Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 3-7-1972 Spectator 1972-03-07 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1972-03-07" (1972). The Spectator. 1306. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/1306 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. Protest lodgedagainst last ASSUelection;inquiry due president; validity Worrall, Xavier dorm council in a limited time period. Cum- testifybefore the Judicial Board. ASSU second vice The of last week's Draper that, if the Paula Bielski, ASSU secretary; ASSU, senate and AWS elec- president. Those three mem- mins' protest quotes the ASSU has said bers chose two student senate constitution as requiringthe stu- election is upheld,he will sched- Tim Flynn, ASSU treasurer; tions, contested by John Cum- Jones, treasurer. senator, be representatives to make up the dent senate to vote any such ule a recount for any candidate and Jeff ASSU mins, student will whose reasonably Cummins, Bob Vanina decided by a meeting of the five-man panel. special voter classifications. votes are John according to contesting the —Loose, unfilled ballots were close to those of his opponents. and Joe Moran won senate seats Judicial Board, Cummins is results, de- eight, five and seven, respec- Lindsey Draper, ASSU first election on the grounds that: left free after the elections and Tentative election completed were pendent the results of the tively. Senate seat six no vice president. —TWO PROCTORS were not some ballots on had present at all times at all poll- not immediately placed in the inquiry,are: candidates. THE JUDICIAL Board meet- ing places asprovidedfor in the ballot box but were kept on a Pat Lupo, ASSU president; Mary Pat Johnson won the ing has been tentatively sched- ElectionCode. table in the polling place. John Peterson, ASSU first vice AWS presidency with Lena Low uled for tonight but no time or —Some students had to punch CUMMINS AND Draper, as president; Bill Brophy and as vice president and Maureen place has yet been announced. their own student body cards the ASSU representative, will Philip Jenkins, finalists for McGlowne, secretary-treasurer. Draper was uncertain yesterday (the mark assures that students whether the meeting would be do not vote twice in the same openorclosed. election).— The Judicial Board is com- MUN members who would posed of Fr. Len Sitter, S.J., be absent from campus with SEATTLE director of student activities, academic excuses to attend an Marc Soriano, Bellarmine dorm Oregonconvention were allowed president, James to vote on Thursday afternoon council and Spectator Vol. XL, No. 33 iy, March 7, 1972 UNIVERSITY attle, Washington Golf cart now empty ■ No published evaluation as teachers threaten suits Results of the teacher evalua- According to Boyle, there was we were going to publish rank tion taken this quarter will not also confusion as to the meth- listings of the poorest scorer to be publishedas planned,accord- ods of publication of the evalu- the highest and they were going ing to Matt Boyle, ASSU pres- ation that brought some threats to sue us over it, thinking that ident. of legal actions from some these ratings would influence An inconsistency of methods teachers. students from taking classes quarter this quar- they taught," Boyle used last and "We had assumed that the continued. ter had given insufficient data teachers were aware of the in- "WHAT WE WERE going to to validate the evaluation,Boyle publication, consid- will be tentions of publish was the average of the said. So the results not ering the amount of coverage in published until after the next scores from each class." evaluation, The Spectator," Boyle said. As for the legal matter, the teacher scheduled "Our intentions were to have copyrighted May 10. evaluation will be for a copy of the evaluation made in order to prohibit publica- THE INCONSISTENCY in- available the faculty them- volves the usage of ratings of to tion by others. selves, to the administration, The next evaluation will be "A" through "E" in the fall to the quarter and one through five and students. the same format as that used this quarter. "Some teachers thought that this quarter. Aid office says federal loan program now available to all college classes A new source of readily ob- willingness to advance loans Insured Loan Program. tainable loanfunds is now avail- from freshman through gradu- THE SHORT-TERM loan pro able to students who need fi- ate level. The maximum loan gram will be continued, but on nancial assistance, according to for a school year is $1,500. a vastly reduced basis. for the Fed- the S.U. Office of Financial Aid. must be Washing- Applicationforms Federally Borrowers erally Insured Loan Program Called the Insured ton residentsin order to qualify Loan "Program, it provides in- are available in the Office of for loans through Washington Aid, 110, Book- terest-free loans while the stu- - residents Financial Room the banks. Out -of state store Building. dent remains in school, with may apply through their home- paying the Federal government town banks for the loan. Each Also, Vietnam veterans' $250 Fr. Hayden Vachon, S.J. interest. bank sets its own requirements, bonus, approvedby the 1972 spe- but these usually are full-time cial legislature, will- be distrib- "Picture a man who drove a an art building fund. THIS TYPE of loan has been enrollment and a minimum 2.0 uted on a first come, first- golf cart around campus, and ACCORDING TO Marvin T. restricted up to now to juniors, gpa. served basis, according to State walked the cafeterias, holding Herard, associate professor of seniors and graduate students. Treasurer Robert S. O'Brien. art, Fr. Vachon was the first But two local banks, the Wash- Students who normally de- a beer can in whichhe collected Application forms for veter- money, and you will have in one at S.U. to recognize the ington Mutual Savings Bank and pended on the University short- Vachon, fine having a prominent the Citizens' Federal Savings term loan program will now be ans should be available at all sight Fr. Hayden A. arts as county courthouses July 1. S.J., professor emeritus of art, position in one's education and and Loan, have indicated their expected to use the Federally b/ who died Thursday morning. life. "He saw the need for them He was 65. and he set out to fulfill this Fr. Vachon was born and need." raised in Dawson City, Yukon "He always provided the markets Territory, and was ordained a foundation for activities, even Fletcher points out job memberof the Society of Jesus though we in the department in 1941. might disagree with him," Her- 1948 ard said. HE CAME TO S.U. in and Another teacher in the fine created the art department the subsequently arts department commented same year, which that "lunch was not lunch until became the fine arts depart- around that, taught Fr. Vachon came with ment. Prior to he can to collect money." at Gonzaga University and at his Mount St. Michael in Spokane. A FUNERAL Mass was said He retired in 1966 as an asso- yesterday at St. Joseph's Church ciate professor of art and had and Fr. Vachon will be buried been working on a Scottish- today at Mount St. Michael's English dictionary and a series inSpokane. of short stories at the time of Fr. Vachon is survived by his death. three sisters, Sr. Mary Louise, Fr. Vachon is famous around S.P., who lives in Spokane, Ms. campus for his beer can in Francis Winstead and Ms. Fa- which he eventually collected bian Cottnair, both of Eugene, over $70,000 in small change for Oregon. Panel topic:Nixon 's China trip — "An Evaluation of President fessor, will speak. photos by bob kegel Nixon's Trip to the People's Re- THE MODERATOR will be Thepresenceof acamerabroughtout the theatrical in Art Fletcher. public of China" will be thesubj- Thomas Trebon, political sci- professor. Students looking for jobs ployment and a chance to initi- Evans, Secretary of State A. ect of a round table discussion ence Kramer, Slade Gordon Library The panel members will cover should not overlook government ate change in the system." Ludlow today at noon in the Fletcher, was appointed Attorney General and Art Auditorium. such topics as: the reasons for services, according to Art who for to the Nixon administration, Lieutenant Gover- Four faculty members, Dr. PresidentNixon's trip to China; Fletcher for change in Fletcher, Chairman of the Unit- feels students want more poli- nor, "brings young people into Ben Cashman, chairman of the does this trip mean a Fund, system and gives relations and atti- ed Negro College who tical involvement than "enve- our political political science department, U.S.-Chinese the means whereby they Chang, tudes? what can be expected as spoke here last Friday. lope licking." Therefore he sup- them Chu Chiu mathematics ports for Washington. can directly help that system to professor, Albert Mann, history a result of the trip? Action panel "FEDERAL government is AFW formed around the can- more effectively meet the needs professor, and Fr. Mario Bo- All of the members have society." vone, S.J., foreignlanguagepro- had some contact with China. the place to go for good em- didates of Governor Daniel J. of our Proposal partly approved Burglar steals stereo Dorm visiting hours take one step from music building The Student Personnel Com- student services.
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