Course on photonocleor reactions. Eric* (Trapani), Italy, 2-\7 June 1976 CEA-C0NF--3829 /7 \ FEATURES OF THE GIANT El RESONANCE R. BERGERE Département de Physique Nucléaire CEN/ SAC LAY FEATURES OF THE GIANT E I - RESONANCES INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I : THE GIANT MULTIPPLE RESONANCES I. A. What is a so called Giant Resonances ? I. B. A brief classification of the Giant Resonances. I.B.I Isoscalar giant resonances I.B.2 Compression modes . I.B.3 Polarization modes. I. C. Excitation of a Giant Resonance mode . I.C. 1. Real photon induced reactions. I.C.2. Radiative capture (p, y )> (et,Y). I.C. 3. Inelastic scattering cf electrons. I.C.4. Inelastic scattering of hadrons. I.C. 5. Muon capture. I.C. 6. Pion radiative capture. I.C. 7. Virtual excitations. CHAPTER II : THE PHOTON BEAMS I. Photons produced in nuclear excitations. I. A. (p, y ) sources. l.B. (n, y ) sources I.B.I. Photon3 sources with discrete energies. I.B.2. Compton scattering of neutron capture y. I.B.3. Nuclear resonance scattering. I.C. Nuclear resonance scattering of Bremstrahlung Y • 2.- II. Bremstrahlung photon beams. II. A. Use of the tip of Bremstrahlung spectra. II.B. Total absorption experiments. U.C. Tagged photon beams. II.D. Unfolding of Bremstrahlung yield data. III. Monochromatic photon beams with variable energy. CHAPTER III : THE COLLECTIVE MODELS OF THE EI GIANT RESONANCE III. A. The nucléon effective charges. III.B. The static collective model for spherical nuclei. III.B.l. TheGoldhaber - Teller model. III.B.2. The Steinwedel - Jensen model. III.B. 3. Comparison with experimental data. III.B.4. Refinements of the theoretical prediction . a) consideration of a realistic nuclear surface b) introduction of a variable K. III.C. The static collective model for permanently deformed nuclei. IK.C.l. The Q0 splitting. III. C.2. The Lorentz line fit. III. C.3. Comparison with experimental data. III.D. The dynamic collective model. III.D. 1. The dynamic collect;ve model for vibrationnal nuclei a) theoretical summary b) comparison with experimental data : - Sn isotopes - Te, Cd, Pd - Nd isotopes - general features of experimental data. III.D.2. The improved dynamic collective model a) theoretical summary b) comparison with experimental data : - transition region around N = 89 - transition region around A =190 CHAPTER IV : THE MICROSCOPIC MODELS OF THE EI GIANT RESONANCE IV. A. The schematic model of Brown - Bolsterli. IV. B. Effective 1 p - 1 h calculations of the G.D.R. for closed shell nuclei »> 16o 2) 208Pb. IV. C. Effective 1 p - 1 h calculations of the GDR for non closed shell nuclei . IV.D. 1 p - 1 h self consistent models of the GDR. IV.E. The 1 p - 1 h continuum models of the GDR. IV. F. Consideration of np - nh states in the fine structure of the GDR IV. F. 1, Coupling of the 1 p - 1 h dipole state to the first low energy 2 state. IV.F.2. The effect of the quasi bound states. IV. F. 3. A 3 p - 3 h model for the GDR of 160. IV. F. 4. The fine structure of the GDR as a consequence of the "nuclear coexistence". IV. G. A microscopic description of the damping width. IV. H. The microscopic models of the sum rules IV.H.l. The energy weighted sum-rule an IV. H. 2. The Bremstrahlung weighted sum-rule a . IV.H. 3. Thea, sum-rule. -, —I CHAPTER V : THE DECAY CHANNELS FROM THE EI GIANT STATES V. A. Competition between the (y > n) and (y , 2n) decay modes in heavy nuclei. V.B. Competition between the (y,n) and (y, fission) channels in fissile nuclei. V.C. The statistical competition between the (y ,n) and (y , p) channels. V.D. The branching ratios towards the various levels in residual nuclei. INTRODUCTION The main properties of the giant dipole El resonance (GDR) were so far mostly obtained through experimental channels using real photons. The curve of Fig. 1 summarizes the typical behaviour of real photons when absorbed by a nucleus. 1- Up to Ey ^ 9 MeV ( X & 40fm ) one mostly observes photoex• citations of individual bound or unbound states whose microscopic natures can be connected to shell-model effects. 2- From 10 to 25 MeV( X Ç&. 10 fm) approximately^one observes the systematic excitation of the collective mode known as the giant dipole resonance even, surprisingly, for nuclei as light as 6Li or Ht The only true exception is the deuteron case. 3- Above EY = 30 MeV one expects to feel "phenomena, such as the short range correlations between nucléons, in connection with the shorter wavelength of the incident photons ( A = 2 fm at Ey ^ 100 MeV). 4- Above the photopion threshold ( <& 140 MeV) one reaches the region of the nucléon resonances. The GDR of point 2 above is now reasonably well known and its main characteristics can be summarized as follows. 1- Its average localization in energy E^ shows a smooth variation versus the mass number A ( at least for medium and heavy nuclei ) in fairly good agreement with the predictions of the various collective models. In chapter III, which deals with collective models, this point will be taken up in some detail. 2- Its width is strongly modulated by the effects governing the shapes of nuclei ( spherical nuclei, vibrationnal nuclei, permanently deformed nuclei). This property will also be reviewed in chapter HI. 3- The position in energy and the fine structure of the GDR are more closely connected to shell model predictions as nuclei get lighter. The various experimental integrated cross sections aro also more easily understood by comparisons with microscopic models. These properties will be reviewed in chapter IV " The microscopic models of the GDR ". 4- Finally, many things can be learnt about the properties of the GDR by studying and comparing the various decay channels,which will be done in chapter V. I must point out that, in this review, I will hardly mention the following important characteristics of the GDR since they will be exposed in detail by other participants in this conference : - The i so spin splitting of the GDR ( and the i so spin mixing problems ) by R. Leonardi and S. Hanna. - The detailed examination of the sum-rule problems by W. Weise. - The (y , Y ) and (Y , Y ') channels by E, Hayward. Since most of the available experimental data concerning the GDR have been obtained with real photons, I thought it useful to devote one whole lecture (chapter II) to review the characteristics of the various sources o' real photons, with an attempt to connect the experimental particularities of each photon source to the specific parameters of the GDR which it is best suited to reach. Chapter I is meant as a somewhat extended general introduction. In particular, I hope to show that the well known El GDR is just one member of the family of giant resonances, and that the study of this El resonance by photoexcitation, although privileged, is just a parti• cular means of study among many others. INTRODUCTION: F/G1 lhr*%hold FHOTQlKimiOtl PHOTO LK. GlAhT QUASI-DEUTERON moToriESorr t/ITO j IffTO RESOIiAtlCES EFFECT REGION BOUND - STATES j 1/rtBOUHO I j MOIVIDUAL COLLECT IVC SHORT-RANGE j ISOBAR A*H* j STATES j EXCITATIONS CORRElATIONSl FORMATION CHAPTER I THE GIANT MULTIPOLE RESONANCES During the last 20 year s several review papers have been published, which summarize the state of knowledge of photonuclear reactions in the region of the El giant dipole resonance. Even if a complete list of these review papers cannot be given, one can quote the following ones : (L 11 - Nuclear Photodisintegration by D. H. Wilkinson ( Physica XXII, 1039, Amsterdam nuclear reaction conference 1956 ) 11. 2| - The present status of photoneutron cross section measurements by B. M. Spicer ( Supplements al Nuovo Cimento, vol. II, 3, 1964). II. 3J - Photonuclear reactions by E. Hayward ( in Nuclear Structure and electromagnetic interactions, Oliver and Boyd 1964). II.41 - Photonuclear reactions by M. Danos and E. G. Fuller ( in annual review of nuclear science, vol. 15,29, 1965). II. 51 - The giant dipole resonance, by B. M. Spicer ( in advance in nuclear physics, vol.2, 39, 1969, Plenum Press). [L 6j - Low energy photonuclear reactions by F. W. Firk ( in annual review of nuclear science, vol. 20, 39, 1970). II. 7l - Systematic properties of the giant resonance by R. L. Bramblett, S. C. Fultz, B. L. Berman ( in the proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Photonuclear Reaction, Asilomar 1973). 11. 81 Measurements of the giant dipole resonance with monoenergetic photons by B. L. Berman and S. C. Fultz ( in review of Modern Physics, vol.47, 3, 713, 1975 ). Of cour se,any new attempt to summarize the present knowledge concerning the El giant dipole resonance should first try to complement the above papers with new experimental properties and recently proposed theoretical descriptions of the El giant resonance. But when one considers the wealth of recent papers which deal with the collective oscillation modes of nuclei,in the energy region of excitation r ranging from 10 MeV to 35 MeV approximately, one realises that most of these papers do not concern the £1 giant resonance. Actually, in the last five years a lot of experimental evidence, obtained through various reac• tion channels, showed that several other, highly collective oscillations, could be found in this energy range. Several " giant resonances " could thus be identified or are in the process of being studied. Let us therefore have a closer look at this family of " giant resonances " and try to find some way of " identifying •• each of its members, and in particular the giant electric dipole resonance El, by means of some specific characte• ristics.
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