.-!:. NANE OF PESTICIDE PRODUCT NOTICE OF PESTICIDE: o ftEGISTRATION o M:EREGUTRATION (Under the Federal Insecticide, Fun~/"ide. CIC Residual Pressurized and Rodcnlicidt· A d. a:>: amended) Spray No. 1 NAME AND ADDRESS OF REGISTRANT ({ndudo ZIP code) r Coulst.on International Corporation 1'.0. Box 3lJ-' Palmer, I'A lH043 L NOTE: Changes in labeling formula difrering in substance (rom that accepted in connection wilh this registration must be submitted to and accepted by the Registration Division prior to use of the label in commerce. tn any correspondence on this product alwsys refer to the ahove U.S. EPA registration number. On the basis of inCormalion furnished by the registrant, the above named pesticide is hereby Registered/Reregistered under the FederallnsecUcide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. A copy of the labeling accepted in connection with this Registration/Reregistration is returned herewith. Registration is in no way to be construed as an indorsement or approval d this product by this Agency. In order to protect health and the environment, the Administrator, on his motion, may at any time suspend or cancel the registration of a pest­ icide in accordance with the Act. The acceptance of any name in connection with the registration of a product under this Act is not to be construed as giving the registrant a right 10 exclusive use of the name or to its use if it has been covered by others. '£his product is conditionally rt!gisterl!d in accordance .... ith FU'RA seeth:n 3(e)(7)(A) provided that you: 1. Submit and/or ci te all data required for registration/reregistration of your preduct under PIFRA section 3(c)(S) when the Agency requires all registrants of similar products to submit such data. 2. l4ake the labeling changes listed below beiore you release the product for shipment: a. Add the phrase.: "BPA llegistration Ho. 50404-1." b. Please Ulxiate t.lle :>tord-::~ dnd Ulsposal stdtem~nt J!Cl' Pi{ u3-j according to the following: Pcsticid, Disposal: Securely wra} .::riginal container • • • etc. Container uispoaal: Replace cap and discard • • • etc. D ATT ACHMEHT IS APPLICADLE SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICIAL EPA ' .... 1570" (R .., '.7" ...... yIQu. EDITION totAV ... uno UNTIL IU .. PLV II "XHA -. -,- 6S99S,Heyward,LR-12,KENCO,7/22/86,6/1S/66,dej,VO ~; ......: ...... "~ .~. - .... " ..~ J,.) 't, .~ .. " ""1; -~: ... I'~ ; , ..'.' ., -. ; .... -. " " . ( ~ .. ,-" "" 2 d. Pl.... pro'lide the Accessioo IIWlber for the referenced Storage SUbility study, or sul:ait within fifteen (15) aontha fr .. the date of this IIotice storage stability data on the foraulated product which aust be analyzed for ita active ingredient at tiae zero and during a year of storage. e. Add the following paragraph to the Statt!llent of Practical Treataent. Note to Phy.ician. Diazinon i. an organophosphate insecticide. If syaptoas of choline.teraae inhibi­ tion are present, atropine sulfate by injection is antidotal. 2-PAH is a180 antidotal and aay be adainistered, but only in conjunction with atropine. 3. Sui:llit five (5) copies of your final printed labeling before you release the product for shipaent. Refer to the A-79 Enclosure for a further description of final printed labeling. If these conditions are not coaplied with, the registration will be subject to cancellation in accordance with FIFRA section 6( e). Your release for shipaent of the product constitutes acceptance of these conditions. A stamped copy of the label i8 enclosed for your records. George T. LaRocca Product Manager (15) Insecticide-Rodenticide Branch Registration Division (TS-767C) Enclosures CIC RESIDUAL PRESSURIZED SPRAY NO. 1 PR.£CAUtIOS'\RY S HAZA.RDS TO IIl'1.(ANS ,( 'al I EPA "el No. 504('4- EPA EstNo.51793-GA-lDIRECTIONS FOR USE CAl'TIC'!'O P)·T€'''~np. Pro\"id(,1;; Flu!'>hlnr. A("t 10;1 and It 1~ a viplAtloD of fedeTal 1._ to use Harmfu) If s"·aIJowpd. 11: .. , Fast Knoekd., .. n. thSR {\T ..du1:t in a Ir.llr.nrr in('on~\stenl with chtldrpn. A\'llld brf'athln it!. hb£>Hnt;. 1111s Co:-kr.lachp!". Ant!':: Spide'TEi, TiCks, A"...,ftS skin and (>y~ conta, and nthpr tn!-pcts hsted in th( Oin-ctlnns Shakp '~Jl Bpfor~ U~p allo;,or haudJJng an~ hr.fur. for Us(>. 0" not a) 10_ ('hi ldr.... n nr To op~Tatp hold CKn urrlght. direct orl- • lre.t~d l'>lJrfa.(·p.s until SI U~t:' In lind arr>lInd I!O'l'If-S. A[lllrtm<>nts, Gar- t f ce to_ Krd t hc fOur f aC'(> tu he l TC::II ted. and not ~pTar ~}r in rnom~ 0 '~E'&. MotpB. and Hr.lcls. pTes~ thr k~tualor button. Do )t u~e as a ,;pacp Srr3).·. AppJ).· ."" a !'Hlrface sprA)" ~pray to contact fond, fl A residual insectlclde _hieh conlr~ls T~ ~111 ~. carp~t b~etle~. c~ntlp~~, sopplles. Do n.,t U""~ In listed p~Sts tor as lon~ a~ t~n weck~. (,l)ckrl'R"h(l!", rTlck,.ls. p .. r'l.)&~. !.!.!'·br"t~, handling rostRhllshlJl':nt<:, 51) n:T fish. Sr,) d"T'. aod .. 1 t ! IJI";~' t horongbl).· nUH'r ar"3"" ... hc-rf' f'lod I' l,;f;.E' Ilu;dnors IS A~ aid In n-duC'ing annf>~­ ar"I''- a'-' II spot trpatmpnl tf, Krras ,,·hl.'Te par-f'd or Pt')(.·"'~~l:>d. (J(. n ar;c(- I r0I'1 rI J f'S l U'-.!;qu I lOf-!. £'n I E'r I ns t h" lh .. M· p, .... ts ar( Itlund or m3) hid .... fn­ !'>rTvlng Ir'-;'I.<: whll'" fllrJ h·Jmp. " clu<!in,' dark c"rnt'rs of rooms and clusets. OT It/·,d i~ ('XI·.,'<,,(·d. lh-)r' CT:lCJ-,·. ;.nd cre\'lcE's, under ct:.'f1("ts, alung ACTJV! 1~f,REPJE~TS: an~ food handJing utpn~i t..a!'>c°lou:;lTC"- and door sl]J~ traMes; be­ V.. rl'l.rln ................. _ •.... ' C'.O~27 lind __ IU, thl~ produrl. Rer:uJ)" .t:>lreron~·l &.I\nx)dt" Tf>C'hnlc31.. U.:o!F.n1 hind ..tl;,! b('Ot-'alh s.in;'s. Btn\:(·~.T(·r1"il;t!r­ BRh hf),ls bt.'·tOTl' sprarJ alllTS, "<Inri cabinet~ lind around R:"Thag'- •• Dtazin'lr. ...• _ ..•...•..•.. _... O.~'"),)l STAT[ur.ST or PRACTIC 31- .~-··.... •_____ .~ .. • .. ~t., rill ..... I.lufllhin~ and oth"'r Ulflll) In!-otal .. l,,! i.·!... ~(>~\s drh'en 01,;\ 01 hlchng .plllces J"~RT I';ORE(.) f!'OTS •••••••.•.•.•.. 9~. l :!C,1 If Sac ... JloIlPd: ('all a ph ro~l sh.·uld t ... ~rrltjt-d dJrt'rtl~. Sprn).· ant Ct;)ntr-I)) (""nler i/Ml(>dlate tTaJt~. fill~t~ and points of t<ntT)·. gla~s~<;, of .. ater anft "t.'.,!'J\\·.lcnt l'.Imin. 0."]0)\1 (t."td,.'arbit~l) t,.-', b)' touchln~ thf! back col (J;-I·H.·I'~ Ipll·PT(ln~·)) .. \hrr .nrl n.rtfJ2": Te, kill brn." d"li ticks: appl~ thoTOUghly r. ].Itlj ('uII'<i",und!-. a!-o 8 !>I'c.l tr(':nr-,~nl to In(esll'd ar~lI<; such R.·p .... t until V'llhll fluid •• ". II-d , .. t h,·) 0- {~-1 c:oprnp'.-l-( _ft,..-1 h)':;'-4 I!-- p •. ~ b('db and T(!ostin& '1u:ltt("r~, anr\ near­ indu(:p ""!"lit iFif: OT @'1'\'( _ (H r I':". i d I r>\') )rh-:-"'r>l"'T('1 h I CIa' .. by cr&:c-k!': and (,,,"·\Icps . .aJonl!' .n1 lof'hlnd to an unrllns(' j')II" prorson loa ~..-t."a rlts.. ., ndu1lo and doc.r f ram,'~' lind If Inhslpd: R(>lfIn'lo'~ ..-1('t localL'f'd .redS ()f flnor and flnor-co\'erlng A~ply artlflclRI r~splrft KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDR ahp-r.- lh{o~r r,·c:ts IU\' 11(' rrc".,;"nt. Fresh LNkhr.{: shuuld bf- phred In anl"':o1 qllarters J f on Sk I n R"'1:1O'Io'f' c'..Jn t -CAUTION fnll/,v.jn\( trf'3\II'(lnt. Dll flot spr3\" prts anI) .-ash a'f"'t;I.d .r ... n~. _tth 1~1$ ,,(odult. I' I n r)'p~, f);;sh P\"'~' Tl' cl'T,;1,.o\ ~O\l'" fllt"h. EPlltr., ~~. .. ater. t"ill • ph~'sl("Ja:a m('><:'-::'Il n"!o,, I:Mi,) i 1 h i ni: tr. .... , h!:'. !.!:.::::l..'.:: and peT~lstJ;,. Y':lln~ J:H:krt-. USI' onl~ on outduor SUT­ ke}:ic;;l(·rf·d I radrr;>ark L,r fldrllpld la.· ... :-. too"",,) CIt;tf;;ldf' surtlcrs 01 ",'lndQ'IlI EI;V'RO'UIENTAI. itA AITI('rl('OIn Corrllral i.,n u:d dor·r frAm..... nd othpr .rel~· .. hf'"re theAE' r('~t!' n.a\· entC'~ t"~ bOnl(·. Also f:rra}' dark This pr~du\t 1~ loxl~ to c~rn('r" Anti )(1CI1I7('d rf-!"t In~ arE'.IIt•• "'iuCh .... \hrr .. ltdll.r. Du n·)t II OCT141986 .e;: undrr f'8\·r!-. porch"!,, partIttnn!' and In Ilkp<;,. strp~!i. or PQnd~ (:ar.~ .. ~ _hrrr thf:'sro tn~p('t1' mer congregate. Inal~ wnlpr by dlqposaJ FJlpl-- aMI n,i)I>II~.lit()p!,- comln" t(. Test on thi,. produd only .~ liN' hhp). trC'tlltpJ f<urtllt .. ~ _II] b' klllpd. Re-peat trellt!'l •.'~1 .. tl~" cfl('cth'PM>!o,'<' dlmlni~h(>s. l'IIYS1('1t,I OR {,UP" ('tlft1 ~nt!; undr·r I'fr!s .. urr. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL !lLfJTf> npar hplt or orpo Ilu n-~I '·"}ntar.alr.At<;o "a1(or, lood or rf'~d br punctur~ or JnclneT.l~ « slurag' or dl~f·~~aJ. to tempcrl!ure<: ahoYr 1: I'J-<ill':tl'f STOn4,r.t. (lo not ~lOTC bf'l(\~ 32·r, t.ut!;f.lf\g.
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