14542 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 25 NOVEMBER, 1919. ties and Others; Application of Funds and the Bamford Filters at a point 127. yards or Additional Borrowing Powers; Provisions as thereabouts measured in a south-easterly to Financial Obligations and Powers of Cor- direction from the north-eastern corner of porations of Derby, Leicester, Nottingham Wood Laiie Farmhouse and 737 yards or and Sheffield; Application of Provisions of thereabouts measured in a northerly direc- existing Derwent Valley Water Acts; Con- tion from the north-eastern corner of York- firmation of Agreement with Rural District shire Bridge Inn. 'Council of Chapel-en-le-Frith; Power to Work No. 3.—A- weir (to be called " the close temporarily Registers of Transfers of Ashop Weir ") in the said parish of Hope Mortgages, etc.; Superannuation Fund or Woodlands, across the River Ashop, at a Scheme and Provisions relative thereto; distance of 410 yards or thereabouts, Incorporation, Repeal and Amendment of measured in a south-easterly direction from Acts; General and Incidental Provisions.) the junction of the rivers Alport and Ashop. The said weir will commence at a point "T^TOTICE is hereby given, that The Berwent 1 110 yards or thereabouts measured in a J3I Valley Water Board (hereinafter north-easterly direction from the centre of called " the Board ") intend to apply to Par- the Raver Ashop, and 250 yards or there- liament in the ensuing Session for leave to abouts measured in a southerly direction, bring in a Bill (hereinafter referred to as from Crillethey Farmhouse, and will termin- " the Bill") for the following or some of the ate at a point 30 yards or thereabouts following, among other purposes (that is to measured in a south-westerly direction from say): — the centre of the said river and 230 yards or To empower the Board to abandon and to thereabouts measured in a north-easterly make provisions with respect to the abandon- direction from Upper Ashop Farmhouse. ment of the following works or portions of Work No. 4.—An aqueduct, water-course works authorized by the Derwent Valley or tunnel (to be. called " Aqueduct No. 2 "), Water Act, 1899 (hereinafter referred to as in the said parish of Hope; Woodlands, com- "the Act of 1899"), to be constructed by mencing at the point of commencement them (that is to sayj:— hereinbefore described of the intended Ashop The AshoptO'n Reservoir .(Work No. 4); Weir (Work No. 3). and terminating in the Tihe Hagglee Reservoir (Work No. 27), said Derwent Reservoir at a point 33 yards The Bamford Reservoir (Work-No. 52), or thereabouts measured • in a northerly and all or any other works incidental or sub- direction from the western end of the dam sidiary to the" said reservoirs or any of them. of that reservoir. To authorize the Board to make and main- Work No. 5.—An aqueduct or line or linco tain in the rural district of <Ghapel-en-le-Frith, of pipes (to be called "Aqueduct No. 3 ") iri the county of Derby, the following works in the said parish of Bamford, commencing (that is to say) : — . in the intended Ladybower Reservoir '?•• ' Work No. 1.—A reservoir (to be called (Work No. 1) at or near the "the Ladybower Reservoir"), in the; centre of the dam thereof and 15 yards parishes of Hope Woodlands, Derwent and or thereabouts measured in an easterly Bamford, to be formed by a dam across the direction from the centre of the River Der- River Derwent 600 yards or thereabouts went, and terminating by a junction with the measured in a northerly direction from said existing aqueduct from Derwent Reser- Yorkshire Bridge, and to extend from the voir to the Bamford Filters at a point 303 said dam up the said River Derwent to the yards or thereabouts measured in a northerly weir at the foot of the dam of the existing direction from the north-eastern corner of Derwent Reservoir-of the Board, and. to Yorkshire Bridge Inn, and 610 yards or extend up the River Ashop for a distance of thereabouts measured in a north-easterly 4,123 yards or thereabouts from its junction direction from Yorkshire Bridge. with the River Derwent and up the Lady- Work No. 6.—An aqueduct, water-course, bower Brook for a distance of 733 yards or or line or lines of pipes, (to be called " Aque- thereabouts from its junction with the River duct No. 4 "), commencing in the parish of Derwent. The said dam will commence in Thornhill at a point 637 yards or thereabouts the said parish of Bamford at a point 160 measured in a south-westerly direction from yards or thereabouts measured in an Yorkshire Bridge and 633 yards or there- easterly direction from the centre of the said abouts measured in a south-easterly direc- River Derwent - and 380 yards or there- tion from the south-eastern corner of Win abouts measured in a northerly direction Hill Plantation, and terminating in the said from the Yorkshire Bridge Inn, and will parish of Hope Woodlands in the in- terminate in the said parish of Hope Wood- tended Lady bower Reservoir (Work No. lands at a point 245 yards or thereabouts 1) at a point 617 yards or thereabouts measured in a westerly direction from the measured in a north-westerly direction from centre of the said River Derwent and 600 the north-eastern corner of Yorkshire Bridge yards or thereabouts measured in a Inn and 627 yards or thereabouts measured northerly direction from Yorkshire Bridge. in a northerly direction from Yorkshire Work No. 2.—Am aqueduct or liw& or lines Bridge. of pipes (to be called ''Aqueduct No. 1 ") Work No. 7.—An aqueduct, water-course commencing in the said parish of D'erwent or line or lines* of pipes (to be called " Aque- in the said Dterwent Reservoir at a point 90 duct No-. 5 ") in tihe said parish of Bam- yards or thereabouts measured in a westerly ford, commencing at a point 70 yards or direction from the eastern end of the dam of thereabouts measured in an easterly direc- the said • reservoir and terminating in the tion from the north-eastern corner of York- said parish; of Bamford, by a junction shine Bridge Inn and 793 yards or there- 'with the existing aqueduct of the Board abouts measured in a southerly direction .from tlie 'said Derwent Rteservoir to from the north-eastern corner of Woodlane.
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