I J JULY 13 1908 6 THE WASHINGTON HERALD MONDAY IS ANXIOUS TO LAND I GAMES WILL BE OPENED I ELBERFELD FALKENBERG AND ALTIZER OLYMPIG TODAY BY KING OF ENGLAND GOSSIP I NATIONAL LEAGUE KING TO OPEN GAMES AFTER COBB LEADS LEAGUE YANKEES ARE One Run Defeats Suffered by I I YESTERDAYS RESULTS BINGLES OF THE DIAMOND Nationals This Season TWO LOCAL PLAYERS Brooklyn it St Louis 2 O Athletes Start Struggle in April IBNew York G to 5 Tiger Tops Regular Hitters Boston 4 Cincinnati Doubleheader today First game at 2 Most of the Nationals and Browns April Sea York 4 to 3 Chicago 3 Philadelphia O spent Sunday at nearby resorts April SPhitedelphta 2 to L oclock Olympic Meet Today April 2lbHatldihU 3 to 2 With Mark of 320 Philadelphia 2 Chicago O The NationAls are only two points be ¬ Frank Huelsman Is clouting the ball at May WSt Lmii 2 to L hind St Louis in team hitting a 328 clip for HarrIsburg in tho Tri Like to Get Altizei May SDetroit 3 to 2 Would de-¬ State League M y 1 to aJ- TODAYS GAMES Kitty Bransfield of the Phillies J5Iftroit tak- ¬ OVER THOUSAND TO COMPETE HHC 4Chicago 2 to 1 It inning 1 story to effect that he Is Detroit began the Eastern trip by and Falkenberg CRISS THE EST PINCH BATTER nies the the games June 5Chkago 2 to 1 Boston nt Cincinnati after tho Spokane franchise ing the entire series of five from June 6 Chicago 5 to 4 the Yankees Brooklyn St LOUIS Manager Jim McAleer SOS he will Juno TCbfeogo 2 to L at Young Kay not yet Joined the 5 to 1 semi Bill Dineen after Cy King Bill has Aggregate Number Will Ecliptic All J W 8CWop r Ilitlnuelphin at Chicago Is expected to ra DEALS MAY BE PUT THROUGH Jon 9St Ioats 4 to 3 Mark of 303 for TwciityclRhtG- when St Louis plays In Boston Montgomery club but 1 Xew Yorlc Plttsbnrp Previous Entries lu an Athletic JWHS 13Cleroland to 0 at Is to buy Nig Smiths port this week June 15ClMeland 2 to I amcH in Which He has Purtlci- McAloer trying release from the Sox for cash and pre-¬ One after another the outlaw leagues Carnival Scene of Contests the JIM 23 Hasten 3 t S imtcil RoKxman of Detroit Scconil sponge 1 STANDING OF TUB TEAM8 own start Intact thrown up the Baseball is Largest Appointed ritclicrji- lto to 2 to w serve his pitching have and Best in NntiormlH Ilivvc Surfeit of 1 3Ic- w i ret i ret to be learned in a month July 7Chtcago to 0 in Line of All Seanon llltterw ZZ 3 young Ath ¬ a business not Cl1Im4o 4J It 808 PUitedelpbla Earl Mack the son of the year history of the Worlds Sports Vhllc Bench Duty In SOt to the Intyre the Beat rcr ft yt m I Boston 31 41 4tf letics1 manager is putting up a fast or a IlunRettcr l 41 K Brooidyn 4 401 AVoulrt Jn iJ 3 City Mobile and Nashville In the Southern Liking of Altirur Who doa 40 37 319 t ± a 41 game at second base for the Atlantic teamS League played seventeen innings the Welcome Trnnufcr to Club Where being scored batsman when Rickeys health became CUBS QUAKERS Demontreville has quit the BS- other day without a run When King Edward formally opens the retrogression could MID SPLIT Gene on side He Coulil He In the Gniuc Impaired but his not 4 rmingham team of the Southern League either games at the great Olympic Stadium to ¬ have been foreseen by one who had not ¬ Chicago He He will probably retire from the dia- An Eastern man Is so unkind as to day the greatest gathering of athletes long association with Each TnkoK a Game at ¬ had a and close HOW NATIONALS STAND mond extend his congratulations to the Na ever brought one place will Griffith not been a successful together in has fore JUg Crowd very much tional League on the rumor that the St be on TODAYS GAMES him but possesses many points that The Cleveland players feel going jump hand to begin the struggle for the Chicago July 12ChIcago and Philadel- ¬ Boston No Louis Cardinals aro to some major I ma Hgrra lack and G AH It H Pet at home when they roach worlds championships Not only wilt the ague IB Tho Plttsburg management announces Dolohaat- 43 1S 31 H 35- phia split even In todays battles Reul American League club the attraction aggregate eclipse previous en- ¬ St Lonlft at AVnuhlnfcton his record is much better than boys prove to hereafter policemen will remove from number all that of several of his former rivals It Q n r- W 311 29 V SI bach who was batted off the slab Satur- there that liajolo and his that tries in an athletic meet but tits scene Cljwtr U IM K- 41 2 the grounds all persons who fling Insult Detroit iit Dodton would b his league his club day came back for the first game and b year after year better for OS SB 34 61 Ing remarks at either the home or visiting of the contests is the largest and best Cleveland nt XCIT York Inn pitched er-¬ to be trying to got and himself however If Griffiths 1 U I magnificent balL A pass two Blborfeld is said appointed world has krtown not SJIS Might be players the The Chlcngo at rhilnilclphln contract to manage a club should Altlwr I 16 35 211- rors and single In the seventh Laporte back from Boston a Reulbachs Caseldy or Stadium at Shepherds Bush built in con- ¬ clause for the forfeiture of McBride n K 40 990 good scheme for hint to get Powell How- Peter F the first baseman lain a decided the game beyond dispute A big ¬ ¬ Shlpkc 31 1 Hoffman back from St the Wilmington TriState club has been nection with the FrancoBritish Exhibi STANDING OF TUB TBAMS a Inonth aalnry for his first re 1 J- crowd was present ell Williams and W U P W L Pet hal from a game and of a full months Louis at the same time traded to the Baltimore Eastern League tion Is capable of holding 7MM per- ¬ 41 117t 31 26 JM C In the second game Carridon held Chi- ¬ of ELI II The club + ¬ team for Huntor the first baseman Sons nearly 20609 of whom can be Mated Df 44 JST Boston Jl 41 48- salary for the scond ejectment The Detroit AmeVlcan team Is carry- 4 cago down at all critical stages Pilasters that nine CUnr 1 1 5 S JW- owner who can curb Griffith on the field ing with It a mascot bat boy an ebony under cover and it has standing room CtoveUnd 3I JUS New 19 4T JO Seven American battors ore hit-¬ was splendid second Yak will make a firstclass manager of him Loge work outside of the hued pick called Rastus who was picked Sandow Mertes who was released by for nearly 26090 more Tile dressing 4 ting above the with Ty Cobb Inning when Bransfleld sand Osborne League Ajnerlcnn League hit up In Chicago He will have a home as the Toronto club of the Eastern rooms will accommodate more than 20f Managers around the The Plttsburg Pirates cannot boast of the real loader for twobeggars singles by Dooltn and has gone to the Pacific Coast with his ground watching long as the present streak lasts competitors It covers a space about have thoir ears to the many sluggers this season but the Among tile regulars Jim Delohanty of Jacklltsch following and two runs scoring family This marks the pawing of a proceedings here and It woulrt not be tom Rube Marquard has pitched twenty 1600 by 7W feet and contains a banked has boen batting consistently as a the Nationals stands second with a rec- ¬ Scores season great ball player surprising to see some new faees on the nine games for Indianapolis this cycle track of two and threequarter laps since it recovered from Its recent severe ord of 316 which Is five points behind FIRST GAMK- winning twenty of them Wood the Kan- ¬ Baseball men around the American Washington club before long to the mile and a running track three slump and the blnglos have boon on the tho Detroit slugger The second base- Ckhmao R II O A H 1MU R H O A K sas City pitcher classed by some mag- League circuit look for Jim McGulres The acquisition of Dob Unglaub closed 0 2H 0 0 GrM- 2 fl won Colts to cut some ice in the pennant talk laps to the mile Tho swimming bath Is timely order In nearly ovory game The man Is the only Washington player tfl 0 1 ICwi 0eel0 6 S nates as the equal of Marquard has on CantiHon had been i g- season He of opposite the royal box is 391 feet a deal which Joe two men in the 300 class among Ganley who Heard nI ff 0 1 I 0 six and lost eight next has a number fast and has but tho chosen seven SIt 012501 1 T MSM V 0 e 0 0 14 working nearly two months tem ll1Iitl ¬ youngsters in his club and they will be long with a varying depth of 4 to feet for and Roy 1 5 1 1 0 7 1 1 The Tigers awakened sorrowful memo- Hans Wagner ranks next to Dolohanty having an aver t 3b 0 fir lb doing next season His pitching Unglaub wits so thoroughly dtosntls ¬ Moran e 1 6 0 0 Mwra ef 0021Di- e better The remainder of the arena inside the been hitting bet- 274 ries in New York They reminded the Thomas The latter has ago of while Clymor stands third irWH ef 1 0 1 0 It POOh aa 924 2 5 staff Is rounding into a good one fled Kith his berth with the Red Sox MIa 0 2 3- of glorious Yankee toam tracks Is covered with turf and measures ter since ho joined the Pirates than for among th Nationals 27 w 00231 e fans there that that he was practically useless to that wit Haulbacft p 2 0 1 0 Ritshte p I 1 of two seasons ago that throw everything Jim Sebring the oldtime National about TOO by 300 feet many years with the result that his In club Hitting The Na- ¬ Oil who been barred from big club and Cantillon knowing that did 3 9 27 12 1 41114- 1 else aside and batted batted until they Leaguer has About L2W representing twenty name is now emblazoned upon the nro eight points Tattle Totals 0 compelled to play in the athletes everything possible to Owner Taylor- tionals sixth only behind had hammered their way from seventh league ball and countries will compete in the games dur ¬ gt th JOO hit- ¬ Chtamo
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