Table 2-1 Federally Listed, State-Listed, and Non-listed Animal Species that Occur Historically in the Project Area (by NRCS Ecological Community) NRCS 26 Ecol Federal State Comm Scientific Name Common Name Status Status 1 Actitis macularia Spotted sandpiper NL NL Arenaria interpres Ruddy turnstone NL NL Catoptrophorus semipalmatus Willet NL NL Charadrius semipalmatus Semipalmated plover NL NL Charadrius vociferous Killdeer NL NL Columbina passerina Ground dove NL NL Larus argentatus Herring gull NL NL Larus delawarensis Ring-billed gull NL NL Ophisaurus compressus Island glass lizard NL NL Quiscalus major Boat-tailed grackle NL NL Squatarola squatarola Black-bellied plover NL NL Sterna maxima Royal tern NL NL Charadrius alexandrinus Snowy plover NLT Charadrius melodus Piping plover LT LT Falco sparverius paulus Southeastern American kestrel N LT Gopherus polyphemus Gopher tortoise N LS Rhynchops niger Black skimmer N LS Speotyto cunicularia floridana Florida burrowing owl N LS Sterna antillarum Least tern N LT 3 Aimophila aestivalis Bachman's sparrow NL NL Dasypus novemcinctus Armadillo NL NL Eumeces egregius lividus Blue-tailed mole skink NL NL Lanius Iudovicianus Loggerhead shrike NL NL Melanerpes carolinus Red bellied woodpecker NL NL Myiarchus crinitus Great crested flycatcher NL NL Ophisaurus compressus Island glass lizard NL NL Pipilo erythrophthalmus Rufous-sided towhee NL NL Stilosoma extenuatum Short-tailed snake NL NL Gopherus polyphemus Gopher tortoise N LS Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus Florida pine snake N LS Rana capito Gopher frog N LS Speotyto cunicularia floridana Florida burrowing owl N LS 4 Bubo virginianus Great horned owl NL NL Capromulgus carolinensis Chuck-will's widow NL NL Chordeiles minor Nighthawk NL NL Colaptes auratus Flicker NL NL Colinus virginianus Bobwhite quail NL NL Columbina passerina Ground dove NL NL Cyanocitta cristata Blue jay NL NL Dryocopus pileatus Pileated woodpecker NL NL Geomys floridana Southeastern pocket gopher NL NL Heterodon platirhinos Eastern hognose snake NL NL Heterodon simus Southern hognose snake NL NL Lampropeltis triangulum elapsoides Scarlet king snake NL NL Masticophis flagellum flagellum Eastern coachwhip NL NL Melanerpes carolinus Red bellied woodpecker NL NL Melanerpes erythrocephalus Red headed woodpecker NL NL Meleagris gallopavo Turkey NL NL Myiarchus crinitus Great crested flycatcher NL NL Piranga rubra Summer tanager NL NL Sayornis phoebe Eastern phoebe NL NL Sceloporus unulatus Southern fence lizard NL NL Sciurud niger Fox squirrel NL NL Sitta carolinensis White-breasted nuthatch NL NL AppC_Tbls_2-1.XLS:Tbl 2-1 Animals by NRCS EcoCom DOCS # 2308 1/8/2004 Table 2-1 Federally Listed, State-Listed, and Non-listed Animal Species that Occur Historically in the Project Area (by NRCS Ecological Community) NRCS 26 Ecol Federal State Comm Scientific Name Common Name Status Status Sitta pusilla Brownheaded nuthatch NL NL Spilogale putorius Spotted skunk NL NL Turdus migratorius Robin NL NL Tyrannus tyrannus Eastern kingbird NL NL Zanaida macroura Mourning dove NL NL Drymarchon corais couperi Eastern indigo snake LT LT Gopherus polyphemus Gopher tortoise N LS Picoides borealis Red-cockaded woodpecker LE LT Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus Florida pine snake N LS Rana capito Gopher frog N LS Speotyto cunicularia floridana Florida burrowing owl N LS Tamias striatus striatus Eastern chipmunk N LS 5 Bombycilla cedrorum Cedar waxwing NL NL Bubo virginianus Great horned owl NL NL Cardinalis cardinalis Northern Cardinal NL NL Colaptes auratus Flicker NL NL Colinus virginianus Bobwhite quail NL NL Cyanocitta cristata Blue jay NL NL Didelphis marsupialis Opossum NL NL Dryocopus pileatus Pileated woodpecker NL NL Glaucomys volans Southern flying squirrel NL NL Melanerpes carolinus Red bellied woodpecker NL NL Melanerpes erythrocephalus Red headed woodpecker NL NL Meleagris gallopavo Turkey NL NL Mimus polyglottos Northern mockingbird NL NL Myiarchus crinitus Great crested flycatcher NL NL Otus asio Screech owl NL NL Parus bicolor Tufted titmouse NL NL Poecile carolinensis Carolina chickadee NL NL Picoides pubescens Downy woodpecker NL NL Pipilo erythrophthalmus Rufous-sided towhee NL NL Piranga rubra Summer tanager NL NL Pitymys pinetorum Pine vole NL NL Sayornis phoebe Eastern phoebe NL NL Sciurus carolinensis Gray squirrel NL NL Scolopax minor American woodcock NL NL Sialia sialis Bluebird NL NL Sitta carolinensis White-breasted nuthatch NL NL Sitta pusilla Brownheaded nuthatch NL NL Thryothorus ludovicianus Carolina wren NL NL Turdus migratorius Robin NL NL Tyrannus tyrannus Eastern kingbird NL NL Urocyon cinereoargenteus Gray fox NL NL Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus Florida pine snake N LS 7 Acris gryllus Cricket frog NL NL Bufo quercicus Oak toad NL NL Hyla femoralis Pinewoods tree frog NL NL Hyla ocularis Little grass frog NL NL Pseudacris nigrita Chorus frog NL NL Pseudacris ornata Ornate chorus frog NL NL Aimophila aestivalis Bachman's sparrow NL NL Bubo virginianus Great horned owl NL NL Buteo jamaicensis Red-tailed hawk NL NL Buteo lineatus Red-shouldered hawk NL NL AppC_Tbls_2-1.XLS:Tbl 2-1 Animals by NRCS EcoCom DOCS # 2308 1/8/2004 Table 2-1 Federally Listed, State-Listed, and Non-listed Animal Species that Occur Historically in the Project Area (by NRCS Ecological Community) NRCS 26 Ecol Federal State Comm Scientific Name Common Name Status Status Cemophora coccinea copei Northern scarlet snake NL NL Charadrius vociferous Killdeer NL NL Chordeiles minor Nighthawk NL NL Colaptes auratus Flicker NL NL Colinus virginianus Bobwhite quail NL NL Dasypus novemcinctus Armadillo NL NL Dendroica coronata Yellow-rumped warbler NL NL Dendroica palmarum Palm warbler NL NL Dendroica pinus Pine warbler NL NL Elanoides forficatus Swallowtailed kite NL NL Icteria virens Yellow-breasted chat NL NL Lanius Iudovicianus Loggerhead shrike NL NL Melanerpes carolinus Red bellied woodpecker NL NL Melanerpes erythrocephalus Red headed woodpecker NL NL Meleagris gallopavo Turkey NL NL Mimus polyglottos Northern mockingbird NL NL Otus asio Screech owl NL NL Parus bicolor Tufted titmouse NL NL Poecile carolinensis Carolina chickadee NL NL Peromyscus gossypinus Cotton mouse NL NL Pipilo erythrophthalmus Rufous-sided towhee NL NL Sayornis phoebe Eastern phoebe NL NL Sialia sialis Bluebird NL NL Sigmodon hispidus Cotton rat NL NL Sisturus miliarius Pigmy rattlesnake NL NL Sitta carolinensis White-breasted nuthatch NL NL Sitta pusilla Brownheaded nuthatch NL NL Sylvilagus floridanus Eastern cottontail rabbit NL NL Terrapene carolina Box turtle NL NL Thamnophis sauritus Florida ribbon snake NL NL Turdus migratorius Robin NL NL Tyrannus tyrannus Eastern kingbird NL NL Ambystoma cingulatum Flatwoods Salamander LT LS Drymarchon corais couperi Eastern indigo snake LT LT Falco sparverius paulus Southeastern American kestrel N LT Gopherus polyphemus Gopher tortoise N LS Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald eagle LT LT Hyla andersonii Pine barrens treefrog N LS Picoides borealis Red-cockaded woodpecker LE LT Procambarus econfinae Panama City crayfish N LS Pteronotropis welaka Bluenose shiner N LS Speotyto cunicularia floridana Florida burrowing owl N LS Ursus americanus floridanus Florida black bear C LT** 11 Aimophila aestivalis Bachman's sparrow NL NL Anolis carolinensis Green anole NL NL Bombycilla cedrorum Cedar waxwing NL NL Bubo virginianus Great horned owl NL NL Capromulgus carolinensis Chuck-will's widow NL NL Cardinalis cardinalis Northern cardinal NL NL Colaptes auratus Flicker NL NL Cyanocitta cristata Blue jay NL NL Dasypus novemcinctus Armadillo NL NL Dendroica palmarum Palm warbler NL NL Didelphis marsupialis Opossum NL NL Dryocopus pileatus Pileated woodpecker NL NL AppC_Tbls_2-1.XLS:Tbl 2-1 Animals by NRCS EcoCom DOCS # 2308 1/8/2004 Table 2-1 Federally Listed, State-Listed, and Non-listed Animal Species that Occur Historically in the Project Area (by NRCS Ecological Community) NRCS 26 Ecol Federal State Comm Scientific Name Common Name Status Status Elaphe guttata Corn snake NL NL Eumeces laticeps Broad headed skink NL NL Glaucomys volans Southern flying squirrel NL NL Lanius Iudovicianus Loggerhead shrike NL NL Melanerpes carolinus Red bellied woodpecker NL NL Melanerpes erythrocephalus Red headed woodpecker NL NL Meleagris gallopavo Turkey NL NL Mimus polyglottos Northern mockingbird NL NL Myiarchus crinitus Great crested flycatcher NL NL Otus asio Screech owl NL NL Neotoma floridana Eastern wood rat NL NL Opheodrys aestivus Rough green snake NL NL Parus bicolor Tufted titmouse NL NL Poecile carolinensis Carolina chickadee NL NL Scolopax minor American woodcock NL NL Picoides pubescens Downy woodpecker NL NL Pipilo erythrophthalmus Rufous-sided towhee NL NL Piranga rubra Summer tanager NL NL Sayornis phoebe Eastern phoebe NL NL Sciurus carolinensis Gray squirrel NL NL Sialia sialis Bluebird NL NL Strix varia Barred owl NL NL Thryothorus ludovicianus Carolina wren NL NL Troglodytes aedon House wren NL NL Turdus migratorius Robin NL NL Zanaida macroura Mourning dove NL NL Drymarchon corais couperi Eastern indigo snake LT LT Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus Florida pine snake N LS Tamias striatus striatus Eastern chipmunk N LS 17 Aix sponsa Wood duck NL NL Anhinga anhinga Anhinga NL NL Bubo virginianus Great horned owl NL NL Buteo lineatus Red-shouldered hawk NL NL Dryocopus pileatus Pilleated woodpecker NL NL Hyla ocularis Little grass frog NL NL Lutra canadensis River otter NL NL Melanerpes carolinus Red bellied woodpecker NL NL Mustela vison Mink NL NL Parula americana Parula Warbler NL
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