Telefax: 011-26100314 WEB CIRCULATION E-mail: [email protected] PARLIAMENTARY MATTER Cf) "fT'II {I ~ f.:rfu fi~1(3"1 (13P1 ~ ~ ~, 'I1ffi1 wcm) EMPLOYEES' PROVIDENT FUND ORGANISATION (Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India) lJ&l Cflll1lcYll1 / Head Office ~ Am 'l1cR, 14-~ CfiTl1T~, ~ ~-110 066. Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi - 110 066. www.epfindia.gov.in * No. PQ/6(92)2014/cale~ Dated: 10.12.2014 To All Additional Central Provident Fund Commissioners (HQ, Zones & NATRSS), All Regional Provident Fund Commissioners-in-Charge of ROs & SROs, Sub: Circulation of Office Memorandum material issued by Rajya Sabha Secretariat - regarding. Sir, I am directed to forward herewith a copy of the Ministry of Labour and Employment (Coordination Section) letter dated 4th December, 2014 enclosing therewith Rajya Sabha Secretariats Office Memorandum dated 2th November, and 1St December,2014 along with the names of the Nodal District under MPLAD Scheme respectively for information and necessary action. 2. Accordingly, it is therefore requested that Guidelines as contained in the letters referred above may please be taken care of. YOu(S\ait~IIY, ~~t11 (NavertcrU R~i)'\ Regional P.F. Commissioner (PQ) Copy to: 1. RPFC (NDC) - for web upload. 2. Director COL) for providing Hindi version. •. Subject: material issued by Rajya Sabha Please find enclosed herewith a copy of each of the following office memorandum received from Rajya Sabha Secretariat for information and appropriate action. 1. O.M. No. RS/13/2014-MPLADS dated 27.11.2014 from Rajya Sabha Secretariat - regarding Invitation to the Rajya Sabha Members in the official functions to be held under various Union Ministries/Departments. 2.0.M. No. RS/13/2014-MPLADS dated 01.12.2014 from Rajya Sabha Secretariat - regarding Invitation to the Rajya Sabha Members in the official functions to be held under various Union Ministries/Departments. r5P:~II'" lit (G.A. Raguvanshi) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India ~ Encl: as above. ~~PLEAI ASI JS&FAI DGE&TI JS(DK)I DDG(C)I EA(SR)I EA(AKP) ~~ \\ DG(ESIC)I ~ DGMSI DGFASLlI DG(WGNLI)I DG(LB) IDIR(CBWE). "fffic.~ ~ ~~ 13l.~."f.f.r.~ (~i~<i) PARUAr"iENT (WE~\.TJON eEL sMt B. "2:<:3 -Sl~l·n ~ /..0. ~ [tt/VIr DATE ~"ffiK I [. PARLIAMENT OF INDIA ~~ ~~qlC1£! RAJYA SABHA SECRETARIAT Telegram:"PARISHAD" Fax : Telephone: http://rajyasabhahindinic.in Website : http://rajyasabha.nic.in f-iffi E-mail : thR Wf1~ mer, Parliament House! Annexe, ~ fuffi"- 110001 New Delhi-llOOOl. OFFICE MEMORANDUM \ - NO.RS/13/2014·MPLADS Dated the 27th November, 2014 Subject: Invitation to the Rajya Sabha Members in the official functions to be held under various Union Ministries/Departments. In continuation of this Secretariat Office Memorandum No. RS/13/2014-MPLADS dated the 29th May, 2014, on the subject mentioned above, the undersigned is directed to forward herewith an updated List· of Nodal Districts of Members of Rajya Sabha.Iexcludlnq Members representing the States of ~ndhra Pradesh ~nd Telang~.IJ.&under MPLAD Scheme. The above information is also available on the website of the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation. 2. All the Ministries/Departments of Government of India are requested to invite the Members of Rajya Sabha in the functions arranged by them in their Nodal Districts. 3. Any further clarification in this regard may be obtained from the MPLADS Section (Telephone No. 23035577). ~ (RAKESH PRASAD) JOINT DIRECTOR f),. Tel. 23035425 To All Ministries/Departments of Government of India (Parliament Section), New Delhi. g~.~1 ~••"'I'. P.IIolt!l!ll*'tl! !,.'-.'" . ~i. -t- J 2..~."..-.-- l)v ,,~~·tl"-~·~·-- ~I~";~ ... .••••.•-~ ,,".1.._... - ••.....$... ~~ r PARLIAMENT OF JNDIA ~ trm ~Rlctl(1;q RAJYA SABHA SECRETARIAT u~n Telegram:"PARISHAD" Fax : ~ Telephone: ~ http://rajyasabhahindi.nic.in Website : http://rajyasabha.nic.in t-TrM E-mail : ~WR~muJ Parliament House! Annexe, -.,t fu;Bt-ll 0001 New Delhi-l1000l. OFFICE MEMORANDUM No.RS/13/2014-MPLADS Dated the 13"1;' December, 2014 Subject: Invitation to the Rajya Sabha Members in the official functions to be held under various Union MinistrieslDepartments. In continuation of this Secretariat Office Memorandum of even number dated 1>Y the l~ December, 2014 on the subject mentioned above, the undersigned is directed to state that Shri Tiruchi Siva, MP,Rajya Sabha, has opted Triuchirapalli (Tamilnadu) ,as his Nodal District for the purpose of MPLAD Scheme and request you to update the list of Nodal Districts already forwarded to you for inviting him in the· functions to be held under various Ministries/Departments of the Govemment of India. 2. Any further clarification in this regard may be obtained from the MPLADS Section (Telephone No. 23035577). ~. (CHHAYA GUPTA) ASSISTANT DIRECTOR All Ministries/Departments of Government of India (Parliament Section), New Delhi. I LIST OF NODAL DISTRICTS OF MPs (RAJY A SABHA) UNDER :MPLAD SCHEME AS PER INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE OF THE MINISTRY OF STATISTICS & PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION AS ON 24thNovember,2014** ARUNACHALPRADESH Name of Member Shri Mukut Mithi ASSAM SI. No. NameofMember Nodal District 1. Shri Pankaj Bora Karnrup Metropolitan , 2. Shri Biswajit Dairnary KamrupMetropo1itan 3. Srnt. Naznin Faruque Nowgong 4. .Shri Bhubaneswar Kalita Karnrup 5. Shri Santiuse Kujur Darrang 6. Dr. Manrnohan Singh KarnrupMetropolitan 7. Dr. 'Sanjay Sinh " Kamrup Metropolitan BlHAR SI. No. Name of Member Nodal District 1. Shri Ali Anwar Ansari Patna 1., Shri Gulam Rasool Balyawi .' * 3. Shri Harivansh * 4. Dr. Mahendra Prasad Jehanabad 5. ;;Smt>KahkashanPerween .Bhagalpur .. 6. Shri Dharrnendra Pradhan Patna 7. Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad Patna 8. Dr. Anil Kumar Sahani Muzaffarpur 9. Shri Bashistha Narain Singh Buxar 10. Shri Rarnchandra Prasad Singh * 1.1.. Shri R.K. Sinha .... '" 12. Dr. C.P. Thakur Patna 13. Shri Ram Nath Thakur Samastipur 14. Shri K.C. Tyagi Patna 15. Shri Pavan Kumar Varma '" 16. Shri Sharad Yadav . Madhepura '" Nodal District not opted/not available on the MPLADS website *'" excluding Members from the States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana CHHATTISGARH SI. No. Name of Member Nodal District l. Dr. Bhushan La! Jangde RaiQur 2, Shri Ranvijay Singh Judev '. Jashj)ur ., ,J, Srnt. Mohsina Kidwai Raipur 4, Shri Nand Kurnar Sai JashQur 5. Shri Motilal Vora Dur-.& GOA , Nameof Member Nodal District .Shri .Shantaram Naik .SouthGoa GUJARAT SI. No. Nameof Member Nodal District I .* L Shri Chunibhai Kanj ibhai .Gohel .; I 2. Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani Anand I 3. Shri Arun Jaitley Kheda (Nadiad) I 4. Shri Mansukh L. Mandaviya Bhavnagar 5. .Shri Madhusudan Mistry B anaskantha 6, Shri DilipbhaiPandya .Patan I 7. Shri Ahrned Patel '. Broach I 8. Shri Praveen Rashtrapal Ahrnedabad - 9. .Shri .. Mahant Shambhuprasadji Ahmedabad .. ·.Tu~diy~:.~,:;t·,.:.;,;... ':.",: ~.~:.~',:~.~,. ,'::1::::< .:~~:;;.'-.-y:{ .'.. I .::;", -,.~',"~, ' . .. :. ", .~- ·1 10. ShriLal Sinh Vadodia Anand 11. Shri Shankarbhai N. Vegad Surendrana-.&ar HARYANA SI. No. Name of Member Nodal District 1. Shri Shadi Lal Batra Rohtak I 2. Shri Ram Kumar Kasbyap Kurukshetra 3. Kumari Selja Ambala I , c -' * Nodal District not opted/not available'. on the MPLADS website 2 HIMACHAL PRADESH SI. No. Name of Member Nodal District l. Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda Bilaspur 2. Smt. Bimla Kashyap Sood Shim la 3. Srnt. Vip love Thakur Kangra JAMMU & KASHMIR SI. No. Name of Member Nodal District 1. Shri Ghularn Nabi Azad Doda 2: Shri G.N. Ratanpuri Pulwama .., .J. Shri Mohammad Shafi Baramullah \ t 4. Prof. Saif-ud-Din Soz Bararnullah JHARKHAND SI. No. Name of Member Nodal District l. Dr. Pradeep Kurnar Balmuchu Jamshedpur (E.'Singhbhum) Z. Shri PremChand Gupta .Ranchi 3. Shri Parirnal Nathwani "Ranchi 4. Shri Dhiraj'Prasad Sahu Hazaribagh 5. Shri Sanjiv Kumar Dhanbad KARNATAKA SI. No. Nameof Member Nodal District '1. "':ShriRajeev Charidrasekhar .' Biiil'gaJore Urban 2. Shri Oscar Fernandes .Udupi ,J. Shri B.K. Hariprasad Bangalore Urban 4. Shri K. Rahman Khan Bangalore Urban 5. Dr. PrabhakarKore Belgaum 6. Dr. Vijay Mallya Bangalore Urban 7. Shri Aayanur Manjunatha Shimoga 8, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu Bangalore Urban 9, Shri Basawaraj Patil Gulbarga 1O, Shri Rangasayee Ramakrishna Bangaluru Urban 11. Prof. M.V.Rajeev Gowda * 12. Shri D. Kupendra Reddy * - * Nodal District not opted/not available on the .MPLADS website 3 KERALA SI. No. Name of Member NodalDistrict l. Shri Joy Abraham Kott'!Y.am 2. Shri M:P. Achuthan Thiruvananth~uram 3. Shri A:K. Antony Al~uzha 4. Shri K.N. Balagopal Kollam 5: Prof. PJ. Kurien Pathananithitta 6. 'Shri C.P. Narayanan Thiruvananth~£uram 7. Shri P. Rajeeve Emakulam 8. Shri Vayalar Ravi .Alappuzha 9. Dr. T.N.Seema ThiruvananthaQuram MADHY A PRADESH SI. No. :.NameofMember .Nodal 'District 1. 'Shri Satyavrat Chaturvedi Chhatarpur 2. .Shri AnilMadhav Dave Bh~£al 3. .Shri Thaawar Chand -Gehlot Ujjain 4. Dr.:Najina A.Heptulla BhcipaI ..:,.',* 5. 'Shri Meghraj -Jain '. :6. DrSatyanarayan Jatiya ··UjJain 7. Shri 'PrakashI avadekar .Chhindwara .. 8. Shri Prabhat Jha ,Gwiilibr· .9. Dr .:Chandan Mitra BhC!1iaI 1O, Dr. Vijaylaxmi Sadho Khargaon (West-Nirmar) 11. Shri Digvijaya Singh Guna MAHARASHTRA ' . '. - : .'. .' :',;'.(~;::--(:i>:/".;,'.;-:;~i, .. '...•: . .. -'!- ,.' ' - .'-, .. ~~ji' ~ .. ;. SI. No. Name of Member Nodal District l. Shri Ramdas Bandu Athawale Murribai (Sub-urban) . 2. Smt. VandanaChavan "Pune 3. .Shri Husain Dalwai Mumbai (Sub-urban) 4. Shri Vijay Jawaharlal Darda -Yavatmal 5. Shri Anil Desai - Murnbai City 6. Shri Rajkumar Dhoot Aurangabad 7. .Shri Piyush Goyal Murnbai City 8. Shri Ishwarlal Shankarlal Jain Jalgaon . 9. ShriSanjay Dattatraya Kakade * 10. Shri Majeed Memon * , 11. Shri Avinash Pande NagQ.ur 12, Shri Praful Patel * * Nodal District not opted/not available on the MPLADS website 4 13. Smt. Rajni Patil Beed 14. Shri Sharad Pawar Pune 15. Shri Sanj8:YRaut Mumbai (Sub-urban) 16. Shri Ajay Sancheti Naggur 17. Shri Rajeev Shukla Murnbai (Sub-urban) 18. Shri D.P. Tripathi Mumbai City MANIPUR Name of Member Nodal District lm hal West MEGHALAYA SLNo. Name of Member I NodalDistrict 1. Smt. Wansuk Syiem I East Khasi Hills MIZORAM SI.
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