Spotlight on Real Estate October 29, 2019 Pull-out section Blenheim Place on October 19. Photo: Ralph Thompson for the Westmount Independent newspaper. MARIE SICOTTE 514 953 9808 mariesicotte.com GROUPE SUTTON CENTRE OUEST INC *52 Rosemount, Westmount | $2,765,000 RE-2 – WESTMOUNT INDEPENDENT – October 29, 2019 WE DON'T WWAAIT FOR MAGIC TO HAPPEN... WE JUST MAKE IT HAPPEN SEAMLESSLLYY! Seller Testimonial GFEDCBAAB@@@@@@@ ?>E=<;B; :>B98 9;=<DB E7 8CB 69>5B8 4>E6@@ 8CB E382B8 @@@@ 2E 8C98 1B DE3A; @ ?><DB @@ E3> ?>E0 @ ?B>8/@ 1BAA. @ -2 @@ 9 >B23A8, @@ <8 2EA; @ +3<D5A/ @ 98 @@ 9 ?><DB @ 1B@@ 1B>B 298<2*B; @@@ 1<8C. )B> B7:9:B6B78 @ (B81BB7 @ 2<:7<7:@@ E4 8CB @ E'B> @@ 8E 8CB @ DAE2<7: @@ E4 8CB @ 29AB@ B723>B;@@@@@ 8C98 8CB ;B9A :E8 ;E7B. @ &<>28 @ DA922@ 2B>=<DB@@@@ 4>E6 B7; 8E B7;. %%.$.@@ 0 #B286E378 Buyer Testimonial G-2@@ 9 *>28 @ 8<6B @ (3/B>2, @@ <8 192 @ 2E @ =B>/ @ CBA?0 43A@@ 8E C9=B @ 2E6BE7B @ "E7 @ E3> @ 2<;B! @ :3<;<7: @ 32 @ 8C>E3:C@@ 8CB ?>EDB22. @ &>E6 @ B ?A9<7<7: @ E?8<E72 @@ 8E@ 9721B><7:@@ E> *7;<7: @ 9721B>2 @@ 8E 97/ @ +3B28<E72 @ 9(E38@@ 8CB ?>E?B>8/, @@ 8E 2DCB;3A<7: @ 63A8<?AB @ =<2<82,@ FEDCBAAB@@ 192 DE72<28B78A/ @ 9=9<A9(AB @ 1CB7B=B> @ 1B@@@@@@@@@@ 7BB;B;, 97; 98 9 6E6B782 7E8<DB. 7 37;B> 9 6E78C,@@ 1B 1B>B @@ 8CB E17B>2 @@@ E4 9 (B938<43A @ CE32B @ <7@ #B286E378 @@ 0 #B286E378 Don’t delay! List your house TODAY! FEDCBAAB@@ 978E> FB9A@@ 2898B %>>EE5B> @@@@@@@@@@ -;=<2E> ><=98B DB EE? <7 979;9 ..@@ @@ >EDCBAAB.D978E>B=>B9AB2898B.DE6 ROCHELLE CANTOR 7@@@@@@::BBAA5B>2. -AA ><:C82>B2B>==BB;;. @7;B??BB7;B78A/ @EE117B;9 @@77;; E?B>98B;;. @@@4 /E3> ??>EE??B>8/ @@@ <2 9A>B9;/ A<28B;, @??AB92B @ ;<2>B::99>; @@@@ 8C<2 9;. FB9A B2898B@@@@ (>E5B>, >B9A B2898B 9:B7D/, @@@@7:BA A5B>2 EE778>9A @@ 33((BBD WESTMOUNT INDEPENDENT – October 29, 2019 – RE-3 MTC’s Vendôme tunnel to MUHC delayed until fall 2020 By Martin C. Barry the delay on unexpected complications arising from construction of the tunnel. Completion of a tunnel linking the Ven- “Pushing the tunnel under the railway dôme Metro station to the McGill Univer- tracks, which was done last April, was in- sity Health Centre on the other side of the itially to be completed by autumn 2018,” Exo train tracks has been pushed back to Amélie Régis, a public affairs spokesper- autumn next year after initially being son for the MTC, said in an e-mailed re- scheduled for the spring. sponse to questions from the Westmount The site is located just west of NDG’s Independent. border with Westmount, near the intersec- “Due to operational constraints linked tion of Claremont, de Maisonneuve and St. to the complexity of the manoeuvre, the Catherine St. timetable was for The Montreal Transit Corp. is blaming spring,” she said. “This continued on p. RE-6 Seen here on October 24 from the north side of de Maisonneuve Blvd., the Montreal Transit Corp.’s unfinished Project Vendôme pedestrian tunnel under the railway tracks to the MUHC’s Glen hospital will only be completed in the fall of 2020, instead of the spring. " /+%..'*+*/ 0(/0 "-$)%%+0'$**(,!(" %$#"""! # """" " /+$*)&$%.. /0(("' .), .*1/ .1/+0* .(& .*1/ .1$'*%/ .+, $'*%/..(& % .(,*0/+%! .+0+-/! . /+%..'*+*/ 0(/0 /0%)/'$**(,!(" " /')/,*)+%../+% '*+*/ .0(/0 . '')'*+,*! . %$#"""! """" )""()%)/0-$)%%+0/0%)/!(" %/-+,*..%+'')+% ++0*"/,* ..*(*+%% 0/,( +*/ .), -0($/...'$**(*(, /,*0/($/'* .),! '$/0....1)'*(0)+% $)%),-! 0/+%.... ../'*+*/ +-/, At the time of this photograph on April 20, a large section of the concrete tunnel had just been 210//.......-/,/0+*)(,' (& *0)%),-$+% #("/,! $,0/' (& *0+,'+*)(,'! pulled into place. The Glen hospital is to the south, at the top of the picture. Photo: Ralph Thompson. Susan Homa RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE BROKER + DESIGN Finding your way home CONTACT ME 57 Sunnyside asking $3,800,000 WESTMOUNT: Fantastic Custom designed detached home, 2 car garage, large private yard. 4+1 bedrooms, 514-502-0777 4 bathrooms, 2 powder rooms, 2 dens, separate living room and dining room, large eat in kitchen. Option for Inter-generational living. [email protected] Groupe Sutton – Centre-Ouest Inc. susanhoma.com 245 av. Victoria, 20, Westmount, QC H3Z 2M6 Finding your way home RE-4 – WESTMOUNT INDEPENDENT – October 29, 2019 REAL ESTATE BROKER | B.ARCH JOSEPHMONTANARO.COM | 514.660.3050 SOTHEBYSREALTY.CA Independently owned & operated. Real estate agency. *Listed price. WESTMOUNT INDEPENDENT – October 29, 2019 – RE-5 Accepted Off er Accepted Off er Paris, France | €8,900,000* Aberdeen, Westmount | $6,495,000* Since 2016, Joseph has sold over 55% of Westmount homes priced above $3 million* *Per Centris statstics as of October 2019 Accepted Off er Accepted Off er Jean-Girard, Westmount Adj. | $2,198,000* The Boulevard, Westmount | $2,188,000* RE-6 – WESTMOUNT INDEPENDENT – October 29, 2019 Passionate artists, passionate cookbook Tunnel, cont’d. from p. RE-3 has a moderate effect on the final timetable By Heather Black for the project, which will end in autumn 2020.” On October 12, a book launch for The Last April when the MTC announced Passionate Artist’s Palate Cookbook took that a major stage of the tunnel’s construc- place at Westmount’s Appetite for Books. tion was about to be completed, the transit Edited by Catherine Marshall, the book agency said in a press release that a new contains recipes, essays and art works by technique for building tunnels developed 25 visual artists including Westmount pho- by the French civil engineering firm Freys- tographers Gabor Szilasi and Doreen Lind- sinet would be used and would also mark say. the first time this method is employed in A collaboration with friends from Ca- Canada (see April 30, p. 1). nada, France, Spain, Greece and the Unit - While the technique was described by ed States, Marshall “tested each recipe” the transit agency as involving assembly of from diverse culinary traditions. the reinforced concrete shaft separately be- At the event, Szilasi – assisted by store fore inserting it into the tunnel, the MTC owner and chef Jonathan Cheung – dem- said this would have “the advantage of onstrated how to make Hungarian dump- requiring a less lengthy disruption of the lings or galushka, which those attending installation site of the tunnel.” enjoyed tasting. Lindsay also spoke on her favourite Overruns? No reply hazelnut torte and introduced con - The Independent contacted the MTC’s tributing artists Rudi Van Der Walde and media relations office to find out the cause Peter David, who each described salad of the delay, as well as whether there will recipes. be any cost overruns for the Vendôme tun- Located at 388 Victoria Ave., Appetite nel, which is being paid for by the provin- for Books offers cooking classes as well as cial government. culinary books. A recent guest judge on We had not received a response by this Iron Chef Canada, Cheung said, “I try to week’s deadline. support local artists or authors and provide a space to come together.” From left, Jonathan Cheung, Catherine Marshall and Gabor Szilasi. NEW PRICE Sandra Zelikovic 514-827-6793 [email protected] www.SandraZelikovic.com Re/Max Action S.Z. – Chairman Club 2016-17 SOLD 15 RENFREW MARQUISE: 5845 Marc Chagall 408 Fabulous Architect Built. Location, Location. Oak Stunning 3 Bedroom, Amazing Views. Hardwood. Floors, New Playroom. 4 Baths. Beautiful Private 9’ ceiling. Asking. $849,000 Gardens. Excellent Well Loved Home. WENTWORTH-NORD | RENÉ $1,825,000 Bunny Berke Renovated country estate located on over 25 acres with 1,476 feet of REAL ESTATE BROKER private lakefront with its own beach, boat dock, and salt water pool. Large windows [email protected] and an immense wrap around deck offer lake views from every angle. MLS 19369420 514.347.1928 PROFUSION REALTY INC. - REAL ESTATE AGENCY RITZ II: 5950 Cavendish 608 MARQUISE: 5845 Marc Chagall 709 Fabulous Turnkey A to Z Renovated. Wood Floor Gorgeous 2 + Den. Wood Floors, 9 Ft Ceilings. Huge Throughout. Luxury. VIEWS. $739,000 Kitchen. XL Master. $739,000 WESTMOUNT INDEPENDENT – October 29, 2019 – RE-7 WILLIAM GONG AWARDED ENGEL & VÖLKERS PRIVATE OFFICE DESIGNATION FOR EXEMPLARY REAL ESTATE SERVICE & PRODUCTION 43210/./-,0+1*)/('&%$/%33'#3"1&/(!%(/ 00%/'32/!%)/113/'"%00$/3&#"(1&/3('/(!1/0##*$/*1%0/1)(%(1/"'%3$)/*%(1/"1/31('*+/ )#""1))#00$/%))32/(!1/"'%3$)/#0(*%"'1((1/1((32/%3&/3'3%('3/*'"1))/'*/3"0#)'3 00%/'32/)/%'32/%3/10(1/2*'#/'/43210/./-,0+1*)/%&)'*)/'*0&&1/('/1/%%*&1&/(!/(!)/&)(3"('3/!"!/*1"'231)/1(*%'*&3%*$/ #)31))/*1)#0()/)#'*(1&/$/"'1(13"$/%3&/*'&32/(!1/!2!1)(/0110/'/"013(/)1*"1/#(/'/'*1/(!%3/ /*1%0/1)(%(1/*'1))'3%0)/ !'/*1*1)13(/(!1/43210/./-,0+1*)/*%3&/3/'1*/ /"'#3(*1)/'*0&&1/ 00%/)/%'32/01))/(!%3/ /%&)'*)/)101"(1&/('/"%**$/(!1/((01/ *%(1/"1/ &)'*/3/(!1/ 1*"%)/ '32*%(#0%('3) William Gong Real ·/4)(%(1/*'+1*/./ &)'* / /·/ 00%2'321*1%01)(%(1"'/·/00%2'321*1%01)(%(1"' ©2019 Engel & Völkers. Tous droits réservés. Franchisé indépendant et autonome. Si votre propriété est déjà inscrite veuillez ne pas faire cas de cette annonce. Courtier immobilier, agence immobilière, Engel & Völkers Montréal / Québec. RE-8 – WESTMOUNT INDEPENDENT – October 29, 2019 Zoning issue sparked political career Adam Cutler, Trent remember publisher, former mayor Cutler at Westmount Historical lecture By Ralph Thompson to their views or their status.” He went on to say, “The truth is she was With politics in the forefront of many no light-weight. I believe she relished a Westmount minds October 18 amid the good battle, treating each encounter as federal election campaign, the Westmount right versus wrong.” Cutler related an anec- Historical Association’s second fall lecture, dote about his mother that he felt gave in- entitled “Beyond Politics,” of its series fea- sight.
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