~ lze OF ALLEGHENYCam COLILEGE. VOL. XX No. 22. MEADVILLE, PA., MARCH i6, 1904. NEW SERIES. THE COLLEGE CATALOGUE. COLLEGE EXAMINATIONS SCHED• GENEVA ULE. PITTSBURG Book Makes Its Appearance With Several Material Changes—Civil March 21-24. Suits ALUMN Engineering to be Elective for All. BRAVES There are unavoidably a few con- The college catalogue is issued this flicts. These should be reported to week. It appears in its usual demure DEFEATED the Registrar not later than Thursday BANQUET Quaker gray dress and on the ex- • noon, March 17th. Students having terior shows little change from its more than two examinations in one to Thompson and His Happy Family Do Sons and Daughters of Old predecessors. An examination of the day, should report the fact at once to contents will show, however, that it Their Best to Win but are Disap- the Registrar. Allegheny Review pointed—Joseph Makes His "Fare- is not a. mere reprint. A much liner Monday. well" Appearance. grade of paper both in the body and 9:00 a. m.—Supplementary examina- in the cover has been used. it is Order. tions. Y. M. C. A. Hall. MEMORIES OF COLLEGE DAYS Last Friday afternoon "Joe" Thomp- hard to see how the mechanical work When a student has been absent son and his renowned band of warriors could have been improved. The book from a class for any cause one-sixth came to town with their colors flying Whether a man is Dr. Crawford Present and is exceedingly creditable to the print- the total number of recitations or gaily intent upon relieving the Alle- ers, McCoy & Calvin, of this city. more, an additional examination must Gives Toast—Officers gheny boys of the burden of bearing in the house or out- Besides numerous minor changes in be taken on the subject. Members of the many honors which have been Elected. arrangement and phraseology some of athletic teams and the Glee Club are doors he generally showered upon the basketball team the details of the courses of instruc- allowed three absences above such Allegheny stock in Pittsburg is this season; but instead of helping tion have been entirely rewritten, be- fraction each term to fill club engage- takes pains to dress above par and rising, if the banquet ing amplifield and made more specific. the team they placed the additional ments. of the Alumni Club last Friday even- burden of another victory upon their A new course in Chemistry, Course Any student having supplementary becomingly as well ing is an indication. A hundred shoulders. This great weight is be- III., Quantitative Analysis, three hours examinations in more than three sub- loyal alumni and friends of "Old ginning to tell upon the victorious five as comfortably. It weekly, is announced. English Bible jects should apply to the Registrar Alleghe" met at the Union Club and it has been intimated that the III. is to run throughout the year ins before Thursday noon, March 17, that rooms, which Dr. Crawford describes "powers that be" will be called upon. isn't so much a ques- stead of for two terms only. The another time may be arranged for as the finest in Pittsburg. James W. to cancel the next game. course in Municipal Politics is drop- some of the supplementaries. tion of expense as Kinnear, A. M., '82, presided and That Allegheny should defeat their ped and a new course in Economics, 2:00 p. m.—Chemistry I. Y. M. C. A. Solomon Schoyer, A. M., '50, was old time rivals by a score of 19-11 was Course III., Transportation, will be Hall. taste and good judge- toastmaster. a surprise to the most ardent support- given the Spring term, two hours English Bible II. The first toast "Looking Backward" weekly. Engineering I., Surveying, ers of the gold and blue. Geneva ment. was responded to by Rev. N. H. has been made a general elective and whose boast has long been that of 4:00 p. m.—Astronomy II. Holmes, D. D., '70, of Bellevue. In athletic supremacy maintains that the Our new woolens may be taken by students not in the English I. Wilcox Hall. - his remarks Dr. Holmes related many basketball team of. this season is Civil Engineering Course. Perhaps Geology. interesting reminiscences concern- the strongest ever sent out from that are here and now the the most important announcement is German III. ing the early history of the college. college. Undoubtedly the collegians that beginning with the fall of 1905 Latin II. Y. M. C. A. time is ripe for you "Misfits" was responded to by E. L. of Beaver Falls have a team of un- two ad-ditional years in foreign Ian- Hall. Mattern, A. M., '90. He kept the gsuage work will be required for en- usual strength, a fact to which the to come and make banqueters in a constant state of many victories of the team will attest. trance to the Civil Engineering Course, Tuesday. laughter as he spoke of various mis- Geneva has suffered previous to Fri- making the requiremtns for this 8:00 a. m.—Economics I. your selection before fits in and out of college. The rela- day evening's game but two defeats course but one term's work less than German II. tion between "'Allegheny College and this season, both of which were re- they are all picked for the other courses. Greek I. Pittsburg" was very admirably treated ceived on foreign floors under very The summary of attendance shows Physics 1. by Mr.; ("lhrf Smith, A. M., '86. In over. Fhe tzest is that 228 have been enrolled the 'first .unfavorable ci , c 'instances. her teast she referred to She loyalty The two games played last week by two terms of this year. This number 10:30 a. m.—Biology I. Y. M. C. A. sorafsate Agar ps A.. Ba 13 a latyt u ,J1.,11w. .11 none too good for us v111 'probably be increased bS, -four" or- ,o_ ogh ery prove COmiusive- '82, who was so largely instrumental ly that the preseat team has never five next: term. We understand the Biology III. Y. M. C. A. to sell—The best is in securing Ford chapel. Hen J. Lee been excelled in the history of the col- total attendance in the Preparatory Hall. responded to the toast, "Prospects." lege. Few indeed a e the teams which School will reach one hundred sixty Political Scienee I. nonetoogood for you "The Faculty" was thoroughly treated this year. Thus the total attendance could meet so successfully two such by Rev. Weyand, '98, of Knoxville. will be very close to four hundred and opponents as the Germans and the 3:00 p. m.—German I. to wear. The Pittsburg Times quotes the follow- may slightly exceed that number. Geneva aggregation in the same week. Graphics III. ing from his toast. "In these days The one has never been beaten. on its History I. Y. NI. C. A. when we hear of nothing but stocks own floor and rarely has it suffered Hall. and bonds and tickers it seems to me A defeat since its organization, while the Philosophy If. Wilcox it is the man at the college who is Literary Treat. other, although not so victorious, has Hall. FRED LORZ doing the great work of the country. Unique Evening of Shakespearian not met defeat on its own floor this It seems to me the teacher with his season or last season. Wednesday. TAILOR, CLOTHIER, FURNISHER, Study Given by Allegheny Instruc- opportunity is doing the work worth Friday evening's game was a battle 8:00 a. m.—English II. Y. M. C. A. Hall. while. In Allegheny college there tors. royal from the moment the whistle 212 Chestnut St., Meadville, Pa. have been teachers who have made A most enjoyable and unique pro- blew, and excepting injuries sustained English VII. Y. M. C. A. a suggestion to this one and brought gram was rendered last night in Ford by several of the players during the Hall. another one to think. At the head of chapel by Miss Spaulding, Dr. Mont- evening, was greatly appreciated by Graphics II. Eyes examined free. Fill any prescrip- these teachers stand Dr. Crawford gomery and Dr. Lockwood jointly. the over-crowded house. While there Philosophy V. tion or replace any broken lense.., no matter how complicated who is full of schemes for the advance- The evening was given to the study of were no particularly brilliant plays 10:30 a. m.—English III. ment of the college, and with him Shakespeare and was appreciated by made in the game, the spectators wit- Greek IV. HERBERT VAN PATTON, stand members of the faculty whom a good sized audience. Dr. Lockwood nessed a steady, close-guarding con- Latin I. Y. M. C. A. Hall. we should endeavor to prevent other gave an interesting lecture on the life test. Seldom were Geneva's players Physics II. Graduate Optician, institutions of learning taking away of Shakespeare using several por- given an opportunity to shoot while 281 Chestnut St., from us. Allegheny college with its traits of the great poet in the course in Allegheny's territory. All of Ge- 3:00 p. m.—History II. Meadville, Pa. faculty has a bright future before it." of his remarks. Then views illustrat- neva's field goals were from long Greek II. It is getting to be quite the thing ing scenes from the plays were shown shots. Although Geneva guarded Mathematics H. Elocutionary Recital. at Allegheny banquets for Dr. Craw- and the corresponding passages effec- closely Allegheny had a number of Mathematics III.
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