www.ukrweekly.com CBOFOAA^SYOBODA П M УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОАІННИК ^ЯР^ U Кй А І N Hh D 4/1V і j О– О UkroinionWeekENGLISH-LANGUAGE WEEKLY EDITION l У VOL. I XXXVII. No. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 20, 1980 25 CENTS Eyewitness reveals information on explosion Captive Nations Week program of germ-warfare plant in Sverdlovsk held in New York City NEW YORK - Details of the death wonder how dependable is the USSR's by Dr. Waiter Dushnyck stressing the importance of the captive of more than 1,000 military personnel word on international agreements." NEW YORK - Nearly 400 persons, nations, especially now, when the and civilians in April 1979 following an Eighty-seven countries, including the including Ukrainian community repre­ USSR invaded Afghanistan and made explosion in a germ-warfare plant in United States, signed the agreement sentatives, took part in the 22nd annual it a new captive nation. Sverdlovsk. Russian SFSR, were re­ which also called for the destruction of observance of Captive Nations Week He also introduced Mary Dushnyck, vealed in an eyewitness report released all germ-warfare stockpiles by 1975. here on Sunday, July 13. UNA Vice President and a member of here by Freedom House on July 11. The eyewitness account, first circulat­ Representatives of ethnic organiza­ the UCCA National Council, who The Soviet government has categori­ ed in the samizdat, appeared in the July tions, dressed in their respective nation­ served as master of ceremonies. cally denied growing speculation that 3 issue of Russkaia Mysl, a Paris al costumes and carrying national flags, the deaths resulted from artificial publication. Accompanying the report marched from 59th Street down Fifth Prominent speakers contamination and attributed the is a map of the affected region showing Avenue to the majestic St. Patrick's fatalities to an outbreak of anthrax, a military compound no. 19 (a biological Cathedral, where a Divine Liturgy Most of the speakers assailed the disease that is carried by animals. The plant) where the explosion is said to dedicated to the captive nations was Soviet Union for its brutal treatment of eyewitness, who was in the affected area have occurred sometime between April celebrated. the captive nations, its insidious policy at the time of the accident, refutes the 4 and 6, emitting strain "1-21" into the At the head of the parade was the of Russification and genocide and its official Soviet explanation, and insists atmosphere. According to the account, Ukrainian group, led by Ivan Bazarko, continuous direct and indirect aggres­ that the victims died mainly from a north wind blew the lethal material UCCA administrative director. sion. infections carried through the air from away from the center of Sverdlovsk During the Liturgy, the Rev. Edwin The speakers included: Lt. Gov. Cuo­ the site of the explosion. (where 1.2 million people reside), and O'Brien delivered a moving sermon on mo. Dr. Ivan Docheff, honorary chair­ Clifford P. Case, board chairman of orily`ffie southern portion of the city and the plight of the captive nations. man of the Captive Nations Committee Freedom House, said the organization of New York; Dr. K.C. Dunn, Republic the village of Kashino were affected. Immediately after the Liturgy, sever­ is "deeply concerned by this confirma­ of China (Taiwan); AI D'Amato, super­ al hundred participants formed co­ tion that a germ-warfare facility explod­ None of the people infected recover­ visor of Hempstead, and Republican lumns and marched to the band shell in ed last year in the Soviet Union," ed, the report said, despite a series of candidate for the office of U.S. senator Central Park, where a two and one-half adding that."despite its signature on a innoculations. The death rate remained from New York; Askold Lozynskyj, a hour program was held. The parade's ІЛ972 convention banning germ war- as high as 30 to 40 persons a day for a UCCA vice president and coordinator of grand marshall was Lt. Gov. Mario Ірівге," the USSR continued to develop month. To control the disease, topsoil youth and student organizations; S. Cuomo of New York, while its chairman gihis capability. This, he said, "makes one (Continued on page 2) Sultan Mansur, president of the Tur- was Al Mannari of the Catholic War kestani National Organization in the Veterans of Queens, N.Y. Again, the U.S.A.; and Dr. B.A. Zikria, professor WCFU Secretariat meets at Ukrainian group was at the head of the at Columbia University's College of marching columns. Physicians and Surgeons, who repre­ The program began with a rendition sented Afghanistan. Plenary Session in Toronto of "The Star-Spangled Banner" by TORONTO - The Nth Plenary said he feels that all three "baskets" of the Helmi Mandsalu (Estonia), while the Dr. Zikria. in a powerful address, con­ Session of the WCFU Secretariat was 1975 Helsinki agreement, including the "Pledge of Allegiance" was recited by demned the Soviet Union for its geno­ held here at St. Vladimir's Institute principle of self-determination of Jerry Bianchi, past state commander of cide of the Afghan people. He charged Friday, June 27, through Sunday, June peoples, should be examined and dis­ the Catholic War Veterans. The Rev. that scores of thousands of Afghan 29, with some 100 delegates and, guests cussed in Madrid. Clint Padgitt, pastor of the German men, women and children were killed at from North and South America and Dr. Bohdan Bociurkiw of Carleton Seamen's Mission in New York, deliver­ random, that the Soviet secret police Europe in attendance. University, Ottawa, provided a detailed ed the invocation. arrested over 100,000 Afghan political The session, conducted by Mykola analysis of the Ukrainian dissident In turn, Horst Uhlich, chairman of prisoners and 4hat at least 1 million Plawiuk, president of the World Con­ movement, pointing out that its character the Captive Nations Committee of New Afghans were left homeless and forced gress of Free Ukrainians, examined (Continued on рце 3) York, delivered introductory remarks, (Continued on page 16) problems which have recently plagued the Ukrainian community in the free world and handed down decisions on many matters of an administrative nature. Human Rights Commission A meeting of the WCFU Human Rights Commission was convened Friday evening under the chairmanship of Sen. Paul Yuzyk of Canada. Sen. Yuzyk spoke at length about his activities on the NATO Assembly, especially in the realm of human rights. He noted that in this work he had the g `^upport of the government?of Canada, Jgie United States, Great Britain, West ..Germany and Greece. Щ|1п reference to the Madrid ;|pBnference scheduled to-convene in iVovember to review compliance with provisions of the Helsinki Accords, Sen. Yuzyk said he believes NATO members are better prepared than they were for the1 Belgrade Conicrencc. iic Scene from the Captive Nations Week program at New York's Central Park band shell. 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 20, 1980 No. 8 Polish authorities dynamite Vins addresses Baptist conference presentation of the aforementioned former Ukrainian church council, whose secretary (abroad) is the LONDON — In an act unprecedent­ Peremyshl diocese in recent years, and Rev. Vins. was held concurrently with a ed in recent times, Polish authorities some were constructed without official conference of the Baptist World have dynamited a 19th century church authorization. Archbishop Tokarczuk Alliance attended by representatives of in the village of Rajskic in southeastern is also an avowed supporter of Polish the world's 30 million Baptists. Poland, according to a story in the June dissident causes, and the demolition of In his address during the conference 25 issue of Foreign Report, a publica­ the Rajskie church may simply repre­ of the Council of Evangelical Baptist tion of The Economist Newspaper Ltd. sent a warning by authorities illustrat­ Churches, the Rev. Vins stated that the official Soviet delegation to the Baptist Ignoring numerous appeals from ing the possible consequences of reli­ gious and political activism. World Alliance conference had tried to Archbishop Ignacy Tokarczuk of Pe- use the meeting as a forum for Soviet remysM, who sought permission from Another possible explanation for the severity of the government's action is propaganda and had misinformed those local dffigials to reopen the church, present as to the true state of religion in which had formerly been a Ukrainian less obvious and far more compelling, the article pointed out. Last February, a the USSR. Pastor Vins proceeded to Catholic" church, Zbigniew Liczmanski, challenge the alleged religious freedom the district commissioner for religious letter from Pope John II to exiled Ukrainian Patriarch Josyf Slipyj, noted and absence of government interference affairs, ordered local police and explo­ in religious life in the Soviet Union. sives experts to demolish the structure. that the Ukrainian diocese in Peremyshl was vacant, arousing speculation that The Rev. Vin's speech evoked a According to the article, demolition the pope might restore the diocese to strong response, of commendation as specialists were brought in from the serve the Ukrainian minority in Poland. well as condemnation, on the part of neighboring township of Czarna, but If such a restoration was made, the they refused to place the charges. The those attending the conference. The Rajskie church may have been turned Soviet delegation, headed by the Rev. secretary of the local Communist Party over to the Ukrainians, thus establish­ committee was then called in and, with a Pastor Georgi Vins Alexei Bichkow, strongly protested the ing a Ukrainian Catholic center a short Rev. Vins`s remarks and threatened to more cooperative demolition crew, distance from the Soviet frontier. Since TORONTO - The Rev. Georgi P.
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