert ~ -;;- lMo.;dato-;y - 1- - - i - - ;/~/2~ -Re°q~;;t-~Memor;;da !;;;m LB. Mola~;Y ;;fP.;rl;;;Ei;;;;;t;;;~GMy 197J-May 1972fou.;d -r --;;- --- t -7~- -i E-12-55 0 2 26 __ .:_~.e-···-··JE~~~~~~!!~.. -.~-·--- within NRO ARC, Job 1~9900043 Box 4 File 24. About TRl~STE Recove!Y.____ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _,_ __ t~t ers. L~ _ _ j__ _7_ lO~ E-12-56 Closed l ~eac~:sasti~::tion ~I -· .1-----·-·--·l-·_}_/10/2012 Me·=-~-~-~~~-~~~~-~f : ~-a·~~.~.~:ent .o.~ -~~i.~~~~~~~~.'.~~-~. ~-~~-~r-~~~~:-~.. { ~age) 1outzen, James ... -1--·· .. --~.. './__ ~~1_2___0 __ ~ ~ ll,,_· 6 2 212 0 1 2 E-ll-49 Ctosed !Mandatory '. l 6/22/2012 "History of the POPPY Satellite System. NRO, Director, Program C, October 1978" IRavnitzky, Michael Declassification ! : "tMandato;v - - 1_ - - i_- 6/-22/ 2-012 ~ynchron~s SIG1Nlsat;iiite Ope~~~ A Conti;u~gH·~tory . Two Vo1u~ s.- NRo:Pro~m B. I -- -- - 1 E-12-50 Closed L Ravnitzky , Michael r - 7 /9/20- 121 J_!!ec~s i f~tio~ _ ·---·- ·+---J-- - - Cir 1986 and December 19~2-·.~-- . ----------L - _______ -- ·-+--- -- - -·! i i t "Bradburn, David et al. The SIGINT Satellite Story. NRO, 1December1994~ [Already in process in ! · IMandator; I l i E12-0022] I i E-12 51 Closed D __ . !_ MOR j_ 6/22/2012 I Ravnitzky , Michael 6/15/2015j I ec1 as s11 icatmn ~ iti o l __:___ __ )_ --~--- ~d ex Tracking number: 9019 9692 8319 __ ___ _ _ _ _ ; · TMa;ciato;y -- . \ t "R. Cargill Hall. The Air Force and the National Security Space Program, 1946-1986. NRO, 1988" r-· - - - E-12-52 1 612212012 --1---- -1 Closed .1.Qec~sif~tio!!_ 1t1a_ _ / ~R _ ;_ _ _ ~re~Y. i~ro~ss i~E l~003_2L _ __ - - - - - - --- - -- _ _ _ _ _ ~avnitzky , Michael t 6/30/2014j I' 1 ! Records regarding the UPWARD program ... Lunar Mapping and Survey System. or LMSS - · - - - - - -I E-12-47 Closed IMandatory ,Initial 6/20/2012 .IHorzempa, Philip , 8/6/2012. __ Declassification ' 1 _ s_e~ _a l so F 1_2~.!.!.Q_ (a_d~_n i s~!..~_tiv.elydo sed upon init.iation_ofth_is_ca_s__e ) ___ _ _ _ __ 1 1 1· ~a nda t o-;y - - r-- - - - - - .._ - - - - - -- - -1-- -- - . E-12 -43 Closed l oedass~!~~~ t~~--····· ..-·- -··· 6/18/20121Volume Vof the Robert A. Perry "A History of Satellite Reconnaissance" (218 pages) 1 Ravnitz~~--~-~~-~~--·· ··· ··_L-·· ·· ··- 6/19/20121 Approved for Release: 2016/11/22 C05096902 C05096902 Approved for Release: 2016/11 /22 C05096902 IMan datory I ' 611812012 "The Sucth document 1de~t1f1ed on the top~gez-.;;Jthe NR_O_h~to~y Orflce Bibliography of I , k h 1 ··1 ·- --1· - ; - 1,• E- 12-44 1 6 19 2012 Closed Declass1ficat1on ' 1 Htstoncal Pubhcat1ons" Ravmtz y' Mic ae , - -t'M~ nda~-;v---1--- --r-----r-:~~ -::;:-he sixth document 1dent1f1ed under the SIGINT heading -~n page 2 of the NRO History offic;--+------- ---r--~-1 E-12-45 2 Closed ~ec~sif~tio~ L ;~ ~-~ .-..: ~l~OJ!~e!!t_of H1stoncal~~b_llcat1~s~-- _ _ --- ·-- - ·-- - _ _ _ _ _ _ fa~~zk~ M~ae~ J_ -~--1.:._ 20~ l Closed Mandatory U.S. Navy Intelligence (SIGINT) Satellites (1958-1962), NRO, SIGINT Directorate/LEO System IRavnitzky . Michael 1 E-12-46 I I 611812012 i 71912012 lec~sif~ tio_:_ L _[ _ !- _ _ ~ogr~ O~ce~2J_:ua:19~ ( ~e s~e ~~u~ u ~e r ~7-~8,_:11-~19~nd~12-~33~ L _ _ __ +-! _ _ -i I • I The Air Force and National Secu1ty Space Program 1946-1986 Published 1988 by R Cargill Hall Closed -~;cn~s'.;~'.'._o_'.'_l_ __ _ _ _ 1 S/7/2012 ~~l ~:::d~~latli~~e:::~ ~;~~O~~~~ June 20121 ---- - - - - - --- _ __ Z~g~: _ _ _ _ _ _ l_9/5/20 ] E-12 -31 1 Closed I~:c~~:s~~::tion i i _5/7!2 _0-~2i~::~~;:~gi:~~;i~~~;;:~~~{;:~~:~~~i~~:;;~:g~;;;; ~:-~;; ;~;p:::::,:~o~~~:'.~ - : Page , JT ~ - 5/22/201~ l E-12-32 Closed j Mandatory Ii Initial S/712012 Resources 152 pages; Volume Ill - Phaseout (39 pages) 1Page . 1T Ii B/G/ioi4! Declassification 3 5( ) I L __ _ IL' L ___ _ U!'_co_£".d1~_io~t r=J!sAFsin~~~y20gi___ _ ____ __ ___ _ -i--- ~ __ -1- ----- --1 US Navy Intelligence (SIGINT] Satellites 1958-1962.
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