I. Allgemeines. Cataloge, neue Zeitschriften etc. Anecdota Oxoniensia, The Crawford Collection of Early Charters and Documents now in the Bodleian Library, ed. by A. S. Napier and W. A. Steven- son. XI, 167. 4°. London, H. Frowde. Oxford, Clarendon Press. 12/. u. 10/6. Bespr. Anglia, Beibl VII, 33 (Holthausen). Archiv f. d. n. Spr. u. Litt. XCVI,ll2 (Liebermann). Academy '96, April 25. Athe- naeum, Oct. 17. Engl Studien XXIII, 2 (0. Glöde). Annual American Catalogue, 1S94. Low. cl. 15/.; hi. bd. 18/. Annual Literary Index (The), 1894. Including Periodicals, American and English; Essays, Book - Chapters, &c. With Author-Index, Bibliographies and Necrology. Edit., with the Co-operation of Members of the American Library Association and of „The Library Journal" Staff, by W. J. Fletcher and R. R. Bowker. pp. x—152-63. "Publishers' Weekly" .New York). Fletcher. 18/. Annual Register for the Year 1894, new series, Longman. 18/. Bibliographica, a Quarterly Periodical. Vol. I. Kegan Paul & Co. 42/. net. Pt. IV. bespr. Notes & Queries 8"*. Ser. VII, p. 100. Biographische Blätter. Zeitschr. f. lebensgeschichtl. Kunst und Forschung. Unter ständiger Mitwirkung von M. ßernays, F. v. Bezold, AI. Brandl etc. hgg. v. Anton Bettelheim. Berlin, E. Hofmann. Birch (W. de G.), A Catalogue of Seals in the MSS. in the British Museum, Vol. 4. Oxford Warehouse. 36/. British Museum. Mitteilungen über den letztjährigen Zuwachs zur Biblio- thek. Neuphilol. Centralbl. IX, p. 318. Caledonia: A Monthly Magazine of Literature, Antiquity and Tradition. Edit, by Alexander Tow s on. No. 1, Vol. 1, January, 1895. Jolly and Son (Aberdeen). Simpkin 6d. Cassel's Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. I and II. Cassell. ea. 7/6. Catalogue, The English, of Books for 1894 5/. Low. Catalogue of Portraits in the Possession of Pembroke College, Oxon. Fcap, pp. 70. Blackwell (Oxford). Simpkin net, 2/6. Caxton Head Catalogue (The). No. 300. 4to, sd., pp. 62. J. andM. L. Tregaskis. 'The Central Modern Lang. Conference' of the Western States. Mod. Lang. Notes X, 7. Anglia. N. F. V. Büoherechau. l Brought to you by | Nanyang Technological University Authenticated Download Date | 6/20/15 9:55 AM 2 PETRI, Facsimiles of Royal, Historical, Literary and other Autographs in the Department of Manuscripts, British Museum. First Ser. Nos. 1—30. Second Ser. Nos. 1—30. Gross Folio. 6/.; 7/6. Bespr. Anglia, Beibl VII, 6 (H. F. Helmolt). Festschrift der 43. Versammmlung deutscher Philologen und Schulmänner, dargeboten von den höhern Lehranstalten Kölns. 2 Bl., 251 S. 4°. Bonn, Georgi. Heinemann (Oberbibl. Dr. 0. v.), Die Handschriften der Herzogl. Bibliothek zu Wolfenbüttel beschrieben. II. Abt. II. Teil: Die Augusteischen Hss. II. (V, 364 s. mit 5 Lichtdrucktafeln.) Wolfenbüttel, Zwissler. M. 15. Jahresbericht über die Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete der germanischen Philologie, hrsg. von der Gesellschaft für deutsche Philologie in Berlin. XVI. Jahrg. Dresden, Reissner. M. 9. James (M. R.), A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Eton College, of Jesus College, Cambridge, and of King's College, Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 3 vols.; ea. 5/. — A Descriptive Catal. of the Mss. in Sidney Sussex College. Ibid. 5/. — A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Fitzwilliam Museum. With Introduction and Indices. Illust. 519 p. Ibid .. net, 25/. New York, Macmillan. 472 p. cl. 8 &. Karsten, Indiana Philol. Society. Mod. Lang. Notes X, 5. Lange (P.), Uebersicht über die im Jahre 1S91 auf dem Gebiete der engl. PhiloL erschienenen Bücher, Schriften und Aufsätze. 96 S. Halle, M. Nie- meyer. M. 1,50. Madan (F.), A Summary Catalogue of Western Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been Catalogued in the 4to Series. Vol. 3: 18* Century. Clarendon Press. 21/. Bespr. Athenaeum '96, March 7. Notes & Quer. 8th Ser. VII p. 300. — The Early Oxford Press. Bibliography of Printing and Publishing at Oxford, 1468—1640. Oxford, Clarendon Press. Bespr. Notes & Quer. VII p. 299. Mail, The English. A weekly journal devoted to home, foreign, social, artistic, literary and dramatic news. Editor: Dr. H. Felbermann. Vol. I. Juni '95— May '96. 52 nos. Nr. 1—6. ea. 12 p. Frankfurt a./M. Gebr. Knauer. M. 16. Monthly Index (The) to Periodicals. A Supplement to the Review of Reviews, No. 1. March, 1895. 4to, sd. Office. 1 d. Nordisk Revy for Litteratur och Konst. Egg. v. E. Thyselins. 12 Liefgn. jährlich. Bd. I. Stockholm, Thyselius. M. 15. Nordisk Tidskrift for Vetenskap, Konst och Industri. Hgg. v. 0. Mortelius. 8 Liefergn, jährlich. Vol. I. Stockholm, P. A. Norsted & S. M. 15. The Northern Genealogist. Pt. I. Ed. by A. Gibbons. York, John Lamp son. Bespr. Notes & Quer. 8* Ser. VII p. 240. Brought to you by | Nanyang Technological University Authenticated Download Date | 6/20/15 9:55 AM BÜCHERSCHAÜ 1895. 3 Notts and Derbyshire Notes & Queries (for April and May). Ed. by J. Potter Briscoe, assisted by Frank Murray. Nottingham and Derby, Murray. Bespr. Notes & Quer. 711, pp. 340. 378. 500. Pauli. Liebermann (F.), Verzeichnis der von Reinhold Pauli verfassten Bücher, Aufsätze und Kritiken. 24 S. Halle, Druck von E. Karras. Bespr. Anglia, Beibl. VI p. 329/30 (H. F. Helmolt). Powell (G. H.), Excursions in Libraria, Retrospective Reviews and Biblio- graphical Notes, roy. 16ino. 288 pp. Lawrence & Bullen 6/. Report of the Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Library Association of the United Kingdom, Held in Marischal College, Aberdeen, on Sept. 5*h, $th and 7th, 1893. pp. 66. Simpkin net, I/. — of the Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Library Association of the United Kingdom, Held in Queen's College, Belfast, on Sept. 4th, 5th and 6th, 1394. pp.62. Simpkin net, I/. Report of the U. S. Museum to June 1893. Wesley. 8/. Revue de motrique et de versification. Paris, Cerf. Bespr. Archiv f. d. Stud. d. neueren Spr. u. Litt. XC1V, 2 (Heusler). Revue internationale des archives, des bibliothoques et des musses, pnblioe par Ch.-V. Langlois, Henri Steinf Luden Herr, Justin Winsor, Salomon Reinach, Ad. Venturi. Paris, Welter. Roberts (W.), Rare Books and their Prices. With Chapters on Pictures, Pottery, Porcelain and Postage Stamps, pp. xxix—156. G. Eedway .. net, 5/. Schenkl (Heinr.), Die Bibliotheken der englischen Kathedralen. (3600 - 4063). 79 S. M. 1,60. (Bibliotheca patrum latinorum britannica. 3. Bd, 1. Abt). Wien, Tempsky. Sonnenschein (William Swan), A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literature. Being the First Supplement to the Best Books. A Reader's Guide to the Choice of the best available Books (about 50,000) in every Depart- ment of Science, Art and Literature etc. 4to, pp. Ixxiv—775. Swan Sonnenschein .. net, 25/. Bespr. Notes & Queries 8* Ser. VIII, p. 79. Teggart (Frederick J.), Catalogue of the Hopkins Railway Library. (Publi- cations of the Library, Leland Stanford Junior University, 1.) 4to, pp. ix—231. Leland Stanford Junr. Univ. Library (Stanford University, California) .. 7/6. Translator, The Anglo-German. Monthly Journal for the Study of the German and the English Languages. I. Jahrg. Juli—Dez. 6 Nummern. London. Leipzig, Uhlig. l M. The Union, a Semi-monthly Journal for English and Americans in Germany. Wiesbaden, Prussing. 6 M. one year. Verhandlungen des 6. allgemeinen deutschen Neuphilologentages am 14. 15. 16. u. 17. Mai 1894 zu Karlsruhe. 136 S. Hannover, Meyer. 2 M. Zeitschrift, Deutsche, für ausländisches Unterrichtswesen. Hrsg. v. J. Wych- gram. 1. Jahrg. 4 Hefte. Leipzig, R. Voigtländer. l* Brought to you by | Nanyang Technological University Authenticated Download Date | 6/20/15 9:55 AM PETRI, II. Sprache. S. die Rubriken: Accent; Allitterationsvers; Altenglisch; Alteächsisch; Altwestsächeisch; Ainericauismen; Angelsächsisch; Aussprache; Dialekte; Etymologie; Grammatik; Hilfs- verba; Lautlehre; Metrik; Mittelenglisch; Namenforschung; Phonetik; Phrases and Pro- verbs; Schottisch; Slang; Synonymik; Syntax; Verbum; Vokabularien; Wörterbücher; Wortforschung. Accent: s. Arnold. Alezais (Raymond), Traito de prononciation anglaise. Paris, C. Klincksieck. 278 S. 3fr. 50 c. Bespr. Anglia, Beibl. VI, 235 (Ellinger) Litterar. Centralblatt '96, Nr. 16. Altenglisch s. Baldwin, Brenner, Bülbring, Cook, Horton-Smith, Hulme. Altsächsisch s. Meyer. Altwestsächsisch s. van Hellen. American Ismen s. Fallows, Grandgent-Rambeau, Lang, Newcomen. Americanisms again (F. H.). Academy, March 30. Angelsächsisch s. Brenner, Bright, Cosijn, Gorrel, van Helten, Sievers, Steche, Taubert. Arnold (Paul), Traito de la prononciation et de l'accentuation de la langue anglaise. 169 p. 16°. Paris, Soc. d'oditions scientifiques. 3 frs. Aussprache s. Alezais, Arnold, Brenner, Crawford, Greenwood-Vogler, Holt- hausen, Phyfe, Sweet, Voelkel-Thomas. Balch (W. R.), An Everyday Dictionary of the English Language. Con- taining 35,000 Words. Griffith, Farran and Co. .. red., 1J6. Baldwin (C. S.), Das Verb in the 'Morte d'Arthur'. Mod. Lang. Notes X, 2. Barrere (Albert), A Dictionary of English and French Military Terms. In 2 Pts. Pt. 1: English—French. 12mo, pp. 100. Hachette . 4/. Bartlett (John), Familiar Quotations: a Collection of Passages, Phrases and Proverbs traced to their Sources in Ancient and Mod. Literature. 9th Ed. Macmillan & Co. 6/. Bespr. Anglia, Beibl. VI, 78 (Mann). Baudouin de Courtenay (J.), Versuch einer Theorie phonetischer Alternationen. Ein Kapitel aus der Psychophonetik. V, 124 s. Strassburg, Trübner. M. 4. Behaghel (0.), Alliterierende Doppelkonsonanz im Heliand. Zs. f. dtsch. Philol. XXVII, 4. Böhme-Köhler (A.),
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